Village Doctor.

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

“Wow! It’s so beautiful here! Looking around, a green view! The air is so fresh! Wow! The buildings over there are so magnificent! This… is this where you come every time you disappear?”

“Um! Yes! This is called Dongtianfudi! You can think of it as a special space I carry with me! I can come and go freely anytime, anywhere, at will!”

“Take it with you? My god! This…husband! Take me around, I want to see what it looks like here! Hehehe…”

“Okay! I’ll take you to my lounge first! There is also a practice area over there, and you can practice there in the future! I will show you all the places later! Go, let’s talk while walking Bar……”

“Oh oh oh! Okay!”

After two hours in Dongtianfudi, Zhang Tianzong finally said what he was holding in his heart without concealing it…

“Daughter-in-law, this is why I keep hiding from you! Here, I am the master! I am the god! Everything here is my personal belongings! No creature can go against my will!”

“Therefore… after I bring you in, you will be part of this space! Correspondingly, you have also become my personal belongings!”

“Although I don’t want to say that, it has become a reality! The moment you set foot on this land, you no longer belong to you! Hongxiu, I’m sorry…”

Liu Hongxiu gently covered his mouth and said with a smile: “Husband! I am your daughter-in-law! The name “daughter-in-law” is originally for private use! This is no different from private property or private property!”

“But, hearing what you say…I really have a very special feeling! From the moment I came here, I found that the distance between me and you was a little closer! My attachment to you The feeling has increased again!”

“I do feel that kind of unrestrained worship and…husband! I have a terrible thought, I want to turn myself into blood, and then fly into your veins to merge with you! Husband! I…I Suddenly I found that I can’t do without you for a moment!”

“Hey! This is the power of special rules! Moreover, this kind of restriction is also effective for me! We will never be able to separate!”

“Oh oh oh! Special restrictions… yeah! This is a good thing! This is much more useful than a marriage certificate! You can’t live without me, I can’t live without you! How wonderful this is!”

“Hahaha… let’s say that, it’s really the same thing! Hmm! If I think so, I can feel better in my heart. Otherwise I always feel a sense of guilt, I really don’t want to use this Control your heart in this way…”

“Hey! I finally understand!” Liu Hongxiu waved her hand and said, “Husband! We are a husband and wife! We share the hardships and share the difficulties together!”

“You really don’t have to think like this! Everything I own has long been yours! It’s really good now!”

“Having a wife like this, this is the blessing of my life! If I had known this result, I would have brought you here! I worried you for so long! I…”

Before Zhang Tianzong finished speaking, Liu Hongxiu kissed his lips and stopped him from speaking…

After a long time, Liu Hongxiu said with a smile: “Husband! Now I finally know what it feels like to be connected and in harmony! Now I am happier than ever before!”

“Because from now on, we two are truly indifferent to each other! You have me in your soul, and you in my soul!”Zhang Tianzong nodded and said, “Yes! From now on, no matter where we are, as long as we are in the same space, we can feel each other’s existence!”

“Wait a moment, I will teach you a set of soul-idea communication skills, also called idea-to-phonetics! We can communicate completely with soul ideas without talking!”

“As long as we learn this set of spells, within a range of 500 meters, we can fully realize what we want to know about each other! When your Cultivation Base Realm Ascension is available in the future, this range will be expanded!”

“What?” Liu Hongxiu said in surprise: “You mean…As long as it’s within 500 meters, you will know what I’m thinking right away?”

“Yeah! Yes! But there is one special place, and that is the Immortal Cave world! As long as we are here at the same time, no matter how far you go, I will know what you are thinking.”

“Ah? Then… Then can I know what you want?”

“Um…Daughter, I don’t want to lie to you! To tell you the truth, you can only feel my thoughts when I deliberately want you to know something!”

“You can’t actively probe what I think in my heart, you can only passively receive the sound transmission message, and at most you can feel my existence. Fortunately, no matter how far away, this mutual induction always exists…”

“For example, this thing is a bit like a radio! It is the output frequency band in the opposite direction. Only when the distance is right, it can become a walkie-talkie. This is the restriction of the rules, and I can’t change it. Sorry… ”

“Wow! Enough! Enough! Wow! Hurry up and teach me! Hurry up!”

“Hahaha… want to be fast? Of course it will be fast! But you have to be mentally prepared. This spell involves the realm of spirit. It will be a headache to learn…”

“I’m not afraid! I want to learn!”

“Okay then! Close your eyes, here comes!”

