[In the seventh year of Han Jianxing, Zhuge Liang once again sent troops out of Qishan and prepared to wave his troops to the Northern Expedition. 】

[Cao Rui sent Sima Yi as marshal and Zhang Hao as a forward, to Chang’an to resist the Han army. 】

[This time, Zhuge Liang ostensibly responded to Eastern Wu and sent troops to Chen Cang. 】

[A thousand elite soldiers with only a small amount of dry food forcibly marched to the vicinity of Chen Cang. 】

[He then feigned an attack on Chen Cang for more than twenty days, and when Sima Yi rushed to support, Zhuge Liang led his troops to quickly retreat. 】

[Zhuge Liang was not defeated, he did not retreat to Bashu, but entered from Chen Cang Dao, preparing to come directly to Wudu. 】

[This move, Wei Jun was caught off guard. 】

[Zhuge Liang took the opportunity to capture Wudu and Yinping, and Wei could only retreat. 】

[Sima Yi found out that he had hit the plan and was full of regret. 】

[The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he was ready to let Zhang Hao lead him to the Shu Han camp. 】

[As a result, just halfway through, they were blocked by beam trucks, and then the Han army rushed over from the bottom of the mountain. 】

[Zhang Hao is not an idle person, he killed up the mountain, and the Han army fought on a rampage. 】

[Although the Wei army lost most of it, Zhang Hao finally survived. 】

[Zhuge Liang also noticed Zhang Yi’s bravery, and if he wanted to attack Wei, he must first get rid of Sima Yi’s vanguard Zhang Hao. 】

[This fiasco, Sima Yi became more and more afraid, and no longer dared to fight Zhuge Liang head-on. 】

[However, rumors began to spread among the army that Sima Yi was afraid of Zhuge Liang, and various generals had always wanted to ask for battle and take the initiative to attack. 】

[Sima Yi was so angry that his face was grim, and he also wanted to find an opportunity to prove himself. 】

[After waiting for half a month, an opportunity finally appeared. ] 】

[On this day, the Han soldiers secretly came to Shangjue to steal Cao Wei’s wheat, and Sima Yi thought that he had discovered the weakness of the other party. 】

[At this time, news also kept coming from the outpost that Zhuge Liang had to withdraw his troops because of insufficient logistics. 】

[Sima Yi believed that if the Han army had no food and grass, the people would definitely be panicked and morale, even if Zhuge Liang was a god, he could not conjure grain. ] 】

[Sima Yi thought he had found the opportunity and sent Zhang Hao to pursue Zhuge Liang’s army. 】

[As a result, Zhang Hao was ambushed by Zhuge Liang halfway and died with an arrow. 】

[Since Sima Yi came out in battle, every time Zhuge Liang was defeated, he felt very frustrated. 】

[He made up his mind that he would never confront Zhuge Liang head-on again. 】


Three Kingdoms World.

“Great, wonderful!! The military master is simply Sima Yi’s nemesis!! With such a small number of soldiers, Sima Yi could still defeat and retreat. ”

“It seems that this Sima Yi doesn’t have any extraordinary skills, is Cao Wei unusable?!”

Liu Bei said in admiration, his eyes flashing with essence.

The hope in his heart for the revival of the Han family was rekindled.

Defeating Zhang Yi and fearing Sima Yi must have shocked Cao Wei.

Cao Wei also didn’t have many generals available.

As long as Hanzhong and Longyou are captured, then Shu Han will be greatly replenished.

By that time, even if he fought a war of attrition with Cao Wei for a long time, he would have a foundation.

“This Zhang Hao, who once fought with Li for three hundred rounds, is now cleverly shot by the military master, and the military master is really powerful!!”

Zhang Fei praised.

After all, when he and Zhang Hao were singled out at that time, although they did not fall behind, they did not get any bargains, and the two were on par.

“If the three of us brothers were there, we would definitely be able to create a bigger victory!!”

They celebrated Zhuge Liang’s great victory, and they inevitably began to mourn.

The three of them were not blessed and witnessed this day with their own eyes.

Even, they dragged Zhuge Liang back.

If they avoid those mistakes, they will leave more troops and talents for the Shu Han.

The achievements achieved by Zhuge Liang must be even more brilliant.

Perhaps, at this time, the old capital has been recovered!!

“Military master, this video must be a hint given to us by the immortals!!”

Liu Bei said excitedly.

Zhuge nodded. He had long doubted Guan Yu’s temper, and took this opportunity to let him see his problem.

“Second brother, third brother, don’t you want to see this day?”

“Big brother, of course I want to!!”

“Big brother, it’s the same! , I want to see the day when the Han Chamber is recovered!! ”

As the two spoke, their bodies trembled with excitement.

“In that case, the three of us should reflect and take the video of the immortal as a warning.”

“After watching this issue of the immortal video, let’s make a summary together and re-plan the plan to revive the Han family!!”

“Big brother is right! Brothers work together to break the gold, I will do my best for the cause of my eldest brother! Guan Yu complied.

Zhang Fei hurriedly followed the second brother and nodded heavily: “It’s the same!” ”


Han Xin, a generation of soldiers, saw the formation map posed by Zhuge Liang in the video, and couldn’t help but admire.

“All this time, no soldier has ever used soldiers, who can enter my eyes, and Zhuge Liang’s troop formation makes me have to admire!!”

Qin Shi Huang: “Such a formation map, if it is really a weapon to defeat the enemy, Wang Bian, immediately draw it out and pass it on to the generals to learn!” ”

Jiang Ziya had just made “Six Tao”, and he saw Zhuge Liang’s array.

He stroked his beard with satisfaction: “Zhuge Liang’s use of troops is deeply profound, and at the same time he has his own unique opinions!” ”

“It seems that my Six Taos will be able to be passed down to the world for the benefit of future generations!!”

Liu Xiu: “Zhuge Liang’s use of troops is even more wonderful than the twenty-eight generals of Yuntai!” He will definitely succeed in the Northern Expedition!! ”

Liu Che: “The great Han, revival is hopeful!” ”


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