Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 101: Random Soldier

Balduling is the real mountain as its name suggests.

This is a lonely mountain with a height of more than 50 meters. From the inside to the outside, it is all hard rock.

There are cliffs on three sides, only the north is a steep **** of 70 degrees.

The top area of ​​the mountain is about 300 square meters. Counting the section extending from the steep **** to the north, the total area is no more than 500 square meters, so the stationing of a hundred soldiers is already the limit.

Once the Great Wei Dynasty tried to build a strong fortress full of fantastic ideas on this bald ridge, and they did indeed. The fortress can accommodate more than 300 people when it is at most, and the black rock 1200 meters away The fortress echoed each other, and once caused the mirage demon soldiers to suffer.

Until later, the mirage demon soldiers moved countless firewoods to surround the bald ridge, and a fire burned through the sky. Since then, no general is willing to station troops in the bald ridge for a long time.

So the old man was right, Huo Gong could only burn himself.

"Can't we escape?"

This was the first sentence Zhang Yang asked after fully understanding the situation in Balduling Fortress. It was not that he really wanted to escape, but that he wanted to estimate where to break through after the start of the future game.

Establishing a dynasty is not so easy. First of all, you must have a sufficiently stable base area, otherwise you will always be trapped in this bald ridge fortress, and you will be a dragon and fight for hegemony.

"Escape? Where are you going to escape!"

"To the northwest is the Black Rock Fortress, and after that is the line of the Tianliang Mountain Great Wall, which stretches for three thousand kilometers, firmly blocking the road to the west. In the past five hundred years, the mirage demon soldiers have attacked countless times without success. return."

"To the southeast, all areas are occupied by the mirage demon soldiers. For our people, we can stay at the Bald Ridge fortress for a few days. When we reach the flat ground, we will all die in an encounter."

At this moment, the old man was very enthusiastic about discussing the surrounding terrain with Zhang Yang. He didn't know what thoughts were turning in his head, or he was expecting Zhang Yang to do something amazing.

"We are going to rebuild the Bald Ridge Fortress, but now, uncle, I hope you will lead someone to collect more firewood for me."

After observing the surrounding terrain for a while, Zhang Yang finally made this decision. Yes, in this area, the forces of the big Wei and the demon soldiers are intertwined, and there is no such small'rebel' of them. Room for activity.

There is only Baldou Ridge, which neither side wants nor takes seriously.

After three days, no, it should be said that there are still two days and 16 hours before the plot will officially unfold. Then Zhang Yang will have 500 soldiers and a large amount of supplies, but do you really think that you can sit back and relax? ?

On Wei's side, the total number of troops led by Zhang Yeting was as high as 50,000, and the number of mirage demon soldiers on the opposite side was also around 100,000. What about the captain-level soldiers? It was meaningless in front of such an iron current.

Therefore, he must turn Bald Head Ridge Fortress into a fortress that cannot be easily conquered before neither side reacts. As for the fire attack that the old man is most worried about, ha, Zhang Yang is now the least afraid of fire attack.

"Boy, there is no firewood. This place has been fighting for years, and there are no trees. Are you stunned, or do you have some earth-shaking plans?"

Finally, the old man couldn't suppress his curiosity.

"No, uncle, I just want to rebuild the fortress in Balduling. If there is no firewood, then can I bother my uncle to order someone to go down and collect those arrow weapons."

Zhang Yang pointed to the battlefield below, just before the battle. In order to trap the old man, Zhang Yeting only cleaned the battlefield roughly, so there are still many broken weapons and arrows to collect.

"You ordered it yourself. You are now the leader of the Death Camp."

The old man groaned and left, but it also meant that Zhang Yang could finally command this dead soldier camp.

Asking Uncle Qiao to take some people to clean the battlefield, Zhang Yang hurriedly inspected the gains of the first battle.

He used nine top-grade magic weapons, iron armor cones, and killed 982 magic soldiers in just five seconds. Among them, 320 were captain-level magic soldiers, 450 were elite-level magic soldiers, and the rest were ordinary. Demon soldiers.

That's right, there are ordinary magic soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is slightly stronger than ordinary humans.

So when it comes to harvesting, he has a bumper harvest.

There are 320 complete captain-level demon souls and 15,200 captain-level demon blood.

There are 450 complete elite level demon souls and 22,500 elite level demon blood units.

There are 212 complete normal-level demon souls and 10600 normal-level demon blood units.

The prestige of the Wei Dynasty is 4910 points.

"Golden balance."

The mind moved slightly, and the golden balance appeared in the eyes, one end was 320 complete captain-level demon souls, and one end was a palm-sized object, which was very vague and could not be seen clearly.

"Explanation, obtaining more than 300 complete white souls or nine complete pale golden souls at one time will automatically activate the fifth trading mode. Note: Only the current transaction is valid."


"It's already the fifth trading mode."

Zhang Yang was looking forward to it and immediately chose to trade.

With a flash of white light, there was a heavy object in his hand, the size of a palm, and the material should be brass, with moiré engraved on it. Turn it over, and the character'Bing' is engraved on the back.

"You get a random talisman. You can recruit ten random arms, including all equipment. Note: The arms are at the captain level, and the arms types are limited to the arms that appear in the world."

