Video Game Empire

Chapter 536: competition begins

"Mr. Ke, the Japanese found that the first trick didn't work for us, and now the second trick is coming! JVC has just announced that they supply all models of VCRs in the Asian market, and the ex-factory price has been reduced by 10%! Panasonic and Sanyo are two companies. , and also announced a reduction of 8% and 12% respectively!" A smiling middle-aged man walked into Ke Lilun's office and said.

"Haha, since the other party has made a move, we will act according to the original plan!" Ke Lilun raised his head and replied calmly.

Japanese electronics companies are very good at group warfare. As long as one company makes a breakthrough in a certain field, other companies can quickly follow up collectively. The reason for this is actually very interesting!

Because Japan's economic lifeline is actually controlled by a few chaebols. For example, JVC has been controlled by Panasonic as early as 1952, and Panasonic is one of the backbone enterprises of the Sumitomo consortium. Another core company of the Sumitomo consortium in the electronics industry is Sanyo Electric, so it is not surprising that these three companies are advancing and retreating together!

In another time and space, the DVD format dispute between Sony and Toshiba in the 1990s was questioned by many as a public show. Because the two companies belong to the Mitsui Consortium, and the Mitsui Consortium has a meeting of senior managers for coordinating internal interests, called the Moonlight Club.

In this case, how could Sony and Toshiba really fight to the death. The so-called competition between them is more mainly ≯ long ≯ wind ≯ text ≯ learning, and the purpose of w±★↓t is to show it to others.

If all Japanese companies are on good terms, it's time to keep European and American companies up at night. They staged a fake fight in their own nests, which is far more controllable than letting European and American companies convince their respective governments to use real knives on Japanese companies!

Closer to home, after Dongfang Group suddenly threw out VCD, the most important thing was JVC. Because the biggest part of JVC's profits. It is from its video recorder products.

So after the Oriental Group began to build VCD distribution channels, JVC quickly made a counterattack. It teamed up with Japanese companies such as Panasonic, Sanyo, Toshiba, and Sony to issue a warning to their respective distributors. Any dealer who acts as an agent for VCD players will be banned by Japanese companies.

This move is naturally very effective. For example, after Dongfang Commercial completed the VCD product promotion conference in Korea, many dealers had already signed regional agency agreements with Dongfang Commercial. These distributors are carefully selected partners of the Oriental Commercial Company. Most of them have strong strength and rich industry experience.

The ban order from companies such as JVC also forced many dealers to choose to terminate the contract with Dongfang Commercial Co., Ltd. Because these dealers basically have agency contracts for Japanese brand video recorders. Rather than risking their entire lives to accompany the uncertain future of VCD, they might as well maintain their current interests step by step!

However, the sudden attack of the Japanese VCR manufacturers did not disrupt the pace of Dongfang Shoji. Because long before Dongfang Commercial Co., Ltd. opened the VCD marketing curtain, it had already considered various counterattack plans that the enemy might implement in advance.

Therefore, although JVC Company deliberately made a time difference, it only started to coerce the agents to quit after Dongfang Commercial Co., Ltd. signed contracts with most of the agents, and wanted to completely disrupt the plans of Dongfang Commercial. But at the same time that some dealers opted out. Dongfang Commercial immediately added a group of alternative agents.

"The Japanese guy's last trick didn't work, and this time he started to spread real money to make profits!" The middle-aged man snorted softly, but he, like Ke Lilun sitting behind his desk, did not show any panicked expression.

"The previous actions of the Japanese cannot be said to be completely ineffective. At least half of our current distributors are converted from agents of other products such as computers and game consoles! Although these agents are our hardcore, they After all, the original business has nothing to do with video recorders!

Therefore, in the next distribution process, we must give more support to our agents! The original cash pick-up clause can be temporarily suspended. To support agents to sell VCDs on credit to retail stores for trial sales! "Colilan's head was very clear, and he knew that the war between VCDs and VCRs had just begun. It was far from a winner.

