Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 110: Battlefield of Souls

Outside the castle, the two huge granaries have been piled up like a mountain, a full one million catties.

Together with the monster meat, wild fruits, and vegetables produced during the season, it can last until the second season of grain production.

But this does not mean that the food crisis has been resolved.

According to the output of the previous season, 200 acres of Guantian can get about 400,000 jin.

At present, the 1200 mu of crops in the second season can yield about 2.4 million catties.

Among them, 600 mu is the land distributed to the villagers, and the villagers should keep half of them, which is 600,000 jin, which is enough for them to use this winter and next spring until the summer harvest.

It's even more than enough, after all, the appetite of these villagers is equal to that of ordinary earth people.

In this regard, Zhang Yang has room for it. He cannot let the villagers go hungry and then reduce his loyalty. Therefore, he will continue to divide the fields next year to ensure that every household has one to two years of surplus food.

The same reasoning that you have food in your hands and not panic in your heart also applies to these villagers.

At that time, the village should have the most primitive commercial exchange of bartering.

"But in this way, we only have 1.8 million catties of grain in our hands. We have to rely on this grain to survive the cold winter, through the spring, and until the summer grain harvest to get the grain. Do you think it is enough?"

Zhang Yang stood outside the granary and watched the cheerful soldiers and villagers put the grain into the granary. They would only think that the village head brought a lot of grain this time. When would they have to eat?

But Zhang Yang, Wu Yuan, Wang Shen, Ren and they all knew that it was impossible.

There are currently a total of 105 captain-level soldiers in the village, which means that even if you eat 80% full, even with vegetables and fruits, you will have to eat 3150 jin every day.

If you count 42 elite soldiers, 24 Berserkers, 5 heroes, 4 quasi-heroes, and 4 storm swordsmen, you will have to consume 5000 catties of food a day.

One month is 150,000 jin. If there is a lot of physical labor and fighting takes place, then the monthly minimum is 300,000 jin to 350,000 jin.

For example, Zhang Yang plans to reclaim 10,000 acres of farmland, cut trees on a large scale, attack orc tribes, and excavate rivers, etc. At these times, the daily consumption of all soldiers and farmers must be the highest, otherwise they can't do it.

There are four months in winter, four months in spring, and one month for a good harvest in summer.

"Wu Yuan, Wang Shen, Qin Yidao, the three of you will be at home, and the two salted fishes. I will bring Ren, Duan Kuan and them on a large-scale hunting to try to get the missing part of the food. The gap is filled, and by the way, enough demon souls are needed to upgrade soldiers."

Zhang Yang finally made a decision after struggling for a while.

It's impossible not to hunt, he can't run to start the hero trial anymore.

Next, Zhang Yang returned to the castle and first tried to use the Soul Force Field to warm the Wood Demon Tower. As expected, the warmth of the Soul Force Field had no effect on the Wood Demon Tower. It seemed that he could only wait for the ghost hunting in winter. Crystals can repair and upgrade the Wood Demon Tower.

"I'm going to retreat for a few days, and then prepare two piles of firewood for me at the training ground. I'm useful."

With a command, Zhang Yang entered the Wood Demon Tower, he wanted to fuse the demon soul of the lizard lord of the magic horn.

This thing is of a very high level. Liu Kai previously hinted that he would provide 5 million catties of grain if it was sold.

But Zhang Yang is not stupid.

The reason why he took out the game building order, the incomplete fantasy village building order, blueprint codes and so on, was because those were not needed temporarily.

But the demon soul of the demon horned lizard can immediately improve itself.

And according to Liu Yu's guess, everyone has a critical point for the number of times they fuse monster souls. The more monster souls they fuse, the worse the effect.

This is correct, otherwise the world will hunt monsters and capture monsters, every time all attributes are +1, then wouldn't it be invincible soon?

How can there be such cheap things in this world.

Zhang Yang himself estimated that there were three reasons why he was able to break through the extraordinary within half a year.

First of all, his starting point is high, and the start is the soul of C+ strength.

Secondly, he had a clear goal from the beginning. He didn't improve other attributes, and went directly to the soul. Other village builders who bound to the village might want to develop in a balanced way, and naturally, the speed of advanced and extraordinary slow.

The third point is that he didn't use the fusion of those garbage monsters very much.

Yes, this is very important.

Ordinary complete demon soul, after fusion, the attribute is randomly +1, but it will never be added to the highest attribute.

Elite and Captain-level complete monster souls also have random +1 attributes, but they are also not added to the highest attributes.

Only lord-level and hero-level demon souls have all attributes +1.

Zhang Yang first merged with the Spider Lord, with all attributes +1,

Then he merged with a Level 5 Red Eagle Demon Soul with +1 strength,

Then there is the Demon Lord, all attributes +1, 300-year-old ancestor spirit, soul +1.

Finally, the 33-level fox demon soul, all attributes +1, smoothly break through the extraordinary.

