Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 154: Many protagonists

Sitting in a very ordinary bus, Zhang Yang was very depressed. He thought he was the protagonist, and the country should focus on protection. By the way, he sent a beautiful young lady to be a special liaison officer and personal bodyguard.

But in fact, even if he is the protagonist, that is one of thirty-seventh.

Because there are still a whole car as depressed as him, exactly 37 people.

And when the bus drove out of Qingquan City, another bus abducted out of nowhere and joined the team, so - Zhang Yang has probably become the protagonist of one in seventy-fourths now.

He was looking around, and the people around him were also looking at each other, and his nervous and proud little eyes instantly betrayed each other. Oh, it turns out that everyone is a novice.

The bus drove out for two hours and stopped midway. Zhang Yang thought they had reached their destination. After the car door opened, the target was heavily armed special forces soldiers, carrying a twenty-five-year-old Huang Mao, this guy. The whole body was **** with a flashing electric chain and threw it on the car, occasionally twitching, foaming at the mouth, and slurred shouts in the mouth-peat is not considered a bead when it is confused, and it is not forced to hold it. of!

This tragic situation caused everyone in the car, including Zhang Yang, to chill in the back for a while, right, isn't it just not mandatory? ,

"I just said that I will not use coercive means. I did not say that other people will not force it. I'm sorry, everyone. What you are dealing with now is about the future of earth civilization. It is a big deal. No one can stay out of it."

At this time, the lady with picturesque eyebrows and gentle and pleasant lady said, "By the way, the magic village building order appears on the earth 100,000 times every year, so there will be 100,000 lucky people, and of course there will be bad luck. Egg, if this lucky guy dies before he is killed by a foreign village chief, then the mysterious village building order in this lucky guy’s hand will be passed on to his relatives randomly, and that’s why we can do it so quickly One of the reasons I found you."

"And this year, the magical village building order that appeared in our province totaled 2,278 yuan, and now it has smoothly returned to 978 yuan. The rest probably won't come back, so you should all understand what this means. What is it? Every second, the civilization code of our earth’s civilization is quickly deciphered. You are all elite village chiefs who have completed the mission of building a mysterious village for 300 years. You should all understand the consequences of deciphering the civilization code. When the time comes, all of you here, and your family, can really be alone?"

"So, I hope you can understand the necessary measures and tough measures the government has taken in this matter."

"Miss Sister, I have a question to ask, is this village building order the latest technology researched by all countries on the earth?"

At this time, a girl with glasses on the bus raised her hand and asked.

"No, when the governments of various countries on the earth discovered this incident, the code of our earth civilization had been deciphered by 5%. Therefore, in this matter, you don’t have to worry about the passages in the novel, such as the ancient martial arts family, and what Mysterious organizations, there are none behind the scenes. The country, like you, is a novice in this matter, and they can only cross the river tremblingly by touching the stones."

"Well, don't ask anymore. I am not responsible for answering your questions. After all, I am not a selected person. Next, we will go to the provincial capital. There will be experts to answer your questions, but the answer cannot be correct."

The bus fell silent again, except for the yellow hair that had lost front teeth.

After all, anyone who can complete the task of building a village in 300 years will not be too stupid. This can be known only when 99% of people choose to cooperate with the government temporarily.

You must know that after the return, all their attributes and strengths have not shrunk. They really have to do it, dozens of policemen-well, anyway, Zhang Yang will not do such stupid things.

At this time, many people began to lower their eyebrows and pleasing to the eye, including publicity. At this time, they were meticulous, and when they should wait, especially when they know that the country does not know the specific achievements of each person in the mission of building a mysterious village. Got it.

This is not passive resistance, but the situation is unknown.

Go +1.

Go ahead +2.

Go ahead +3……

The atmosphere in the carriage is immediately subtle, after all, it is much more difficult for everyone to be in a group than to be alone in a group.

The special liaison lady seemed to be accustomed to this, and she picked up the corner of her mouth and sat back.

In another hour, the provincial capital was on sight. There were no armed helicopters to escort, and no tanks to open the way. They were not sent to the mysterious underground base, but were simply sent to the campus of the No. 1 Middle School in the provincial capital. Summer vacation.

This is really shabby.

But when Zhang Yang got out of the car, they immediately understood that the "Protagonist of Destiny" who was on standby here was called more than one, crowded and crowded, like a vegetable market.

