Village Doctor.

Chapter 240

Chapter 240: He Is The Officially Approved Person

“Husband! What is going on in such a hurry? Who is injured?”

Sitting in the car, Liu Hongxiu asked with some worry.

“The specific situation is not clear yet. Uncle Wang Hui did not elaborate. He only said that someone was seriously injured and dying and needed my rescue!”

“Oh, it turned out that Uncle Wang Hui asked for help…Huh? No! Didn’t Wang Hanwei’s private hospital be a bone disease specialist? And the hospital is still in such a remote place in the western suburbs!”

“If it’s a severely injured patient, why should I send it there? Are there emergency conditions for critically ill patients in that private hospital?”

“Um… what you said makes sense! I’ll call and ask again!”

Hearing this, Zhang Tianzong was also very puzzled, and hurriedly dialed Wang Hui’s mobile number again.

“Tianzong! Where are you now? We are going to Hongyun Orthopedic Hospital soon!”

“It’s already halfway there. It will take about seven or eight minutes to arrive! I want to ask you a question. Don’t you know the medical conditions of that private hospital? Why do you have to send it there?”

“If it’s just a simple fracture or other injury, the doctor there should be able to handle it properly. But according to what you said, the hospital does not have the conditions for rescue…”

“You think I want to send them there! It’s not because of being close! To tell you the truth, just half an hour ago, we successfully blocked the landlord Chen Yunsong in a village resident’s house!”

“But that kid led a group of people to resist, and there was a fierce gun battle! Unexpectedly, when the kid saw that the situation was gone, he actually detonated the explosives that had been buried long ago!”

“Furthermore, the power of the explosion was astonishing, and all the houses were flattened! Several houses in the surrounding area were also affected very seriously!”

“Three of our comrades died on the spot! The current situation is that four people were seriously injured! More than ten were slightly injured! Among them, the host, Chen Yunsong, was dying, but not dead!”

“You should know his value, so you must save him! The three seriously injured comrades must also be saved for me! Must!”

“Oh oh oh! I see! If you arrive first, please have the doctor there do a preliminary debridement and hemostatic treatment.”

“Then do a blood type analysis, and those who need a blood transfusion will be transfused immediately! As long as the patient is breathing, I can save them! Even if it is really impossible to save, I can let you get what you want!”

“Okay! What you want! By the way, I just received the report. Captain Xu Yueping has already arrived at the KTV! All those people have been arrested and brought to justice!”

“However, your kid is very ruthless! Lin Hu and Zhao Wenbin are still in a coma until now, how can Captain Xu interrogate them!”

“Hehehe… Then let Captain Xu send them to Hongyun Hospital, it’s just a matter of flicking!”

“Their injuries looked serious, but they weren’t fatal at all. They wouldn’t die even if no one cares about them! Their illnesses can be cured!”

“Uh… let’s do it! Let’s do this first, we are already at the door of the hospital!”

After hanging up, Zhang Tianzong hurriedly called Wang Hanwei again and asked him to immediately contact the doctor in the hospital to do a good job of reception.

Knowing that Wang Hanwei had already called and notified the end, I felt a lot of peace in my heart…

“Husband! Just now when I called, I heard that someone named Lin Hu and Zhao Wenbin was beaten by you? That Zhao Wenbin wouldn’t be…”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly, nodded and said, “Yes! That’s him! That kid doesn’t open his eyes! I’ve scrapped! As for that Lin Hu, martial arts is lost! It’s worse than scrapping!”

“Huh? It’s troublesome now! If you let your uncle know, you will have to ask the teacher! You…how far did you scrap him? Can you recover it?”

“Uh…Two legs are broken. If I took the shot myself, I can still connect them. It will definitely not affect walking or running. It’s just…heh, his egg was kicked by me!”

“It took too long for that thing to leave his body. Even if it is stitched up, it is useless. At most, there is still a polished rod that will never recover! Hehehe…It will take a long time in the future, maybe you can have more than one cousin! ”

“Hey, let me go! This…”

“Don’t worry! Your uncle won’t blame me!”

“Huh? What does this mean?”

“Actually… that kid Zhao Wenbin is already on the police list for arrest! Remember when I told you that there was a man named Zheng Dewei who wanted to kill me?”

“Remember, of course! Anyone who dares to kill you is our mortal enemy! Must remember!”

“Well! I have seized several USB flash drives from his residence, and there are live videos of Zhao Wenbin’s crimes in that USB flash drive!”

“That kid has beaten three people crippledly. One of them was kicked and exploded! I kicked his egg and exploded. For this reason, it’s called a pay for a pay!”

“To be honest, if he doesn’t take the initiative to provoke me, I really don’t want to touch him. It’s enough for the police to think about him…”

“Tell you the truth, he has been lurking by your uncle’s side for a long time! As for the specific purpose, it is not easy to say at the moment.”

