Video Game Empire

Chapter 480: 2nd round

"Miss Kennedy, have you also seen this movie from Hong Kong?" A reporter suddenly found a rare character in the banquet hall, and immediately stepped forward with glowing eyes.

"Of course, this is a very romantic oriental love movie!" Caroline Kennedy smiled reservedly.

"Are you invited here this time? What does it have to do with this movie?" The reporter had already taken out his notebook and quickly began to write shorthand.

"I'm just a simple movie fan who loves movies. Today, I was invited by a friend to accompany her to the banquet! Look, my friend has waved like me again!" Caroline saw Li Ying walking towards her Come, and immediately get rid of annoying reporters.

"Sorry, sir! This isn't a press conference, we need a private space!" After Caroline walked to her side, Li Ying immediately followed the reluctant reporter with a smile, but refused to be disturbed His tone was indisputable.

"!" The reporter shrugged and had to watch Li Ying and Caroline leave.

"Carolyn, this is the protagonist of tonight's celebration banquet, the director of the movie "Sleepless in Hong Kong", Zhang Wanting, you can call her ab directly!" Li Ying introduced.

"Hello, Miss Kennedy, thank you very much for coming to join us tonight!" Zhang Wanting spent three years in New York before, and naturally knew this girl who didn't often appear in the news, but her popularity in the United States was even higher than those of Hollywood girls. A woman who is inferior to a movie star.

"Sister Ting, you should call Caroline now, Mrs. Schlossberg is more appropriate!" Li Ying pointed at her newly married friend and smiled.

Caroline Kennedy is the only daughter of the assassinated former President John F. Kennedy, the lovely girl in American memory who played unrestrainedly and freely under the firm table in the Oval Office of the White House with her younger brother!

She is the eternal princess in the hearts of Americans, because the United States owes this six-year-old lost a father a father! But time flies. The little girl back then was already married.

After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, John's younger brother, Robert Kennedy, was also assassinated during the presidential campaign. In order to avoid the invisible black hand behind the scenes, Caroline's mother chose to marry the Greek ship king Onassis and fled the United States with her and her younger brother.

And Caroline has always followed her mother's request when she grew up. Stay away from the spotlight chase. Of course, with Caroline carrying the Kennedy surname like this, there are some responsibilities that can never be let go. In fact, her little uncle, the lion of the Senate, Edward Kennedy, likes to have this niece as his female companion and take her to various events.

The reason why Li Ying got acquainted with the daughter of the former president was because of a social reception held by Li Xuan in New York. At that time, Caroline accompanied her uncle Edward to attend, while Li Ying took the place of her sister-in-law as the hostess of the dinner.

Although Li Xuan has close ties with the Bush family, this does not prevent him from interacting with Democrats. Not to mention, according to the American political tradition. High-tech companies have always been more inclined and supportive of the Democratic Party.

In a survey conducted by relevant US agencies, as high as 83% of people in Silicon Valley chose to support the Democratic Party. Silicon Valley and Hollywood are also known as the West Coast of the United States, the two most hard-core sites of the Democratic Party. There are two parties in the United States, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. The political proposition of the former is more conservative, while the latter is more open and free.

Silicon Valley is known as the capital of innovation, and the core competitiveness that drives its continuous development is naturally technological innovation. And those who can turn all kinds of whimsical ideas into all kinds of new products. Often it's liberals who don't want to play by the rules. Therefore, their values ​​are naturally more inclined to the ideas of the Democratic Party.

such as biomedicine. The cloning technology, which has become more and more popular since the 1970s, has caused huge ethical controversy in the United States in recent years. And Republican politicians, if not explicitly opposed to cloning technology, are at least not supportive.

Therefore, those scientists who are conducting research on cloning technology, as well as biological companies eager to make relevant achievements technologically, naturally have to firmly support the Democratic Party to come to power.

In another time and space, the reason was Democratic Senator Albert Gore. The first proposal to build an "information superhighway" in the US Congress stemmed from the vigorous lobbying of high-tech companies behind the scenes.

