Village Doctor.

Chapter 176

Chapter 176

Zhang Tianzong and Shen Haiping walked out of the elevator, they looked at each other, and suddenly laughed at the same time!

Just now, Shen Haiping repeatedly questioned Zhang Tianzong, asking him what he meant by telling Jiang Hai to “be careful of those around you”.

There was really no way to be questioned. Zhang Tianzong told him the conversation between Professor Lin and Xiaoli in a simple and concise way…

“Unexpectedly, Jiang Hai said he was smart, but he ended up like this in the end! It’s so pathetic, detestable, and annoying! But it feels a pity! It feels pitiful to replace his ex-wife and his daughter… ”

Zhang Tianzong waved his hand and said, “Forget it! We have done the best of our kindness, so there is no need to regret him!”

“Everyone has his life trajectory, and it’s the so-called character that determines everything! Jiang Haineng has this fate today, it’s all on his own account!”

“As the saying goes, flies don’t bite unsealed eggs! If he doesn’t mess around, can he cause such a big disaster? He asked for it! Who can blame it?”

“In the future, don’t interact with this kind of people, lest you get into trouble! Even if they won’t be involved in anything, I’m afraid they won’t get a good reputation after a long time of contact! Who can tell you the suspicion of melon fields and plums? ”

“Yeah!” Shen Haiping nodded and said: “You are right! This is indeed the truth! From now on, I will never interact with them again! None of the fucking people are serious people, so why are you talking to them? !”

“Huh? By the way! Let’s go over there. I know there is a very good restaurant over there. It’s noon when I look at it. I invite you to dinner!”

Zhang Tianzong looked at him with a smile and said: “Now I am a millionaire! Would you invite me to dinner? Cut! I am not a stubborn iron cock!”

With that said, Zhang Tianzong took out his mobile phone and operated…

“Ding Dong!”


Shen Haiping’s mobile phone prompted the sound, he took out the mobile phone and looked at it, staring at the phone screen in surprise.

“Why is there a transfer of 200,000 yuan? Huh? Why is this account that transfers money to me so familiar? Damn! Tianzong, what are you doing? Why do you give me money? ?”

“Hehehe…Uncle Shen! Don’t forget, you are the attending doctor today! Moreover, you help to contact this job and give you a 10% commission. This is the rule!”

“The extra one hundred thousand quick money, please give it to Shen Yunxi! She has done a lot for me, and I know she must have made a lot of favors and faces! That one hundred thousand yuan is considered to be a treat for dinner. Event funding!”

“Isn’t this nonsense! This is not good! How can I ask for your money! I’ll transfer it back to you immediately!”

Zhang Tianzong waved his hand and interrupted him and said, “Uncle Shen! What my temper is like, you should also understand a little bit! Don’t make me embarrassed, okay? Just do what I said! Otherwise…neither of us in the future. got engaged!”

“Yes! Your kid will do this set! But I really eat this set! Let’s do it! Now that you have said so, I will accept it!”

“That’s right! Go, eat! I’ll treat! Hehehe…”

“Tianzong! Is the person in front wearing a white compassionate Zhang Tianzong?”


When Zhang Tianzong heard someone calling him, he hurriedly turned his head.

“Yeah! This is not Ningcheng’s richest man, Gao Boss, Gao Uncle! I didn’t expect to meet here! Why? Are you here to see a doctor?”

“Don’t don’t don’t, you can call me a high Uncle, and I will be content. The richest man is not the richest man! Low-key, must be low-key! Hehehe…”

“Well, I’m here for regular check-ups. Routine check-ups every three months have become a habit! I am more afraid of death! Hehehe…”

Zhang Tianzong nodded with a smile and glanced behind him.

“Fang Long Dage!”

Standing behind Gao Jichen is his bodyguard, Fang Long!

Fang Long said with cupped fist cupped hands: “Brother Tianzong! Just now I saw you from the back so far away! That’s right! Fortunately, fortunately!”

Zhang Tianzong also returned a cupped fist. This is Rivers and Lakes etiquette. When meeting people from Rivers and Lakes like Fang Long, under normal circumstances, they rarely shake hands. Zhang Tianzong can only return the gift like this…

Gao Jichen looked at Shen Haiping and asked with a smile: “This friend is… eh? It feels familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere, why can’t I remember it?”

“Oh, let me introduce to you, this is Professor Shen Haiping! Professor Shen, this is…”

“No need to introduce! Boss Gao is busy with business affairs and has many contacts. He may have forgotten me, but I have not forgotten you!”

“Boss Gao, do you remember the charity sale half a month ago? You are a special guest, and I am the host of a temporary guest appearance! Boss Gao, how forgetful you are a distinguished person!”

“Hey, let me go!”

Gao Jichen patted his forehead, and said embarrassingly: “I remember, I remember! You are also a doctor, right? And a very famous doctor! You are the honorary vice president of the University of Chinese Medicine! Right? Hahaha…I remember!”

