Village Doctor.

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Shen Yunxi stomped anxiously and said, “As soon as you two talk about Chinese medicine, you will talk endlessly! I don’t want to think about whether I am a girl carrying five or six catties of donkey meat. !”

“Also, in such a hot day, you will have to eat stinky donkey meat after a while! That’s not stinky tofu! You can’t eat it if it’s stinky! Can you hurry up? Can you go home and talk about it!”

“Huh? Hahaha, this time my daughter is right! Tianzong, hurry up!”


“Hey! Can you hurry up! Don’t worry about it! Hurry up and carry a little bit for me! Do you know what Lianxiangxiyu is? Take it! My car is parked in the parking space over there! Hold on! Don’t get lost!”


Zhang Tianzong stood awkwardly holding the shopping bag that Shen Yunxi had forced him into. Seeing that their father and daughter ran to the parking space and left without looking back, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow along…

The car Shen Yunxi drove was a small car worth about 40,000 yuan. According to her family’s conditions, driving a car at this price was indeed low-key enough.

However, compared with the sacred car bun that Zhang Tianzong drove, the two cars really matched! Half a catty is right, don’t say who…

The two cars returned to County X one after the other and came to Shen Haiping’s home.

When his wife saw that Zhang Tianzong was here, he naturally welcomed him warmly!

After all, I have met before, Zhang Tianzong not only cured Shen Haiping’s illness, but also had dinner at the Shen’s house, and they have long been familiar with each other!

Since it’s here, let it be at ease if it comes!

Zhang Tianzong didn’t regard himself as an outsider. After washing his hands, he helped to make noodles, chop stuffing, and make dumplings.

As the saying goes, more people work faster!

In less than an hour, the steaming steamed dumplings are out of the pot!

Shen Yunxi and her mother made two more hot dishes and two cold dishes to make up four dishes! This very distinctive lunch is on the table!

After eating with laughter, Zhang Tianzong took out a small box of tea and gave it to Shen Haiping.

Shen Haiping repeatedly applauded after tasting! Even Shen Yunxi and her mother, who don’t usually drink tea much, are full of praise!

It was the tea picked from the ancient tea tree transplanted to Dongtianfudi, and it was fried by Zhang Tianzong himself.

He once bought many small tin boxes with exquisite patterns on the Internet to hold this kind of tea. The purpose is to have a small gift that you can get when you meet someone you like.

Don’t look at this thing as a small box, but its value is extremely high! Who knows who has tasted it, it is definitely the best of the best!

Mother Shen looked at Zhang Tianzong with admiration and said, “Xiao Zhang, since the last time you left my house, my old man Shen praised you almost every day, saying that you are someone with great abilities!”

“Just a few days ago, we heard from Yun Xi that you are still seeing a doctor live online! We have all seen that your medical skills are really brilliant and powerful! In time, you will surely make great achievements and great achievements!”

Zhang Tianzong said with some embarrassment: “Auntie passed the award! In fact, that incident was just a temporary emergency! The live broadcast on the Internet was also made by a friend on a whim. I didn’t intend to be so ostentatious.”

“Fortunately, the effect is not bad, and the treatment process is considered appropriate! I dare not say what you have done or achieved. After all, you haven’t lost the face of Chinese medicine!”

Shen Haiping waved his hand again and again and said, “Tianzong is really too modest! Your tutor Zhou Yilong and the president of the University of Chinese Medicine Jin Guohua, they often praise you in front of me!”

“They all say that you are the best-quality and best medical student cultivated from the University of Chinese Medicine in the past 30 years!”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Tianzong shook his head in embarrassment.

I have heard too many compliments recently! Now that I hear similar words again, I always feel like I’m walking through the scene, so I don’t care too much…

At this time, Shen Yunxi frowned and looked at Zhang Tianzong and said, “Zhang Tianzong, why do I always feel that you are a little absent-minded? It’s as if something is depressing in your heart, is it true?”

Shen Haiping was taken aback for a moment, and said in a puzzled way: “No…Isn’t it a smooth answer, isn’t it? You are not suffering from an occupational disease again…”

“Oh! Dad! Am I that unreliable? Can I be a nonsense person? Cut!”


With six eyes, the three of them all looked at Zhang Tianzong!

Zhang Tianzong nodded, and said with a smile: “As expected of being a policeman! I am so careful! I’ve covered it up very well, but you didn’t expect it to be seen by you!”

“To be honest, when I met your father and daughter on the streets of the provincial capital, I actually ran to Police Officer Shen! I wanted to ask Police Officer Shen for help, but I didn’t know how to speak. That’s good…”

Zhang Tianzong suddenly couldn’t continue, and his heart was very tangled…

“I knew it was like this! At that time, I found that the look in my eyes was a little erratic, and a bit hesitant to talk!”

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t just squeeze the meat and vegetables directly into your hands and ask you to help them! I was afraid that you were embarrassed to speak and forced you to come home! Hehehe…”

Upon hearing this, Shen Haiping suddenly realized.

