Video Game Empire

Chapter 443: anticlimactic

ps: The first draft, I haven't had time to correct the typos, but I will read it later!

In a sea-view villa in Long Kou Tan village, Tuen Mun, angry roars echoed through the windows and throughout the courtyard. The few horses guarding the door outside the house couldn't help but shivered a few times. They had never seen Brother Leopard make such a big fire.

Inside the room, a man with a red and swollen left face had an angry expression on his face. There was a puddle of water in front of his feet, and many teacup fragments were scattered around the water, one could imagine the strength of the teacup when it hit the ground.

"You will surrender to the Central Police Station immediately, and the few horses under your command. Anyone who participated in the afternoon's operation is not allowed to run!" A gloomy man suddenly turned around and said.

"Big brother, I'm your own younger brother. You didn't arrange for me to run away, but you even asked me to surrender!" The man with the red and swollen left face said in shock, he didn't expect his brother to do such a thing.

"Because you rotten boy is my own younger brother, I have to find a way to save your life! You are lucky, you didn't directly hack people to death, otherwise the Jade Emperor can't save you! You can stay in Stanley for a few years in peace. , when the limelight is over, I will try my best to take care of you outside to keep you out as soon as possible!"

"Isn't that 'God of Wealth' Li a little more money? Their businessmen are all about making money with kindness! I think the more you live, the less courageous you are, even my own brother is sold! In that case, I will not be involved. You, from now on, the two of us will face the sky and walk to one side!

You asked me to tell my brothers to surrender to the police, I can't be so cold-blooded! Let that 'God of Wealth Li' come to me, the big deal is to have a fish and a net with him! "The man with the swollen face looked at his big brother angrily. He turned his head and prepared to leave.

"Crack!" Before he could lift his foot, he was slapped again.

"Don't implicate me. You speak nicely, and you must have enough confidence before you speak hard! The 'God of Wealth Li' squeezed you to death. It's as simple as squeezing an ant. I asked you to surrender to the police station. You find a way out.

Only by letting the police intervene first can the ‘God of Fortune Li’ be embarrassed to continue to take action, otherwise it will not give face to the Hong Kong government and the Governor! Otherwise, if you say a word, there will be countless people vying to make you corpse on the street! It's useless for you to escape to the ends of the earth! That's right, he has a lot of money, so much that he can let your most loyal little brother shoot a black-gun behind you, and let other Hong Kong associations work together to completely destroy my ligatures!

Do you still remember how He Shengyi's boss, Chen, died that year! At that time, the 'God of Wealth Li' was not yet the richest man in the world. Do you think I can be compared with the old man Chen Xiang now? "Brother Leopard roared angrily.

Four or five years ago. At that time, the Oriental Group was just starting, because the company’s arcade machine factory in Shatin did not pay the protection fee, and the site in Shatin was the land of Chen, the big man in Heshengyi. So the horses under the boss Chen came to the arcade factory of Dongfang Electronics to smash and kill.

The final result of this incident was that the two leading horses under the boss Chen betrayed one after another, and even the boss Chen himself died in a car accident. It is also since then that Hong Kong Jianghu has a new understanding of Li Xuan's ruthlessness.

After you sing, I will appear, and the city head will change to the king's flag. Jianghu has always been like a revolving lantern. A place for a year or two each. Four or five years ago, He Shengyi was still a first-class society in Hong Kong, but because of this blow, it was reduced to the current second-class society. Thinking of these things that he had forgotten, the man with the swollen face finally had a bit of fear in his eyes.

Brother Leopard was about to continue to scold his younger brother, when suddenly the elder brother on the coffee table rang loudly. He picked up the phone immediately: "Uncle Xiong, okay, I see. I'll let Abin go with me then. Since he did something wrong, he should have been punished. Okay. I understand!"

