Village Doctor.

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

Zhang Tianzong stood on the side of the street, looking at the “outdoor sporting goods store” diagonally across from a distance.

This is a specialty store specializing in outdoor equipment, shoes, hats, bags, sporting goods, fitness equipment, as well as outdoor clothing, sportswear, and sportswear.

The facade of this shop is not small, and it is a standard shop with two floors above and below.

According to the memory of the host, Chen Yunsong, this shop is actually his private hiding place!

There are some important items hidden in the basement below this shop!

And when he fled from home, the first place he came was here!

Don’t think this is his nest, but all the employees in the shop don’t even know that there is a basement under the shop!

I don’t even know that the owner of own is still a dangerous person who specializes in secretly doing things. No one even knows that he is the owner of Wanbaolou!

This has to be said, the original poster Chen Yunsong really has a unique set of camouflage skills!

However, they no longer need to worry about this problem, because the shop closed three days ago and all employees have been fired!

As the so-called cunning rabbit three caves!

Chen Yunsong, the kid, made full use of these four words to the extreme!

There is more than one hiding place for him! And they are also places that are inconspicuous and not easy to attract the attention of others.

Every location is either hiding the thugs, or hiding gold and silver jewelry, or weapons and ammunition!

And at each location, there is also a dedicated manager or store manager to help him take care of it!

Of course, most of these people are professional managers, not his associates.

This is his cleverness! The more normal the business is in the downtown area, the more it can be deceived!

Before that, Chen Yunsong had never expected such a serious consequence of provoking Zhang Tianzong, especially after learning that Zheng Weide and Qian Zhanbo had been arrested, he immediately smelled a hint of danger!

If Zheng Weide was arrested, he still had a fluke mentality, then with Qian Zhanbo’s arrest, he finally knows what it means to be inevitable!

He finally understood that he must be punished for being arrogant to a certain extent! He finally knew that he had underestimated Zhang Tianzong too much!

He gathered most of his staff and hid them in the residential houses in the western suburbs of Ningcheng.

One is to let them protect their own safety, and the other is to wait for the opportunity and prepare to abscond with the money!

However, in the end he did not escape the sight of justice, and was finally caught upright! Until the end, I chose the fish to die and the net to break the same to die!

The cash he brought out was also turned into ashes in that explosion…

In fact, the reason why he was so arrogant and unscrupulous in doing things was not because he did it voluntarily.

That is what the controller behind the scenes told him to do! The purpose is to confuse the audience and attract the attention of the police! Then fish in troubled waters and do things!

It can be said that Chen Yunsong is an out-and-out lunatic, and even more so, an out-and-out victim.

But he has always naively believed that no matter what he does, the controller behind the scenes will help him get rid of all guilt!

As long as you are a little bit more secretive, you can turn bad luck into good luck!

But in fact, people’s courage will become bigger and bigger, and they will be more unscrupulous in doing things! At that moment, it was too late to stop.

He has become a big fool who has been unable to extricate himself from fantasy, a courageous and very sad cannon fodder!

And this store is actually a contact point!

Once Chen Yunsong has an accident, it will not take long for someone to take over everything here. Then instead, continue to perform his unfinished tasks!

It can be said that this is a very complete, very organized, and premeditated huge interest group! It’s all shameful deeds!

Zhang Tianzong glanced at his watch. It was already past 11 o’clock in the evening.

“Mother, the person who took over is not afraid to come? Or is he afraid to come in this sensitive period? If he doesn’t come, wouldn’t I just come in vain? His…”

After waiting for another half an hour, Zhang Tian spit out, and he had no patience to wait any longer!

“Forget it! Anyway, the important things are in the basement! As long as you get all these things back, there is an explanation!”

“As for the person who took over… if he didn’t have those things, even if he took over here, he would take over for nothing! Hehehe…”

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly, went around in a big circle, and came to the back of the shop.

Behind the shop is a strong load-bearing wall, but on the second floor there is a window with an anti-theft guardrail!

Seeing that window, Zhang Tianzong thought to himself: Mother! Chen Yunsong is really awesome, he is still a professional thief!

Even the fierce Zheng Weide is only his registered student, he really underestimated him before!

I am really puzzled too! What age is this, the skill of prying doors and pressing locks can still be passed down!

Is it for the professional unlocking master? Uh… and only this profession is formal…

Why! Anyway, after I learned these ways, it was really useful to me!

No wonder my real cheap Master Nine Cauldrons said that there is no rubbish, there are only rubbish men! This is not false at all!