“Although the police have long wanted to catch him, but in order to avoid being stunned, and also to put a long line to catch the big fish Chen Yunsong, they have not moved him for the time being!”

“However, in order to obtain more information. Some time ago, I was entrusted by Uncle Wang Hui to find a reason to have some conflict with him, and then use this excuse to arrest him! So as not to doubt the people behind him.”

“I just didn’t expect that the real breakthrough came with Qian Zhanbo, the new general manager of Hongyun Restaurant! It’s a coincidence!”

“Stop! You’ll talk later, listen to what you mean… Doesn’t Uncle already know about this?”

“Yes! Although my uncle and I have never met, we have talked on the phone several times through the introduction of Uncle Wang Hui and Director Yuan Zhiqiang! He also gave me some ideas, thinking about making one. The opportunity allowed me to contact Zhao Wenbin!”

“However, I didn’t expect to meet him unexpectedly when I went to the mall to buy things today. To be honest, I wanted to fight him at the time!”

“But there are too many customers eating in the food court of the mall, and the seats are too close. I was afraid that innocent people would be injured by mistake, so I didn’t implement that plan!”

“What I didn’t expect was that I caught the opportunity to fight him so quickly! You say, is this God’s will!”

“Hey, let me go! So there are so many secrets? But… why don’t you tell me?”

Zhang Tian shook his head and said: “I really didn’t want to hide anything from you, but considering that Zhao Wenbin often hangs around your uncle and is your uncle’s godson, he knows everyone around your uncle very well.”

“If you know about this matter, in case something is missed, let him realize the truth, it will be difficult to handle!”

“For things like this that require secret operations, no matter where an error occurs, it will end up losing all the games, and even if one fails, it will get mad!”

“Oh oh oh! I get it! No wonder Uncle pampers him so much! It turns out he was fishing for a big fish on a long line! This doesn’t mean you are raising pigs, you start slaughtering when you are fattened!”

“Yes! Hahaha… And as far as I know, the identity of uncle is not as simple as it seems. He has a very deep cooperation with the police! If I guess right, there are many things that even your mother might not be able to do. knowledge……”

“Is there anything else? Hiss…”

Liu Hongxiu frowned deeply.

At this moment, the car had been parked in the parking space of Hongyun Orthopedic Hospital.

Zhang Tianzong raised his head and glanced at this five-story private hospital, looking very grand!

The first floor has outpatient, emergency, pharmacy, payment registration office and disposal room, and the second floor is the imaging department and various examination rooms.

The third and fourth floors are the inpatient ward, nurse station, doctor’s rest area, etc., and the fifth floor is the operating room and case file storage room, as well as the hospital leadership office area and conference room…

“Tian Zong! You are here! Hurry! Follow me quickly!”

Wang Hui was waiting anxiously at the entrance of the hospital, when Zhang Tianzong came and hurriedly shouted.

“Yeah! Coming!”

Zhang Tianzong walked forward in a hurry, and said as he walked: “Han Wei, you lead someone to do the coordination work! Hong Xiu, you will be my assistant!”

“Yes! Mr. Zhang!”

“good husband!”

Before he had time to talk to Wang Hui more, Zhang Tianzong followed him straight to the emergency room.

“Mr. Wang! You are here!”

A middle-aged man with glasses ran over when he saw Wang Hanwei coming.

He is the director of Hongyun Orthopedic Hospital, Zhou Zhiming.

The director of a private hospital only needs to be responsible to the boss alone! So his power is still relatively large.

However, the director of a private hospital is not so good. He must be a talented person with outstanding comprehensive abilities in all aspects.

“Yeah! Dean Zhou, what’s the specific situation?”

“Mr. Wang! The situation is not optimistic! Those lightly wounded are easier to handle, but there are four seriously injured! Their internal organs have been damaged to varying degrees, even ruptured! Life is hanging by a thread!”

“From the current situation, the patient’s injury has seriously exceeded the scope of our orthopedics treatment, do you think… is it considering transferring to another hospital? Or is it temporarily asking other hospitals to send professional doctors to come for rescue?”

Wang Hanwei frowned and said, “The professional doctor has come! Have you seen that person? You must cooperate with him! No matter what he asks you to do, you must obey unconditionally!”

“Ah? That young man? President Wang, is this too sloppy? We can’t bear this responsibility! Look at this group of people, they are all official!”

“Yeah! I know! You don’t have to have any psychological burden. To tell you the truth, this young doctor is an official recognized person! Even if there is any mistake, you are not responsible. As long as you cooperate fully. NS!”

“Oh oh oh! That’s good, that’s good! I know what to do!”

“Yeah! Let’s go over and take a look!”

“Okay! Please come with me!”

——To be continued——

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