Village Doctor.

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Four more hours later, Zhang Tianzong walked out with a smile, Lin Yingying looked aggrieved, and walked slowly behind him.

It’s not because of anything else, it’s mainly because it’s too heart-wrenching and torturous!

Zhang Tianzong has never studied marksmanship seriously, and there is only one real live ammunition training.

But! At the very beginning, it only took more than ten minutes to understand all the performance and structure of those guns!

Moreover, nearly 8,000 training rounds were burnt out in one hour! And there is nothing wrong with it! Hit all hearts!

In the end, after another half an hour of shooting a moving target and a “hostage taking” simulated sniper target, there were still no false shots!

Lin Yingying is also struggling! Let Zhang Tianzong play the random moving color frisbee!

Playing this kind of Frisbee is very difficult! Because the colors of all Frisbees are uniform, or one color at a time!

For example, the background color of a large area is red, and only the small dot in the middle that is as large as a coin is purple, and it is displayed in the form of numbers!

Another example is a digital frisbee with a combination of orange and blue, yellow and brown, and gray and blue.

The basic rule is to play every single number and let the double number go! Or the other way round for shooting test!

As long as you hit the center of the corresponding number, black mist powder or white mist powder will appear!

Moreover, that kind of Frisbee is completely designed in accordance with the standards for testing color blindness!

The numbers are irregular, the colors are irregular, and the angle of the flying disc is even more random.

even! Different weather conditions cannot be simulated in the special training ground!

For a while, the eyes are shooting at the sun simulated by the strong light searchlight, and for a while, the surroundings are pitch black. Only through the night vision scope can you see the only trace of the phosphor! This is simulating the state of night and cloudy days.

For a while, breeze gusts, for a while, light rain, for a while, violent storm and thunder and lightning, for a while, calm and dry and hot…

So while shooting, you have to see the number of odd and even numbers, taking into account the shooting point and angle, wind speed, humidity, distance and other external interference factors!

Moreover, the distance between the shooting position and the target is not fixed at random! So it can only switch back and forth between sniper rifle, rifle and pistol!

The most abnormal thing is that the time allowed to change the magazine is only three seconds!

Of course, Lin Yingying would be responsible for filling the bullets.

Because of this, Lin Yingying filled 25,000 training rounds in three hours!

This kind of labor intensity has almost caught up with the three hours of hand-planing the pit.

The most irritating thing is that it turned out to be perfect!

This is not just a matter of labor intensity, it is simply a heart-patch and abusive heart!

Lin Yingying has also faced this almost “perverted” training method. When she first encountered this training method, she only persisted for ten minutes, and with a success rate of 70%, she set a reputation as a beautiful gun king!

But now, this can never be called the King of Taps! This is definitely a gun god!

In fact, to say that the sharp gun is a bit demeaning, this is definitely the god-tier of gun shooting!

Of course, it is impossible to publish this result. This is the special feature of the special training ground.

To put it bluntly, it is confidential!

All kinds of devil training! All kinds of extremely strict confidentiality!

This is the special training ground!

Until now, Lin Yingying’s hands were still trembling slightly due to frequent and intensive filling of bullets!

Had it not been for Zhang Tianzong to give her a massage, these little tender hands would have been red, swollen and blistered! Don’t even think about recovering in four or five days!

Lin Yingying felt sweet at the thought of Zhang Tianzong just holding her hand and massaging carefully.

Even the look in Zhang Tianzong’s eyes became more gentle…

As Lin Yingying walked, looking at his back, she thought to herself: “This man is so good, too mysterious, and so handsome! It’s over, it’s over! My heart has fallen completely!”

“No matter it! Even if it’s moths to the fire, I have to fight hard! Otherwise, I will regret it for life! If it is bound to be scalded to death, then die! Anyway, if you don’t stay with him, it’s nothing to live. Meaning!”

“Hey! Yingying! What are you standing there thinking about? Xiao Li and the others have been waiting behind you for nearly two minutes, carrying the box.”

“Can you let them walk over first, and then you stand there in a daze? I see, the name Xiao Dida is the most suitable for you!”

“Ah? Oh! I’m sorry…”

Lin Yingying hurriedly drew away from the door, Xiao Li led three people, each carrying a large box, and looking at her, Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

I had already yelled behind her several times before, but they just didn’t hear it!

“I’m sorry, that…I’m thinking about a case in my heart, so I’m distracted…”

“It’s okay! It’s okay! Our detachment captain also does this often, we are all used to it! Leaders, it is necessary to consider all aspects of things thoroughly, it is very tiring…”


This Xiao Li is quite good at talking!

He is really a young guy who is good at observing words, watching and reacting! It seems that using him as a clerk is really making the best use of it.

