Village Doctor.

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

The fierce woman smiled and said, “Do you want to read the IOU? Huh! I will show it to you. However, today I mainly want to talk to this stinky wild woman with not wanting face, and I can’t tell you!”

“Shut up!” Strictly shouted, pointing to the shrew and said: “I solemnly warn you, I respect you before calling you Big Sister, but don’t give your face not wanting face!”

“Now! Ma Honglian is my daughter-in-law. If you dare to insult her, you would rather never wear a police uniform. I also want you to know what the consequences are! If you have something to say, keep your mouth clean!”

“You and I……”

The shrew was really quick-eyed when he saw the rigor, and she immediately persuaded a lot, but she was still strong in her momentum without admitting defeat!

She said loudly: “That’s good! Then let’s just talk about it! Ma Honglian, don’t think it’s okay to hide behind! Don’t you know who I am?”


Upon hearing this, Ma Honglian hurriedly walked a few steps forward and looked at the woman carefully.

“Hi…could it be that…you are…the godmother?”

“Hey! Time is not forgiving! It seems that I am really old. If you don’t look carefully, some people won’t recognize me!”

“Huh! You can even call me a godmother, which shows that you still have some conscience! Don’t waste my godson’s infatuation for you!”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Zhang Tianzong and Rigorous asked in surprise at the same time.

“What do you mean? Humph!” The girl said with sharp eyes: “It seems that this smelly… Uh… Is Ma Honglian not mentioning this to you? Her dead ghost husband is my godson! I think he was in the beginning. My parents entrusted him to me when they were dying!”

“Although I just provided him with a bite, it is not a dedication. But without me, he would have to live on the street begging for food at such a young age, maybe he would have to starve to death!”

“When he was about to get married, he once borrowed five thousand yuan from me, saying that he was going to build a house and cover it! At that time, I was piecing together to make up enough money! Ma Honglian, this matter You don’t know, do you?”

Ma Honglian nodded and said, “I know about this, and I admit it! When I married Chen Jingfeng, he took me to your house and invited you.”

“But you closed the door tightly and didn’t let us in at all. I only saw you through the glass of the window, and I only saw a side face at the time!”

“Since then, our two families have never met again! After so many years, I can’t recognize your appearance and it’s normal! This is not my deliberate dodge!”

“At that time, both of us knew very well why you refused to see us! You are afraid that we will rely on you in the future, and then find a reason to borrow money from you! Isn’t it?”

“Huh! You know you are a little bit self-aware! But anyway, I have the kindness to nurture my godson! At least I gave him a bite to eat! And when he was in the most difficult time, I lent it He has money, this is always true, right?

Ma Honglian nodded and admitted what the shrew said.

The shrew continued: “I originally thought, after all, I have the feelings back then, and I don’t want that money anymore.”

“Later he died again! I thought that death was like a lamp, and it was not easy for you to be a widow, so I never mentioned it again!”

“But! Now that you have remarried, you have nothing to do with my family anymore, and I don’t have to care about any affection! You see, this is an IOU!”

“Although it was not signed by Ma Honglian personally, it was signed by his previous man! Director Yan Da, you are a person who knows the law! This account can’t be bad, right? No matter what, they used to be legal. Husband and wife, it’s okay for me to ask her for money, right?”

At this point, everyone understood.

Strictly nodded and said: “That’s good! We and my wife have recognized this account! You see, this card contains 50,000 yuan! Just for the previous kindness, we will repay it tenfold! This 50,000 yuan you take it!”

“Yo-yo-yo! Fifty thousand yuan? To be honest, it’s a lot! But I didn’t come here today to squander the money! You bully me and don’t understand the law, do you? If I really ask for this money, don’t you just Are there any more excuses to accuse me of extortion?”

“No!” Strict hurriedly said: “I didn’t mean that, I just want to solve this matter quickly! Then tell me, how do you want to solve it? Is it calculated according to the bank’s interest? That’s OK! Let’s do it now The bank’s interest rate standard will be returned to you even with the principal and interest. Is this the head office?”

“Humph!” The shrew snorted coldly, Yin & Yang said weirdly: “Although I am a bit pungent, I always do things reasonable! You should carefully read how this IOU is written. !”

“Five thousand borrowings! Pay off within three years. If you don’t repay them, you can use the house to repay the debt! We are here to collect the house today! Let alone 50,000 yuan, even if you give me 500,000 yuan, I won’t want it. , Need a house!”

“What? You! You deceived people too much!” Strictly said loudly: “If you have to do this, then go through the legal process! See if you can support your demands in the law!”