Zhang Tianzong stretched out the index finger of his right hand and tapped it gently on the center of her eyebrows. A lot of knowledge poured into Liu Hongxiu’s mind!

Liu Hongxiu frowned immediately, and she persisted for less than five seconds before she was unconscious…

Zhang Tianzong hugged her in his arms, making her fall asleep comfortably, asleep…

Gradually, Liu Hongxiu opened his eyes.

When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Zhang Tianzong’s familiar face, she suddenly smiled!

The smile is very sweet, very sweet…

“Husband! It feels so good that you can see you when you open your eyes!”

Zhang Tianzong lowered his head and looked at her affectionately, and smiled softly.

“Hehehe…why are you looking at me like this? Are there flowers on my face?”

“Hehehe…there is no flower on my face, but there is a blooming flower on my forehead! It’s so beautiful and beautiful!”

“Net deception!”

“I didn’t lie to you! If you don’t believe me, see for yourself!”

Zhang Tianzong flipped over with one hand, and a small mirror appeared in his hand.

Seeing Zhang Tianzong really took out a mirror, Liu Hongxiu stretched out her hand suspiciously and pointed the mirror at herself.

“Ah! Really… there are flowers!”

“Does it look good?”

“Um… it looks pretty. Wow! Look carefully, it looks like a real flower! Is this a peony flower? Ah! Why can’t this be wiped off? Could it be…you fell asleep while I was asleep? When was it tattooed?”

“But, even if you like to look at my tattoo, you have to change it to a more concealed place! Even if it is tattooed on my neck, I can cover it with a scarf.”

“The tattoo is in this place now, even if you wear a hat, you can’t stop it! This…if this goes out, how can you see people?”

“How can this be done? Can it be removed? My god! Isn’t this disfigured! Do you really like me to be like this?”

“Hahaha… this is not a tattoo! This is a unique logo! It is a logo recognized by the world! After you leave here, this logo will automatically disappear! Others can’t see it!”

“Will it disappear automatically? The sign? What do you mean?”

“Peony, the king of flowers! I can proudly tell you that I am the lord of the heaven and the blessed land! You are the king of the flowers! There is a little difference between the lord and the king! Just that little bit! I understand! Yet?”

“Huh? This… eh? So I’m the hostess here?”

“Yeah! That’s almost what it meant!”

“Huh? Hiss…I understand! The main word is a little short, and that is the king! I am the queen in this cave of heaven!”

“Yes! That’s what it means! Hahaha… Let’s go, my dear Queen! I will take you to meet your subjects!”

“Subjects? Um… Are you talking about the six elves? Wow! Good! I’m just trying to see what the elves look like!”

After all the secrets were disclosed, plus the approval of the space rules! Zhang Tianzong and Liu Hongxiu are more intimate and inseparable!

“Subordinates pay homage to the master!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and said, “I will introduce you to you! This is my wife, Liu Hongxiu!”

“Subordinates pay homage to the mistress!”

“No…no gift!” Liu Hongxiu stared at Zhang Tianzong with wide eyes, using his mind to transmit his voice: “Is it okay for me to say that?”

Zhang Tianzong nodded lightly, and held her small waist tightly in his arms.

“Thank you, Madam!”

“Husband! They call me adults! Hehehe…”

“Yeah! The adults are the title, which means you have the right to order them to do things, but…”

“Husband, needless to say. I understand! I won’t order them to do things at will…”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and nodded, and said with a smile: “Hong Xiu just came here, and I am not familiar with it. You all introduce yourself and get to know each other!”

“Subordinates obey! Your mistress! My name is Mu Yiyi! I am a wood spirit!”

“My name is Mu Shuangshuang! I am also a Wood Elf! My name is…”

After some introduction, Liu Hongxiu got in touch with them and chatted happily…

Zhang Tianzong looked at them with a smile, and looked around, there was a thriving elephant in the heaven and the blessed land!

The cow is fat and the horse is strong! The sheep are running everywhere!

There is no bare ground anymore, it’s all green grass! I feel the aroma is tangy with every breath!


The peaceful spring erupted again!

“Huh? Could it be…”

Zhang Tianzong’s eyes lit up, and he was very surprised and said loudly, “Hongxiu! Sister Ma and they all said that you have a strong husband! Now it seems that you are not fake at all! You have just arrived in Dongtianfudi, and you must have a new one. The elves are born!”

“Ah? Really? Wow! Where? Show me quickly!”

“Okay! Follow me!”

At the same time, three wood elves, two golden elves and a fire elves ran over at the same time!

All of them are standing near Lingquan, waiting for the most exciting moment!

——To be continued——

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