Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 156: How to lose the dragon riding face?

"Congratulations, Mr. Zhang Yang, the data you provided has passed the primary evaluation line, and then--"

Gu Yun wrote and painted on a piece of paper, and finally stood up and smiled, but a phone call interrupted her. After answering the call, she looked at Zhang Yang and looked extremely surprised.

"Mr. Zhang Yang, you don’t need to do any assessment next. You have been appointed as a candidate for the national team. The recommenders are Liu Kai and Liao Zhongyuan. In the next twenty days, it will be your vacation. Please Wait a minute, the relevant identification documents will be completed in three hours, including a bank card with an account of 100 million yuan, a three-story villa in the provincial capital, a private car driver, a babysitter, and a personal liaison officer. Could you please return Any instructions?"

"Uh-such an exaggeration?" Zhang Yang was stunned. He hadn't forgotten Liu Kai and Qianlong himself, but he couldn't imagine that the other party had so much authority. No, it was so good for joining the national team.

"It's all right, Mr. Zhang Yang." Gu Yun's eyes were a little hot, but he was very amorous.

But Zhang Yang has no time to bother now, "So, can I go now?"

"Of course, you now have sufficient authority to do so."

"Thank you!"

Zhang Yang nodded politely, turned around and pushed the door to go out, and saw the "protagonists" lined up in a long queue, not daring to wait impatiently.

"Hey, buddy, did the assessment pass?"

A young man standing in line smiled and asked Zhang Yang.

"It's ok, fluke fluke."

Zhang Yang responded with a smile, thinking about the sun, the beach, than-what could be better than iced watermelon?

I just want to relax.

I am willing!

Three hours later, Zhang Yang sat on his balcony again, with three extra-large iced watermelons in front of him. On the balcony on the 15th floor opposite, the girl in the white dress who was drying clothes was glaring at him!

In the living room, knowing if the TV series is finally over, my mother went downstairs to buy some groceries, while my father hid in the study and beat his generation of Warcraft.

Well, it's nice to go home.


Twenty days in a flash, Zhang Yang did nothing, except lazily basking on the balcony, lazily eating watermelon, or lazily playing games, occasionally lazily accompanied my mother to go shopping, and finally occasionally Lazily peeping at the girl opposite.

Everything else, I don’t want to listen or not to consider.

"Dad, Mom, I'm leaving!"

Holding the admission notice of a certain university in his hand, Zhang Yang carried a bag and a suitcase, and went out lazily. There was no sadness at all, because the university he was going to was three stops away from home.

So it wasn't until he walked so far that his mother's highly delayed voice came from behind, "Don't forget to bring your little girlfriend back during the holiday, or you can just wait to sleep on the streets. Not in advance!"

"Why is this?" Dad seemed to persuade.

"Why so! Where's my pan?" My mother seemed to be lit up by an active volcano in an instant.

"What?" Dad didn't realize the crisis was coming.

"Oh!" Zhang Yang shook his head. Although his home was only three stops away from where he went to school, his request to move out still made his mother very sad.

After leaving the complex and bypassing the open area with people coming and going, Zhang Yang stopped in front of a flower bed. For a moment, a black luxury car drove by, opened the door, got in the car, and left.

A day later, Zhang Yang was already in an underground base thousands of miles away.

"Haha, brother Zhang Yang, I'm right, as long as you return to reality, we will meet again soon!"

Liu Kai, who was still tall and handsome, walked forward quickly and gave Zhang Yang an awkward hug.

"Come and come, you know all of us, Liao Zhongyuan, Yuan Gang, Cao Heng, Duncan, Liu Yu, the seven dragons of our Wuwei County are all gathered now, maybe one of us has a chance to win the Central Plains what!"

Zhang Yang ignored the exaggerated Liu Kai and greeted the other five people separately. Seven of them had met before, and they were a small team of Qianlong contending for hegemony.

"Zhang Yang, how are your results this time? We are still worried that you will not be able to pass the assessment, so we specially asked someone to say hello and put you in the national team as a backup."

At this time, Yuan Gang said in a deep voice, this is of course not how deep the friendship between them is, but that in the next game building a village, they are all closer to the site, and there is one of their own, of course, there is more than one. Alien Qianlong is more relaxed.

"It's okay. My village construction result is extraordinary strength, extraordinary soul, city level 1 difficulty, and a duration of 582 years."

Zhang Yang didn't hide much in front of a few people, because these guys all knew his details.

"Hi! City level one difficulty? I'll join, Zhang Yang, are you really fake?"

As soon as this remark came out, whether it was the most majestic Yuan Gang, the most detached Liu Kai, or a few others, they were all stunned.

"Uh, isn't the result bad?" Zhang Yang was very worried.