In the 1992 U.S. presidential election, the high-tech industry was actually the third-largest field of political donations, after energy and insurance, two veteran big money players. And most of the money donated by the high-tech industry has gone to the running mates of Clinton and Gore.

So after the Clinton administration came to power. Immediately opened the door of the information age in the United States. If you have a heart to look at the U.S. stock market in the eight years from 1993 to 2000, you will suddenly realize it. With the help of the Internet wave in the United States, the market value of all high-tech companies has doubled several times. This is the huge return of the Clinton administration to the funders.

Although Li Xuan is on good terms with the Bush family, he will never hang himself on a tree. Li Xuan wants to buy more insurance for himself, and the Democratic Party of the United States is not ready to give up. The money he shed on Edward Kennedy, Albert Gore and other Democratic politicians is actually quite a lot!

Although New York is not the capital of the United States, its status in the American political circle is no lower than that of Washington. Countless dirty political and business behind-the-scenes deals are all done in the neon green of Manhattan. When Li Xuan was studying for a BA at Columbia University, in addition to taking classes every time he flew to New York, another very important job was to hold social parties.

And Li Ying followed behind her brother, and after seeing all kinds of big scenes, she was no longer the ignorant girl five or six years ago. Although she didn't know her brother's various long-term plans, she could still somewhat understand that her brother wanted to be on good terms with the Kennedy family.

Therefore, after Li Ying met Caroline, she has been working hard to befriend the jewel of the Kennedy family. Caroline settled in New York and took a general job as an assistant at the Great Museum of Art in New York.

Although Caroline tries her best to keep a low profile, as the daughter of a former president and a member of the Kennedy family, she is destined to be impossible to be an ordinary person. And Li Ying has a brother who is the richest man in the world, and her identity is also impossible to be ordinary. Therefore, these two women in similar circumstances, despite being nearly ten years apart in age, quickly became good friends.

And Li Ying and Caroline have many new topics recently. When she flew to America with her brother before school started. Li Xuan said that she planned to let her gradually take up the work of the family charitable foundation after she graduated and returned to Hong Kong.

In addition to her daily work, Caroline devotes a large part of her energy to taking care of several charitable foundations established by her mother. Her experience in this area is exactly what Li Ying needs most now. However, the topic of the two tonight is naturally focused on the movie "Sleepless in Hong Kong", which is a celebration banquet.

Actually Caroline hadn't seen the movie. The reason why she appeared at tonight's party was completely forced by Li Ying. Zhang Wanting talked with the two for a few words, and soon saw her mentor beckoning to her again, so she had to leave the two of them apologetically and leave quickly.

"The screenwriter of this movie is really your brother? This is so unbelievable!" Caroline was very surprised when she heard Li Ying say that the idea of ​​"Sleepless in Hong Kong" came from her brother .

"Actually, this is not the first time my brother has written a movie script. He has already conceived two or three movie scripts before, and every movie can be sold in Hong Kong!" Li Ying said in a slightly proud tone.

Because Li Xuan rarely gives interviews to the media, the story that the American public can know. Most of the time when he first became the richest man in the world, the American media always reported on his entrepreneurial myth. Caroline is really curious about other gossip about the world's richest man.

"You should have heard of 'Who Can Be a Millionaire', the ace program of nb TV a few years ago!" Li Ying saw Caroline's cooperating head and continued, "That program was also my brother's idea. At the beginning, he had just acquired Hong Kong's Asia Satellite TV, eager to reverse the TV station's unfavorable ratings, so he personally designed this new program!

And "Who Can Be a Millionaire" became popular in Hong Kong. Asia Satellite TV has sold the copyright of this program to many countries around the world, and its partner in the United States is nb TV! So many people in Hong Kong are complaining that God is so unfair. Forcing all the gifts on my brother alone! "


Just the day after the "Sleepless in Hong Kong" team held a celebration party to win the New York Film Critics Association's Best Foreign Language Film Award, an article like this was printed in a prominent position in the entertainment page of the "New York Post". titled, The New Career of the World's Richest Man: Best Foreign Language Screenwriter? "!

