Village Doctor.

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Zhang Tianzong glanced at the “cynic” onlookers around him, holding the chalk indifferently, and drew a non-standard circle against the edge of the half of the small stone.

“Look at the circle you drew… This is to lick the edge! This really cannot be cut with a large stone cutter. This must be fixed with a clamp first, and then slowly grind with a small toothless saw! I’m good at this too! Just look at it!”

The stone cutter was really unambiguous. He first fixed the rough stone, then replaced it with a hand-held toothless saw, and grind it down little by little against the edge of the stone!

Wow! Look! Out there!

Depend on! Really green!

Up! Up!

Ten minutes later, an emerald green jade the size of a peach appeared in front of everyone!

Boss Wang, look! The quality is really good!

Um! It’s not bad! Look at this transparency…Although it still belongs to the category of glutinous species, it is ‘glutinous ice’ that is close to ice species! It is definitely the top quality in glutinous seeds! ”

“It’s a pity that it’s a bit smaller, but if you find a good master to carve a small piece or something, it should still be good! This is the value… it won’t be particularly high!

Um! Indeed!

“You guys! Hey hey… Boss Gao, would you buy this jade? I am an engraver from Tianyun Jewelry and Antiques. Recently I was looking for a small piece of original jade, this jade. The size and shape are exactly what I want. Can you…”

The sculptor said while looking at Guo Jun.

“Yo! Master Zhao! It’s you! Why did you come here to select jade by yourself?”

“It’s me, it’s me! Manager Guo, in the jade carving profession, what I pay attention to is the perfect combination of form, meaning, technique and aesthetics. It is difficult to have that artistic conception if you don’t personally select the raw materials! Can you… Say something nice for me?”

Guo Jun nodded, and said with some embarrassment: “Boss Gao, this is Master Zhao, the engraver of our Tianyun jewelry and antiques firm. Recently we are preparing a set of custom engravings. Pieces. Look…”

“Oh! Since it’s your own, let’s take it! Give it to you!”

“No, no, that’s not going to work! You have a cost too! Do you think this will work? One hundred and fifty thousand!”

“Hi… Manager Guo, can you make a profit if you collect such a small amount of 150,000 yuan?”

When Guo Jun heard this, he whispered: “Boss Gao, I don’t want to talk secretly! Although the price is a bit higher, but with Master Zhao, once the finished product is made, there will still be some profits!”

“Well! Since that’s the case… that’s good! I’ll give you one hundred and fifty thousand!”

“Thank you! Thank you! Hahaha… If I can find two more pieces of this quality material, I can start work!”

Master Zhao is very happy. For a craftsman like him, being able to sculpt and polish a set of satisfactory works by himself is already his entire pursuit!

After the transfer was completed, Gao Jichen said with a smile: “Tianzong, now it has recovered some of the costs! As long as the full cost can be recovered today, I will definitely give you a car worth more than one million!””Hahaha… even for the million-dollar luxury car, then I have to work harder! Master, go ahead and cut!”

“Okay! Please draw some thoughts!”


Zhang Tianzong picked up the chalk and quickly drew marks on the remaining stones.

Um? Can these few pieces have green?

Can’t it? If you can draw so accurately, it would be a gambler!

You can pull it down, if that happens, he is the god of gamblers!

Um! Wait and see…

The process of cutting the stone is the most test of eyesight and experience! If the cut is wrong or thick, it may destroy the perfection of the jade!

Of course, this is based on the premise that there is really jade in it. If there is nothing in it, then it makes sense!

Otherwise, you won’t have to ask the owner to draw one before each stone is cut. The master who cuts the stone doesn’t care so much, how can you paint and he will cut it! Will never take this risk proactively!

Hey, let me go! Really!

Hiss… awesome!

Uhhhhhhhhhh! It’s another gadget!

Seven consecutive cuts were made. The largest one was about the same size as the one cut out just now, and the smallest one was as big as a ping-pong ball!

One of them is still a small piece as thick as five playing cards stacked together! This thing is not worth money at all!

However, in terms of quality alone, it is considered top grade! Most are glutinous species, only a few are bean species.

The quality of jadeite is classified according to the “head” of the species, and then subdivided in terms of clarity, permeability, and structural compactness. It is roughly divided into four grades: bean species, waxy species, ice species and glass species. .

To put it simply, the value of glass is a top-notch! Although the ice species is a bit inferior, it is definitely considered a high-end product! Waxy species are high-end mid-end products, while bean species are low-end entry-level products.

Bean species is the lowest grade among the jadeite, so it is called imported product.

If it is worse than it, then only the inferior jade “brick” material is not up to the grade.

Glutinous species is the middle-end variety in jade. Its structure is relatively delicate, without obvious granular structure, shiny and shiny, the water head is slightly transparent, and the overall aesthetics is many times higher than that of bean species.

