Village Doctor.

Chapter 223

Chapter 223-I Just Want to Be a Handbag

After three days of bombing propaganda, people in Shiliba Village have heard that the “Tianzong Chinese Medicinal Material Planting Base” is about to recruit new employees!

Today happens to be the day when the recruitment interview conference is held! Yan Ke quickly entered the role and became the main interviewer!

Professional is professional. With her in the company, Zhang Tianzong has really relaxed a lot! There are many things that you don’t have to do yourself.

As long as she is assigned a task, she can always complete the task quickly and perfectly, and can make further adjustments and long-term plans! It is definitely material for “military divisions” and “strong generals”!

Especially for things like operating a company and human resources deployment, she can handle things quickly and handily.

And in terms of getting along with employees, we can also be treated with courtesy, fairness and justice! It can be said that she is a very comprehensive talent!

It is particularly worth mentioning that Pan Runlong’s Little Sister Pan Jiayi and her husband Dong Shengli.

These two were new employees that Zhang Tianzong had appointed on their own for a long time, so there was no need to attend the interview meeting. They were led directly to Zhang Tianzong by Pan Runlong.

Both Pan Jiayi and Dong Shengli were from Liushu Town, but his home was a little farther away from the town, about ten miles away.

It belongs to a subordinate village in the town, and the village name is Liudaogangzi Village.

When Pan Runlong told their husband and wife that the company would recruit new employees and talked about salary, Pan Jiayi was so happy!

Apart from other things, the company is only ten miles away from his home, and it takes about ten minutes to get to the unit by riding an electric bike.

I can go home after work at night to take care of the things at home, and the salary and benefits are so high, where can I find such a good thing!

Pan Jiayi didn’t say anything, and immediately agreed!

However, after Pan Runlong’s detailed introduction, Zhang Tianzong realized that there was still something wrong.

It turned out that Little Sister and his brother-in-law had met in the same restaurant where they worked in the county.

At that time, Pan Jiayi was a waiter and Dong Shengli was the chef of the back kitchen. After spending a long time together, they knew each other and fell in love.

Now their children are two years old, and the relationship between their husband and wife is relatively happy.

Now that they come to work in the company, the children can only be entrusted to their grandparents to take care of them…

However, after detailed communication and understanding, especially when it comes to more personal matters, it is surprising.

Originally, after they got married, they still worked together in that restaurant. Although they were not very rich in their small days, they could guarantee that they would not worry about food and drink, and had small surpluses.

Later, Pan Jiayi got pregnant by accident, and her parents had long been looking forward to holding her grandson. He was very happy to hear the news.

Immediately, in a tone that was almost commanding, the daughter-in-law gave up work and went home to have a baby, and their elders were responsible for taking care of the pregnant women.

As soon as the couple discussed it, the two elders were out of good intentions, and both of them also wanted the child. Then follow the arrangements of the parents and let Pan Jiayi go home and raise a baby with peace of mind!

Therefore, Dong Shengli was left alone and then worked in the hotel to earn money.

However, never thought of it!

Not long after the child’s full moon, Dong Shengli broke his leg and hip in a car accident!

The disaster that fell from the sky suddenly came upon him! This is something that no one thought of.

Although the driver who caused the accident took all the responsibilities and medical expenses, Dong Shengli’s body has not been fully recovered, and at the same time a very serious root cause has been left behind!

So that after that, as long as you stand for a long time, you will feel very strenuous, and gradually you will find that you can no longer do the heavy work.

In this way, I had no choice but to choose to go home and earn a living from farming.

Only relying on the little rations at home to maintain life, the life at home will pass tightly after a long time…

After learning of this situation, Zhang Tianzong took the treatment at the first time!

Speaking of, Dong Shengli’s condition is quite serious, it is due to chronic femoral head necrosis after trauma!

This disease will not only bring him painful torture, but also greatly affect the quality of life!

If it continues to develop further, it can only be surgical replacement of the artificially synthesized femoral head!

Let’s not talk about whether transplantation of the artificial synthetic femoral head can completely solve the problem, just to say that the treatment cost is not his family can afford!

Fortunately, Zhang Tianzong’s hand was rejuvenated. It took only ten minutes and five silver needles to completely cure his illness!

Seeing this situation, Pan Jiayi was very excited and said: “Big brother! Thank you so much! When you held a free clinic some time ago, I discussed let him come and have a look.”

“But he just said that the disease was not healed, so he gave up the treatment! His stubborn energy is like a stubborn donkey! No one will listen to you! You say annoying but not annoying!”

“Yeah!” Pan Runlong said with a smile: “I have told my brother-in-law many times! I told him that the disease in my father’s head can be cured, and he is just such a small problem! ”

“But, he just doesn’t believe it! Humph! I don’t know if he is used to the feeling of suffering, or he wants to leave the root of the disease and use it to relieve boredom. I don’t know why he is thinking about it, but he doesn’t listen to persuasion!”

