Village Doctor.

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

That night, Li Tingting followed Liu Hongxiu back to her family’s home.

Leaving Zhang Tianzong alone in the bedroom, he suddenly felt a bit deserted.

Fortunately, once you have entered the state of meditation cultivation, you will forget all your worries and even self.

Until about three in the morning, Zhang Tianzong woke up from the state of being in Ding, and quietly came to the backyard shed, waved all the cultivation soil and the linden wood used to cultivate mushrooms and Lingzhi Mushrooms, and the wood fragments were placed in it. , And cover it with plastic film to prevent moisture loss.

After doing this, Zhang Tianzhang returned to the house with a smile, and then returned to the Dongtianfudi to continue his cultivation!

Early the next morning.

Originally, Zhang Tianzong planned to cook by himself, but he didn’t expect Tian Rui and Yu Yaping to start earlier than him, and they were already cooking breakfast.

Yu Yaping smiled and said: “Tianzong, although my sister-in-law does not cook as delicious as you do, the job you arranged for me was to make work meals! You can’t always rush my work!”

“My sister-in-law promises you that you will study cooking seriously in the future, and strive to reach your cooking level and standards as quickly as possible! Do you think it will be okay?”

Zhang Tianzong Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and waved his hand and said, “Yes! Sister-in-law, what are you talking about! I didn’t say I wanted to grab your work! This is not a guest at home, I Thinking about cooking by yourself, so that the guests feel that we are not slow to treat others!”

“Hehehe… to be honest, I also feel relaxed when you start cooking, I am really not so keen on cooking!”

“Well, since it’s all here, then it’s settled! Sister-in-law, I will leave the food to you with full authority in the future, so please be busy…”

Yu Yaping and Tian Rui smiled at each other, and at the same time nodded and continued to cook seriously…

“Yo! Mother-in-law! You woke up so early today too…”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and greeted Tian Jinhua coming from the house.

She has been in Closed Door Training cultivation these days, and rarely sees her go out of the house.

Tian Jinhua smiled and said: “Tian Zong, I found that your kid has a special charm! It’s only a few days after that, and the big guy’s work and rest patterns are basically in sync with you! Look, you have all cultivated to go to bed early. I’m used to getting up early!”

“Yeah! It is indeed a habit! Hehehe…”

When Zhang Tianzong heard this, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

“Hey, let me go! I thought we were getting up early enough! But you…”

At this moment, Li Tingting and Liu Hongxiu walked out of the house. When they saw the big guys standing in the yard, they suddenly shook their heads, Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“Yes! I’m all to blame for this! I always get up before five o’clock in the morning. I rarely oversleep, and I have formed a habit. I’m sorry to disturb you guys…”

“This habit is very good!” Li Tingting suddenly remembered and said, “Eh? Handsome guy! I know you know how to do qigong! Actually I guessed it a long time ago! Hehehe…teach me how to do it?”

Zhang Tianzong glanced at Tian Jinhua and said with a smile: “Well, this qigong…you have to learn from an early age to achieve the best results. You only think of step-by-step learning now. It is indeed a bit late.”

“Ah? Not right!” Li Tingting said disappointedly: “It was so difficult to catch such an opportunity. Could it be that I missed it like this? That’s a shame…”

“Hey, handsome guy! Is there any workaround? It’s okay to learn just a fur, I don’t ask for anything else, I just want to keep fit, keep healthy, and not become a fat woman!”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly, nodded and said, “Let’s do it! I will teach you a set of health maintenance Fist Technique and a set of special breathing methods! Listen well, this is my family’s ancestral health secret recipe! It’s not a local stall!”

“If you can keep practicing in accordance with the method I taught you, you will be able to strengthen your body, balance internal and external, full of energy, and magical effects!”

“Well, it’s okay for everyone to wake up so early anyway, so follow me to practice! This set of health Cultivation Technique can be practiced regardless of gender, young or old. Whoever practices it will benefit! And it’s easy to understand. Simple and easy to learn, almost like radio gymnastics!”

“Okay, okay! I want to learn, I want to learn! That, handsome guy! Do you mind if I record a video? If it can be recorded, it will be convenient to watch and learn again in the future!”

“No problem! It is the responsibility of the doctor to spread the health regimen and wish the world to be disease-free, even if you post it on the Internet, I don’t mind! The more people benefit, the better!”

“Okay! Then I’m really welcome! My official account really lacks some different types of material content, just for the fans to change different tastes! Hehehe…”

“Of course! As long as you get a real signature! This way I can also get a lot of heat and publicity! Hehehe…”

“Okay! No problem!”

After a while, Liu was ready.

The process of a few people practicing health-preserving boxing stopped temporarily, but fortunately, this Fist Technique consisted of more than a dozen movements, which was really similar to aerobics.

The corresponding special breathing method, that is, the problem of adjusting the speed of one exhale and one inhalation, is really easy to learn, as long as it is hard to learn, it is really not difficult.

