Village Doctor.

Chapter 262

Chapter 262 I Don’t Want to Be a Scumbag

“Thank you, Big Brother, Tianzong!”

“Do you feel better now?”

“Well! I feel better if I can cry…”

Lin Yingying once again put her arms around Zhang Tianzong’s waist hard, and tried her best to let herself lean in his arms closer, closer!

At this moment, Zhang Tianzong’s mind didn’t have a trace of nasty thoughts, only infinite sympathy and a kind of sympathy connected with fate!

He was not so much pitying Lin Yingying as he was pitying himself! Who can comfort him for the pain in his heart?

In many cases, you can only lick the wound yourself, and slowly wait for it to heal on its own!

However, even if the wound can heal, the scar still remains there, and it will never be smoothed…

“Tianzong Big Brother! You…”

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

This shout pulled Zhang Tianzong’s upset thoughts back in an instant!

“Tianzong Big Brother, you…can you let go, I…I can’t breathe…”

“Ah? Oh oh oh! I’m sorry!”

Only then did Zhang Tianzong discover that he didn’t know when, unknowingly, his own arms tightly hugged Lin Yingying!

It may be that the emotion has reached the critical point that resonates, and the arms around them gradually increase their strength!

“I’m sorry, I was moved by what you said, and I didn’t control it…”

“Tianzong Big Brother, the feeling of being hugged by you is very warm, I like this feeling!”

Although Zhang Tianzong had completely loosened her arm, Lin Yingying had no intention of letting go, she still hugged him tightly!

“Uh… that… ahem!”

“Tianzong Big Brother! You…”

“Huh? What…what’s wrong?”

“Can you let me hold you for a while? Just for a while, being held by you is especially warm and safe…”

“Um… well, I am indeed much warmer than a doll, so hold on for a while…”

“Hate! Don’t speak ill of the little dumb!”

“Who? Who is Xiao Dida?”

“It’s that doll! She always has the same expression all day long. Although her features are very delicate, she is so small and stupid. What’s the name of Xiaodaidai?”

“Hahaha…little dumb? I heard you say that, the name is really appropriate! It seems…in your heart, you are not really blaming your mother, just feel a little wronged…”


Lin Yingying sighed, and finally let go of her hands. She gave Zhang Tianzong a flushed face and hurriedly looked elsewhere.

“Three or four years ago, I really couldn’t understand these things, but since I became a special police officer, I have realized that some things are indeed involuntary, and I also understand what it means to be home to everyone! I also understand what it is called. Loyalty and filial piety can’t have both ends!”

“Now, I can understand my mother’s hardship! I also respect my father’s sacrifice spirit! Maybe…just like you said, I feel a little wronged, and my heart is always twisted…”

Zhang Tianzong nodded softly, “Huh? By the way! Tell me about the Temple of God of War! During this period of time, people have always heard these three words! I can always hear that God of War is a magical character! Is it your Master?”

Lin Yingying nodded and said, “Yes! His old man is my Master! But… when this is said, many people may say that I am rebellious and unfilial, and I am not enough to respect the teacher!”

“But I always have a feeling! My Master accepts me as a disciple, probably just to find a playmate for his daughter! Or it is to sympathize with me for the sake of my pitiful life! It may be just for my father. On Face, I will be accepted as a disciple…”

“My Master has been diligent in cultivation and didn’t marry his wife until he was 41. He married two wives, and those two wives gave him a son and a daughter! Because these two children are both old Come and get a son, especially for his daughter Ding Qian, who is extremely spoiled! Always give whatever you want…”

“I always felt that I was just the playmate Ding Qian wanted…Although I also learned a lot of real skills, the Master also tried his best to teach me martial arts, and let me go to school in the martial arts school under the mountain and study those textbooks. The cultural knowledge of the school. But! I didn’t realize the kind of affection between the master and the apprentice at all!”

“Maybe it is also related to the character of the Master, his person is a bit relentlessly indifferent! It seems that nothing can touch his heart! He always has a calm and indifferent expression…”

“Um…” Zhang Tianzong thought for a while and said: “It should be a long time standing in a high position, and I am used to looking down. It may also be the majesty that comes with being a high position!”

“In many cases, I have been in a high position for a long time, and I am always involuntarily picked up, even if I want to put down my body, I can’t put it down!”

“In the eyes of the public, a person in a high position should be a high person. If you suddenly get angry indirectly, others will not be able to adapt!”

“Huh?” Lin Yingying’s eyes lit up, and she was very surprised and said: “You describe it very appropriately! I have not found a suitable vocabulary to describe this feeling, but you have broken it out! That’s right, that’s the feeling. !”

