Video Game Empire

Chapter 451: Labor dispatch

The current computer hardware performance is generally very limited, which makes the software programming displayed in the snail shell to do the dojo, and the code must be compressed as much as possible to improve efficiency! The simplification of the code written by a programmer is also one of the important criteria for measuring his technical level. △↗ small,

However, with the rapid development of computer hardware performance, the mainframe began to run more and more huge programs. Therefore, the importance of code reduction will gradually decrease, as long as it is kept within a certain level, and it is not too bloated and inefficient.

"But if you adopt the programming outsourcing model you mentioned, how can you ensure the security of the technical information of the entrusted company? For example, the Oriental Application Software Company you worked for before, it developed the as-os series operating system, and the sales volume for the whole year of last year has exceeded 10 million sets, if its source code is leaked, it will inevitably cause serious economic losses!" Li Xuan asked with a smile.

"In my opinion, this is actually not a big problem! Commercial espionage is something that every big company has to guard against! For example, before I left the Oriental Group last month, it was like the group's supervision department reported The boss who eats inside and out!

And companies like Dongfang Group actually have a very strict prevention system. The people who can really get in touch with the company's core secrets are actually very limited! Although there are many commercial spies uncovered every year, they rarely cause serious leaks.

The Oriental Group has many normal personnel movements every month, and it has never caused serious losses. For example, I participated in the development of the core project of the Eastern System Software Company, the as-os operating system. But the company didn't put any obstacles to my departure to start a business except for asking me to sign a non-disclosure agreement!

And those jobs that are outsourced to other companies. Obviously not the core content. Therefore, the chance of outsiders accessing confidential information is naturally lower than that of employees of their own company. It is even less likely to cause too serious consequences!

Outsourcing companies can also sign strict technical confidentiality agreements with Dongfang Group. You can even bring your own employees if necessary. Directly dispatched to the Oriental Group to work in order to facilitate the better unified management of the Oriental Group!

In this way, these dispatched personnel are actually not much different from the Oriental Group's own employees! But the Oriental Group does not need to provide high wages and benefits for these people! "Gu Jinhong said, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he threw out a new plan.

Li Xuan couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard this. He was no stranger to this kind of labor dispatch. In many large domestic companies in later generations, this kind of labor dispatch is actually very popular. Especially in monopolistic state-owned enterprises, because the official establishment of the company is very valuable, a large number of personnel outside the establishment will be used.

For example, China Mobile's business halls in urban and rural areas. Almost all of the counter salespeople who provide services for everyone are not China Mobile's own employees, but labor dispatch personnel from other companies, so it is impossible to enjoy the high monopoly benefits.

Even multinational giants such as Microsoft, and its companies in China in later generations, also use a large number of labor dispatch personnel to do as the locals do. Of course, it is estimated that Microsoft in this life is not necessary to enter China.

For employers, the method of labor dispatch can not only reduce labor costs, but also give enterprises more room for maneuver.

For example, the more famous and influential companies are, they have to be very careful when they want to lay off employees. For example, if the Eastern Group suddenly announced that it would lay off some positions. It will definitely attract the attention of the Hong Kong media and even the global media in an instant. Everyone will discuss whether the Oriental Group has suffered a loss in performance, whether it is preparing for strategic transformation and other speculations, and even lead to violent fluctuations in the stock price.

But it would be different if there were many dispatched employees in the company, who were not employees of the Oriental Group originally. Naturally, there is no layoff. This allows the company to rationally optimize the proportion of employees according to its own development needs.

Li Xuan couldn't help but look at Gu Jinhong with a little more admiration. This person's thinking was a bit ahead of his time. But it is actually very practical for the Eastern Group. Most of the enterprises in Hong Kong are at the bottom of the division of labor in the global industrial chain. Earn a small profit by selling cheap labor. So when labor costs in Hong Kong continue to rise, these companies have to relocate to other places with lower labor costs.

But the Eastern Group is a little different. The company's core competitiveness is advanced technology and creativity. It firmly stands at the top of the industrial chain of its own industry, constantly swallowing enviable high profits. Therefore, the Oriental Group has the confidence to offer generous treatment in Hong Kong that is much higher than the industry average to attract the most advanced talents in the region.

Even so, the salary expenditure of Oriental Group in Hong Kong is only about one-third of that of its American competitors, and the cost pressure is not great. However, for any commercial company, reducing costs as much as possible without reducing efficiency is always an assiduous goal. And Oriental Group is no exception, the management needs to do their best to create more profits.

In Li Xuan's view, this method of technology outsourcing or labor dispatch can not only reduce the research and development costs of the Oriental Group, but also produce a catfish effect. The employees of the Oriental Group generally have a sense of pride, and some look down on other colleagues outside the company.

Only when they find themselves around, those new faces who only take half their salary, but their achievements are not inferior to them, will they have enough sense of crisis.

"Li Sheng, even if Gu Jinhong's idea is not bad, but a big man like President Du of our company has no time or reason to trust a company with only half a month since its establishment, and the total number of employees is only a single digit. Company! Unless there is a more powerful person who can come and endorse Gu Jinhong!" Wen Zichao decided to help his friend, so he looked at Li Xuan with hope and said Hehe! I can give you a call to President Du, but whether the negotiation can be concluded or not depends on whether he has the ability! Li Xuan also knew that the fat young man had recognized him, so he got up and left after saying a word with a smile, leaving Gu Jinhong at a loss.

"You can't stop your luck!" Wen Zichao said excitedly, seeing that his friend hadn't reacted, he had to solve the mystery, "It was Li Sheng just now, you are really crazy. Datiao, I didn't recognize this!"

"Li Sheng? No wonder I think he looks familiar, but he is too young to look like the photos!" Gu Jinhong said in disbelief.

"Li Sheng's actual age is two years younger than me, so he's naturally younger! I guess he came out for a private visit today, not wearing formal clothes, but we met him. As long as he opens his mouth, call us President Du. Phone, your idea of ​​programming outsourcing probably won't be a big problem! But you'd better be well prepared, it's never wrong to be prepared!"

Wen Zichao patted Gu Jinhong on the shoulder, happy for his luck. If it hadn't happened to meet Li Xuan today, Gu Jinhong's idea would never have had a chance to be put into practice. (To be continued..)

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