“Hehehe…” Dong Shengli scratched his head very embarrassedly and said: “I…I was also scared of being pitted. In the past few years, once I heard that my disease could be cured, I rushed there. !”

“It went back and forth, the money was not spent less, the crime was not less suffered, but it was not effective at all, and the more the cure, the heavier! Over this long period of time, I was a little bit self-defeating, and there was no cure anymore. Feeling up.”

“I was thinking about which day I could live, and I don’t want to drag my family anymore… If Jiayi didn’t force me to come over again and again this time, I…I’m not in the mood to come out and work. NS……”

“Hey! Owner, you! You still didn’t want to understand! Do you think I’m really willing to let you drag your body to work? My original intention was to come to work alone!”

“The reason for forcing you to come over is to use this excuse to take you to the doctor! Take a look at your stupidity! Cut!”

“Ah? Oh, oh, I understand! Hehehe…I blame me for being too stubborn! If you listen to you earlier, you won’t suffer so many sins, and you will worry about it all day long…”

“Forget it! The bones are better than anything else! As long as we are both healthy and healthy, there will be hope for our family’s life in the future!”

“Yeah…Finally there is hope!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and nodded and said, “Brother-in-law, are you in a better mood now? Are you in the mood to go to work this time?”

“Of course! It’s easy to use, who wants to eat together and wait for death!”

“That’s good! Now that this has been said, let’s talk about going to work in my company!”

Dong Shengli suddenly looked very serious and said, “Big brother, if you cured my illness, it is tantamount to saving my dying heart! This life-saving grace will never be forgotten!”

“As an employee, I’ll call you Mr. Zhang! Just tell me, I will do whatever you ask me to do! Even if it is to let me go up and down the fire, I have nothing to say!”

“As long as you don’t dislike it, I will work for you in this life! It doesn’t matter if you pay or not, as long as you have a mouthful of food!”

“Hahaha…Okay! It’s a man, refreshing enough! That… Brother-in-law, Victory, have you left behind your chef’s skills? Can you still pick it up?”

“No problem! I learned the craft since I graduated from junior high school at the age of fifteen. At the age of twenty-five, I officially became an apprentice and became a self-employed student. I have been a boy of ten years.

“Don’t tell the truth, don’t look at my body in the past few years, but your sister has never cooked a meal at home, it was all in charge of me!”

“That’s true!” Pan Runlong said with a smile: “My brother-in-law is good! Knowing that he loves his daughter-in-law, he never pretends to be an uncle at home!”

“He does all the work at home! And ah, my brother-in-law’s craftsmanship is really not bad, you will know if you try!”

“That’s fine! Then give it a try! Today’s lunch is yours! If everyone agrees on your craftsmanship, brother-in-law Shengli will be the chef of our cafeteria!”

“Sister Pan, you can help your brother-in-law, your husband and wife stay in the cafeteria to work, and it is more convenient to commute to and from work at the same time!”

“If you look back on hiring a vegetable chopping chef, and then hiring an employee who is responsible for washing dishes and cleaning, the cafeteria will have all the staff!”

“In this case… Sister-in-law Yu Yaping can free up her hands to take care of the management of the canteen and the grocery shopping service! I will give her sister-in-law a special electric tricycle as a special car for grocery shopping!”

“Sister Pan, you can do one more job. Sister-in-law goes out to buy vegetables, sell meat, buy various spices and so on, you go and help out with you!”

“no problem!”

Yu Yaping, Pan Jiayi and Dong Shengli responded loudly at the same time.

“Okay! Sister-in-law Yaping, take them to the kitchen and prepare. If you are short of anything, you can make an order in time! Then you can report to Manager Ma and Tian Rui. After you sign, Manager Ma will take the money and buy it directly!”

“I understand! Don’t worry! It’s guaranteed!”


About an hour and a half later, Ma Honglian and Yan Ke walked over with a smile.

Yan Ke took a folder and handed it to Zhang Tianzong and said, “This is the list of officially hired employees and the archived personal information, please look at Mr. Zhang!”

Zhang Tian shook his head and said, “You two will do it, I won’t watch it! If something goes wrong, I will directly ask you two to be held accountable!”

The two of them were taken aback for a moment, and Yan Ke said with a smile: “Sure enough, as the boss, the tone of speech is different! That’s OK! That’s all for this matter! Me and President Ma will be responsible for the end!”

“Yes!” Ma Honglian said firmly: “We hired the staff. If something goes wrong, we should be responsible for it!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly and said, “Actually…I just want to be a hand-scraper! Hehehe…”

“Remember to call me during dinner. I changed to a professional chef today. I have to taste it! You are busy. I will go to the clinic and become my doctor of Chinese medicine! Hahaha…”

Yan Ke and Ma Honglian looked at the back of Zhang Tianzong who was leaving, and at the same time they smiled bitterly at each other and shook their heads.

——To be continued——

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