As for there are neither heavily armed soldiers nor black-hole muzzles around, there are a group of young and beautiful young ladies who give everyone a certificate one by one. Well, this is too casual.

But the "Protagonist of Destiny" is really a lot, good guy, thousands of people.

In the end, the big guys were mighty, whispering to each other into the auditorium of No.1 Middle School, taking seats one by one according to the seat number on the certificate.

In the next second, all the headlights were turned on, and the auditorium was instantly bright as daylight. Only then did a bald old man, a middle-aged man with a big belly, and a young man with a grim expression step onto the podium. , Just sit down.

It was the middle-aged man who spoke first.

"Welcome everyone to come back safely and introduce yourself. My name is Liu Weixi. I am currently the honorary chairman of the Village Heads’ Association of our province. Well, don’t talk about how tacky this name is. It’s really meaningless. I’ll talk about the current situation. Right."

"First of all, although all of you here have completed the novice-level village building task, the state still does not force you to do anything. This is why our organization is called the village chief's guild."

"Secondly, the country has an organized national team. Many of you may be invited and many will be rejected, but no matter what, you will be assessed next whether you are capable of completing the next task of building a village. If the result of the evaluation is that you have a high probability of not being able to complete the next task of building a village, the state will force it. Note that it is forcing you to choose to give up. You will not die, but you will lose relevant memories."

"Perhaps for you personally, this is very unfair, but because of the importance of deciphering the earth's civilization code, personal honor and disgrace are really not worth mentioning. If there is any offense, I will hereby apologize sincerely. Of course, If you really lose your memory, the country will give you 50 to 100 million compensation, so you are not at a loss."

"Okay, I'm finished. I have senior expert Professor Huang."

At this time, the bald old man picked up the microphone, coughed twice, and said directly, "Everyone, time is running out, I won't be wordy, I will probably sort out the questions you might ask next. "

"Don't ask where the village construction order came from, no one knows."

"How many types of village building orders? There are currently two categories and five types. The first type is the main task type, namely fantasy village building orders, game village building orders, and fairy-xia village building orders. Well, this is a guess, because currently No one can start the fairy-xia village building task; the second type is the side task type. This type of village building order is very distinctive and will not be forced to start. Currently, there are two types of doomsday village building orders and fantasy village building orders. There may be orders for the gods to build villages."

"What is the national government's current attitude toward the village construction order? Naturally, it is going all out. The major countries in the world have now united and become a huge organization. When you came, did you feel that it was a fluke that you did not have it? The soldiers are escorted, hehe, don't worry, your every move is watched by the satellites in the sky. Even if you have extraordinary strength, you can't hold a missile!"

"So I have to congratulate you, your IQ has reached the pass line, no matter whether you feel wronged or unhappy, as long as the code of earth civilization has not been completely deciphered, the demons of other worlds have not invaded, and the power of order in the country has not collapsed. Don’t expect to use your own strength to fight against the entire national government."

"Finally, the governments of various countries on the earth have formed 280 national teams, which are focusing on the task of building villages, but the specifics are not revealed! Only if you join, you are eligible to know."

"Okay, I'm done. Next, I will invite Guo Dawei, the captain of the only national team in our province. He has completed the mission of building a mysterious village twice in a row. The results are that the first time the village was built lasted 879 years. The second time the village was built lasted for 1080 years. Next, he will lead the team to tackle the task of building the village at the end. Now he has rushed here in his busy schedule to give everyone a few words of experience."

"I won't say much. Those who survive are smart people. Smart people never use ink when they speak. Well, I'm done. I look forward to when I come back next time, everyone here will be alive and well."

Then Guo Dawei stood up and said something casually, and then left.

But no one feels embarrassed, including the two on the rostrum, as well as the people below, because Guo Dawei is actually speaking very truthfully. In the task of building a village, everyone has their own fortunes, so who has different experiences. At this time, unless Guo Dawei is revealing his own secrets, what experience can he tell?

They are not the national team!

At this time, Liu Weixi, the honorary president with a big belly, picked up the microphone again.

"Everyone, now follow our staff to evaluate according to the order of the numbers in your hands. This evaluation is mandatory, but you can choose what to say or not to say. In short, for the sake of human civilization and for you Hello, everyone, please try to exercise restraint."


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