“Boss Gao, what you said is not quite right. In front of Tianzong, who would dare to say that he is a famous doctor! Isn’t that looking for a face slap? Are you right?”

“Huh? Right, right! Hahaha…”

“Yes! Both of you are my elders, so you don’t want to kill Junior like this!”

“Huh? Hahaha…”

After laughing, Gao Jichen said: “Tian Zong! I finally met again today, and I finally caught you!”

“No matter what you say this time, you can’t leave! I invite you to dinner! After dinner, I will take you to see the big scene! Professor Shen! Let’s have fun together!”

“No, no! What? I want to go to the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to meet some old colleagues. After all, I am the honorary vice president there, and I can’t always show up! Isn’t it? Hahaha…”

Shen Haiping is really good-natured. In order to avoid disturbing Gao Jichen and Zhang Tianzong’s meeting, he temporarily came up with an excuse and prepared to leave alone.


Zhang Tianzong suddenly hesitated. It would be very impolite to let him go back alone now.

But I am embarrassed to reject Gao Jichen’s invitation. After all, I have already refused it once. If I refuse it again, it would be too bad Giving face…

Shen Haiping also saw Zhang Tianzong’s embarrassment, and said with a smile: “Tianzong! I really have something to do, don’t you see that it’s time for textual research? I can sit in this position. Isn’t it powerful? We have to train candidates who are about to take the exam!”

“Huh? Research? Is it a medical qualification examination? That…what are the reference requirements for this year? Can you register for me? You know my situation best, whether it is through the channels of academic qualifications or the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine. Channel, you can report whichever you can report! Otherwise, I have too many obstacles and too much effort to go to the clinic and practice medicine…”

“Huh?” Shen Haiping was taken aback, and then hurriedly nodded and said: “Yes, yes! This must be done as soon as possible! Okay! I’ll talk to the staff who specializes in this matter right away! I promise to help you with this matter. I’m done!”

“Then let’s talk about it first, I have to go quickly! Boss Gao, I’m really embarrassed, let’s talk another day. I have to go and help Tianzong to implement the verification matter immediately! Goodbye!”

“Yeah! Okay, okay! It’s important to do business, goodbye!”

“Everyone, I’m anxious! Goodbye!”

Shen Haiping ran to the gate of the hospital. He hurriedly beckoned to take a taxi before going straight to the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine…

Gao Jichen said with a smile: “Tian Zong! I can see it! Your kid is really charismatic, as long as you speak up, someone will do their best to help you out.”

Zhang Tianzong shook his head a little embarrassedly and said, “It’s all loved by my elders and friends! There are also many people who look at me differently because of the Face left by my grandfather. If it’s my personal ability, He De How can it be!”

“No, no, no! This is a bit too modest! Your personal ability is definitely… forget it! Just look at your expression and you know that you don’t like to hear flattery in person. Then I won’t say anything. Wow! Did you come by car?”

“Well! I came by car!”

“Along, you send someone to drive Tianzong’s car to follow, let Tianzong sit in my car!”

“Okay! No problem! Brother, give me your car keys!”

“Um… just park the car here, and I will pick up the car here again.”

“Hey! Don’t worry, the few people under me have top-notch car skills, and I promise you won’t break your car!”

“No! I didn’t mean that… Okay! Then trouble your brother! Here! Car keys!”

“It’s not troublesome, it’s a trivial matter! Long Er! Next! You are following Mr. Zhang’s car! Be sure to drive firmly!”


Fang Long drove the car himself, Zhang Tianzong and Gao Jichen sat in the back seats, chatting with each other…

Zhang Tianzong couldn’t help but looked at the interior of this imported off-road vehicle, and then looked back at the minivan that followed, his own minivan, suddenly feeling inferior…

But then I thought about it again, comparing myself to the richest man in the province, isn’t this a bullshit! I felt relieved when I thought of this.

“Tianzong! How is it? Isn’t it comfortable to sit in this car?”

“Then you need to ask? Today is also a high-end treatment! Hehehe…”

“What a high class! It’s not worth a few dollars! But this car is bulletproof! The feeling of sitting in the car is pretty good! If you like it, I will give you a car that is exactly the same, how about it?”

“Yes! You can pull it down, although I also like cars with good off-road performance, but your car, even if you give me no fuel!”

“I am a little bit angry in my bones. I still prefer to support domestic brands! Even the most valuable imported high-end cars are not rare for me! Hehehe…”

“What’s more, the road conditions on my side are relatively poor. Most of the models can’t drive at my side. Sometimes I have to pull something, or the small van behind is more convenient and practical…”

“Oh? That’s how you think about this issue. Hmm! You are right! The performance of domestically-made cars is indeed very good now!”

Gao Jichen nodded secretly…

——To be continued——

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