Video Game Empire

Chapter 455: plaza agreement

"Jiajia, how about my grilled squid, is it better than your father's grilled chicken thighs?" Li Xuan smiled and held up a bunch of big squid and shook it in front of a little girl.

"It's definitely not as delicious as my father's!" The little girl shook her head arrogantly and said with a look of disdain. It's just that her big round eyes secretly glanced at the food in Li Xuan's hands.

"Ah, since you don't think it tastes good, then I can only reluctantly eliminate it myself!" Li Xuan teased the little girl deliberately, and said that he was going to send the fragrant squid to his mouth. .

The little girl involuntarily stuck out her tongue and licked her lips. The pitiful greedy look on her face was very endearing.

"Dad's barbecue level is not as good as Li's! You have never tasted Li's squid, how do you know that it must be Daddy's delicious? So you should tell Li, let me try it first, and then I can give you the answer!" Zhuang Yuhai came over, touched his daughter's hair, and gave her a good idea.

"Li, I want to taste your squid first, maybe it's really better than my dad's chicken legs!" The arrogant little girl got the steps her father handed over, and immediately descended the donkey down the slope, sweet to Li Xuan. 's smile.

"Well, let you, a little greedy cat who doesn't know the goods, see what is really delicious!" Li Xuan also continued to tease her, handing over the bunch of squid and fish in his hand.

He invited Zhuang Yuhai's family to have dinner at his home today, and he did not hold a special formal dinner. Instead, set up a barbecue grill in the garden. Everyone does it by themselves. When Li Xuan was in college in his previous life, he worked part-time in a work-study program in a barbecue restaurant near the school. Therefore, his barbecue level is much higher than that of Zhuang Yuhai, who is half-baked.

Barbecue culture is also very popular in Hong Kong. As early as the 1960s, when Hong Kong's industry was just emerging, the most popular social activity of many factory workers was to go to the wild barbecue when they were resting on weekends. Almost all country parks in Hong Kong have dedicated public barbecue areas for citizens who hike outdoors.

In convenience stores and supermarkets in the streets and alleys of Hong Kong, you can also easily buy charcoal for barbecues. Even during the Asian Financial Crisis in the 1990s. Hong Kong people also invented a new method of suicide, called charcoal burning suicide. This method of suicide was later exported abroad and quickly became popular all over the world.

Talk too far. Back to the topic! Everyone was in high spirits at first, but grilling is by no means an easy task. Novices who have not mastered the heat are either burnt or undercooked. So Zhong Chuhong finally took Zhuang Yuhai's wife to chat while leaving the best Li Xuan to serve everyone.

And Zhuang Yuhai, a man, is naturally not good to walk away like a little girl. Consciously served as a waiter for his daughter and two ladies. A steady stream of food cooked by chef Li Xuan was brought to the table.

"The White House called the finance ministers and central bank governors of the four countries of Britain, France, Germany and Japan to New York this time. It is estimated that the other four countries will be forced to accept the dollar for devaluation!" Li Xuan said of the five countries' finance ministers being held in New York. Meeting.

"In my opinion, it is not appropriate to say that the United States is persecuting. At most, it can only be regarded as a half-assistance! After President Reagan took office, he created a wave of economic prosperity for the United States by reducing taxes and increasing government investment! But this wave economic prosperity at the expense of surging fiscal deficits.

The competitiveness of U.S. companies has not changed, and the U.S. trade deficit has continued to grow. in the shadow of a twin deficit. The Reagan administration could only hope to use the means of raising the benchmark interest rate to introduce international capital to develop the economy.

But the US dollar because of the second oil crisis in the late 1970s. Just experienced a round of rapid appreciation. Now a large amount of overseas capital has returned to the United States under the stimulus of interest rates, which has further pushed up the exchange rate of the dollar.

This made American companies that were already on the defensive in the competition with Japanese and German companies even more overwhelmed, and their foreign exports further shrunk. This in turn increases the trade deficit, creating a vicious circle!

The semi-fixed exchange rate policy of Japan and Germany has kept the exchange rate of the yen and the mark against the dollar at a low value for a long time. Enterprises in these two countries have taken a lot of advantage when participating in international competition. It is time for the high dollar exchange rate to return to the equilibrium level.

