Village Doctor.

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Just after Zhang Tianzong successfully cured the third patient, the minibuses and trucks from the county seat were also in place!

This is something that Zhang Tianzong didn’t even think of! Because that was something Li Tingting called and sent someone to deliver it in private!

After receiving an emergency notice from Li Tingting, the staff belonging to Huanyu Pharmaceutical Group rushed to the scene and moved all the Dongxi on the car.

“Report to Mr. Li! You have brought us the ECG monitor, B-ultrasound machine, wheelchair, movable diagnosis and treatment bed and other medical equipment, as well as stools, shade nets, drinking mineral water, medicines and sterilization supplies. Coming! Please give instructions!”

Tang Xinyi, Li Tingting’s private female secretary, trot over and said loudly.

“Okay!” Li Tingting nodded, briefly checked the items in the car, and said loudly: “Everyone listens to my instructions and immediately enters the working state! Fully cooperate with Dr. Zhang Tianzong in the treatment work!”

“Other items can be unloaded slowly, first move all the stools down and arrange them, set up the shading net, and distribute the mineral water!”


The crowds onlookers and the netizens on the live broadcast platform were excited and admired by waves of applause!

At this time, most people have forgotten their purpose of coming here. They all stared at the door of the clinic intently, looking forward to miracles one after another!

Seeing that the door was opened again and again, and the old people who came out of the house to recover their health one after another, they all applauded and celebrated from the heart! Cheers from the heart!

Time gradually came to eight o’clock, all the elderly in the nursing home, and the critically ill patients who came to see the doctor in Shiliba Village, were all treated!

A careful calculation, less than two hours! Zhang Tianzong unexpectedly cured fifty patients who could not take care of themselves by himself!

In addition, there are more than forty critically ill patients who have been suffering from illness all the year round! There are more than 30 patients with relatively mild illnesses!

Moreover, all treated patients are cured without exception! Everyone is alive, and there is no more sickness!

What a magical effect this is!

This is a brilliant achievement unparalleled in the world!

This is even more a medical miracle that all witnesses present, especially those who experienced today’s incident, will talk about it many years later!

Among the patients who came here today, a large part of them are bedridden all year round and Life cannot take care of themselves! Almost all of them have had the idea of ​​self-defeating and self-defeating!

If it wasn’t for the mentality that you can try it for free without money, and it was carried over by the township leaders, even if you can’t think of it, it won’t work.

If it weren’t for the mayor and the village head to be forced to do nothing, it was in desperation that I remembered that there is a Chinese medicine clinic in the town, which claims to be free of charge.

If it weren’t for the mentality of “a dead horse be a living horse doctor”, I decided to give it a try!

If there are no various prerequisites and reasons, those patients may never feel the joy of losing and recovering! It’s unlikely that you will enjoy a better life with higher quality…

All of this may have a coincidence element in it, or it may have a helpless element in it, and some people are completely watching the excitement!

But no matter what they came for, no matter how they came here, the end result is good, everyone is worthwhile!

Zhang Tianzong took a towel, wiped his head with sweat, and walked out of the room.

“Old Big Brother, old Big sis! All! Stand at attention! Bow to the genius doctor! Bow to our savior!”

“Oh My God!”

Zhang Tianzong hurried forward, helped them up, and said loudly: “It can’t be done, it can’t be done! You are all the age of grandpas and grandma! I really can’t bear your bows, thank you! Everyone! Junior is here in return!”

Zhang Tian bowed deeply in return.

At this moment, Changjiang Songlan from the town nursing home hurriedly walked over and said loudly: “Doctor Zhang! Doctor Zhang! On behalf of all the staff in the nursing home, thank you!”

“Here, I solemnly promise! From now on, I will strictly abide by the principle of nutritional catering, and resolutely correct bad habits! Ensure to maintain the basic theory of healthy eating! There will never be something like today!”

Zhang Tianzong nodded and said: “Dean Jiang, I admire people like you very much! You are the silent and selfless people who make sacrifices. You are the greatest and the most meaningful people! If you really want to say thank you, you should Thank you, you are right!”

“To be blunt, I just did what a doctor should do. There is really nothing to be thankful for! All the employees in your nursing home are happy to accompany them, stay with them in life, stay with them until they are old, and let them The old and dependable!”

“But, don’t blame me for speaking badly, don’t blame me for speaking, there are some things I have to say! Please don’t interpret what I said too much!”

Zhang Tianzong looked around for a week and said loudly: “To be honest, a good life habit is easy to develop! In the final analysis, it is a question of self-discipline. There is really nothing hard to do!”