After all, it’s breakfast, and it’s relatively simple. There are no big fish and meat, three bowls…

Only Steamed bun, barley porridge, small mixed vegetables, seaweed egg drop soup, plus one boiled egg per person, this is the standard light breakfast configuration.

For many people, the mention of breakfast becomes a problem.

Everyone knows that you can’t eat it, but it doesn’t taste much.

However, today this breakfast has once again become Li Tingting’s delicacy!

Li Tingting had a big mouthful of Steamed bun in her mouth, and said vaguely: “I didn’t expect Steamed bun to be so delicious! I…hiccup…”

“Hey, fuck! Hurry up and have a mouthful of soup!”

Seeing her choking, Zhang Tianzong raised her head and pulled her breath, and hurriedly picked up the soup to feed her to drink…

“What are you doing! This is too hard, right? No one is rushing to eat with you, why are you in a hurry!”


Li Tingting took a deep breath and said with a smile: “It’s delicious! I haven’t eaten the steamed bun less before, but it’s not the taste at all. The more you chew, the more delicious! Um! This soup is also delicious! Hehehe…”

Zhang Tianzong looked at her helplessly and said, “No matter how delicious the food is, you have to slowly savor it to taste it, otherwise it will be full of jujubes! You are also a pretty lady, can’t you be a lady at all!”

“Hehehe…I used to pretend to be a dignified, wise and unusual lady every day when I was at home, and I had to pretend to be a high-end boss in the company! With you I want to be myself! No! Fuck it! Hehehe…”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly, nodded and said: “Okay! It’s not a good one! It’s free and easy! I admire your personality, good buddy!”

“Hahaha… It’s not easy to be praised by you once! In order to reward myself, I have to eat another Steamed bun! This time I have to taste it slowly! Hahaha…”

Everyone was silent, Liu Hongxiu and Tian Rui looked at each other, and at the same time lowered their heads silently…

Zhang Tianzong smiled and said: “Everyone eat slowly, I will go to the front yard clinic to see, after all, there is nothing trivial when facing patients, so I have to make some preparations in advance!”

“Yeah! Husband, I have finished eating too. I’ll go with you!”


At this moment, Zhang Tianzong’s cell phone rang.

Zhang Tianzong hurriedly connected the phone and said, “Pan Dage! Has the hired worker arrived?”

“Here! I will enter the house soon! However, there is one thing more important than this! You should go to the clinic as soon as possible! Something went wrong!”

“Huh? Something happened? I’ll be right there!”

When Zhang Tianzong opened the rolling door, he was stunned by the scene in front of him!

At this time, it was just about half past six, and outside the door was already surrounded by the crowd watching the crowd!

Not far from the door, two tractors were parked, and in the trunk of the tractors were old men and old ladies with gray hair!

Moreover, the mayor and village mayor were among the crowd!

I don’t know who notified the police station director to be rigorous! He led the police officers from the police station and the security joint defense team temporarily transferred here!

Seeing Zhang Tianzong walked out, the mayor and village head hurriedly greeted him!

The mayor of Liushu Town is named Guo Hongqiang and the village head is named Li Mingjie. They are both native to the township, and Zhang Tianzong naturally recognizes them.

“Ah! Mayor, village chief! Director Yan, what are you doing? Why are there so many people around? Anything?”

Guo Hongqiang said embarrassedly, “Tianzong, can I trouble you?”

“Um…what’s the matter? You say!”

“Um… I heard that your clinic provides free medical treatments for widows, widows, families with five guarantees, and low-income households, right? Can you see them? The people I brought are all from the town. Insured households, five-guarantee households, old troubles!”

“Especially the old people in the two tractors. They are all old people in the nursing home in our town. The older ones are more or less sick…”

“I…I know this is a bit difficult, but they really need help! Although there are some funding for civil affairs and finance, it is really a drop in the bucket compared to seeing a doctor! Because their illnesses are chronic and chronic diseases. It’s easy to cure! Please see it for the sake of the folks in the village…”

Zhang Tianzong waved his hand and interrupted him and said loudly, “Hongxiu! Make preparations right away! Try to hurry up before eight o’clock and watch all the patients present!”

“Huh? This… at least there are more than a hundred people here…”

“Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up! It starts to heat up at eight o’clock with Houtian gas. Are you going to let these old people wait outside under the sun? Tingting! Do me a favor and keep the scene in order! One after another , Don’t mess up!”

“Understood! I’ll go to the backyard and call Tian Rui to come and help! I’m afraid I can’t handle it by myself…”

“Okay! Go!”

“Hongxiu, you just stay in the house! Ready to take the medicine for the trial! I moved the table and bench and went to see the doctor directly outside!”


In a short while, Tian Rui and Tian Jinhua who came for the inquiry came to help, and everyone worked together to deal with this emergency…

——To be continued——

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