Because the United States is the largest single market in the world, once an economic crisis breaks out in the United States, it is bound to quickly spread to the world, and other countries will definitely not be spared! In fact, as early as May of this year, the Bank of England has already taken the initiative to sell dollars to the foreign exchange market, so that the exchange rate of the pound against the dollar will appreciate in an orderly manner! "Zhuang Yuhai explained to his boss the ins and outs of this meeting of finance ministers of the five countries.

Li Xuan only knew that the Plaza Accord in 1985 caused the yen exchange rate to skyrocket. As a result, Japanese companies, which became rich in an instant, began to expand overseas aggressively in the late 1980s. Mitsubishi bought the Rockefeller Building, Sony bought Columbia, and the crazy momentum of the Japanese buying, buying and buying, once caused all Americans to have a lot of panic.

The international hot money began to pour into Japan's stock market and property market, creating a wave of "Heisei boom" for Japan. But this bubble was burst in 1990, and Japan immediately fell into a recession that lasted for more than ten years.

Therefore, on the Internet of later generations, the "Plaza Accord" in 1985 is also considered by many conspiracy theorists to be a trap set by the United States to allow Wall Street capital to loot the wealth accumulated in Japan for decades.

"It seems that saving the United States is also saving yourself. This is Zhou Yu beating Huang Gai. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer! After all, Uncle Sam is the leader of the free world. If it falls, who will deter the red one? The polar bear!" Li Xuan said with a smile.

"The finance ministers and central bank governors of each country are not fools, and naturally it is impossible to sell their own country's interests indefinitely for the United States. Take Japan as an example, it has now ranked second in the world after the United States. Two major economies!

In the past few decades, Japan has adopted an economic model based on commodity export, which has developed to the extreme. If no more adjustments are made. It is bound to suffer the backlash of increasingly serious international trade protectionism.

Therefore, with the appreciation of the yen, Japan can not only export commodities, but also export capital. It can also effectively expand its domestic demand and change the unbalanced situation in which the Japanese economy is completely dependent on exports! "Zhuang Yuhai continued to explain.

Li Xuan was too lazy to think about what the upper echelons of the Japanese government were thinking about now. He only remembered that the Japanese finally took the game off the line. In fact, the German mark, like the Japanese yen, has also experienced a violent appreciation, but Germany has not produced an economic bubble like Japan.

"I feel like you went to the Plaza Hotel in New York to participate in the negotiation in person, and the analysis is eloquent! Presumably this is not just your personal opinion, the whole Wall Street has this opinion, right? Are we a little late to enter the game? ?" Li Xuan is naturally most concerned about his own investment.

"Before the dust settles. No one can be sure of the final result, and it will be the same as his own analysis! While some people are long and short on the dollar, naturally there are also people who are long on the dollar. For example, the recent exchange rate of the yen against the dollar. There is no such thing as There is a one-sided rise, but a violent fluctuation!

In fact, our lh fund started to enter the Japanese market as early as last year! Since the early 1980s, there have been signs of excess capital in Japan. In order to digest these excess capital. The Ministry of Finance of Japan published the article "Current Situation and Prospects of Financial Liberalization and Japan's Internationalization" last year. The reform of financial liberalization and internationalization was officially launched. The Japanese securities market, which has been flooded with a large amount of funds, also quickly began to heat up, and now there is a bull market pattern!

Even the yen/dollar exchange rate did not appreciate as much as we expected. We are now investing in the Japanese stock market, which is also a business that will not lose money! But with your support, Li Sheng, I am naturally a little more courageous this time.

The lh fund has withdrawn nearly 60% of its funds from other investment fields. If you have no objection, these funds will be dispersed into Japan's stock market, real estate and corporate bonds and other markets! "Zhuang Yuhai said confidently.

It is obviously a very aggressive approach to speculate with more than half of the capital. According to the agreement between Li Xuan and Zhuang Yuhai. If the lh fund has a large-scale operation, it needs to get the approval of everyone. Zhuang Yuhai is also this time because of his own point of view. It was highly recognized by the boss Li Xuan, so he dared to bet heavily on the devaluation of the US dollar.

After several capital injections by Li Xuan and the returns brought by Zhuang Yuhai's excellent investment, the total capital scale of lh fund has exceeded 2 billion US dollars. This time, Zhuang Yuhai has mobilized nearly 1.2 billion US dollars of funds, which is enough to send a rich person to Forbes' global wealth list.