"That's not good? Who said this grade was not good? I immediately picked up the knife and chopped him down! Okay, Zhang Yang, you might be the number one pick in the Southeastern University this year. By the way, have your results been reported? "

Cao Heng shouted excitedly at this time.

"No, I just report a preliminary evaluation, and then you will call down, I will be the national team alternate." Zhang Yang smiled, very relaxed.

"Walking around, what are you still doing? Go report your results. If you don't get the top ten of China, you will be panicked. Then, what national team will be alternate, go directly to the main team, brothers. You have to take care of you, brother!" Liu Kai stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Yang's arm and left.

"Wait, let me talk about a few people, I'm still confused. Specifically, I don't feel how good my results are." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Cut! You are a big-tailed wolf. Why didn't I see you? At the Bald Head Ridge fortress, you pretended to look like a pig, but now it seems that I am the pig. Know me What’s your grade? I’m a senior, with extraordinary strength, extraordinary agility, and a difficulty level of 1st level. The duration is only 680 years. Your achievement directly crushed me into a temper."

"Yes, we are all in control, letting the village civilization fall to the difficulty of the town level, but Liu Yu was pitted by her ghost beauty, and it happened to pass 300 years."

"And you know, this year's best result is said to be from the European side, the three attributes are extraordinary, the city has a level of difficulty, and the duration is 891. The best performance of the main national team in China is the three attributes. Extraordinary, the first-level difficulty of the city, the duration of 872 years, now you can compare it, the first-level difficulty of the city, after 300 years, the gold content is not comparable to the first level of the town."

"Of course, the premise of everything is that you haven't lied. Everyone in the primary assessment can be ridiculous, but the latter assessment is not easy to fool, Zhang Yang, how much water do you say?"

Liu Kai and Yuan Gang were watching Zhang Yang closely.

Zhang Yang also looked shocked, and it took a long time to say: "On the primary assessment side, I did report 30% of the water, but with you, everyone knows the roots, so I am 10% of the water!"

"Why is that verbose, report the results, the main national team is a bird, we Wuwei County Qijo Chong, no, the seven Qianlong do not believe that they can't be the main national team of Zhongdu County! Why should we support them to a limited extent? Ah, Zhang Yang's grades are not bad at all!"

Liu Kai jumped up again, extremely excited.

"Uh, what is Zhongdu County?"

Zhang Yang suddenly thought of something and quickly asked.

"It is the county where the capital of the Great Wei King is located. The 36th county of the Great Wei Dynasty, the Zhongdu county is the richest and the sharpest. The nine worms of the national team are now gathered there. It is said that they have depended on a certain big Princess Wei is really the kind of princess with high authority. Da Wei is the relative sister of the mother of today's son!"

"Uh, Da Wei, the emperor Wei in our game, how long has he been to the throne?"

"It's been three years. On the day we met at the Baluduling Fortress, it happened that the emperor Wei was ascended to the throne for three years! It is said that this guy is still very wise and martial, and we all guessed how Wei would lose when he was flying his face?"

"Huh, Zhang Yang, what's the matter with you?"

Several people looked at Zhang Yang.

Because at this moment, Zhang Yang's heart is really overwhelming.



The emperor Wei is about to jump upside down!

The main force of Princess Wei’s national team is afraid that they will be served by others. The emperor Wei is all a different race. How can his sister of a mother and compatriot be good?

"I--I--Is there the princess Wei from those people in Zhongdu County?"

"Tell me, did you sleep?"

Zhang Yang almost roared.

"It must be. I heard that it is a beautiful country. A few days ago, the kid from the national team even praised everyone. It made us all itch. But then again, Zhang Yang, your game character Isn't Dong Cheng what's the matter with Princess Wei!"

Faced with a few people's ridicule, Zhang Yang smiled bitterly. He didn't know what race the mysterious demon girl was, but she was definitely very powerful. If the main force of the national team was already the younger sister of Wei Tianzi, then everything would be too late.

"Zhang Did you find anything?" Yuan Gang asked at this moment.

"Yes, if I report to the top and hope that the national team will withdraw from Zhongdu County, will they listen to my suggestions?"

Zhang Yang asked calmly again.

"Up? Look at the top level. If the national team is ordered to withdraw from the top of Zhongdu County, then I'm sorry, it's impossible. The current start of the national team in the game is almost equivalent to flying dragons. , Don’t say you are a newcomer, even senior people like us are not qualified to say anything, but I’m curious, what do you think is the reason why the national team should withdraw from Zhongdu County?"

"My cheap father-in-law told me, Zhongdu County, the place of death!"



Several people all laughed forward and backward.

"Come on, come on, Brother Zhang Yang, I know your cheap father-in-law, you don't have to laugh at us, ours—all for you. Let’s go, let’s go, and report your results!"

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