In this process, if he fuses the trash demon soul a few more times, then it is likely to become a random +1 when the fox demon soul is fused.

And the chance of a random +1 falling on the soul attribute is very small, so it is impossible for him to break through the extraordinary in the next five, six and seven years, because regardless of the gap at that level, it is enough to form the sky. .

At the end, the constant random +1, maybe it may be extraordinary strength, or extraordinary agility, extraordinary defense, but it cannot be extraordinary soul.

As for the difference between the supernatural soul and the supernatural other attributes, it is obvious.

This can be seen in the previous Battle of Balduling.

It's not that it's not a supernatural soul, but also a unique mana structure of the fourth closed circuit circle, he must become a roast chicken.

As for Liu Kai, Yuan Gang, Liu Yu, Liao Zhongyuan, and Duncan, five of them, even if they are all extraordinary, they can't kill the magic horned lizard, and they might be defeated.

"Golden balance."

At this time, Zhang Yang's mind moved slightly, calling out the golden balance, and placing the demon soul of the magic horned lizard, this demon soul was shining with a golden halo, which was obviously better than the light golden fox demon soul.

At the other end of the golden balance, there is a familiar thing.

"Yipin Jidan?"

"I changed you to have a ghost." Zhang Yang was very depressed.

I think when he first met this product of Zhu Jidan, he thought he had won the jackpot, but it turned out to be a pit, and it was still a deep pit.

Since this product of Zhujidan can be continuously exchanged, it shows that the value of this thing is not high, except for the ticket quest to open the fairy tale building village order, basically don't think of becoming a cultivator at once.

Look down,

"The 35th-level Transcendent Lord Demon Soul is complete, the nature is partial to the soul, and contains the gene of the demon race."

"Using method 1, can be used to upgrade the legal professions in the village, including priest/mountain god/mage, etc., and 20 recruits can be upgraded to junior mage/priest. You can also upgrade the 1st-level mountain **** to the 15th-level mountain god, the success rate is 100% ."

"Using method 2, can be used to upgrade the soldiers in the village (regular / elite), you can upgrade 50 captain-level soldiers / 50 berserkers, or 20 berserkers to storm swordsman, or 2 Storm Swordsman is promoted to Hurricane Swordsman with 100% success rate."

"Using method 3, it can also be used by the binding of the village builder. After use, all attributes are +1, and a new talent/spell/aura is randomly obtained. If the affinity reaches more than 90%, it will trigger deeper Level of talent/skills."

"Friendly reminder, since the soul strength of the bound person of the village building order has reached extraordinary strength, the effect after this fusion will be fixed to soul +1, and the success rate is 100%."

"It requires 100 units of magic horned lizard essence blood, one part of magic horned lizard incomplete essence, and 10,000 energy."


Sure enough, even this precious golden lord-level demon soul can only increase the soul by +1 after transcendence, and this must still have a critical point.

"Maybe until my soul strength reaches A+, it will not be possible to increase it through the fusion of demon souls. At that time, I am afraid that I need to enter the world of higher-level village building orders, such as the fairy tale building village order."

"However, for higher-level village building orders, the task of building villages will definitely be extremely difficult. According to Yuan Gang, the officially integrated national team has only reached the third level, the Doomsday Village Building Order, and Xianxia. The village building order is far away."

"So the foundation is absolutely important. I don't believe that there is no more important connection between these village building orders. It is not enough for my village to survive for 300 years, at least more than a thousand years."

Zhang Yang thought, as for what to prepare for the second stage, there is no need for that.

After thinking for a while, he discarded distractions and chose to merge.

Then in the next second, he screamed in his soul without warning, because for some reason, the once extremely comfortable fusion process was like being thrown into a pan at this moment.

What the hell?

Zhang Yang couldn't even think too much, the demon soul of the magic horned lizard invaded the depths of his soul in all directions, and every second brought him a torment like hot lava.

In just a few seconds, Zhang Yang felt that he was about to become a roasted chicken leg.

What about the protective power of the village building order? What about great health care that is as comfortable as a hot spring?

This world is so cruel, I want to go home!

The terrifying pain caused Zhang Yang to almost collapse and it was his two talents that maintained that he had not collapsed.

One is soul tenacity and the other is soul wildness.

The former allows his soul to withstand a level of impact, tearing and crushing stronger than the current soul strength, which is equivalent to allowing Zhang Yang to have A-level resistance when he is A-.

The latter can allow him to think of the happiness in life at this extremely painful and desperate time, the kind of freedom to run and roar under the moon.

Really, Zhang Yang used to think that it was hypocritical, non-ill groaning hypocritical, not a bowl of braised pork to fulfill.

But at this moment, in the torment of being unable to survive or beg to die, this kind of collapse in the depths of the soul, and when the entire memory world is collapsing, he discovered that this kind of wildness refined in the spirit of the blue wolf How important talent is.

Without happiness and freedom to be motivation, how to fight against this cruel world?

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