Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 332 0s of cl1s, the spider is invincible! The vampire suffers, the 1 battle of the human bod

"It's so beautiful! Damn it! This curve! This figure! It's so beautiful! My wife! My wife, I love you!"

"Isn't it?! No?! Can a half-man and half-spider be called a wife?! 35

"Just be pretty! Isn't that pretty? I'm in love anyway!

[People can' least they shouldn't. 】

[One can... at least give it a try. 】

【You are so wrong! Come on!】

[Although people's hobbies are free, I suggest you go to the hospital. 】

[When I put a question mark, it's not that I have a problem, it's that you have a problem. 】

It's so terrifying, as expected, the world is so big, there are no wonders!

"Wow! So pretty? I love it! So cute!"

Xin Zhao's eyes are red, I didn't expect that the video posted by this author is so explicit, there is no holy light and mosaic, and it is completely sincere!

So beautifully done.

"It's so cute bouncing! I'm going to be shaken!"

Ge Xiaolun stared, and as the spider moved, his eyes also swayed, and he refused to let go of a minute and a second to appreciate the human form of the spider.

Liu Chuang covered his nose, and the nosebleed slowly flowed out. Ge Xiaolun and Xin Zhao looked at him with complicated expressions, squinting, and said maliciously.

"Is there a nosebleed? I didn't expect it to bleed so easily!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... Sure enough, I'm not a serious person, I didn't expect a spider like this..."

"Shut up!"

Liu Chuang stood up angrily, his eyes were firm, his tone was firm, and he pointed at the half-human, half-spider spider in the picture.

"Where is this Loli?! This is Onee-san, okay! My favorite!


Nosebleeds can no longer be controlled!

"Tsk tsk tsk... Beautiful, this guy's strength has skyrocketed, he seems to be stronger than her mother. 39

The top officer of the company of heroes admired Spiderzi's human form and did not shy away from it, and other staff members were busy evaluating Spiderzi's data while admiring her body.


So beautiful!

It seems that Spider Zi didn't even notice his empty body.

Shake with the wind!


"It's terrifying...the strength!

A staff member held the data in his hand, this... This most basic attribute has completely surpassed the previous spider queen.

And the colleague next to him looked like a nympho, staring at the two *, swallowed, and smirked.

"This strength must be terrifying! I can't catch all of my hands, just think about how terrifying it is! Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Go to Nima! Is this what Laozi told you?!"

He ignored the guy who was caught in the rose trap, walked directly to the top officer, and handed over the data in his hand.


The top officer couldn't help but take a deep breath. Even though he had prepared psychological expectations for the evolution and upgrade of the spider, the skyrocketing strength still surprised him.

Even more powerful than the spider queen!

And... According to the previous video, the spider is at most a kind of demon, half-human and half-spider. If she evolves completely again, her strength will be terrifying.

At least in his opinion, that Ariel Demon King is no longer the opponent of the spider.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!

The S-class heroes kept exclaiming their admiration, and all of them were full of vigor and vigour, and they were justifiable. Even the old man, the S-class hero, Silver Fang, did not shy away from it at all.

After all, who doesn't like young girls?

【I'm 80 years old, and I like 18-year-old girls too! Damn!】

Only Xiaolongjuan blushed and looked at the other S-rank heroes with contempt, and suddenly became angry.

Isn't she bigger than her?


Can't hold it up?!

Sure enough, all men are the same!

Although Xiaolongjuan thought so in his heart, his eyes fell on the spider involuntarily, and the nosebleed quietly flowed out.

It seems... really tempting.

"Report sir! The strength of the spider... can no longer be accurately predicted, and now she has undoubtedly stepped into the god level!

A staff member looked solemn, and the detection equipment behind him were all red warning signs, which could not be detected at all!

The supreme commander also took a deep breath. Now that he has stepped into the god-level...then they can only observe the strength of the spider by comparison.

At least, much stronger than the spider queen.

"Wow! Spider-Sang! So beautiful! I love you Spider-Sang forever! 35

Sanji's eyes turn into hearts, and the nosebleed booster fires him in place!

I can't stand it!

No one can stand it!

"Cough cough..."

Sengoku coughed twice in embarrassment, as a middle-aged man who was about to lose his age, he still had to take some face.

Garp is also avoiding spiders intentionally or unintentionally, and the atmosphere is also very awkward.

After the spider in the video successfully evolved, it fell into a state of excitement and kept walking back and forth, but in the half-human half-spider state, the human part did not change its expression at all.

After opening his own attribute panel, the spider was suddenly startled, but the spider head below was surprised, and the body part was still as cold as ever, without the slightest change in expression.

"This... is this really me? This is too strong! Yaho! So strong! I am so strong!"

too exaggerated!

Unexpectedly, after evolving into [Spider Girl], the strength has been greatly improved!

The value of various abilities has doubled compared to when you defeated Mom!

Suddenly, Shizizi recalled the old unicorn earth dragon, which was once a high mountain that she could not see far away!

Now she is more than ten times stronger than that guy!

so amazing!

But... the current strength is still a bit underwhelming for the demon king who is open!

In the future, try to avoid her as much as possible.

As long as you don't come across this terrifying Demon King!

Her spider is invincible!


