Village Doctor.

Chapter 282

Chapter 282 I will make him regret being born in this world

After everything was arranged, Zhang Tianzong strolled towards the Wizards Studio diagonally across from the clinic.

“Yo! Mr. Zhang! Welcome Mr. Zhang to inspect the work himself! Hahaha…”

Twenty meters away, Zhang Hongxin greeted him from the room with a smile. In fact, he was the daily manager of the Wizards Studio!

The reason why Pan Runlong was appointed as the head of the studio was only because Zhang Tianzong trusted Pan Runlong more!

After all, all the employees in the Wizards Studio are the original people from the original company they had acquired before. Strictly speaking, they don’t know each other very well, let alone any personal feelings.

If there isn’t a real one to supervise and control, it will definitely not work…

This is not, even so! Then there is a problem!

Construction team leader Li Jie, network engineering technicians Chang Shangwu and Chang Shangwen were also in the room, and they all stood up in greet with smiles.

The nature of their work has determined their working status. During the winter, there is very little work and most of the time is idle.

But once it’s the beginning of spring, some people will be busy…

“Everyone, sit down! Actually, I don’t have any major issues, I just talked to you for a chat when I was idle!”


“Mr. Zhang, this is the tea just made, please drink tea!”

“Yeah! Put it on the table! Just after eating breakfast, I feel a little bit tired, but I can’t drink it for the time being! No, I’m going out for a stroll to digest and digest food. This is also a typical example of me. …”


Two jokes, after three haha.

Zhang Tianzong glanced at the four of them and said, “It has been a while since the establishment of Daweizhishi Studio. Speaking of speaking, the time I spent sitting here is indeed a bit less. You can’t blame me for not being sympathetic to my subordinates, right?”

“How can it be!” Zhang Hongxin said with a smile: “There are many things that you need to ask yourself, and the clinic is full of people and business every day! How could it be possible to do everything?”

“Furthermore, we are supported by our brothers in the Wizards Studio. What else can you do by yourself? Then we are not a waste?”

“Yes, yes!” Li Jie nodded and said, “Zhang is always the person who does big things! You should put more energy on decision-making. How can it be a trivial matter that bothers you! Isn’t it?”

“Yes, yes! That’s right!” Chang Shangwu said as if echoing.

Zhang Tianzong smiled and nodded and said, “Li Jie’s words are very reasonable! I really should focus more on company decision-making! This is the role I should enter as a boss!”

“But…what, you are all people with social experience, I want to ask you! How should our company’s decision-making direction be made?”

“Especially in the management of employees in the company, are there any shortcomings? Please express your opinions and talk freely!”

Li Jie hurriedly waved his hand and said, “Mr. Zhang, you are so good at joking. How do we guys know how to make company decisions!”

“Yes!” Chang Shangwen said with some embarrassment: “A few of us know a little about the construction of agricultural facilities at best, and apart from that little craftsmanship, we don’t have any other skills!”

Zhang Hongxin also scratched his head embarrassingly. He really didn’t expect Zhang Tianzong to ask that. He couldn’t organize any reasonable and effective speech at all, so he didn’t say a word.

To put it bluntly, he is a pragmatist who works at the door, and has no crooked eyes…

Zhang Tianzong nodded and said, “Okay, since you said that, let’s change the way of asking! Let’s shoot an arrow with a bow and just collapse! Let’s just say it!”

“Do you have any suggestions or comments on the company’s rules and regulations, or the management capabilities of the company’s internal management leaders?”

“No!” Zhang Hongxin hurriedly said as the first to speak: “We support all the company’s decisions with both hands! I am deeply convinced of the work abilities of you and several core senior leaders! That… I won’t say anything. If it’s official, let’s just say it bluntly!”

“I don’t know, I don’t understand anything else! I know a little bit, and I know who is good to us! After so many years in this business, who has given us so much wages? Isn’t Mr. Zhang second to none? You can value us!”

“Nothing else! The few of us are doing our job steadily! I don’t say anything to repay or not to repay, saying that the ozone layer is too fake!”

“But, at the very least, we have to be worthy of the wages we have in our hands! We are worthy of the friendship between buddies!”

“Over the years, we have met a lot of bosses. Only you treat us as brothers! We can’t do not wanting face things! Right? Everyone!”

“Yes! Captain Zhang is right!”

Zhang Tianzong nodded in satisfaction and took the lead in applauding!

After the applause fell, Zhang Tian smiled and said, “Hongxin Dage, I have to ask you a question!”