For the price reduction policy thrown by Japanese companies such as JVC, Dongfang Commercial Co., Ltd. also has a complete plan. The VCD listing policy has already been written in the distribution contracts of various agents, so Dongfang Commercial will never adjust the price of VCD again at this time because of the price reduction of competitors.

Because VCD is a new product, if it comes up, it will go back on its word and cut the price again. It will only seriously damage the credibility of the distribution contract just signed.

What's more, even if the price of VCRs of various brands in Japan is generally reduced by 10% to 15%, their prices are still higher than the prices of VCDs. Dongfang Commercial Co., Ltd. has calculated the production cost of VCD and VHS VCR in great detail when setting the price. If the selling price of VCRs falls to the level of VCDs, VCR manufacturers are bound to lose money.

However, the Oriental Commercial Company did not follow the price cut. It doesn't mean just watching the show! Compared with the three major markets of North America, Europe and Japan, the Asian market that VCD firstly attacked is much smaller in scale.

And VCD has not entered the European and American markets for the time being, so VCR manufacturers will naturally not take action in these markets. Like JVC's price cut this time, it's only aimed at the Asian market, and this also gives Orient Commercial Company room to muddy the waters.

American newspapers will soon report that Japanese brand video recorders have been greatly reduced in price abroad, but they still maintain high prices in the American market, and continue to slaughter stupid Americans! You must know that since the signing of the Plaza Accord, the yen began to appreciate rapidly, which also led to a large increase in Japan's foreign capital exports.

In recent years, the impression the Japanese have left on the United States is that they are generous and not bad for money. And if, through proper public opinion guidance, Japan's wealth and wealth are described as being based on the high-priced exploitation of Americans, then an anti-Japanese trend could easily sweep across the United States.

In recent years, Japanese companies have almost been oppressed by their American counterparts, so if the Oriental Group only needs to quietly light the flames, countless people will definitely join in to fuel the flames!

"Mr. Ke, Director Jin Renzhong of Samsung Electronics will arrive in Hong Kong tomorrow. How should we arrange it?" The middle-aged man did not leave Ke Lilun's office immediately, but continued to report on the next matter.

"Samsung Electronics is here to negotiate with the Oriental Research Institute this time, and we are only responsible for making connections for it. It is none of our business whether we can negotiate a satisfactory result for the Koreans!

But we must give enough courtesy in reception. I will personally host a banquet for this director Jin tomorrow evening! ' Collene thought for a moment and said.

In the previous action of Japanese manufacturers to block VCD. Samsung Electronics unexpectedly did not move! Although the Samsung brand is not very famous internationally, it is already the leading domestic brand in South Korea.

Samsung's video recorder also has an unknown share in the Korean market, not to mention it is still a local snake. If Samsung and Japanese companies act in concert, at least the promotion of VCD in the Korean market will be much more difficult.

As a result, Samsung Electronics did not choose to stand on the side of traditional video recorder companies, but directly expressed to Dongfang Commercial Corporation that it hoped to join the VCD camp! Since Samsung did not directly choose confrontation, Kollil naturally would not push it in the direction of the enemy.

Even if the Oriental Research Institute is not going to license VCD-related patents to Samsung, it will not refuse right now, but negotiate slowly. Buy as much time as possible for VCD to gain a firm foothold in the Korean market.

And Ke Lilun's attitude towards his boss Li Xuan is also very clear. He has no plans to transfer all his interests to his own bowl. On the contrary, only by uniting more allies and promoting the VCD market as widely as possible can the interests of the Eastern Group be truly maximized.

Among all the technologies of VCD, the decoder is undoubtedly the core part. And Dongfang Group has achieved a technological monopoly in this field. Even if other companies start the research and development of decoder products immediately, it will take two or three years to produce results as soon as possible! And such a long time is enough for the Eastern Group to pick down all its opponents.

Get more other producers to join in. To quickly expand the VCD market. Doing so would damage RCA's monopoly on VCD production. But more VCD sales also means more decoder sales.

RCA company in order to quickly promote VCD. High profit margins were not retained when the product was previously determined to leave the factory. In contrast, a decoder that has achieved a technical monopoly is much more profitable. Therefore, exchanging a small portion of RCA's losses in exchange for more lucrative profits of the Oriental Research Institute is definitely a cost-effective transaction for the entire Oriental Group.