He was still wondering just now, and complained in his heart that his daughter was doing something wrong! At first glance, my daughter still thinks carefully and has the ability to observe meticulously!

The three of them once again focused their attention on Zhang Tianzong, waiting for him to speak…

Shen Yunxi smiled and said, “Let’s talk about it! What do you want me to do for you? As long as it’s not illegal or illegal, I promise it’s okay!”

“Uh… heh! That… you are now working in the county bureau’s archives department, right? I think… please help me check the file of a case! It was a car accident that happened 20 years ago! I don’t know. Can you…”

“The case that happened 20 years ago? And it’s still a car accident case? This matter should be under the control of the transportation department? This…you can talk about the specific situation first!”

Zhang Tianzong gritted his teeth and said, “Okay, then! I’ll talk about the specific situation first, and then you can help me figure out a solution. To be honest, this matter has been in my heart for 20 years… ”

“I really couldn’t find someone who could help me, so I took the liberty to ask for it! This is how it happened. Twenty years ago, that day happened to be my birthday…”

Zhang Tianzong said his parents were killed in a car accident, and the driver who caused the accident escaped.

Of course, he also talked about his grandfather’s suspicions and many speculations…

“Officer Shen! My thought is…Can you check the car accident file for me? It’s best to check the new drug that someone developed with my parents back then!”

“I have always suspected that there is inside story and hidden information! It is impossible that the case of the year did not leave no clues, it should be deliberately covered up!”

“I also know that this matter has been in the past twenty years, and it must be difficult to check again. I Zhang Tianzong swears to the sky, even if you can help find a trace of useful clues, I will pay you back! Never forget it! Great grace!”

“My God!” Shen Yunxi was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hand and said: “This is too heavy to say, I dare not let you give it back! I can assure you that I will do my best!”

“But… although I don’t want to say that, after all, after many years, many things are not easy to handle. If you want to do this, more of it depends on luck! I hope you can understand.”

“Thank you! That’s enough! I’m grateful if you are willing to help! Uncle, Auntie! It’s too early, I have to say goodbye…”

“Don’t! Stay a while…”

Shen Haiping stretched out his hand to stop his wife and said, “It will be a long time in Japan! Now Tianzong’s emotions are more excited, it is better to let him calm down…”

“Yun Xi, go and send Tianzong! Tianzong! The door of uncle’s house is always open to you! You are always welcome to come to my house as a guest!”

“Okay! I wrote it down!”

Zhang Tianzong squinted his eyes vigorously, forcibly not letting the tears in his eyes flow down!

Every time I mention my parents, I sprinkle salt on his wounds! Just tore open his unhealed wound again…


Outside, Zhang Tian let out a long sigh of relief with the sun shining on his body warmly.

“Officer Shen, go back! I’m leaving…”

“You…can you stop calling me Officer Shen? Sounds pretty good…”

“Huh? What does that call you? Do you want to call you a beautiful police flower?”

“Hate! Isn’t it good to call me Yunxi?”

Zhang Tian shook his head and said, “No! I heard your parents call you so, I don’t dare to grab a nickname with them! Why… just call you a beautiful girl! You don’t want to be big!”

Zhang Tianzong took a special look in front of her and smiled mysteriously when she saw her bulge that was already apparently large in scale.

“Hehehe…” Zhang Tianzong whispered, “It seems that the massage technique I taught you last time has worked! This is very rough and spectacular!”

Shen Yunxi glared at Zhang Tianzong vigorously, and took a step back with a blushing face.

“Hey! Where do your eyes look? Even if you are a doctor who wants to check the effect of the treatment, you can take a look at it. It’s endless, right? Humph! You’re a bastard! A big bastard! A big bastard running a train with his mouth full!”

“Hehehe…you stand here and curse slowly! I’m leaving! Big beautiful girl! Hahaha…”

Looking at the car going away, Shen Yunxi thought to himself: What kind of character is this guy? When he is serious, he looks like a sunny male god, and he always feels like he has a halo on his head!

But when it comes to smelly not wanting face, it’s really annoying!

Uh…It doesn’t seem to be that annoying, he is so handsome, how could he be so annoying? Wow haha……

Oops! Shen Yunxi! You’re done, this is the rhythm to be completely conquered by handsome guys! It’s over, it’s over! Calm! Be calm! Ahem…

Eh? correct! Today, Xiao Min and the others are working overtime, as if they are dealing with the big data management registration of those heavy and unsolved cases! No, I have to get back to my work immediately!

Shen Yunxi hurriedly took out his cell phone and dialed the home landline number.

“Mom! My unit temporarily notified me to work overtime! I have to go back to my unit immediately! That’s it! Let’s talk back…”

“This…well! Work matters…”

It is normal for the police to work overtime, so no matter whether what Shen Yunxi said is true or not, her parents will not have any doubts…

But from now on! In Shen Yunxi’s heart, there was one more task that he had to complete no matter how difficult it was!

——To be continued——

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