Zhang Tianzong smiled and glanced at Lin Yingying, hurriedly walked a few steps and drove the car over, then put the box in the car, and the two of them got on the car and left…

The two returned to the Express Inn, which was actually a secret office!

Returning again this time, the attitude of the welcomers in the bar has changed drastically, one by one is more respectful! It made Zhang Tianzong a little embarrassed.

But then I thought about it again, anyway, I don’t have to sit in class, and I can’t come here often, just love it! Anyway, I won’t be able to see it a few times in the future…

First, I took out part of the equipment I needed, and under Lin Yingying’s strong request, I took an additional set of anchor hook launchers, rope droppers, tear gas jets, and some standing and practical equipment, and then put the four large boxes It was sealed and placed in a dark room in the office.

Zhang Tianzong took out a set of mechanical lock keys for the office and the secret room, and handed it to Lin Yingying and said: “You will work here in the future! You know the situation in our group, and you are the only one who can come here to work often…”

“Well! I understand! Director Wang has already told me! I accept the organization arrangement! This is also my task and responsibility!”

“Let’s do it, I’ll rely on you to bother a lot in the future, I’m leaving!”

“Eh? Wait! Don’t you go to my house? Your wife and mother-in-law are waiting for you to take them home! Besides, what you promised me is not finished yet?”

“Ahem! Why do you remember this?”

“Net talk! Can I forget about this? Even if I forget myself, I can’t forget about it! What’s wrong? I want to regret it now? It’s too late!”

“Hey… well, anyway, stretching your head is a knife, and shrinking your head is a knife. What should come will come! Then let’s go together! Go to your house!”

“Good! Hehehe…”

Rich people are different, Tian Jinshan lives in a high-end villa area!

Although villas and bungalows in the village are in the form of a detached house, but when combined with other supporting facilities and luxury, it is not comparable at all. It is a different concept!

Seeing this, Zhang Tianzong suddenly frowned!

Tian Jinshan is Tian Jinhua’s pro Dage! Tian Jinhua had been seriously ill for many years and had not healed. She took her daughter Liu Hongxiu alone in the village to torture her life!

However, Tian Jinshan wears gold and silver and lives in a big villa…

Although whoever has the money belongs to him, we can’t say that people don’t care about family affection in the way of moral kidnapping, but this is too much to “eat alone”, right?

Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but look down on Tian Jinshan a bit!

He suddenly remembered a name:

Poor people stand on the cross street and play ten steel hooks, but they can’t hook their loved ones!

Wealthy people playing knives, guns and clubs in the deep mountains and old forests can’t get rid of unjust friends and friends!

So far, heroes are not necessarily heroes!

The general can overwhelm the river with a spear in his hand, but it is also difficult to resist the three words of hunger, cold, and poverty!

It’s hard for a rich man, but a man without money!

Only by working hard and struggling step by step can we finally see the flowers and realize what the colorful lanterns are!

“Tian Zong Big Brother, what’s the matter with you? Aren’t you scared? Don’t worry! In fact, the few of us have already discussed it in private! I just hope you can clearly state your attitude in public…”

“Huh? Oh, that’s it…”

Zhang Tianzong suddenly reacted from the stunned thoughts, in fact, the reason why he was just stunned was not the case at all!

But hearing her say this, it made him a little nervous!

But now, what we should face is always to face!

“The rules are binding! Can you save me a snack! I’m already busy enough!”

Zhang Tianzong kept shouting in his heart, but he also had a hint of understanding about this result! I also thought that there would be this day…

In fact, what Zhang Tianzong doesn’t know at the moment is that the special binding force in Dongtianfudi also has a certain effect on him!

It’s just that the binding force against him is developing in a good direction, and he can’t clearly feel it.

There is only one binding force on him, and that is to constantly stimulate his potential! And this potential also includes the desire to control and possessive!

And cultivate a domineering, righteous, responsible and courageous mentality!

This is also because the Ascension of Cultivation Base Realm will make a person’s xinxing change a little bit!

After all, a pauper and a rich man have a completely different perspective on the problem. As a practitioner, the angle of view of the problem is even different!

After this change, there was a prerequisite for him to join the special operations group. I also have the courage to take responsibility, and the concept of “private territory” and possessiveness!

However, after all, he is the master of the heaven and earth, and it is impossible to turn the cart before the horse.

So the binding force against him is minimal, but there are still some subtle effects.

For example, the uniqueness of dealing with things, the decisiveness of acting and the establishment of cognitive values ​​and so on.

At best, it magnifies some unique personalities, and it is not an expression of demonization and control.

Of course, these things were only perceived by Zhang Tianzong later, so far he can only accept them silently…

——To be continued——

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