Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 282: Offer a reward

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Yang lived in Guanshan Town for more than two months.

Thanks to the great dream of Jianzong, no one came to chase him. Normally, there are no ghosts in the small town who dare to make trouble.

He almost thought that he was really in a peaceful peach blossom field.

Of course, the illusion is an illusion, but the practice of Zhang Yang did not go down.

After practicing into spiritual cultivation, he raised the Soul Vein Sword Pill to the fifth stage, and realized the passive ability of the Thorns Sword Formation, he successively successfully opened the first stage of the Soul Vein Sword Pill in the following time, the Soul Vein Sword. The second pill is heavy.

Because of the rhyme of heaven and earth, this can really save a lot of time for practice.

Now, his Lingmai Jianwan can store 1,200 mouthfuls of life energy at once.

But basically this is the limit he can reach in the short term.

Because if he wants to upgrade the Lingmai Jian Wan to the third level, it will take three years to accumulate the rhyme of heaven and earth alone.

In addition, he must start to solve the problem of Shouyuan, which means that he needs more time to open Shengmai Jian Wan and Death Mai Jian Wan.

In addition, there are two imminent things that he needs to deal with.

One is that he needs a mysterious sword, even though he can use Jinmai Sword Pills leisurely now, but the harsh conditions that require 200 mouthfuls of life energy each time make him release only six times.

It's okay to encounter a one-on-one battle. What if there are many enemies, what if the enemy is strong, what if the enemy is very good at avoiding it?

After all, so far, the only way to attack Zhang Yang's triple golden sword is to attack in a straight line, unexpectedly, with one move to control the enemy, if the enemy is strong enough, or has been prepared, this requires other swords to assist.

And Zhang Yang happened to have a set of Mortal Grade Four Seasons Sword Art, a Mortal Grade Muyu Sword Art, and a Set of Profound Grade Sword Art, waiting for him to practice.

But to cultivate, he needs to have enough sword intent, so this is back to the original point. He has to at least raise the Yimai Sword Pill to the third level, otherwise he shouldn't even want to practice the profound sword art.

So after thinking about it, Zhang Yang decided to ask someone to make a sword for him. He really didn't have the energy and didn't have much life to light up the new skill tree.

So on a drizzle early morning, Zhang Yang came to the Temple of Earth in Guanshan Town.

It is located on the east side of the town, with a large area and a very good environment. There is also a coffin shop named Heheji nearby.

It's just that Zhang Yang has never seen this coffin unfolded, and even if the villagers died, he would not buy a coffin here.

Zhang Yang was not interested in this, but this time when he passed by the door of Heheji Congee Shop, he saw that the door of the coffin shop finally opened, and there was a black and shiny black iron coffin at the door.

Profound iron is refined from mortal iron, divided into four levels: mortal, profound, immortal, and god.

So you can imagine how valuable this mysterious iron coffin is.

Zhang Yang just sighed and walked over to the Temple of Earth.

This place is actually more like a tavern. Usually, more than a dozen casual cultivators sit in it, waiting or selecting the missions issued by the Earth Temple.

In fact, they can be regarded as casual training of Guanshan Town’s own semi-support, usually as long as they complete a sufficient number of tasks, Guanshan Town will include them in Guanshan Town.

The biggest advantage of being a member of the town is that you can freely absorb the aura of heaven and earth here.

If the performance is good enough and the contribution is big enough, you can also be recommended to the Great Dream Sword Sect to do peripheral handyman, then it is really a step forward.

But today, when Zhang Yang arrived, he found that these casual cultivators were all gathered together, each of them looked excited, as if something extraordinary had happened.

Even when Zhang Yang approached, several casual cultivators showed hostile gazes, so this is a reward that is well paid, for fear that he will join the fair?

Zhang Yang is amused. Now that he has a modifier, he will see these small rewards? Ask him not to go.

Be content, mortals, don't they have to memorize Keiko Xiangliang to feel desperate?

"Young man, do you want to receive a reward?"

Right in front of the casual cultivators, an old man with a big brain and white beard smiled and asked, this is the land **** of Guanshan Town, but it is basically the steward of the Great Dream Sword Sect here.

"Sorry, I just want to inquire, where are there any masters who are good at making swords?"

Publicity and politeness hand over.

"There are master swordsmiths in Yening City and Profound Iron City, but at most they can only cast ordinary sword weapons. If you want to cast mysterious sword weapons, you must go to the Great Dream Sword Sect." The land **** looked at Zhang Yang with great gaze. Deep meaning, after all, no matter how weak he is, he can still tell which of these casual cultivators has the higher strength.

"Dream Sword Sect?" Zhang Yang frowned, this is not easy.

"Young man, there is an opportunity right now. The Sword Sect of the Great Dream has just released a reward for a mortal **** to **** a severely injured disciple of the Sword of the Great Dream to the Profound Iron City. As long as he arrives safely, he will give a piece of the mortal to respond Ling, if you want to cast a mysterious sword, you only need to make up ten mortal ranks to respond to orders, and the Great Dream Sword Sect can cast swords for you.

"Xuan Tiecheng? A severely injured disciple of the Great Dream Sword Sect?"

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, but he thought of the mysterious iron coffin he had just seen, and then he suddenly realized that the severely injured disciple of the Great Dream Sword Sect should be in the mysterious iron coffin, and he was healing his injuries with sword qi radiation.

But how was this disciple of the Great Dream Sword Sect injured?

Could it be directly related to the sleepless night on the black soil side?

If this is the this reward is a bit hot.

"Sorry, I have something else to do."

Zhang Yang had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and then he chose to refuse. Although he was in urgent need of a mysterious sword, there was no need to participate.

After giving the salute again, Zhang Yang turned around and left, very simply. His move made the casual cultivators inexplicably relieved, and then, without hesitation, they lifted the mysterious iron coffin and set off quickly.

"It seems that I have to take a trip to Yening City, and collect debts by the way. Maybe Qian Muyun can find a suitable swordsmith for me. If it doesn't work, I will cast a few more ordinary swords. it is also fine."

Zhang Yang thought about it, and went back to pack his things, but before he could return to the rented courtyard, his complexion suddenly changed, because a sword intent suddenly exploded in the sky, accompanied by a roar, but it was from the center of Guanshan Town. Something activated the stele.

"not good!"

Zhang Yang didn't even bother to return at this time. He turned around and swept outside the town. Only a few seconds later, he stopped with a gloomy expression, because in his field of vision, black clouds were swept by the demon wind. The entire Guanshan town was besieged, and as for the dozens of casual cultivators who had just left, they carried the mysterious iron coffin in a hurry and withdrew back.

"This is not right. This place is a thousand miles away from Hei Tu Yuan. The war there is supposed to be impossible to reach here, but at the moment these monsters and ghosts are chasing and killing them reluctantly. This is definitely not aimed at Guanshan. The town must be for the disciple of the Great Dream Sword Sect."

"So, what is so surprising about this disciple of the Great Dream Sword Sect?"

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