Village Doctor.

Chapter 191

Chapter 191

Fang Long waved his hand and interrupted Wang Hui’s words and said: “This matter has nothing to do with you, this is my own choice! After I chose to accept the task and retire directly, I never thought about whether I could go back. ”

“It’s a pity… the brothers who followed me, they are the hardest people! These years, they have been treated as punks by outsiders, and even their family members can’t raise their heads…”

“Later, I finally got better! After meeting Boss Gao, he not only helped me open a security company with money, but he also supported our actions at all costs and did a lot of great things for us!”

“Until now, he himself has ended up alone, and he doesn’t even dare to stay with his children. He is the most impartial person! He is the one worthy of our admiration!”

Yuan Zhiqiang nodded and said: “Boss Gao is indeed a high-end and bright festival! We all admire it deeply! If it weren’t for the disclosure, I would all like to apply for a Best Citizen Award and Special Contribution Award for you!”

“No, no, no!” Gao Jichen hurriedly waved his hand and said, “I’m just a big boss! Without the good policies of the country and the party, can I have today?”

“Don’t look at my current mix of five people and six people, and I have some bad money in my hands. But my family was very poor when I was young, and I had to work as a part-time worker when I was very young.”

“At that time, I also had a dream of joining the army and defending my country! Unfortunately, due to various practical reasons that I cannot get rid of, I have been unable to realize this dream…”

“Since I met Aaron, I didn’t expect that I could make a meager contribution to the country when I grow old! This is a great blessing in my life! I will be able to make a big contribution someday before I die. Shout out. No regrets in this life!”

“It’s just that, with Aaron’s skill and talent, now nestling next to me as a bodyguard is a bit too shameless! But every time I mention this to him, hey! He always…”

Fang Long said: “Boss Gao! Protecting you is also one of my tasks! You know, in the past ten years, there have been many big bosses, scientists, pharmacists and other famous people who died inexplicably. Not in the minority!”

“We must never allow this to happen again! Selfless people like you deserve better and more comprehensive protection! Otherwise, what is the use of those of us!”

“Yes! Aaron is too right!” Wang Hui nodded and said: “Boss Gao! Don’t say anything, you can steadfastly let Aaron stay by your side, so that we can also extract more. The energy to deal with those black hands hidden behind the scenes!”

“Good, good! As long as it is helpful to your work, I will do my best to support it! There is nothing left to say, just two words, spell it out!”

After these words that were a bit biased towards praise and greetings, the four of them fell into a stalemate again…

After being silent for about half a minute, Yuan Zhiqiang suddenly said, “How much do you three know about that Zhang Tianzong? I always think he has a lot of doubts!”

“Oh, it might be a bit inappropriate to say that, I think he has a lot of unusual things! Take this case for example! The car was shot through, and he was still unscathed!”

“There is also the person named Zheng Weide. After the authoritative experts in the Department of Neurosurgery and Neurology have identified him, he found that there is no injury on the inside or outside of his head! How did he become dementia?”

“There are also traumas to the four of them! Obviously they have broken their arms and legs! Even their hands have been penetrated by nails! However, no medical equipment can detect it!”

“Such a serious injury, but only some epidermal injuries can be seen with the naked eye! This…this is amazing, right? The magic is a little unexplainable! You help me analyze and analyze what is going on?”

Fang Long smiled and said, “I should be able to explain this problem! See what it is!”


Fang Long took out an object from his pocket and put it on the coffee table. The other three people immediately stared at the object intently…

“Isn’t this a bullet? What’s weird?”

“Yes! It’s a bullet! To be precise, it is a bullet that was split by a sharp blade! You see, it is not complete!”


Fang Long stretched out his finger and touched it lightly, and a complete bullet was instantly split in half and fell on both sides!

Fang Long went on to say: “You have all seen what Tianzong’s car has become. But there is one thing you can’t see, that is this kind of bullet!”

“Because he had found and hid all the bullets before you came! And the one in my hand was stepped on my feet accidentally, so he was not found!”

“I can tell you very responsibly that this was split with a knife! And it is definitely an unusually sharp, unusually hard knife! It must be a very thin knife!”

“I can say responsibly that the thickness of the knife should be the same as that of a scalpel or art wallpaper knife!”


The other three took a breath at the same time.

“How is this possible? This is a bullet flying at high speed! Although it cannot be ignored that the bullet entered the car body first, it will indeed be slowed down by the car body to a certain amount of speed and strength!”

