Video Game Empire

: Skye's heart is ready to be a professional code farmer!

I only wrote more than 20,000 words this month, and Skye is really ashamed! When Skye started writing the book, it was originally because his work was relatively free! Who would have thought that the plan would not change so quickly, the post would change soon after the book was put on the shelves, and there was not so much free time for the new post! In the month when it was newly released, Skye could still fight for the monthly ticket bonus, but in fact, book lovers who are interested in paying attention to this book also know that it was still withered in the last few days. As a result, the three thousand bonus became at the last moment. A thousand!

In the second half of last year, things went wrong again. My mother had a car accident and had a dispute with the supervisor in the company. Later, I had to resign! When I resigned, I considered whether to become a full-time writer, but after thinking about it, I still couldn't make up my mind! So I found a new job. The new job is more stressful than the original one, and I basically have no time to touch the computer during the day. Therefore, many book lovers will also find that most of the updates in the past few months are before 12 o'clock, and there is no time to correct the typos, in order to get the attendance award!

Moreover, the new work does not have a holiday on weekends, and it is a single day off every day, so there are basically no outbreaks on weekends! Originally it was going to be normalized next week, but the company said that it would not pay provident funds to non-Shanghai employees! Well, there is no provident fund, and there is no provident fund loan to buy a house in the future, which has shrunk the value of this job by more than half! After thinking about it for several days, I finally decided to quit! The next step is to write a book with peace of mind, or continue to look for a job, how hesitant Skye is again! But in the end, I was determined to try this path as a professional writer.

Skye himself is not satisfied with the quality of "Electronic Empire Reborn", especially the decline in the later stage! I felt a little broken when I wrote it, and I was so busy every day that I couldn't think about it seriously. Many things in the original outline were not written! However, the book "Rebirth of the Electronic Empire" is set at around 15, and 4,000 chapters are updated stably every day, plus 600 full-time attendance, the monthly manuscript fee is about 3,000 yuan.

That is to say, if you can write 8,000 words a day, you can basically have a manuscript fee of about 00 yuan a month! If the quality of the book is better, if the subscription can be higher, Ske will simply go back to his hometown and not hang out in Shanghai! So the writer's path may be able to give it a try. This book will gradually begin to wrap up, and it is planned to be finished around mid-April! At the same time, Ski will prepare to start thinking about a new book, which is expected to start uploading in the middle of next month. In this way, the old book is over, and the new book is just on the shelves, and the manuscript fee will not be interrupted, otherwise Ske will not be able to support himself!

I will go to the company tomorrow for the final handover, it is estimated that there will be an update tonight! From the day after tomorrow, Skye will be a full-time coder!

Before "Rebirth of the Electronic Empire" is finished, at least 6,000 words will be guaranteed every day for the last one or two months. At the same time, I will try my best to save some drafts for the new book and write the outline in more detail! The new book will still be an urban rebirth essay, and the protagonist will start from 2000 and embrace the Internet age! This is actually an idea I had a long time ago!

Well, for the extremely ineffective February, Skye apologizes again to everyone! However, I have already been punished. I have lost the hard-working writing award in the first half of the year. It is a lot of money, and it hurts to think about it... (To be continued.)


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