Village Doctor.

Chapter 279

Chapter 279

“Husband! This is not the way back to our house? Where else to go? No need to sell anything? There are enough. Look, the trunk is full…”

“Hehehe…sell one more thing and you can go home! I remember there is a beauty and hairdressing supplies store in front of me, I will buy a wireless charging electric fader!”

“When I want to cut my hair in the future, you can just push it for me! It saves money to go to the barber shop to cut my hair again. There are many customers in the barber shop with good craftsmanship, and it is troublesome to line up!”

“Ah? No, how can I know that craft! If you let me shave my hair with a razor blade, I might be able to do it. Basically, a nurse will shave! Hehehe…”

“What’s wrong with that! Didn’t you see when the barber cut my hair just now? Put a caliper limit comb on the fader teeth, and then the tractor goes up the hill. It will be over after a few times!”

“Anyway, there is a caliper in front of the push gear, and no matter how hard it is, it will not cut out the pit. With that thing, the head is the same length, front and back, left and right, there is not much technology content, it is very convenient!”

“If it doesn’t work, use a 9mm caliper limit comb on the top, 1.2mm on the bottom and a few more calipers with a moderate length in the middle, and you won’t be all the same!”

“If the cut is really broken, it will be a bald head in a big deal! It will be full length in a few days! Everything is cooked once and cooked again, and it will take a long time to practice a few times! Wait, I will go Go back!”

Zhang Tianzong leaned the car on the side of the road, opened the door, and ran to the beauty and hairdressing supply store.

Tian Jinhua looked at his back through the window in the back seat, and said with a smile: “Tianzong’s meticulous energy is much stronger than you! You didn’t expect him to do this, right?”

“Huh? Is there any special meaning to buying an electric fader? I didn’t understand what you mean…”

“You don’t understand, don’t you understand? Those women in the hairdresser’s shop, which one is not looking at him with straight eyes! So, he wants to buy an electric clipper and take it home to cut his hair. , This is to avoid suspicion!”

“Avoid suspicion? As for! I’m not jealous again!”

Tian Jinhua shook her head and said: “It’s not a question of whether you are jealous or not, it’s because he feels that he owes you something! He doesn’t want to have any extra problems…”

“Oh? Are you alluding to Yingying?”

“Yeah!” Tian Jinhua nodded and said, “Tian Zong has a conservative character in his bones. Now that he has to make changes, it is indeed embarrassing for him.”

“I can see that his ideological pressure is quite heavy! He considers everything in a comprehensive manner, which is enough to prove that he cares especially about everything he has now!”

“Hey!” Tian Jinhua sighed suddenly, and said helplessly: “I am a woman who grew up under special rules, and I don’t even care about this kind of thing in my mind!”

“Even I have always felt that a good man should be surrounded by many beautiful women!”

“I also took the trouble to instill this kind of thinking into you… now that I think about it, maybe it really shouldn’t be done!”

“In today’s society, this kind of thinking is indeed a bit incompatible with mainstream thinking! But who dares to say that this kind of phenomenon does not exist now?”

“Yeah!” Liu Hongxiu nodded and said: “What a small thing, three, four, five, six, it’s not a rare thing! To be honest, as long as her husband is not the kind of person who likes the new and dislikes the old and always abandons the old, the rest is the thing. I can accept all of them!”

“I don’t care, why is he embarrassed? Besides, I have already told him very clearly…”

Tian Jinhua shook her head and said, “You are wrong! Hongxiu, we are people who grew up in a special environment, and our thinking is different from what the public recognizes…”

“Yeah! That’s true! But fortunately, Yingying is also a woman who grew up in a special environment, so she’s better to accept this matter…”

“Um! Yes. But, I always feel that you still don’t really understand your husband! He was forced by us to accept these things.”

“This matter is also related to your cultivation Cultivation Technique and the special rules in Dongtianfudi, otherwise he would never agree to it!”

“If you think about it again, if he were a man of the game world, he would have been able to sit in his arms and hug him with his abilities!”

“He is a character who can only report the good and not the worry! A lot of things are always pressed in his heart, and he is carrying it! No matter how strong a man is, he will know that he is tired after a long time!”

“I am his mother-in-law, some things are not convenient for me to say. But you, as his wife! You should be able to feel how much he loves you! So you have to give him enough love and feedback! Especially in some small details Things must be handled well!”

“Because… he is even more of a sensitive man! A man who has been deprived of his parents’ love since he was a child is extremely fragile and sensitive in some details! The strength he has shown is to a large extent It’s also a disguise.”

“Of course, he will never let others see this kind of thing in the deepest heart! Only those closest to us can perceive a single trace.”

Tian Jinhua suddenly said with a serious expression: “Hongxiu, you have to mature quickly! You have to be more mature than him!”