It's just that Ke Lilun is also very clear that even if the Oriental Research Institute agrees to continue to license VCD technology to the outside world. It won't open the gate right now. Samsung Electronics' technical level is significantly higher than that of Lu's Electronics and Hutchison Electronics.

The Eastern Group must give these two weak little brothers some time to grow up. Dongfang Group supports these two Hong Kong enterprises, and is not afraid that the other will break away from its control when it grows. And Samsung Electronics is different, Li Xuan's control has not been extended to South Korea.

Therefore, for the purpose of controlling the entire VCD industry by the Oriental Group. Samsung Electronics' goal of obtaining VCD production authorization is obviously impossible to achieve immediately! As for how to negotiate with this director Jin, so as to prolong the time without breaking down the negotiations between the two sides, that is the problem that the Oriental Research Institute needs to have a headache, and has nothing to do with Ke Lilun and Dongfang Commercial.


"Uncle Wen, is the videotape of "The True Color of Heroes 2" out yet?" A boy wearing a school uniform with a flat head, walked into a video rental shop on the corner of the street.

"Ah Kuan, you Uncle Wen, I'm not deaf, you don't have to shout so loudly! The second film of "The True Color of Heroes" is here, but you can't watch it this time!" With a pair of reading glasses on the counter, he kept his head up as he spoke.

"Why?" Ah Kuan asked in confusion.

"Here! This is the disc of "The True Color of Heroes 2". Your video recorder can only play video tapes. You only need to use a special VCD player to play this kind of film!" Uncle Wen finally raised his head and pointed to the entrance with his pen. said a new shelf in a prominent position.

Only then did Ah Kuan notice that the layout of the video rental store had been slightly adjusted compared to the previous few times. A row of square plastic boxes are densely placed on the newly added shelf. Each box had a different movie poster printed on it, and he quickly found the DVD case for The Color of Heroes 2.

"Don't touch it, boy, these discs of mine are all unopened! If you remove the plastic packaging on the outside, I won't be able to sell them in the future!" Uncle Wen immediately warned.

Ah Kuan turned around and looked at the plastic box, and soon saw the disc inside from the side. It was round and seemed to be only a few pages thick! However, he quickly lost interest in this new thing that he couldn't watch, put him back on the shelf, turned to Uncle Wen and asked, "When will the video tape come out?"

"I guess there won't be any, unless it's a pirated product!" Uncle Wen shook his head and said, "All the movies from the Asian Film Company will be released on VCDs like this! So you still try to convince your old bean to put That VCR is obsolete, or ask your classmates who bought that new VCD player!"

"How could this be!" Kuan left the video rental shop a little unhappy.

He saves some pocket money every month, rents a video tape or two at Uncle Wen's shop after school on weekends, and invites a few good classmates to watch it together! This made him gain a lot of prestige in the Many students are willing to play with him!

When "The True Color of Heroes 2" was released before, he deliberately praised Haikou, so that everyone should not spend money to buy tickets, and watch the video together at his house! Compared with a movie ticket that has risen to 20 yuan a day, renting a videotape is only 5 yuan a day, which is undoubtedly a lot more cost-effective!

As a result, Kuan was suddenly told that "The True Color of Heroes 2" will not be available on videotape, and he didn't know how to explain it to his classmates. Just when Ah Kuan was very distressed, the VCD's listing and sales work finally started in full swing.

On TV, in newspapers, and on the body of buses, all kinds of advertisements of VCD are overwhelming all of a sudden, constantly appearing in everyone's eyes. While carrying out large-scale advertising, VCD's distribution work is also in place.

For example, in Uncle Wen's video rental shop, the first batch of VCD discs were sold on credit. If no one comes to rent the disc, the owner must make sure that the packaging of the disc is not damaged, and you can return the full price to the superior dealer!

But if the outer packaging of the disc is opened, it means that someone comes to rent this VCD video disc, then the store will naturally need to pay the agent! (To be continued.)

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