After hanging up the phone, Brother Leopard frowned and thought for a moment. Then another number was dialed. When the call was connected, he immediately said respectfully, "Uncle Qiang, I'm a silly leopard from the quadruple... Uncle Xiong has just contacted you, yes, I know, this time my brother is hot-headed, Acting recklessly and offending Li Sheng... Thank you for your willingness to come forward to help me, and give my brother a chance to plead guilty in person!"

Brother Leopard is a member of the 4k Gang, one of the three major societies in Hong Kong. 4k has always been the largest society in Hong Kong. However, since the death of Ge Zhaohuang, the founder of 4k, the 36 characters in 4k have gone their separate ways, making 4k the largest community in Hong Kong, but its cohesion is actually very weak.

The male uncle that Brother Leopard just mentioned is the son of Ge Zhaohuang, the founder of 4k, and is also recognized as the "Prince" and spiritual leader of 4k. Brother Leopard's nickname on the rivers and lakes is actually called the silly leopard, of course he is not really stupid. But when he was working hard in Tuen Mun, he charged forward every time he hacked and killed, and never cheated or slipped. He was seriously injured several times because of this, and he was made a fool by others.

But it is precisely because of the daring and hard work of the silly leopard that he has become one of the fastest rising men in the world in recent years. The boss of the silly leopard turned out to be the talker of one of the 36 word piles of 4k. But he was forced to leave Hong Kong because he was involved in a murder case and was wanted by the police.

So the silly leopard quickly took over the mantle of the big brother and became a new talker for the couplet. The silly leopard is actually a brave and resourceful character. In addition to fighting and killing, he also knows how to eat brains. Tuen Mun, where he first emerged, was originally one of the important industrial areas in Hong Kong.

With the rise of the electronics industry in Hong Kong, many electronics factories have sprung up in Tuen Mun. And Lianzidui has almost mastered all the smuggling business in Tuen Mun area. The silly leopard did not set up a factory himself, but operated some electronic foreign trade businesses.

Not long ago, the foreign trade company he controlled received a large order for handheld game consoles, so the company quickly contacted factories in mainland China to work overtime for production. The handhelds they produce are almost identical to those from Eastern Games. Even most of the parts are purchased from the same parts suppliers as the handheld.

However, the wholesale price of their handhelds is more than 10% cheaper than the ex-factory price of Dongfang Games. From the initial production of Dongfang Game Company to the present, the ex-factory price of the handheld has remained unchanged at $10.

When production first started, the manufacturing cost was around $8. But in recent years. As the cost of producing parts has fallen, the cost of manufacturing has dropped to around $6. So the profit has become very considerable. And this also gives Shanzhai factories an opportunity to join the competition at low prices, they do not pursue such high profit margins as Dongfang Game Company.

And under the strong blow of the Eastern Group. Almost all of the imitation factories in Hong Kong have been transferred to the mainland. After completing production in the mainland, most of them are smuggled back to Hong Kong for sale, because the Hong Kong Customs has very close cooperation with Dongfang Game Company, and the review of import and export of game consoles is very strict, and Dongfang Game Company is easy to catch the handle.

This time, the trading company under the name of Shabao received an order for 500,000 handheld computers. If this order can be made, the company can make a profit of 10 million Hong Kong dollars all at once. Unexpectedly, just after they produced these goods and smuggled them back to Hong Kong, they were called by Hong Kong Customs and seized!

This caused the foreign trade company of Shabao to lose at least 20 million Hong Kong dollars. Naturally, he was unwilling to let it go, so he began to thoroughly investigate which link went wrong. Hong Kong is a free port, and the customs and marine police are not strong.

Moreover, they focus on the inflow of special items such as guns, drugs and drugs, and they don't focus much on the anti-smuggling of general commodities. What is most afraid of sea smuggling is not the Hong Kong Marine Police, but the sudden storm and the black and black.

As a result, the result of the final investigation was not that someone inside had leaked the rumors, but that the buyer who placed the order had a problem. Stupid Leopard spent a lot of effort, and finally found out that the boss Zhou who did business with them was not an overseas Chinese at all. But the employees of the Eastern Group.