“Well, that can make sense! This is a very normal phenomenon! It has almost become the standard character of the upper class! The so-called city government may come from this way!”

“Yeah, it makes sense! Hee hee…Tian Zong Big Brother, are you interested in joining the God of War hall? I have the privilege of introducing candidates! If you want to participate in the selection contest, I can recommend you to enter the semifinals with one vote!”

“You can get it! I don’t even know what the God of War Temple is. What qualifications do I have to participate in? I’m not interested!”

“Uh…cough cough! This is what you said, if someone else dares to say this, I will definitely think that he is provoking the majesty of the God of War hall!”

“Really? Is it so serious?”

“Yes! It’s more serious than you think! The God of War hall is the highest hall in the Martial Forest today! Sacred cannot be slandered! A slight criticism may lead to misfortune!”

“Oh? Hearing what you said made me deeply interested! You elaborated, I listened carefully to how awesome I heard! I have a chance to find your Master another day to learn from each other! I’m going to try What disaster is coming!”

“Ah? You are not confused, are you? My Master is a quasi 5S level expert. Do you still want to learn from my Master? Can people pay attention to you?

“Really! It sounds really awesome! Let’s talk about it in detail!”

“Um… well, but don’t slander my Master’s reputation anymore. After all, he is my Master, so just give me a face, okay?”

“Okay! Your Face must be given!”

“Hehehe…Then I’ll talk about it in detail! Actually, the God of War hall is just a place to recruit students from outsiders. After being passed on by Rivers and Lakes for a long time, it has become the hall of Sacred! That… Don’t tell anyone this is what I said! Hehehe…”

“Well! What’s the point! I won’t spread gossip!”

“Hehe… Actually, I’m not afraid of you saying it, mainly because even if you say it, no one will believe it! And it will be regarded as a detractor, that would be a big trouble!”

“Oh? Has the Temple of God of War been mythological to such a degree?”

“Yeah! Yes! Moreover, it is said that even the people in the Temple of God of War believe it! Actually, the Temple of God of War was originally an ancestral hall dedicated to the heads of the past!”

“As long as it is a major event, you must first worship the ancestors in this ancestral hall and the memorial tablets of the heads of the past. Only then can the event be held outside the ancestral hall, so the God of War hall has become a special code name!”

“After a long time, even the real sect name of this school has been ignored by others! In fact, our sect is called’Tianchenzong Kunlun Gate’!”

“Strictly speaking, the Kunlun Gate is only the Outer Sect branch of the Tianchen Sect! Because the Tianchen Sect has been collectively unable to escape, only the Kunlun Gate of the Outer Sect branch is still standing! Therefore, the people of Rivers and Lakes regard the Kunlun Gate as an independent Martial art!”

“It’s also because the current head has so many great achievements! That’s why he is called God of War! His real name is Ding Zhiming! He started to learn martial arts when he was young, and he went down the mountain when he was 20 years old. Then he joined the army and enlisted! Zeng Lixia Brilliant military exploits!”

“When he was forty years old, he voluntarily asked to retire and return to the school to continue his practice! He didn’t take over as the head of the school until he was fifty! It was also from then that he began to recruit students formally! Rarely, he officially accepted students! ”

“It is precisely because of his experience in the military that every three years, the military and police will send a few fierce men into the Temple of God of War for further study!”

“At the same time, it will select outstanding talents from all walks of life and expand to the God of War hall! However, the interval between selections for the whole society is once every five years!”

“After two to three years of study time, all the students’ force value has risen exponentially without exception! Then they will be enlisted in the army again, or join the police force as a police officer!”

“It can be said that the students of the Temple of God of War are all over the world! Therefore, it is natural to become a transcendent existence!”

“Moreover, Master has never forgotten that he used to be a soldier, as long as the country needs it! Even if he has something to do, he will send powerful disciples to fight! So, it is even more admirable!”

“Oh oh oh! So it is! That is indeed worthy of admiration! I take back what I just said! Admire, admire!”

“Okay, there are no outsiders here. Whatever you say between us, you don’t have to cover up, and I don’t blame you for saying the wrong thing…”

“Uh…cough cough!”

Zhang Tianzong suddenly felt that the atmosphere was getting worse and something wrong!

I rely on! Watching this little girl’s twitchy and shy expression, this is going to be true to me!

Now that there is the blessing of the power of rules, if you look for this in your heart, you can’t really change it!

Damn! How can this be done!

The power of the rules of the world!

Can you rely on music scores?

Is it so hard for me to make my own decision? I am your master! Don’t force me to make mistakes.

I really don’t want to be a scumbag…

At the thought of this, Zhang Tianzong suddenly became one head and two big…

——To be continued——

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