“People say that they are messing around, but the real life is not as simple as you think! It doesn’t mean that you are dependent on me and can get tired of each other every day and everything is fine.”

“As a wife, not only do you have to be a wife, but you must also know how to care for and consider your own man.”

“More importantly, it is to understand what the own man really needs! Start with the subtleties! Let him never feel lonely anymore! Understand?”

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I shall understand when you say so! take a look at this!”

Liu Hongxiu handed the contact card he had taken from the cashier to Tian Jinhua.

Tian Jinhua took a closer look and found that there was a line of handwritten characters and contact information on the back of the original card.

She suddenly Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and said: “Look! I’ll say he is avoiding suspicion! The little girl now is really bold enough, and she is embarrassed to say such blunt words!”

“Hey! Daughter, you find a handsome guy to be your husband, and you will worry about it in the future… Don’t say that your mother didn’t remind you, you chose the road yourself! You must go down steadily in the future…”

“Yeah! I understand! Anyway, I will go down this road firmly! No matter how rough it is, I will go down firmly! What’s more, my husband still loves me so deeply, I should stick to it.”

Liu Hongxiu nodded vigorously, pinched the contact card with both hands, and tore it to pieces in a few clicks!

“I am the peony queen! I am the young grandmother! If anyone wants to hit my husband’s idea, he must pass my level first! No matter how many flowers will bloom in the future, he must bow his head to my peony flower !”

“I want to block those self-righteous women for my husband! I want to solve all the worries at home for my husband! Let him spread his wings and soar all the way!”

Tian Jinhua smiled and nodded, without saying anything…

After a while, Zhang Tianzong walked back with a smile, put the electric fader in the storage drawer under the bridge, started the car and headed straight for home!

Time flies quickly, entering mid-December in the blink of an eye.

“Mr. Zhang! All the experimental data have been sorted out! Please have a look!”

Zhu Rui and Song Minhong, directors of the Quality Inspection and Testing Department of Medicinal Materials, came to Zhang Tianzong with four or five folders, and they were very happy to say.

“Yeah! Very good! Although the scale of the base is already large now, only the medicinal materials in the six experimental fields behind my house are the medicinal materials that are truly mature and can be harvested!”

“These medicinal materials are even more samples we can get, and they are the cost of negotiating cooperation with Huanyu Pharmaceutical Factory! Therefore, it is really important and can not be lost! Look at the expressions of both of you…the results of the experiment are not bad?”

“It’s not just good! That’s super awesome, super awesome!”

Because of his emotions, Zhu Rui’s face flushed red and said: “The quality test data of these three medicinal materials: Ginseng, Lingzhi Mushrooms, and Scutellaria in the test field show that all the effective and beneficial ingredients are more than double the industry standards! ”

“If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, it would be really hard to imagine that artificially planted Chinese medicinal materials would be better than wild medicinal materials! This is really an eye-opener for me!”

“Furthermore, according to relevant data comparison! Chinese medicinal materials that have only been cultivated for about half a year are comparable to medicinal materials of the same species that have been wild for about 30 years! This is really amazing!”

Song Minhong was equally excited and continued: “It’s more than that! Cordyceps sinensis is especially worth mentioning! The free amino acid index, which is rich in protein and amino acids, is about ten times that of similar products!”

“It also contains extremely rich vitamins, such as sugar, calcium, potassium, chromium, nickel, manganese, iron, copper, zinc and other trace elements necessary for the human body, and it is full of huge amounts!”

“But…I have a question now. If such medicinal materials are directly used for medicine, or if they are directly used in the formulation of Chinese medicinal materials, will there be excessive medicinal power?”

“A few days ago… A few days ago, Zhu Rui secretly tasted the root of a ginseng, and it took no more than five minutes to get a nosebleed! That energy…cough cough!”

Speaking of this, Song Minhong can’t speak anymore…

Just because Zhu Rui tried to eat randomly, and his physical fitness was good, the symptoms of replenishment and overdose appeared in an instant!

That night, the fight didn’t end until three o’clock in the morning!

This directly caused the couple to take a day off and lay down in the dormitory for a whole day before gradually regaining some strength!

Had it not been for Liu Hongxiu’s awareness later, and treated Song Minhong for a while, I am afraid that he would not be able to go to work until the next day!

It is impossible for Liu Hongxiu to conceal this from Zhang Tianzong, after all, the cause of the incident was a problem with the medicinal materials grown by her family!

Regardless of whether the result of the event is moving in a good direction or in a bad direction, this is something that must be paid attention to!

The issue of medicinal materials is not allowed to show the slightest ambiguity. In case of a sloppy, it may cause irreparable disaster!

——To be continued——

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