Um! It seems that in the future, the way of dealing with people and the way of seeing people have to be changed…

After hesitating for a while, it was also to observe the surrounding movement and make sure that no one was around, and no one noticed this dark corner.

Bend down and picked up two leaves from the ground.

“Huh! Huh!”

Two leaves fly out at the same time!

Since cultivation to the “invisible and invisible” Realm, it is no longer limited to what weapons to use!

It can be said that Zhang Tianzong can kill people invisible! Anything can be used as a weapon!

Of course, when really fighting against the enemy, especially when the opponent is also a master, the role of the weapon is highlighted!

Therefore, the importance of weapons cannot be ignored!

When two leaves fell gently on the ground, the two wires that had been hidden on the side of the guardrail had already been cut!

It turns out that the anti-theft fence is energized. If you don’t cut the wire, you can’t touch it easily.

He put on masks, gloves, shoe covers and other cover-up equipment, and flew up vigorously under his feet!

My hands grabbed the barrier naturally! Then he bent the two adjacent railings continuously.

Flip again with one hand and start with the long and narrow dagger!

The thin blade stretched in along the edge of the window, peeled off the lock of the window, and opened the window!

After entering through the window, Zhang Tianzong jumped directly onto the floor of the second floor.

He turned his hand back and closed the window gently, leaving a small gap that was not closed tightly so that he could move easily when he went out later!

“Slap! Slap!”

After two crisp spring sounds, the main switches in the main and backup boxes were closed.

All the power supply systems in the entire house are all paralyzed! All monitoring systems have failed!

Whether there is light or not is the same for Zhang Tianzong, and it doesn’t affect his visual ability at all!

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly and glanced around with his eyes.

Shelves are placed on the entire second floor with various outdoor wear, sportswear and sportswear for men and women.

Most of them are camouflage uniforms, sportswear, and mountaineering suits of various styles and versions.

There are also two large rows of shelves, displaying various sports shoes, hiking shoes, and various hats and outdoor backpacks.

There is also a storage warehouse and fitting room in the innermost part. The stocks in the warehouse are similar to those on the shelves!

Judging from the quantity of these goods, the stores closed hurriedly, and there is no prior knowledge.

Otherwise, if you know that you are about to close down, according to the usual practice, you will not stock up so many more goods, and will even use discounts for big sale clearance promotions…

Passing by the cash register on the second floor, walked down the stairs to the first floor.

There is a conventional pattern under the stairs, which is a bathroom built on the shape of the stairs.

On the first floor are all kinds of fitness equipment, sports equipment, sporting goods and necessary equipment for outdoor camping, as well as fishing gear and other items. The house is full of piles!

There are four rooms on the far left. The door of the rooms is also posted with reminders. One is the general manager’s office, a store manager’s office, and a cloak audition room, which is also the fitting room. Next to the fitting room is the storeroom. !

It’s such a nearly perfect commercial layout, it’s such a one who looks at the booming business, just like jumping off a cliff…

Otherwise, there is always an old saying that the right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life!

In life, you can be worthy of the sky, the earth will be worthy, and your parents will be worthy of the middle!

If you embark on the path of crime regardless of anything, no matter how well you pretend, you will eventually receive a just trial!

Even if there is no absolute right or wrong in this world, at least you have to be worthy of your own conscience!

Only by having a clear conscience can there be no regrets and no regrets! Only to stand upright and be a man!

Seeing this situation, Zhang Tianzong was inexplicably melancholy and sad!

Since he really started the company, he realized how difficult it is to do business. It was a pity that he was so blinded by seeing such a good business…

He stabilized his mind and walked straight to the general manager’s office.

After mastering the memories of Zheng Weide and Chen Yunsong one after another, even if they don’t want to learn, the ability to open the door and pick the lock can be regarded as a master!

What’s more, he has already mastered the Hidden Weapons and formation.

No matter how sophisticated the structure of a mechanical lock like this is, it cannot be more perfect than Hidden Weapons!

After entering the house effortlessly, gently push open the large and heavy desk in the house, and then pry open the solid wood floor below, an electronic code lock is exposed!

A UPS system is installed inside this code lock. The so-called UPS system is also called uninterruptible power supply. It is a system composed of a battery and a power inverter. Once the power fails, it can guarantee automatic power supply!

“Da da da……”

After pressing a series of passwords.

“Click! Wow…”

There was a sound of gear biting, and the floor in the middle of the house gradually dented downward!

Only less than twenty seconds later, a descending stairway with a length of two meters and a width of two meters appeared!

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly and walked inside…

——To be continued——

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