“Don’t don’t! Just ask if you have anything! As long as I know and can explain it, I will try my best to answer. You must not ask for advice! I can’t afford it…”

Zhang Tianzong waved his hand and said, “What’s not worthy of this? Everyone is older than me, and deals with all kinds of people in society all the year round. Based on this social experience and Life experience, it is much better than me. NS!”

“What I want to ask is… You said that a company must develop in the long-term and stand forever. How can it be achieved?”

“Um…Of course it is honesty! These are two words that I can think of. I think these two words are very important.”

“Well! Not bad! Whether you are a person or doing things, you can’t stand without honesty! Well, this is one thing. Are there any more?”

Chang Shangwu thought for a while and said, “I think it is very important for a company to have a relatively complete and reasonable rules and regulations!”

“Yeah! Right!” Chang Shangwen also continued: “Moreover, after all the rules and regulations are finalized, they must not be changed day and night. They must be strictly implemented.”

“If some loopholes in the existing system are discovered during the implementation of the system, they can be modified and improved in time to make it more reasonable and fairer! But it must not be abolished easily! Let alone a large-scale implementation. Push to rebuild!”

“This is similar to the nature of our construction work. Once the greenhouse is built, it can be repaired, but it cannot be rebuilt on the original foundation! Unless you change a place and build a new one! Otherwise the foundation will be weak!”

“Of course, this is just a metaphor. There is a fundamental difference between the two and they cannot be compared with each other…”

“Okay!” Zhang Tianzong nodded and said, “This suggestion is very good! If you follow your way of thinking…Once the rules and regulations are perfect, they must be strictly implemented in accordance with the rules and regulations. This is really important!”

“Hey! Um… You said, when examining whether an employee is competent, what are the specific implementation standards?”

“Of course it’s work performance and work efficiency!” Zhang Hongxin said first.

“Yeah! Captain Zhang is right!” Chang Shangwu said firmly: “Work ability is indeed the primary criterion. Then it is the employee’s loyalty to the company! This should also be very important! If this mountain looks at the high mountain Employees are absolutely not allowed to stay!”

Zhang Tianzong nodded in satisfaction, very happy in his heart! Because they have been able to see through the ability of discerning eyes, what they are talking about is from the bottom of the heart.

Zhang Tianzong smiled and looked at Li Jie and said, “Leader Li, you can say a few words too! What are the criteria for assessing an employee? If it is what they have just said, there is no need to repeat it. …”

“Um…this…I can’t think of anything for a while, I always think that the ability to work is the most important thing.”

“If you don’t have the real ability, you can’t get enough to eat anywhere! On the contrary, you have the real ability. You can never die from starvation anywhere!”

“If I have to find an adjective for a standard…Personality! Morality is very important! Because it involves the company’s image!”

“If you want to go on, you may talk and behave, wear appearances, etc., but also have to pay attention to it. After all, this is also a company’s image problem!”

“Our company’s employees all dress uniformly, which is very well done! They look very formal! And the styles of clothes are also good, all employees say they like it very much…”

“Okay! Very good! Well said!”

Zhang Tianzong was applauded, and everyone applauded again.

Zhang Tianzong looked at Li Jie’s flushed face and smiled slightly and said, “I’m asking you about a nosy. I heard that there is a hidden rule in your business.”

“I heard that no matter who passed it through, the temporary workers hired would get some commissions! The good name is care and benefits! Is this really the case?”

“Um…Yes!” Zhang Hongxin said embarrassedly, “Where should I start with this? That…In the past, there were not many places to work, and work was difficult. So I wanted to earn more. Over time, the city has developed some bad habits of greedy for petty and cheap.”

“But I dare say that since the establishment of our Wizards Studio, this kind of thing has never happened again! I dare not say anything else, there is absolutely no such thing here!”

“To put it bluntly, we are earning enough wages now. It doesn’t make much sense to be greedy for those petty bargains!”

“Those temporary workers are people who help us work. They are happy, and they can work harder when they are working, and our work has also become a lot easier!”

“Besides, our company won’t have any bonuses until the end of the year! Who cares about that little money? Right? Hey…”

“Well! As long as you work hard, the bonus is definitely indispensable! But! There is a saying that is very unpleasant! Daddy’s money is not windy!”

“If I honestly use Zhang Tianzong as the boss and brother, I can give my heart and soul! But if I am a fool! I will make him regret being born in this world!”

“Huh? This… where do you start?”

——To be continued——

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