The spider was immersed in his own imagination and couldn't extricate himself.

At this moment, the goddess Lista, who was able to observe the real data of the spiders, was frightened. She is now a spider of the demon king, and her strength has far surpassed the demon kings in the lower-ranking adventure world!


"What a terrifying spider! It's amazing, every evolution can make me feel terrified, if it evolves again..."

I'm afraid none of the gods in the realm of the gods she lives in are no match for the spiders.

"Hey... This value has increased too much, right?

Seiya frowned, looking at the exaggerated panel attributes, not to mention how envious he is, why is he a hero?

Why isn't he an open hero?!

Is hard training so pale in front of plug-ins?!

Seiya secretly shook his head and sighed, it's not fair!

"The strength of the Demon King... has surpassed that of my cadres.

Gu Aotian took a deep breath, and he was greatly shocked by the increase in the panel attributes of the spider!

In the past, the spider was able to defeat the strong with the weak, and now her strength is more and more powerful and terrifying, and her combat effectiveness is probably unpredictable!

In this state, if I really fight that Ariel Demon King again, I really don't know who will kill the deer.

Gu Aotian couldn't help but let out a long sigh, it was so terrifying!

"What a terrible strength! 35

Even Albedo felt that she was under intense pressure, and the other cadres had solemn expressions on their faces. If they were to fight against the spiders, they would have no chance of winning!

There is really no chance of winning!

Even if they were to face the Supreme Lord Ainz-sama, at least they would have the confidence to fight, but if they faced the spider, they would not even have the courage to fight.

"Did you see it?! Did you see how terrifying this guy's strength is?! Now he only has the panel attributes of the Demon King, but her combat power, even I am not sure to defeat her!

The fourth demon king, Dagli Yulu, trembled slightly, his body trembled uncontrollably, he was obviously lying, and he didn't even want to look at the spider in the video at this moment.

The third demon king Dino sneered..

"Defeat her? Even I don't have the confidence to retreat under her hands. Do you still want to defeat her? You know, this guy is only the strength of the Demon King!"5

The lie was exposed, and the fourth demon king, Daguri Yulu, sat limply on the chair like a deflated ball.

Even Guy and Milim's expressions became extremely solemn, and it's terrifying that this guy's strength has increased!

I didn't expect this to happen at all.

When she becomes an awakened demon king, she may be able to reach the realm of the star king dragon Veldanava.

God's realm!

At this moment, Guy's heart ignited with fighting spirit, and Milim also raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The eyes of both of them are extremely hot!

"Bian! The strength of this demon king has exceeded the level of ordinary awakened demon kings! Why is this happening?!

Rimuru couldn't even accept this fact!


I'm afraid I wasn't as powerful as a spider when I evolved into a demon king!

Not on the same level at all!

"Don't compare the two of you, you are both open-minded monsters, what is there to compare.

Storm Dragon——Veldra snorted coldly and rolled her eyes, it’s not a good thing!


The spider in the video is still feeling the changes after its own evolution. The appearance has changed a lot, and the body is bigger than before.

The human body grows on the head, and even the brain has become two, which can think separately.

There are also two sets of fields of vision. It used to be eight eyes, but now it is a bit unaccustomed to see things with two human eyes.

Sure enough, after being a spider for a long time, he has forgotten that he was originally a human being.

Spider Zi lowered his head and saw what he was, instantly blushing and almost jumping up.

"Oh my god! I really am a woman! And she's not too small!"

I couldn't tell the gender from the spider's body before, and I was a little worried that I might be a man. Later, when I saw the demon king who looked like a girl, I felt that I was probably a woman.

If you are a girl, be careful!

This is absolutely impossible!

Spider Zi hurriedly used the spider silk to weave a piece of underwear and wrapped it around his body. The trillions of viewers who were originally disappointed, didn't expect that the appearance of half covering their faces with the pipa was even more attractive!

tsk tsk...

More flavor!

Suddenly, there was a clicking sound behind the spider, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also attracted by the sound.

5.1 Scalp-tingling scene appeared!

In the black cave, thousands of spider eggs began to hatch.

The cute little spiders broke their eggshells and appeared one by one. Before, the spiders laid a lot of spider eggs here!

Now... it's all out of the shell!

Spider child looked at the densely packed little spiders, and was in a happy mood. Together with the human spider body, he opened his arms and shouted out the first sentence of coming to Otherworld to all the children.

"Lovely kids! Happy birthday!"

The chirping sound can't help but make people creepy, and the spider also transplanted his parallel consciousness to several of them.

These spiders have the same abilities as hers, and these childlike spiders are taught by them!

roar roar...

Spider Zi covered her mouth and laughed, but if she didn't care at all, it would be said to be abandoned by others. In this case, Spider Zi directly activated space magic, and produced a lot of food from it.

These are her babies!

But for the sake of the child, she would!

The mountain of food was quickly cleaned up by the dense spiders, and the spiders had already left the cave.

I almost forgot about this, I don't know what happened to the city where the vampire is located.


The town where the vampire is located is caught in the flames of war, and the spider is suddenly nervous. The vampire must not have an accident!

Such a cute little guy!

Cute enough to want to eat her in one bite, how could she be in danger and ignore it?!.

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