“Please remember what I want to say next, this is also a medical order that a doctor must say! Everyone present must hear and do it!”

“There is no absolute in everything, only relative! Don’t overdo it! It doesn’t mean that you can no longer eat pickled foods such as pickles. It’s really not good to eat too much of that stuff, but it’s not as scary as you think! ”

“Otherwise, it won’t be spread to the present, and this kind of pickled dishes has been kept! Appropriate eating is pickled vegetables! It’s just that there must be a degree and quantity of temperance, that’s all!”

“Dean Jiang, wait a minute when we add a WeChat friend to each other. You can send me the recipes set up in your yard to see. If necessary, I will re-create a recipe for you, or build on the original basis. Revise it in accordance with popular tastes!”

“Hongxiu, take my mobile phone and add Dean Jiang’s WeChat friends! The next step will be dealt with later! Everyone! I’m really sorry, we can only talk about it here. I still have some things to do. Can’t talk more.”

“good husband!”

Dean Jiang hurriedly took out his mobile phone and added a WeChat friend, then nodded and said: “Okay! I will do what you said when I look back! Thank you Dr. Zhang, I will take everything you said in my heart! Everyone! Let’s go back…”

“Thank you genius doctor!”

“Thank you for saving us…”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and said, “Everyone, you are welcome! Go back, go back…Be careful on the road, everyone sitting on the tractor will be a little bumpy, please driver master must drive slowly…”

“Oh, I see……”

Zhang Tianzong turned around, looked at Li Tingting and said with a smile: “Beauty! Thank you, ha, if you hadn’t sent someone from the company promptly and quickly, I would have been a little rushed.”

“Hurrying up?” Li Tingting said with a curled mouth: “I don’t see what you are up to now! When it comes to responding to emergencies, you have surpassed many excellent professional managers!”

“Furthermore, especially the miraculous medical skills and attitude that you have revealed, once again let me know what is called magical medical ethics! The name of a magical doctor is well-deserved!”

“However, the situation has not been completely resolved yet, and many patients have come here! Do you know how powerful the online platform is? Many netizens have already made appointments on the Internet after watching the live broadcast. I’m looking for you to see a doctor!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and said, “No problem! I just do this. How can I be afraid that patients will come to me for treatment? However, I have to take a half-hour break, which is really exhausting!”

“Moreover, I have to take the time to go to the backyard and have a look in the greenhouse. There are some things that I don’t need to explain specifically, I’m afraid they can’t do it well.”

“Yeah! Okay, you go take a break, here are me and Hongxiu staring at. For the time being, let the patients wait in line. Anyway, I don’t think there are any severe or emergency patients among these people. They should be all right. Wait a minute.”


Zhang Tianzong confessed a few words to Liu Hongxiu, and then apologized to the twenty or so patients who were in the queue, and promised to take a half-hour break and then see him again!

Of course those patients understand very well. After all, more than one hundred patients are treated in two hours, and the labor intensity is also very high…

Zhang Tianzong went back to the backyard deliberately, and he had to give special instructions regarding the cutting of basswood to cultivate bacteria and bagging. Which shed needs to be turned over, and which shed does not need to be specially explained.

Although Tian Zhanwu and Pan Runlong are already very experienced, they don’t know what special methods and arrangements Zhang Tianzong has, so they must cooperate with their own plan to implement…

Fortunately, these two people are experienced and very dedicated, and they didn’t make Zhang Tianzong worry about them.

After explaining these things, Zhang Tianzong hurriedly returned to his own bedroom, closed the doors and windows and blocked the curtains, and then returned directly to the cave.

In fact, Zhang Tianzong didn’t need to rest because he was tired, but after continuously using True Qi to perform acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, he had already lost his strength because of exhaustion of his power!

He was holding back and didn’t want everyone to see that there was something wrong with him. When the door was really closed, his body was already shaking and exhausted!

If there are other people present at this time, he will definitely see that his face is extremely different!

Zhang Tianzong was in Dongtianfudi, and he couldn’t wait to drink the spiritual spring water, and it took a long time to stabilize his mind!

He smiled helplessly, and said to himself: “Am I a little bit asking for trouble? Obviously I don’t have to work so hard!”

“Obviously some diseases can be cured by taking medicine for a long time, but I have to have that immediate effect. Hey…”

I don’t have time to think about it so much, I hurried to Lotus Position, looking inside Meridians and Dantian…

“Damn! The True Qi in the Meridians is empty! Is it because I have lost all of my skills? My damn! Isn’t this the end? Hiss…”

——To be continued——

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