Village Doctor.

Chapter 294

Chapter 294 You Are Really A Slave

“Master! The reason why I am here is because of Han Feng, the current president of the X County Folk Martial Arts Association and the master of Heqimen! He ordered me to monitor Hu Zhenshan and Li Jie! At the same time, he is also monitoring you!”

“The main purpose is to find out your details! Then, based on what you do, what you say and do, we will formulate a further and targeted plan to deal with you!”

“To deal with me? Do I have any grudges against him? Why is he against me?”

“I don’t know much about the specific situation, but according to my guess, he should want to get medical secrets from your hands!”

“Medical Dao Cheats? What is that? What is the name of the Cheats you are talking about?”

“Ah? I…I don’t know! Han Feng said that you have such a high level of medical skills, and you will definitely have the secrets of ancient medicine in your hand!”

“Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to possess such amazing medical skills at a young age! As for the name of the medical secrets he said, don’t you know?”

“Nonsense! If I know, I still have to ask you? I don’t have any medical secrets in my hands!”

After saying this, Zhang Tianzong, I feel a little guilty!

He not only has medical secrets in his hands, but also a complete inheritance from god-tier figures!

Zhang Tianzong thought to himself: Mother! Han Feng’s baby stuff has a very good nose!

Although this is just a guess, but the guess is really fucking accurate!

“Let me ask you! What does Han Feng want the secrets of medical science for? Is he also studying medicine?”

“Um…that actually is not! He didn’t say exactly what he was going to do. However, according to my analysis, it was to treat the stubborn coldness raging in his body!”

“The kung fu he practiced is very special, and an extremely domineering cold poison gas will naturally occur in his body! Although this kind of kung fu has brought him great benefits, the more he cultivates, the greater the hidden danger of Realm!”

“So he tried all kinds of methods! Including cooperation with Dangshan Xiumen, Yanshan Piratemen and Qishan Poisonmen, and exchanged a lot of profits for their cultivation cheats, in order to find a way to relieve cold poison!”

“Moreover! In order to find this method as soon as possible, he often challenges the people in Martial Forest! The purpose is to make them suffer from cold poison too! Once he finds that someone has been cured, he will find that person immediately, or find a cure for him Doctor, seek treatment!”

“You…have cured Lin Chenghong’s disease! So, I personally think that is the reason! As for whether there is a deeper meaning, then I don’t know…”

“Hiss…” Zhang Tianzong frowned and said, “If it’s like what you said, why doesn’t he come to see me in person? This is not in line with common sense! Is there any hidden secret in this? ?”

Li Yuanhao suddenly became a little apprehensive and said: “Maybe he is afraid that others will know his weakness! If the weakness of the martial artist is spread, then he will be in a dangerous situation! After all, the people he offended in these years are not. not enough……”

“Because he has cold toxins in his body, he will have cold toxins every night of the full moon! Within the three days of the onset of the illness, all his martial arts will be lost! He can’t even walk, just I can lie on the bed quietly without moving.”

“If this matter is known to others, I am afraid that his enemy will use this weakness to kill him! He does not come to you, probably because you are afraid that you will know about it and then you will say it.”

“The best way is to find a solution by yourself! This way you can solve the problem without revealing the secret!”

“Oh? That’s the case! Hiss… wait a minute! According to my observation, although your body is still healthy, your breath is weak and there is a serious lack of Qi and blood!”

“Look at the newly healed knife wounds on your wrist, and the old wounds are densely packed with scars cut out by knives. Have you ever let a lot of blood?”

“When I first met you, I discovered this problem. But your attitude towards me was very unkind, so I didn’t bother to pay attention to you. What is going on here?”

At this time, Zhang Tianzong was also a little depressed, because this kid had a severely split personality, so the things in his memory were a bit confused, and it was time-consuming and laborious to sort out!

Therefore, some things have to be asked in person to better sort out those new memories successfully!

This is definitely a big deal!

If the newly acquired memories cannot be sorted out in time, another ideological chaos will be formed in Zhang Tianzong’s mind!

It is very possible that he will also become a person with confused thinking and personality! This is no joke!

This is also the reason why Soul Search is called a chicken rib spell! Because most people can’t digest so much external information at all!

Over time, there will be serious confusion in the brain! It will take a long time if you want to return to the original state…

Fortunately, he has cultivated the “Three Yuan Zhenyi Jing”. Although he has only cultivated the One Yuan Realm so far, Mental Energy is extremely powerful!

As long as you carefully sort out the foreign memories, it will not hurt!

