Village Doctor.

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

“Yeah! Look, everyone, boss Gao is here!”

“Ah! It’s really Boss Gao! Hahaha… Boss Gao! Every day when the fourth floor is open, you are always on the court! I thought about it before I came home, and I will meet you here today. To you! Good meeting, good meeting! Hahaha…”

Gao Jichen is a resounding figure in this one-third acre of land in the provincial capital!

Moreover, they all know that he is a famous playmaker in the antique world, but he doesn’t understand it!

Naturally everyone welcomes this kind of clubs with money and ignorance!

They are all rushing to pit his money! It can’t just be flattering and flattering…

“Hahaha…you guys, you are holding back badly and are ready to cheat me, right? After eating so many dark losses, I have learned to be smart! Don’t bother you guys! Today I came to sell things. , I didn’t want to buy anything!”

“Hahaha…Look at what you said! How can that be! No one can pit you! Everyone can say yes?”

A man with a goatee smiled and said.

“Right, right, right!” Another pocky-faced man echoed: “Boss Gao is not only righteous, but never bargaining! We also have to touch our conscience to do things! How can we cheat people!”

“Even if there is a small error occasionally, it is because our eyesight is not enough! After all, no one is a real expert in this field, and it is common to mistake a defective product as a gem! It is definitely not deliberately concealed! Is it? Everyone!”

“Yes! Boss Qian is too right!”

As he was talking, a fat man with glasses walked over.

Zhang Tianzong looked at his appearance, and among the people around him, his eyes were erratic. This kid must not be holding a good fart!

The fat man with glasses smiled mysteriously and said, “Boss Gao! Today I brought a vase! They all said they were blue and white porcelain from the Qing Dynasty official kiln. I am not sure if it is true. Can you please help me? Palm eyes?”

“That’s right! The blue and white porcelain of the official kiln is a rare thing! Then go and see? But let’s say it, I might not buy it!”

“Hey! I just want to ask you to help you identify it! Hey… Besides, what’s the matter? There is no reason to buy or sell this thing!”

“Yeah! That’s fine! Go! Just take a look!”

There is a temporary booth and a non-removable safe for each VIP customer.

However, since there are only a fixed number of 60 booths, these VIP customers have to book three days in advance, otherwise there will be no selling if there are only purchases!

Speaking of this reservation fee alone, the total amount is not a small amount of income. This Wanbaolou can really do business!

Originally, Gao Jichen also reserved a booth on the fifty-eighth.

This is already his fixed booth, because he is a frequent visitor here, so Wanbao Lou specially reserved this booth for him.

From another aspect, this can also reflect the social status and influence of Ningcheng’s richest man Gao Jichen!

However, he chose the last two stalls in the ranking, which is enough to see that Gao Jichen is really low-key!

In fact, there is another reason for this. The homonym of “May 8” is “I send”! Gao Jichen also cares about this tune…

But before he walked to the own booth today, he was dragged by others to look at the objects.

Fang Long was very clear. He carried the suitcase in his hand and ran directly to Booth No. 58.

Then he took out the key and opened the dedicated No. 58 safe, and put the suitcase in it.

After doing this, let one of his subordinates look after him by the side of the booth, and then return to the back of Gao Jichen again…

Zhang Tianzong saw all this in his eyes, and the opponent Long’s dedication and conscientious attitude towards work, he gave a big thumbs up!

Seeing him looking at him, Fang Long nodded with a smile, then returned to a state of constant vigilance, and looked around meticulously.

“Yeah! It’s really a blue and white bottle!”

“Hahaha… Boss Gao, what do you think of this object?”

“Um… I’ll take a closer look!”

Gao Jichen took out a magnifying glass with lighting function from his bag and looked at the bottle carefully.

The fat man with glasses glanced at the person next to him and smiled mysteriously.

The goatee man and pockmarked face standing beside him also gave a mysterious smile.

“Hey, let me go! Good thing! Blue and white porcelain! Look at the color, texture, and glaze, right?”

A man in a neat suit walked over and exclaimed in praise of the bottle.

“Good eyesight! This friend, I don’t know who you are…” the fat man with glasses asked with a smile.

“Oh! Me… I’m a primary school student in the antique world, not worth mentioning! My name is Fu Chaohe!”

“Huh? You are the master of antique appraisal in the imperial capital, Fu Chaohe, Master Fu? I am lucky to meet Zheng Weide in the next step!”

“Oh? Are you…you are a jade mine tycoon, Zheng Weide, Boss Zheng? Fortunately to meet you!”

“Oh, you can praise me! I’m a small field director of the ore yard, how can I be called a tycoon! I didn’t expect you to still know my name. It’s an honor! An honor!”

“Hahaha…to tell you that, some time ago, I heard a friend mention Boss Zheng, saying that he was betting on rocks in your mine, and he drove out a piece of raw stone material of glass type! I was envious of it. !Hahaha……”

“Oh? Isn’t it… You are talking about boss Huang?”

“Exactly, Exactly!”