“Law? Hahaha… I’m just an ordinary old lady in the farmyard! You don’t want to press people with big hats! Want to scare me? No way! Humph! Today I just want to see, what can you do to me!”

“Let’s open the skylight and speak up, I just came to find awkwardness on purpose! Don’t you want to enter the bridal chamber? I just don’t want you to enter! Want to bully my godson? No way!”

Hey, let me go, what logic is this? This is simply a strong word!

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianzong walked forward with staring eyes.

At this moment, Ma Honglian reached out and stopped him.

She knows what kind of temper Zhang Tianzong is! She has seen it with her own eyes and experienced it herself!

The time Li Ermazi bullied her was not the result of Zhang Tianzong’s actions, and they all went to the police station!

If Zhang Tian was allowed to take care of this again, he might not be able to help but start a fight with anger! She doesn’t want to hurt Zhang Tianzong because of her own business anymore…

Ma Honglian took a rigorous look, then turned her head back and said loudly, “For the sake of your kindness to nurture my ex-husband, for the sake of helping us, the house can be given to you!”

“But, everything in the room is my personal belongings, you can’t help me take it out, right?”

“What? You…you mean, you agreed to give me the house?”


“Sister Ma!”

Zhang Tianzong shouted.

“Big brother, let Sister Ma take care of this! Just leave it alone, okay?”

“This…” Zhang Tianzong looked rigorous, and saw that he hadn’t spoken as a acquiescence to this decision. He could only nod helplessly and said: “Well then! Listen to Sister Ma’s arrangement…”

The shrew smiled and said, “Well, since you agree, then sign the contract. After signing, you can move! I promise I will never stop you from taking anything in it! I just want the house. !”

“Thanks big kidnapper!” Ma Honglian’s mother Wang Yan roared forward and said loudly: “I have tolerated you for a long time! You can lie to others and can’t lie to me! Under what circumstances did you adopt Chen Jingfeng? Do you dare to speak in public? Tell the truth?”

“Back then, that kid was just eight years old! To eat one bite, he would feed your family cattle and sheep every day! Let him do all the hard work! Don’t say it is for the child to go to school. Have you ever given him a share of his wages? You just want to find a free labor force to take him in!”

The shrew whispered and said indifferently: “Can you manage this? Besides, do you really understand how I treated my godson back then? Don’t just talk nonsense with one mouth?”

“You have the ability to make the dead ghost crawl out of the grave and confront me! Cut! Stop scheming with me! You suddenly insert a sentence, it shows that you owe you! What do you want?”

Wang Yan took a deep breath and said, “It doesn’t matter what the reason was at the time! Now they are reasonable and they agree to pay you back even with a profit, so you can get it.”

“If you have to ask for a house, it would be an insult! Although this house is not big, it is still a store! At least it should be worth 60,000 yuan! Do you think you are an insult?”

“Yo-yo-yo, this is a bit irrational, right? This IOU is written in white and black! It’s not that I’m talking nonsense!”

“Huh! Chen Jingfeng doesn’t know one big character, who knows how he wrote the IOU! Did he write this IOU? Xie Daguaizi, do you dare to swear by heaven?”

“I…huh! Don’t worry about who wrote it. The handprint on this is Chen Jingfeng’s. Isn’t it wrong? Isn’t your new uncle a policeman? Just ask him to find a higher-level department to verify the authenticity. Well! Isn’t it? Director Yan Da…”

He gritted his teeth rigorously and didn’t make any response…

“No need to say it!” Ma Honglian said loudly as if determined: “The house can be given to you! This can be regarded as a kind of relief and break for me from the past!”

“That’s good too! From now on, I won’t have any entanglements with everything before, and I can face the new Life again, otherwise I still live in that house, and my heart will not It may settle down…”

“Sister Ma!” Liu Hongxiu said with staring eyes: “If the house is given to them, where do you live with your brother-in-law? Humph! Brother-in-law, are you too embarrassed? You don’t even have a house for such a big director? Humph! ”

“I…I’m sorry, give me a few days, I…I will arrange it!”

“How many days? Bah! Today is the wedding night in the bridal chamber! Give you a few days? Lost what you said!”

Liu Hongxiu has always been called Ma Honglian Big sis, and later called Ma Jie after Zhang Tianzong.

Now it is equivalent to the maiden family angering the bridegroom official! These few words made Strict speechless…

The rigorous father walked up tremblingly on crutches and said, “Child, let’s go home! Although our house is a little smaller, we can still live in a squeeze.”


One can see from the rigorous expression that there must be something embarrassing in it!

“Live in my house! My house has a ready-made wedding room!” Zhang Tianzong shouted!

“Huh? This…”

——To be continued——

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