[They continued to retreat south, but were blocked by swampy reeds.] 】

[Li Ling ordered the soldiers to burn a road, retreat to the bottom of a mountain, and set up camp to rest.] 】

[And Marquis Wan’s son led the cavalry to attack, and was beheaded by Li Ling by thousands, and this Xiongnu cavalry temporarily retreated.] 】

[The Xiongnu army has been following behind, attacking from time to time. 】

[Li Ling’s corps fought and retreated, but the soldiers’ injuries became more and more serious. 】

[That night, a military marquis could not endure this harsh and high-pressure environment, and fled north and surrendered to the Xiongnu. 】

[The deserter also told the Xiongnu that in Liling’s legion, the troops with the yellow and white banners were elite soldiers, and as long as they shot the standard-bearers among them, they could break the formation.] 】

[And Marquis Zhan was overjoyed, and sent cavalry to persuade him to surrender first.] 】

[Then they quarreled with Li Ling’s army in the valley, releasing a rain of arrows, and arrows fell like rain.] 】

[The corps continued to rush out of the enemy position and continue to retreat south, there were only 3,000 soldiers left, and they had already killed nearly 30,000 Xiongnu cavalry. 】

[Their arrows have been used up, and their halberds, shields and other weapons have been damaged.] 】

[The soldiers cut off the spokes of the wheels with their bare hands and used them as weapons, and others could only use short knives and daggers as weapons.] 】

[Seeing that the soldiers were demoralized, Li Ling comforted them: Lubode’s army is definitely not far away, and if you insist on persisting, you will definitely be able to catch up with his rescue! ] 】


Dahan World.

“Angry too!! What about other soldiers? Where are the other soldiers!? ”

When Emperor Wudi of Han saw this, he cursed!

“What is Li Guangli doing?!”

“Gongsun Ao, Lu Bode, are you all lost in the grassland!?”

Emperor Wudi of Han could not imagine, and his anger and blood surged up.

Li Guangli led the most elite 30,000 cavalry of the Great Han Dynasty, and he didn’t even contain the cavalry of the Right Sage King and let them all attack Li Ling?!

Gongsun Ao and Lu Bode each had 20,000 soldiers, did they wander aimlessly in the grassland?

The Xiongnu sent all their cavalry to attack Li Ling.

Li Ling only relied on 5,000 infantry and dragged down 110,000 Xiongnu cavalry!!

The other Third Route Army neither supported.

Nor to attack the Xiongnu stronghold.

It’s all waste!!!

As long as there are soldiers and horses all the way to save Li Ling, he will not fall here! ! !

Although Li Ling is the youngest general, he is the most capable of fighting.

Emperor Wudi of Han regretted ah, he really should have handed over the army to Li Ling to command!!

If this arrangement had been made at that time, the Huns would have been wiped out!!

“Is Li Ling really going to be consumed alive and surrendered?”

“Li Ling, hold on, don’t surrender, come back, and reward you well.”

Emperor Wudi of Han said these words infatuated into the video, as if Li Ling could hear them.

The old ministers in the audience also felt unfair for Li Ling in their hearts.

Huo Guang smacked his lips, wanting to speak, but the words came to his lips, but he held them back.

After all, the last one who spoke for Li Ling had already been brutally tortured and imprisoned.

However, now that His Majesty knows the details of Li Ling’s battle, he will definitely change his mind.

Huo Guang took a deep breath and said.

“Your Majesty, Li Ling’s case should probably be retried!”

After he finished speaking, he looked at the other ministers.

They seconded.

“Yes, Your Majesty, Weichen suggests that the case be retried.”

“Seconded, Li Ling should be innocent!”


One world.

“I didn’t expect you to hold out for so long!! I must write your deeds into the history books! ”

“Li Ling, you are worthy of the prestige of General Dahan!!”

Sima Qian’s eyes were excited and sad.

Excitedly, Li Ling performed even more brilliantly on the battlefield than he thought.

Sadly, such a brave general, who originally became a hero who left a name in history, went wrong and became a rebel general.

How can it not be embarrassing?!


Daqin World.

“Five thousand infantry are surrounded and intercepted by 100,000 cavalry, and they can still retreat while fighting and hold out for more than ten days?!”

“These soldiers are too strong?! It’s outrageous! ”

The First Emperor could hardly suppress the admiration in his heart.

“The soldiers of Daqin are already the bravest and fiercest in Huaxia, but I didn’t expect that in the future life, there would be such a powerful army!”

Wang looked at the video enthusiastically and admired it sincerely.

“Such an army, if placed in the Warring States Seven Heroes period, is absolutely invincible and invincible!!”

“Our Daqin’s military merit system is so complete, and the weapons are so well-manufactured, it is still difficult to reach this level, how did future generations do it?”

The ancestors of the Great Qin were originally a tribe that migrated west in the Huaxia people.

In this border area of the Chinese region, they had to constantly compete with Rong Di in the west.

Therefore, each generation of Qin kings has a sense of distress, not only to prevent the invasion of the six kingdoms of Shandong, but also to prevent the invasion of barbarians.

The generals of the Qin State were naturally indomitable warriors in a hundred battles.

Since Shang Martingale changed the law, he has brought the character of the Qin army generals to the extreme.

Even the lowest-ranking soldiers, as long as they kill the enemy with all their strength and obtain battle merits, they can be knighted and rewarded.

There is also a complete late supply system.

As early as the pre-Qin period, there was already a standardized production line of weapons.

Some parts are broken, just replace them.

The soldiers of Daqin knew this well, so in their hearts, the soldiers of Daqin were bloodthirsty and killed the enemy, and they had fully realized the potential of their warriors.

So, how exactly were the five thousand infantry trained in later generations?

What military merit system will be used in later generations, and what methods will be used to make weapons? And how do generals motivate?

“Can Lubert rush back to support? Such a powerful soldier, if he fell into the bullet exhaustion, it would be miserable! ”

The First Emperor was apprehensive in his heart.

He unconsciously took a liking to this army and regarded them as pawns of Daqin.

After all, they are all Huaxia men.

He expected the soldiers to safely withdraw from the grassland and be able to get the support of his teammates.

“Heaven, Su Chen Immortal, you must bless your descendants with a safe return!!”

Li Xin watched the video reverently and prayed sincerely for Li Ling.

The other soldiers were also looking up expectantly.

Such an army will definitely be able to return safely, right?!


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