"I'll go, this scam!"

Zhang Yang was depressed. He spent 320 complete captain-level demon souls, which could strengthen 320 captain-level soldiers. As a result, he was able to recruit ten at random now. This golden balance is indeed a profiteer.

But if you think about it in another way, this is equivalent to carrying ten captain-level soldiers with you, and you will not be counseled at critical moments, especially to prevent the enemy's assassination.

For example, if Zhang Yang becomes the emperor in the future, is it necessary to prevent being assassinated?

On the contrary, if this random soldier talisman is used in the fantasy world, or the fairy tale world, it will not be so useful.

Putting away this random talisman, Zhang Yang didn't plan to use it for the time being. It's the first day of the mission. Don't surprise the enemy too much. Moreover, they don't carry much food, grass, and water, so they will be hungry when recruited.

Then Zhang Yang continued to deal with the harvest.

212 ordinary demon souls, all sold, each worth 300 points of energy, and 63000 points of energy.

450 Elite Demon Souls were also sold, each worth 800 points of energy and 360,000 points of energy.

Count the remaining 120,000 points before.

At present, the energy in his hand has reached 540,000 points, which sounds almost astronomical, which makes him feel that there are some signs of economic collapse.

But considering what he was going to do next, he couldn't wait for this breakdown to happen as many as possible.

Yes, why should Zhang Yang rant about rebuilding Balduling Fortress?


Even if he is a cultivator (pseudo), there is no reason to build it out of thin air.

So he can only rely on magical mana.

If you give him a year now, then he can slowly use the soul field to purify the magic blood, and then obtain mana, and then use the mana to cut and melt the rock.

But does he have time?


He can only use this debilitating method.

Put 1000 units of captain-level demon blood on the golden balance, and there will be information mapping immediately.

"Whether to purify magic power from the captain-level demon blood?"

"Whether to extract mana from magic power?"

"Yes, sure."

"After deducting 100,000 points of energy, you gain 10 units of mana."

"After deducting 100,000 points of energy, you gain ten units of mana."

In an instant, Zhang Yang gained ten units of mana, but he also immediately consumed 200,000 points of energy.

This feels very cheating, a bit similar to using gasoline to refine alchemy, and the resources consumed are gone.

"In any case, I will get myself an endless dantian in the future, which is filled with mana, and I am not afraid to consume it every day!"

Zhang Yang is very resentful. There is no way. His body has not been able to reserve mana until now, and he has asked the earth fellow before if there is any exercise that allows him to cultivate within the Dantian meridian. The answer is no. At least he didn't know.

Maybe this answer can only be solved by swallowing that first-grade Jidan, which is qualified to go to the world of Xianxia.

Breathing out a suffocating breath, Zhang Yang let the negative thoughts in his heart quickly dissipate, and then he wrapped the ten units of mana with the soul field, walked to the edge of the Bald Ridge fortress, and determined a general area, and he controlled one. The strands of mana, like cutting a cake, directly temper the rock under your feet.

That's right, he can only refine, he still can't control mana, and he whizzes and cuts like a lightsaber.

A few minutes later, after consuming a full unit of mana, a big hole three meters deep, three meters wide, and three meters long appeared in the same place. This scared the children of the Qiao family, women and children, and the old man. Shivered.

Zhang Yang didn't explain to them either. Now they will be surprised because they have not been logged in by the game building order. Once logged in, um, they will still be scared and trembling.

In essence, publicity is a kind of openness, not human.

For a moment, he felt that his future wife had left him, and the old man would not let his daughter marry such a monster——

"Hey, son-in-law, are you using immortality? Did you meet an immortal?"

A second later, Zhang Yang saw the old man's flattering expression, the fairy, you are stubborn, saying that you don't slap your face.

"Uncle, wake up, do you know what chemistry is? The reason why there is no grass in Baldouling is not because there are too many dead people, but because the iron ore content here is as high as 75%. I am now using high-temperature heating methods. Steelmaking. Do you want enough crossbow bolts, do you want a shield made of pure steel, do you want a long knife made of stainless steel, there is everything here!"

Zhang Yang had a good meal, and finally made the old man lame, Xiuxian, Xiufu, I still expect you to lead me to fight.

But the iron content of the rocks on Bald Ridge, well, this is really flickering, less than 10%.

Next, Zhang Yang, who had settled the old man, started digging under the command of the old man, a real military genius.

The biggest feature of Balduling is that it is all stones, and it is also exceptionally hard, with few cracks and weak weathering.

Zhang Yang left a three-meter-thick rock layer outside so that he would not be afraid of being bombarded by the enemy's mage in the future.

The middle position continued downwards, forming a fortress with five floors and twenty meters high.

That's right, the entire Baldou Ridge has become a fortress, not to mention, this shape is very suitable.

As for the exit of the fortress, it is located in the north. As long as the huge steep **** is dug out, an independent fortress will be formed. When the time comes, there will be shooting holes on the fortress, which can hide hundreds of soldiers and resist tens of thousands of people. Offense.

It's just that the amount of work is too large, and Zhang Yang is worried about lack of mana.

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