“But with a knife? And still that kind of extremely thin knife? Can that kind of knife withstand such a big impact?” Yuan Zhiqiang asked suspiciously.

“Good question!” Fang Long said with a more serious expression: “This is the key! This is enough to show that Tianzong has a Divine Armament weapon!”

“However, even if you have a Divine Armament weapon, you must have the corresponding ability to achieve the magical feat of knife splitting bullets!”

“This is not just a question of weapons, it is a question of personal strength! In other words, Tianzong is definitely a master of masters!”

“It’s even possible to be a super master in a super master! Judging from my experience, his overall rating is at least 5S!”

“What? How is this possible!” Wang Hui said in shock: “Golden Dragon God of War Ding Zhiming, his force rating rating is 4S+, even if it is a comprehensive rating, it is only quasi 5S! That’s not it! Reach the real 5S level!”

“Let’s talk about his four apprentices, Zhang Shizhu, Wang Jun, Liang Ning, and Lin Yingying, which one is not a martial arts genius? They barely reach the 2S level, right? How old is Tianzong this year? Even if he has a very high martial arts talent , Even if he practiced martial arts since childhood, this is impossible!”

Fang Long shook his head and smiled and said, “You are talking about the old calendar! Zhang Shizhu, the big apprentice of his old man, is already 3S level! Moreover, his son Ding Fengshan has reached 2S level!”

“Even his little daughter, Ding Qian, has also been promoted to S rank! What I said is pure strength. If it is comprehensively assessed, the rank will definitely be higher!”

“My God! This is really a seven-skilled talent!” Wang Hui said with emotion: “Old Ding has cultivated a large number of talents for the country! It is really admirable! Oh, yes! You are also a disciple of Old Ding. You have a say in this matter…”

Fang Long shook his head and said, “My ability is not worth mentioning! I can’t compare with the disciples who enter the room. I’m just a named disciple.”

“But I really know Ding Lao! After all, I have been with his old man for five years!”

“As far as I know, his old man can also split bullets! But he can only split two or three bullets in a row in an open environment!”

“Strictly speaking, his old man used the cutting method, not the cutting method! Because he used a sword instead of a knife. So the cut bullet is a stubble, not like this vertical split from the middle. !”

“Don’t think that this is just an angle of the entry point. The entry point of the oblique stubble has a very serious drawback! Because the oblique method cannot fully change the direction of the bullet.”

“So there must be enough shelter space to avoid being injured by stray bullets! However, a bullet that is struck vertically from the middle will surely fly like two sides!”

“If it is in such a small cab like Tianzong, especially when bullets are flying in densely, I am afraid his old man will not be able to do it! That’s why I concluded that Tianzong should be 5S! ”

“But when I saw another thing, I found out that I was wrong! And it seriously underestimated the strength of Tianzong! His comprehensive ability should be above the 5S level!”

“whats the matter!”

The three asked in unison!

“That’s… the real reason why Zheng Weide became a fool! When I rushed to the scene, Zheng Weide was still sober. Tianzong wanted to ask him why he wanted to shoot him! But he didn’t expect that kid would bite his tongue and kill himself!”

“Tianzong hit his acupuncture point and vented all the strength of the four of them! This is not shocking! The most important thing is that Tianzong made a very inconspicuous move!”

“He gently raised his hand and placed it on top of Zheng Weide’s head! I was standing next to him at the time, and I can be sure that he didn’t use any force, no strength at all! It was as if he was stroking Zheng Weide’s hair!”

“But! When he retracted his hand, Zheng Weide became stupid! The most amazing thing is still behind! I don’t know if Tian Zong is talking to himself or deliberately telling me.”

“I vaguely listened to him say something,’Owner, Chen Yunsong! It turns out that all this is your master behind the scenes!’ Then he said,’What is the origin of Yanshan Pirate Gate?’ After finishing these two sentences After that, he rubbed his head and everything was back to normal!”

Fang Long deliberately paused for a few seconds, so that everyone could digest and integrate the fragmented information.

Fang Long continued: “As for the injuries of those people, why can’t they be detected with medical equipment? It can only be said that Tianzong possesses magical medical skills!”

“From the fact that Lin Chenghong was cured, we can see how powerful Tianzong’s medical skills are! We have known this for a long time! It can be said that the magic in him has exceeded our imagination!”

“To be honest, I want to know who his Master is! He is so powerful! To the point where you can’t even imagine!”

——To be continued——

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