Naturally, he did not dare to be careless. In fact, Zhuang Yuhai had been investigating in Japan before, and he just flew back to Hong Kong from Tokyo only yesterday. Now that everything is ready, Li Xuan's final nod is needed.

"The boss opened his mouth, the soldier below broke his leg! After you go to work tomorrow, tell everyone that if we can succeed in this battle, the red envelope given by my boss will definitely not be stingy, and I will definitely not let everyone run errands in vain!" issued his own order.

He is completely an amateur in specific investment operations, so he rarely even goes to the headquarters of the lh investment fund. Every time he makes a decision, Li Xuan will choose to trust his investment manager without reservation.

And Zhuang Yuhai's performance in the past three years has not disappointed Li Xuan. Of course, Li Xuan did not disappoint Zhuang Yuhai. Last year, he added bonuses to his basic annual salary, and his total income reached an astonishing US$16 million, which was US$1 million more than Han Peng, the president of Dongfang Group!

"Li Sheng, I recently heard news that there seem to be several local real estate groups in Hong Kong who are interested in acquiring the Landmark Company under the Jardine Group!" Zhuang Yuhai said suddenly and inadvertently.

"Oh?" Li Xuan suddenly became interested, "Tell me who are there?"

"Li Jiacheng of Changshi Group, Zheng Yutong of New World Group, Bao Yugang of Universal Group, and Guojiang Longguo Henian from Sin Chew!" Zhuang Yuhai casually reported these names, all of which are the leaders of Chinese businessmen in Hong Kong .

"Li Jiacheng should be unlikely. He just spent 3 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash in January this year to acquire a 35% stake in Hong Kong Electric Company from Jardine, and the capital turnover is not so fast!" Li Xuan shook his head and said.

"This is not necessarily true. Li Jiacheng's action at the beginning of the year was to complete the acquisition through the financing of Hutchison Company. Another listed company in his hands, Changshi Group, has also developed very steadily in recent years, with a very high credit rating. Have the ability to raise a lot of money from the capital market!" Zhuang Yuhai gave a different opinion.

"After the Jardine Group lost the Wharf, Landmark has become its core asset in Hong Kong. Keswick will never give up. It seems that there will be another battle!" Li Xuan said with a smile.

"Li Sheng, since you are optimistic about the future prospects of Hong Kong, have you considered investing in the real estate industry! Landmark is located in the Central District of Hong Kong Island, Central, and holds a large number of building properties in prime locations. The future appreciation potential is actually huge!

Moreover, the two subsidiaries, Mandarin Oriental and Dairy International, both owned by Landmark, are very high-quality assets. The current total market value of the Landmark Group is only 15 billion Hong Kong dollars. Even if the price is increased by 50% for a hostile takeover, the 51% stake will only need 1.5 billion US dollars! "Zhuang Yuhai said instigatingly.

His words sounded frivolous, what is only 1.5 billion US dollars, if it is converted into Hong Kong dollars, it is as high as 12 billion! How many companies are there in Hong Kong now with a market value of more than 10 billion?

But for Li Xuan and Dongfang Group, US$100 million is really not a big number. Two years ago, Li Xuan borrowed nearly $5 billion from banks such as HSBC, Citi, and Standard Chartered to acquire the company.

In just two years, Li Xuan has completely digested the 5 billion hole through a series of split sales of the company and the profit support of companies such as Dongfang Games and Dongfang Research Institute.

"There are many opportunities to make money in the world, and the real estate industry is not the main direction of Dongfang Group! Not to mention that the two companies, Landmark and Jardine, are mutually controlling, it should be difficult for outsiders to have a chance to start, right?" Li Xuan shook his head and said.

If he had the intention to enter the real estate industry, he would have already acquired a lot of land in the past few years. Now Hong Kong's real estate industry has begun to pick up gradually, and land prices have risen a lot compared to the trough two years ago. Moreover, Li Xuan remembers that the two companies, Landmark and Jardine, hold up to 40% of each other's shares. Even if an outsider wants to take over hostilely, it is unlikely to succeed.

"Since Keswick became the new leader of Jardine, he has started to solve the original mutual control of Real Estate. Now the shares of Landmark held by Jardine Group have dropped to below 25%. The best chance!" Zhuang Yuhai shook his head and said. (To be continued...)

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