Their attention was more focused on the death of Ancient One.

After all, he is the Supreme Mage.

Why do you die so easily...?

This is what they want to know, and this is what Stephen himself wants to know....

Video continues.

The music softened.

It's like reminiscing about the past.

The emotions that excited countless people subsided bit by bit and slowly became softer.

That night.

Within the hospital.

Gu Yi's body is being rescued.

However, His soul has already come outside.

Look quietly into the distance.

Right now.

It was as if the whole world had stopped.

The thundering sky was covered with lightning like a spider web, and the roaring helicopters were frozen above.

And Stephen's soul also followed Gu Yi to the balcony outside.

"Stop it, you have to get back into your body quickly, you're running out of time."

At this time Stephen said anxiously.

If there is no ancient one.

There is no such thing as him now.

To him, Ancient One was like a master.

It was very painful to watch Him die with my own eyes.

However, Gu Yi was always so calm, as if he was detached from the human world, and replied:

"I have spent too much time peering into the future, looking at this moment, but unable to see beyond. I have prevented countless terrible futures, one after another, never ending, all leading me to this moment and stopping at this moment. .”

"You mean, you feel like you're going to die at this moment?"

Stephen didn't understand.

But the people watching the video didn't understand either.

"Do you want to see your future?"

"I don't want to, okay, I want to."

Just when Gu Yi said these words.

Stephen, who was watching the video, was also staring at the screen.

I want to see something more futuristic.

Then I heard Gu Yi say:

"I have never seen your future, only some possibilities. You have the ability to do great good. You are always outstanding, but not because you desire success, but because you are afraid of failure. Arrogance has always held you back. ....”

The conversation between the Ancient One and Stephen is very long.

But it’s not just Stephen’s problems that are told.

He also told him that sometimes people need to break the rules, just like He absorbed the power of the dark dimension, in order to create great achievements.


When Ancient One let go of Stephen's hand.

Looking back again.

Only Stephen's lonely back was left.

Now everyone finally understands.

Why did Gu Yi choose to die?

Because He has hated eternal life.

And a suitable successor was found - Stephen.

He believed.

Stephen would surely untie what held him captive.

Become a supreme mage and fight against Dormammu...!

The background music changes from soft to tragic.

Lin Lan's deep voice also sounded.

"After Gu Yi died, Stephen finally understood the responsibility and responsibility he shouldered."

"However, the three temples were destroyed when Dormammu, the Supreme Being of the Dark Dimension, invaded Earth."

"How will Stephen Strange face such a terrifying enemy alone?!"

"Can he really succeed in saving the earth as Ancient One hopes?!"

Lin Lan just finished speaking.

The video continues.

The three major temples were destroyed one by one by Casillas and his men.

Lost the protection of the three major temples.

Dormammu, the Supreme Being of the Dark Dimension, comes to Earth!

"Boom boom boom!!——————"

Earth-shattering explosions resounded one after another, and countless flames roared along with the unique purple flames of the dark dimension. The dense clouds of dark energy swept away, swallowing up everything around them, creating a huge momentum!

Screams, wails and car collisions resounded throughout the space, and Casillas and others also started a battle with Stephen and Mordo!

at this time.

Stephen is ready to break the mold.

Use the power of the Time Stone to restore everything to the past.

But it was finally cracked by Casillas.

The time circle is shattered.

But everything around him seemed to be still.

People in the universe who were watching the video saw this scene and marveled at the power of the Time Stone.

Despite this, most of their attention was placed on the sky.

Because they saw that there must be a huge danger hidden in the colorful haze that seemed to break through the dimensional wall - Dormammu!

But what they didn't expect was.

Doctor Strange Stephen actually entered it directly...!

"Holy crap! How dare he! Does he think he is the Hulk!?"

"I'm stupid. If you just send him to the door, wouldn't he die in one move in front of Dormammu?"

"Can he really win? Why don't I believe it..."

"I have calculated fourteen million endings, and he will definitely die in all of them."

"Fourteen million is less. I think he died in one breath in front of Dormammu..."

in the universe.

Countless people have no hope.

Many of them knew of Dormammu's power.

No matter how talented Stephen is.

There was no way he could beat Dormammu.

Therefore, countless people did not believe that he could defeat Dormammu.

But what many people didn’t expect was.

Lin Lan's voice sounded next.

"The answer is, of course, that he successfully saved the earth!"

! ! !

Countless people looked confused.

They really can't think of any way to save the earth!

There is even a special bet for this!

"If I pay 10,000 Galaxy coins, he will definitely die!"

"If I defeat 100,000 people, the earth will definitely be destroyed this time!"

"How can you win! You are a bad author, you are getting worse and worse, and you come up with a twist every time. I won't be fooled by you this time! If I pressure 50,000 people, he will lose!"

Many people were furious.

Even learned.

This dog author likes to play with twists and turns.

Although it can seduce their curiosity every time.

But this time, they chose to resist to the end, absolutely not believing that he could win.

After all, no one can imagine how this can be won...

Except for one person.

That's the Ancient One...

He, who was watching the video, nodded with satisfaction.


"It seems that you did break the rules... very good...!"


[Thanks to reader dad "18788..." for his monthly ticket! And the flower tickets from all the readers and fathers! grateful! ].

42. Time array, countless deaths...!

in the universe.

There is only one reaction among countless people.

That is complete disbelief.

That's right.

Who is Dormammu?

He is the supreme being of the dark dimension!

Possess unparalleled super magical abilities!

The current Doctor Strange is just growing up.

If he were allowed to continue practicing for thousands of years.

Might be able to compete.

But he is now.

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