This is also the fundamental reason why Sanyuanzhen is so popular! So far, apart from this set of classics, I have never heard of any other martial arts cheats, which are specifically used to cultivate Mental Energy!

Li Yuanhao smiled bitterly and said, “Han Feng said that my physique is special, I belong to the yang-fire hyperactive physique! Therefore, my blood can just ease the raging process of cold poison in his body!”

“At the beginning of each month, I will release my blood supply to prepare pharmaceutical ingredients, and even on the night of the full moon, he will drink my blood directly!”

“Once at the beginning of every month, once in the middle of the month! After so many years, can you not lose blood and energy? After a long time, what physique can stand! No matter how good food is eaten, it can’t make up… ”

“Damn!” Zhang Tianzong said with staring eyes: “This is treating you as a hematopoietic bank! He treated you so desperately, why are you still trying to buy his life for him? Are you cheap?”

“Hey! Why don’t I know!” Li Yuanhao stood up abruptly and said loudly, “If I don’t listen to him, I’ll have to die! It’s not about saving enough capital when he needs me and waiting for the time to come, in the future The farther you escape, the better!”

“Escape? Hahaha…”

Zhang Tianzong laughed on his face and said, “Can you escape his palm? Do you have that ability? Let’s cooperate with me! Just seize the opportunity to kill him…”

“No! Master! Don’t!”


Li Yuanhao suddenly knelt on the ground, kowtow with a sound!

“Master, the slave begs the master not to kill him! Don’t…”

“Huh? Damn! You really are a slave! He treats you like that, so why should you intercede for him!”

“Master! To be honest, I hate him more than anyone else! I can’t wait to kill him personally! But if I hadn’t had him, I would have been corpse on the street! He was torturing me, but he also had a life-saving grace for me and reinvented him. Grace!”

“Even if I knew he was using me, I knew he saved me to drink my blood! But without him, I wouldn’t be who I am now!”

“Master, I can do anything for you, even if you want my life, I will die without hesitation! The slave does not ask for anything else, but only asks you to spare his life! Master! Please do it! …”


Zhang Tianzong nodded lightly and said, “Never mind! For the sake of your knowledge, I can agree to your request!”

“However, Li Yuanhao! You should understand that Han Feng is not a good person, he is a hypocrite at best!”

“How many wicked things he did, you should know better than me! Right and wrong should never be confused! It is absolutely impossible to deal with problems because of your personal emotions. This is not in line with rational cognition!”

“No matter how many good things he has done, he has to be responsible for the wrong things he has done! He should be punished as he deserves! These are two different things!”

“Just like you are now, because you used to be a cruel person, so today, at this moment, you will lose your dignity and freedom!”

“But, because you are a person who knows what to do, you will meet me! To tell you the truth, you can’t lose money with daddy! I can promise you not to kill him! And, I will treat him. So sick!”

“What? Really…really?”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly and said: “I will make him the same person you are now! I can give him a chance to follow me! In the future, as long as he can do things for me seriously, it will be regarded as making up for it!”

“Unless he doesn’t repent and has to fight me! If that’s the case, he can only say that he deserves it! Then I can’t blame it!”

“Okay!” Li Yuanhao said while biting his back molars, “In that case, I can be regarded as doing my best! Good words can hardly persuade a damn ghost. If he wants to die by himself, no one can blame others! Master, please command! Can’t do it!”

“Okay! Hahaha…”

Zhang Tianzong nodded in satisfaction and said: “My idea is to lead the snake out of the cave! Didn’t he want to find me? Then take him out! I will meet him personally!”

“This…Master! It’s not that a lowly slave doesn’t obey his life, but Han Feng is very cunning! He won’t go out at all when he is not a last resort! And beside him is a stand-in who looks very much like him, and that stand-in has always I’m socializing for him outside, I don’t even know where he is!”

“Once he told me to do something, he took the initiative to call me, and the phone number was not the same every time! I really couldn’t find him… but I could feel that he was hidden in a certain county in X County. In a corner! Watching everything outside!”

“Hey, let me go! This kid still has this trick! Hiss… This is not easy to do!”

Li Yuanhao suddenly smiled and said: “Master! I have a way! He has a son named Han Cheng! This kid is a swinger, a prodigal!”

“Han Feng is just such a son, and he loves him so much. It can be said that he is compliant! I think… from him, he should be able to open a breakthrough!”


Zhang Tianzong frowned suddenly, carefully pondering…

——To be continued——

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