Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 139: From the Abyss

late at night,

In the smithy of Hammer Dam, a few apprentices lay casually in the haystack, and the hard work of a day made them snoring like thunder.

Only publicity is an exception.

At this moment, he is studying the jade that he harvested before. This is the only thing he can study at this stage, because the soul power he grabbed before has been consumed.

Carefully covering the soul field, Zhang Yang immediately heard a cry, the cry of a woman.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yang continued to explore the power of his soul, but his expression changed drastically in the next second. It was not because of the danger he encountered, or the terrifying mechanism formation hidden in the jade, but how much he sensed. There are hundreds, no, at least tens of thousands of independent souls.

If you use vivid language to describe it, Zhang Yang feels like he has come to a huge prison. There are no entrances and exits in the prison. There are tens of thousands of people, men, women, young and old, and everyone. They are like sardines, crowded inside, wailing. She was crying, mourning, despairing.

It's almost like being in hell.

This situation made Zhang Yang shudder, because he suddenly thought of the two paper men chasing and killing the caravan before. Are they hunting souls?

And they are all such complete souls, this method is very evil.

"My lord, this seems to be a living soul."

Zhao Xianyu, who hadn't shown up for a long time, suddenly spoke up.

"What is a living soul"

"There are actually many explanations for this, but the most accurate explanation is that the soul of a person who died unexpectedly before the end of his life is the soul. The soul has many functions, such as making evil spirits or offering magic weapons. , Or—I don’t know, there is only so much I can divination, but there is no doubt that those two paper men are not good people."

Zhang Yang laughed.

"Don't be circumspect and want to ask for divinity and mad faith from me. This world is very evil, so I can't let you grow up. If you leave a trace, it will be easy to be chased by someone with your little tail. The fantasy world we are in, so bear with it again."

"I understand the adults' caution, but we seem to have accepted a believer, Robin with broken leg. If he falls into the hands of the enemy, wouldn't our traces be exposed?"

Zhao Xianyu asked curiously, he was completely convinced these days, and he didn't dare to make noise anymore.

"Then you don't have to worry about it, I have my own opinion on this matter."

Zhang Yang said lightly, how could he ignore such an obvious flaw?

"From today on, I need you to continue to weaken yourself until you lose your position as a mountain god. I noticed that Robin with Broken Leg has been trying to contact us, even offering a blood sacrifice to request a response. This guy is very cunning. Very vicious, too smart to surprise me."

"Listen, Zhao Xianyu, although we say we want to support this Robin with broken leg as much as possible, it doesn't mean we want to get in touch with him."

"This world feels like a piece of fat, being stared at by an unknown number of evil wolves. Well, of course, we are also some kind of evil wolf, but I don’t want our world to become like this. It’s too miserable. Up."

"I know your lord, within three days, I will definitely let the gods fall."

Zhao Xianyu is also rare to get serious, so Zhang Yang nodded in satisfaction. He told this guy so painstakingly that it was because what he was going to do next was too important.

And although he can order Zhao Xianyu through the Mountain God Order, Zhao Xianyu is the mountain **** righteous after all. He wants to make some small tempers, such as can't help the bribe of Robin with Broken Leg, accepting the sacrifice, and that's it.


Just when Zhang Yang and Zhao Xianyu had finished their heart-to-heart talk, a scream was suddenly heard outside, and then there was no sound.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar and cold breath came in through the walls, doors and windows, as if nothing was intrusive.

"not good!"

Zhang Yang reacted quickly. With a beckon, the suppressed furnace at the entrance of the blacksmith shop burned violently. The intense high temperature instantly flooded the entire blacksmith shop, blocking the terrible fog and low temperature.

After about ten seconds, the low-temperature gray fog retreated silently as it came, as if nothing happened.

But Zhang Yang's expression was ugly. After hesitating, he suddenly chased after him. Looking out through the gap between the doors and windows, he saw a mighty gray mist cloud like a galaxy passing by the center of Storm City.

And in the gray mist cloud, a throne that can reach the sky is vaguely visible, hundreds of thousands of ghosts creeping underneath, and thousands of ghost queens dancing around the throne.

But this is all an illusion, because it is fading quickly until it disappears completely.

At this time, heart-piercing cries and screams finally sounded in the entire Storm City, and the entire city was in chaos in a very short time.

Countless torches are lit, and countless people are running, asking for help, because in the ten seconds just now, anyone who was shrouded in the illusion of gray fog clouds, as long as they are not strong enough, or there is something to protect against the cold, will be Frozen to death instantly.

"What happened? Did these pigs not sleep at night?"

The veteran blacksmith apprentice Karl was awakened, he muttered, then turned over and continued to sleep.

Without knowing that he just passed by with death.

Zhang Yang looked back and sighed. Although this was the first time he saw this, it did not affect his knowledge of what happened.

"Abyss ghost tribe can't even think of them getting involved in this world."

"Unfortunately, this world doesn't know why. All the gods are defeated or fallen. This means that this world no longer has the ability to defend and counterattack, and ordinary people don't even know what happened."

"It's no wonder that the believers of the gods in this world are so easy to obtain. It is because of incompetence and powerlessness. Everyone is like a lamb to be slaughtered! So, whenever there is a straw of hope, naturally you have to grasp it hard."

"However, the sect power represented by the abyss ghost tribe and the paper man should not be in the same group. The details here are very shocking. Maybe I should stay away from this impending world sooner."

Zhang Yang thought so, he knew his strength very well, he didn't want to play desperate things.

The next day, as expected, the entire Storm City was plunged into great grief and panic. At least more than five thousand people died, turning the city into an unknown city.

Many people fled in panic, but soon, more people fled back to Storm City in despair.

Because this night's disaster was not limited to Storm City, many villages and towns encountered mysterious cold fog, and then all of them were almost dead overnight.

It was at this time that Zhang Yang's Mountain God Ling received several messages.

"Robin Broken Leg was officially promoted to a fanatic of the mountain **** Zhao Because of the particularity of Robin Broken Leg, Zhao Xianyu was promoted to a level 6 mountain god."

"The fanatic Robin with Broken Leg sacrificed two gods to the mountain **** Zhao Xianyu, and Zhao Xianyu was promoted to the 10th level mountain god."

"The fanatic Robin Broken Leg was upgraded to the earth priest of the mountain **** Zhao Xianyu. He proclaimed the mighty power of the mountain **** Zhao Xianyu in Storm City and proclaimed that the savior was the mountain **** Zhao Xianyu. Therefore, the mountain **** Zhao Xianyu was upgraded to the 26th level mountain god.

"Mountain **** Zhao Xianyu adds 52 mad believers!"

"Mountain **** Zhao Xianyu added 243 mad believers!"

"Mountain **** Zhao Xianyu adds 568 mad believers!"




Zhang Yang is dumbfounded! And this god-like operation

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