Village Doctor.

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

“Hey, let me go! I feel so comfortable after only taking such a sip! It seems… there is a slight sweetness! Tian Dage, what do you feel? Hey! You took another sip! No way! Give me a drink!”

“Don’t grab it! I haven’t had enough!”

“Is there enough? You save me some! Hey! Hey!”

“Hahaha…Don’t grab it, don’t grab it! I made this stuff myself, and I have it in my hand! There are so many! There is another bottle for you two to share, try it! Hehehe…”

“Really! That’s great! Give me another bottle…”

After watching them drink the two bottles of water, Zhang Tianzong smiled and thought to himself: Two Dages! Don’t blame my dude for being suspicious, I also have to do it just in case I have to keep a hand!

He suddenly said with a serious expression: “Two Big Brothers, there is an ugly thing I have to say first! Only the three of us know about this. So far, even Hongxiu doesn’t know about it! This is mine. Exclusive patents must not be told to anyone!”

“Remember, I’m talking about anyone! Including your wives and children! If this thing leaks out, don’t blame me for turning my face and denying people! When that happens… I really will not give in and act on the spot. No mercy!”

“To be honest, I really don’t want to see the day when I tear my face with you! Therefore, I have to put the seriousness of the matter first! I hope you don’t let me down!”

“Tianzong, don’t worry! I use my life as a guarantee. If I say a word, it will make me so bad that I will die!”

Pan Runlong also slapped his chest and said loudly: “If I say anything that touches the edge, there will be thunder and thunder! Killed on the spot!”

Zhang Tianzong nodded lightly, sighed and said, “The two Big Brothers, it’s not that I treat a gentleman like a villain! Just like you said, the methods I used are indeed beyond common sense. Phenomenon.”

“Once this matter is known to others, it will inevitably be missed by the bad guys! As the saying goes, the intention of harming others is indispensable, and the intention of defensiveness is indispensable! We must act in a low-key manner so as not to cause unnecessary trouble!”

“From today onwards, after dinner every night, we will drink tea together in the form of a group summary discussion! Just use this kind of water to make tea! If you really don’t want to drink tea, you can drink boiled water! If you have good things, you must not treat yourself badly. People! Hehehe…”

“Really? That’s great! Hehehe…”

“But you must remember that if you use this kind of water to water your plants, you have to dilute it again! A bottle of this water has to be blended into one hundred catties of ordinary water, the ratio is one to one hundred! Just water it twice a month!”


Seeing their very nervous expressions, Zhang Tianzong gently waved his hands and said, “You can treat it as the common nutrient solution in the world, and just use it normally.”

“Don’t be stubborn and sneaky when you are working. In that case, it will be easy for people to see the flaws! You just need to beware of others’ peeping when blending and blending.””And this matter is also easy to explain! If someone asks, they say that the blending ratio is a commercial secret and not spread, so others will not ask too much! If someone really wants to force the question, then the nature will change! Then you don’t have to be polite! Understand?”

“Understood, understood! When you say that, we know it in our hearts!”

“That’s good! Let me tell you the truth, hehehe…If you want to sell these medicinal materials right away, you only need to continuously pour the undiluted nutrient solution, and after a week, you can go on the market in large quantities! ”

“However, this is too against the laws of nature. We can’t explain it to the outside world, and we can’t explain it! So we have to keep a low profile. What we are playing is the Tao of muffled fortune! Understand?”

“Ah? Oh, oh, Ming…understand!”

They nodded with dull expressions, and answered mechanically…

Zhang Tianzong knew that at this time, they were already shocked by the shocking scenes of this scene, and they were a little frightened in shock!

But just because they will be directly involved in field management in the future, it is impossible not to let them know about this, and they have to let them know!

However, Zhang Tianzong naturally has a special way to ensure that they can be tight-lipped! Otherwise, simply issuing a poisonous oath will be useless these years!

For some things, Zhang Tianzong also had to do something secretly. As the saying goes, knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, will inevitably be driven by profits over time!

Therefore, when the two of them just drank the second bottle of water, they had already planted a powerful restraint charm in it, and also used the power of the rules of the world to set up special Restrictions! But this kind of thing is impossible to explain to anyone…

Zhang Tianzong patted them on the shoulders, and said with a smile: “Hurry up and eat dinner later, after all, it was set yesterday. The temporary workers hired will come to work around six o’clock. You two will work harder. , Guide them to work well.”

“I don’t care about this. There are still many patients in the clinic waiting for my diagnosis and treatment. When you need to check out the work here, just tell me! I have the money ready.”

“Don’t worry, you can’t make a mistake!”

“Ah That’s good!”