“Oh! If you mention Boss Huang, that’s true! Don’t say you are envious, I look greedy! Hahaha…”

“Yeah! That’s a kind of glass, there is no reason not to be envious! Eh? You are playing jade, why did you get a bottle here today?”

“Hey! These are two pieces of rough jade from the old pit, which were exchanged in a friend’s hands! To be honest, I am afraid that I will be compensated, so I brought it here today and let everyone help me with the palm of my hand!”

“Eh? You are here! Could you please help me appraise it? Don’t worry, I understand the rules! The appraisal fee is doubled!”

“Well! It’s easy to say, easy to say! Hahaha… Actually, there is no need to pretend to be distinguished. I have just read it carefully! This is the blue and white porcelain bottle of the Qingguan kiln, so yes!”

“Yeah! That’s great! I finally didn’t make a loss-making business! Maybe… I can earn some pocket money! Hahaha…”

Gao Jichen had been watching them with cold eyes, and sneered secretly. He saw a lot of childcare like this kind of “donkey” undertaking! Can you fool him?

Don’t look at Gao Jichen’s poor eyesight in playing with antiques, but look at people accurately!

No matter what I say, they are also a family business that is built step by step with true ability! If he didn’t have any special skills, he would have been submerged in the torrent of the sea for a long time!

Zhang Tianzong also smiled slightly at this time, he had already seen the bottle with the “Wang Qi technique”, and the black gas emanating from the bottle was like “pot bottom ash”!

Although it also contains a hint of purple gas, it is very small!

In other words, this is an old thing! However, the year is at most more than one hundred years! It is a product from the end of the Qing Dynasty.

If you don’t understand anything else, Zhang Tianzong can understand this!

The end of the Qing Dynasty is tantamount to the end of the Qing Dynasty! The imperial court is dead in name, so there is no official kiln porcelain in Xianxin Nong!

Based on this inference, Zhang Tianzong concluded that this bottle is a high imitation!

Looking at the contrived dialogue between Fu Chaohe and Zheng Weide, you can see that it is a partnership routine Gao Jichen!

Fortunately, when I looked at Gao Jichen’s expression, he knew that he had noticed it, and Zhang Tianzong’s thoughts of reminding him were dispelled by this…

At this moment, Zhang Tianzong’s mind suddenly flashed!

I thought to myself: Huh? Listening to the content of their conversation just now, what is the name of that kid?

Zheng Weide? Why is this name so familiar?

Uh… I don’t know him either! How do you think it looks familiar?

I rely on! I remembered!

Zhang Tianzong suddenly remembered something!

When using the soul search technique on Li Baofu, it was discovered that the kid was hired to cause a car accident! Killed a wealthy businessman!

Because of this, Zhang Tianzong secretly resorted to means to let Li Baofu fend for himself!

And the one who is hired! This is Zheng Weide!

Zhang Tianzong carefully looked at Zheng Weide again, and he was sure it was him!

Eh? Isn’t this kid a thug? How did you become the owner of the jade mine?

Could it be… that the person killed by Li Baofu was the original mine owner? Then Zheng Weide will take advantage of the fisherman’s profit, and then come to occupy the magpie’s nest! hiss……

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianzong had to be vigilant!

But on the surface, he had to look at everything in front of him without changing his face.

After all, there is no first-hand evidence in his hands, and no one will believe it even if the incident is reported!

At this moment, Fu Chaohe glanced at Gao Jichen.

Seeing that he was not moved at all, he rolled his eyes and smiled and said, “Boss Zheng, although we met for the first time, it was the first time we met! Can you give me a Face and give me this bottle? I am absolutely satisfied with you. Price! Two hundred thousand, how about it?”

“What?” The goatee who was on the sidelines suddenly stared and said loudly: “Do you know what the concept of blue and white porcelain is? Do you want to pick up the leak? It’s not your turn if you want to pick up the leak! I’ll pay half a million! Boss Zheng, We are old friends! Sell it to me!”

“This…to be honest, this item was purchased for 800,000 yuan. If you really want to buy…850,000 is the lowest bottom line! According to the old rules, the highest bidder gets the price!”

Gao Jichen smiled slightly and looked back at Zhang Tianzong and asked in a low voice: “Tianzong, what do you think? Is it worth the shot?”

“Um… I’ll take a closer look!”

Although he knew that this was a scam, since Gao Jichen had already asked about it, he took a serious and responsible attitude and looked at it carefully with a clever eye.

“Huh? It’s kind of interesting! Hehehe… Gao Uncle, can you trust me?”

After reading it carefully, Zhang Tianzong hurriedly turned around and asked this in a low voice.

“What does this mean? Of course I can trust you!”

“That’s good! If you believe me, just buy it! As long as it is less than two million, you can definitely buy it!”

“Huh? Are you sure?”

“Yeah! OK! But don’t give you a price of 2 million yuan as soon as you sell it. After all, I’m talking about the highest ceiling price! You know!”


Gao Jichen looked at Zhang Tianzong intently, hesitated for a moment and nodded gently.

“I give out nine hundred thousand!”

Gao Jichen bit his posterior molar and shouted the price!

——To be continued——

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