But this is only a general distinction, there are more detailed distinctions in each grade, and there is a considerable difference in value. If it goes into detail, it is quite professional and complicated…

Master Zhao was very pleasantly surprised when he saw this place and said: “Okay! Great! I’m looking for this kind of thin material to make leaf-shaped pendants! Materials like this shape are most suitable for carving ‘golden branches and jade leaves’!”

“If this is to carve out the finished product of’Golden Branches and Jade Leaves,’ and add a platinum necklace inlaid together, it would be most suitable for girls to wear! Great! Boss Gao! Look…”

“Hahaha… This is really a good seller! That’s OK! I’ll count first! Uh… Let’s go! Since everyone is acquaintance, a total of seven pieces are added together, and the estimated total price is 350,000 yuan! Sample?”

“Yo!” Guo Jun said with a smile: “Boss Gao, you have taken care of my business! This price is cheaper! That’s fine! I want it all at the price you said! Hahaha…night I dinner!”

“Okay! Hahaha…”

Adding up to 500,000, this has already recovered a quarter of the cost!

Gao Jichen said contentedly: “Tianzong, can you still cut it? Why don’t you forget it…”

“Cut it! Why don’t you cut it! There are two pieces left. Don’t you take it home if you don’t cut it? Isn’t it too heavy?”

“Hahaha, too! Then cut it!”

Zhang Tianzong nodded, turned his head to look at the master stone cutter and said with a smile: “This master, how about making me enjoyable? I haven’t played with stone cutter tools yet!”

“Huh? This is not a joke! If one can’t be dealt with, it will hurt!” Master Cheshi reluctantly said.

Don’t look at the free stone cutting here. In fact, he has a commission for cutting a stone. Although cutting a stone only has a commission salary of 20 yuan, the crab has meat no matter how small it is!

At the end of the day, not counting the fixed payroll or commission income, it is also quite impressive.

Zhang Tianzong took out a red ticket of 100 yuan and handed it to him, “Just treat it as my temporary loan, okay? Just cut two stones and don’t cut the more one!”

“Uh… it’s okay… but let’s say it, I won’t be responsible for any accidents!”

“No one holds you accountable! Don’t worry!”

“That’s fine! Hehehe…”

Master Cheshi happily took the hundred yuan in cash and hurriedly hid away.

Gao Jichen was taken aback for a moment, frowning and looking at Zhang Tianzong.

I really wanted to stop him, but my instinct told him that as long as Zhang Tianzong took the shot himself, he would have a good show!

When I thought of the scene of opening the bottle just now, my eyes were full of expectation!

Everyone present also saw the doorway, and they all wanted to hold their breath and wait to watch the excitement!

“Huh! Om…”

Zhang Tianzong stretched out his hand and pressed the switch, and the blade on the desktop cutting machine turned rapidly.

“Hey, fuck! This kid! You won’t be fooling around! How can you turn on the machine first and then put the rocks!”

Master Cheshi saw this and hurriedly said loudly: “Everyone sees it clearly! He has to do it himself. I don’t care if something goes wrong!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and glanced at him, then he held the stone in both hands and directly attached it to the rapidly rotating tooth blade!

“Damn! There are clamps under the machine! Fix the rock on the clamps! You can’t do it like this! Fingers…”

Master Cutlery covered his eyes and never dared to look anymore.

The people present also exclaimed, almost half of them were reminding him!

Especially Gao Jichen, his forehead was sweating in a hurry!

But seeing this level, no one dared to step forward to pull him, because once he was touched extra, an accident might really happen!



The small edge on one side of the original stone is quickly cut off!

“I rely on! Wet cuts can produce green! This is a posture to fully rise!”

Zhang Tianzong laughed and raised the rough rough stone that showed the “tip of the iceberg”, and said loudly: “Everyone has seen it? Is there anything you want to buy? Today I can call the shots, and the reserve price is 1.5 million! Do you want to bid? ”

Upon hearing this, Gao Jichen laughed! The laugh is not only because of the money, but because of Zhang Tianzong himself!

Seeing his calm expression on his face, he must be very sure!

At the very least…cut the stone with confidence!

Um! There should be no accidents…

“Cut! This is going to sell “Showing Face”!”

This is a half bet!

you do not say! Although it looks good, it is absolutely crazy to use 1.5 million to bet a corner!

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly and said loudly, “Since there is no bid, then make another cut!”


Another corner is showing green!

“Everyone is optimistic! Another greenback! The current reserve price is two million! Is there any bid? Is there any? Boss, the opportunity is not to be missed and come again!”

Hiss… Boss Tian, ​​look…

What to look at! What if one has green on the corners? Haven’t you heard the term “wall”?

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I think so too! Zheng Weide can’t bring out any good things with that little stuff!

Yes! Hahaha… Just take it to watch the excitement!

“Is there still no one bidding? In that case… if I cut another cut, it won’t be the price! The reserve price for the next cut is 2.8 million! It’s all optimistic!”


——To be continued——

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