After eating breakfast, Zhang Tianzong hurriedly opened the door of the clinic, because there were already many patients who had made appointments to see the doctor this morning yesterday, and the work could be completed earlier by opening the door earlier.

Liu Hongxiu, Li Tingting and the six college students who were in the internship period also rushed over to help…

After a whole day of running-in yesterday, I really have a helper today!

Zhang Tianzong also clearly assigned their respective divisions of labor. Zhu Rui and Song Minhong were in charge of examining prescriptions and medicines in the clinic, liberating Liu Hongxiu and helping Zhang Tianzong.

The remaining four college students who had studied clinical studies in various subjects followed Zhang Tianzong to practice on-site!

When I opened the door, there were already many people queuing at the door, and many villagers rushed by one after another to watch the excitement.

That’s right! They are just to watch the excitement…

It is worth mentioning that the rigorous team led the police and security guards to maintain order on the scene again with due diligence!

Zhang Tianzong went out first, and nodded rigorously to show his gratitude.

Then the cupped fist cupped hands said: “Dear folks and elders! Dear elders, I am Zhang Tianzong, good morning everyone!”

it is good! Good morning, genius doctor!

Genius doctor! We are all waiting for you!

There was enthusiastic applause from the audience…

Zhang Tianzong nodded and continued: “Thank you for your trust in me! But my work efficiency is limited after all. Even if Zhang Tianzong has great abilities, it is impossible to be perfect!”

“As the saying goes, one fence has three stakes, and a hero has three gangs! The six behind me are high-achieving students who graduated from the Provincial University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. They all have excellent prescriptions, prescriptions, and clinical diagnosis and treatment methods!”

“Now I announce! Anyone who is critically ill, severely ill, or acutely ill, or who has a long course of illness that cannot be cured for a long time, or who suffers from intractable diseases and cannot take care of themselves in life, can come directly to me for diagnosis and treatment!”

“For the remaining mildly ill patients or friends who want to consult on health and wellness issues, please choose other doctors for initial diagnosis and consultation. If they are indeed suitable and mildly ill, they will directly distribute medicines and will give them one by one. Answer questions about health care, medication contraindications, and medication methods.”

“If there are unidentified or unclear cases under their initial diagnosis, I will take over them in time! You can rest assured! This will not only greatly enhance work efficiency, but also avoid excessive use of public time! Please understand Haihan!”

When the six college students heard this, they immediately looked at Zhang Tianzong gratefully. They knew in their hearts that this was Zhang Tianzong’s real opportunity for them to practice!

Of course, with their current abilities, they can only do the work of initial diagnosis, triage, and prescriptions. The real treatment work has to be done by Zhang Tianzong himself…

But even so, it was enough for the six of them to be excited for a while.

Because the opportunity is rare, it’s so rare! This is equivalent to Zhang Tianzong teaching them hand in hand!

Through yesterday’s scenes of magical healing effects, now no one does not admire Zhang Tianzong’s superb medical skills!

To have an opportunity to learn with the master, this is something that many people dream of…

Therefore, the six of them are determined to seize this opportunity! We must seriously complete the tasks assigned to them by Zhang Tianzong, and we must do nothing wrong!

Patient after patient diagnosis and treatment, it was noon, Zhang Tianzong looked up, and there were at least forty or fifty people waiting in line! It seems that lunch is to stop eating…

At this moment, a small car drove over.

From the car, a male driver, about 30 years old, took out a folding wheelchair from the trunk, opened it and placed it in the doorway of the back seat.

Immediately on the other side, a woman in her sixties came down, and then she hurriedly took the wheelchair. The driver opened the door and carried a gray-haired elderly person onto the wheelchair.

The driver took the wheelchair again, pushed forward, and the old woman walked ahead to lead the way…

“Let’s give it a hand! Please give it to everyone! A wheelchair is coming…”

The driver shouted loudly.

“What to let! Line up!”

A middle-aged woman at the end of the line said loudly.

“Um… we are here to find someone, looking for… oh! Looking for Zhang Tianzong!”

The middle-aged woman gave her a white look and said, “As long as it’s the people who come here to line up, who is not looking for Zhang Tianzong! Line up!”

“Yeah, if you jump in the line like you do, wouldn’t it be messy? Line up!”



The driver said loudly, “Do you know who this is? Wait in line? Humph! President Lin, you can wait a while, I’ll talk to the doctor!”

“No need, let’s line up too!”

“That won’t work! You are not in good health. How can you just sit here and basking in the sun on such a hot day! I’ll come when I go…”

“Little Li, Xiao Li! Come back, hey…”

The driver didn’t listen at all, and squeezed through the crowd, and ran to the front.

——To be continued——

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