This is naturally the handwriting of Universal Pictures, responsible for the public relations team of "Sleepless Hong Kong". I am going to use the influence of Li Xuan, the richest man in the world, to quickly increase the popularity of the movie.

The New York Post's report was only the first bullet, and soon several other reports hyping the world's richest man to become a screenwriter appeared in major American newspapers. Universal Pictures, as a Hollywood giant, naturally maintains a tacit cooperative relationship with many media. I am very familiar with this propaganda routine.

And this trick is indeed very effective, because Caroline is not the only American who is curious about Li Xuan, the richest man. After "Sleepless in Hong Kong" attracted a lot of attention, Universal Pictures immediately let the film go on sale in the United States, quickly turning everyone's curiosity into box office!

In fact, Li Xuan only provided a general idea at the beginning. The movie script of "Sleepless in Hong Kong" has been continuously filled and revised by professional screenwriters, and the final draft was far from Li Xuan's original idea. But no one can deny Li Xuan's contribution to the entire script, at least there is no problem in letting him add his name to the co-writer column.

If things come to an end here, it can only be said that Universal Pictures has done a fairly good topic marketing. And the second scene of this big play appeared half a month after "Sleepless in Hong Kong" was released in the United States.

"Not only the UK, but also Hong Kong is ahead of us! , an opinion piece published in the Industrial Technology News section of The Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street Journal is a newspaper known for its serious reporting style, and it is not as keen on chasing tidbits as the New York Post.

However, the author of the article was curious when he heard that the richest man in the world had switched careers to become a movie screenwriter, so he walked into the cinema and started writing. "Sleepless in Hong Kong" left him the deepest impression, not the love story of the hero and heroine, but the Hong Kong Internet that runs through the development of the whole movie.

The little protagonist, whose legs were amputated due to a car accident, regained his confidence through the Internet and can swim in this virtual world like ordinary people. And it was through the Internet that he and the male protagonist met. After the two established a friendship, the little protagonist planned to turn this nice man into his father.

So he used the male protagonist's idea of ​​convincing himself to join the other party's game company to develop new games, and told him that he needed to stand a series of tests to prove his sincerity.

In fact, the little protagonist contacts another group of friends who have met online, and turns this test into a love encounter time and time again between the hero and heroine. It's just that these originally designed romantic plots are always destroyed by accident!

But in the eyes of the author of the article, this Hong Kong film is not only a romance film, but also a popular science film with countless cool things in it. Hong Kong has gradually entered a new information age.

A single telephone line can connect every corner of the city together. Those who didn't know each other before had an intersection because of the Internet. This new way of socializing will profoundly change the future of mankind!

When the Internet in the United States was only popular in scientific research institutions and universities, the Internet in Hong Kong has begun to be democratized. When the entire United States was at war with the British because of the advent of the World Wide Web, Hong Kong had quietly taken a big step forward!

The World Wide Web Consortium held the Global Internet Conference in London at the end of Laboratory of Oriental Research Institute, and officially released the World Wide Web technology in the opening speech of the conference.

Subsequently, American academia and public opinion quickly began to reflect on the reality that the United States lags behind the United Kingdom in Internet technology. This topic quickly triggered a large-scale war of words between the media in the UK and the US, and eventually even attracted great attention from the societies of the two countries.

But of course the media cannot focus on one news forever. By the end of November, after nearly two months of release, the media are no longer so keen on Internet topics. But just as the "Wall Street Journal" suddenly threw out that the United States is not only behind the United Kingdom in the Internet field, but also behind Hong Kong!

If it is said that the United Kingdom is behind, the Americans can barely accept it. After all, although the United Kingdom has handed over the status of world hegemony, it is still an old-fashioned power that cannot be underestimated. But Hong Kong is only a British colony. In the impression of most Americans, the colony is definitely a symbol of backwardness and ignorance.

And now even Hong Kong is already on the top of the United States in the high-tech field of the Internet, which makes many people feel incredible! So the topic of the Internet has once again become popular in the United States! (To be continued..)

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