After the silly leopard learned that he had been tricked, he was naturally very angry. But he is very clear-headed and knows that some people are not something he can afford. But if he can swallow this breath, it does not mean that his subordinates can also swallow this breath. The others didn't get instructions from him, the leader. He won't act rashly, but his own younger brother won't care so much.

After knowing who was behind the trouble, he directly called a few of his horses. Just go and prepare to do it directly to people. It's just that they were unlucky, and they ran into the patrolling police as soon as they showed their machetes. But the employee of Dongfang Commercial was still chopped into a blood gourd.

And after it's done. This rotten boy named A Bin didn't care about his life at all, until he was called to the villa in Tuen Mun by his eldest brother who was very angry after seeing the news.

"You don't have to turn yourself in for now. I'll go to see Scar Qiang of Heletang later, this time Uncle Xiong personally came forward and asked him to find the elder brother of 'God of Fortune Li' to help us make peace! At this point, Whether you can escape this catastrophe depends on your own destiny!" The silly leopard said helplessly.

On the other side, Li Ke was also on the phone with his younger brother: "I said that your company is just cracking down on counterfeiting. As for killing people, you even use such rude tricks as letting snakes!"

Li Xuan took the microphone and said with a bit of laughter: "Boss, which side are you standing on! It's our interests that have been damaged first, so it's not a matter of course to take some countermeasures!"

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense anymore! The culprit who chopped your staff has already accepted the punishment through Brother Qiang. He is the younger brother of the 4k Gang's Lianzidui talker stupid leopard. If you want to kill it, you must kill it!

Lianzidui is one of the strong word piles that have recently emerged within 4k. This time, the stupid leopard invited Ge Zhixiong, the spiritual leader of 4k, to come forward to make peace with brother Qiang. Brother Qiang also saw that Ge Zhixiong was a senior. Couldn't shirk, so called me! "Li Ke continued to explain to his brother.

"It seems that this silly leopard is also a character!" Li Xuan said noncommittally.

"Silly Leopard is the most prominent figure in the 4k new generation. Although he has risen rapidly, he is very good at being a man! That's why Ge Zhixiong is willing to stand up for him, obviously he wants to protect this fierce general!

Although the Ge family has lost control of 4K, Ge Zhixiong is still the only recognized spiritual leader of 4K. The stronger 4k, the bigger the face of their Ge family in the arena!

And this time, it is true that the stupid leopard will not start it personally. With his smartness, he will never forget the end of the boss Chen a few years ago. His current strength is much worse than that of the old man Chen! "Li Ke analyzed.

"It seems that you still have some appreciation for this stupid leopard. I don't want to worry about your business, I just want to give my staff an explanation! No matter who did it, let the murderer go to the police station and surrender himself. Let the judge decide what price they should pay!" Li Xuan said indifferently.

Li Ke was relieved a lot when he heard his brother's words. He was really afraid that his younger brother was going to sweep the silly leopard into the trash like he did with the boss Chen a few years ago. That is definitely a troublesome thing. Don't look at this stupid leopard's strength is not as strong as the former and Shengyi's big boss Chen, but in fact it is far more difficult to deal with.

Don't look at the word "stupid" in the name of the silly leopard, but he is the most shrewd person. The younger brothers under his command are all loyal and loyal to him, and he can fight and kill himself, so in the past few years, he has been able to quickly rise with the combination of words.

And Li Ke himself has a younger brother. If anyone dares to take Li Xuan's life, even if the other party is the President of the United States or the Queen of England, Li Ke will definitely fight to the death with the other party!

However, Li Xuan did not kill them all, and was willing to hand over the matter to the clerks to deal with it, which avoided the worst result of the fish dying and the net being After all, the employees of the Oriental Group were only severely injured and did not die directly.

Silly Leopard just needs to hire a good lawyer, and there is a good chance that his younger brother's sentence will be limited to four or five years. In the face of strong pressure, the silly leopard must be very willing to accept this result.

After hanging up the phone, Li Xuan sighed softly. Perhaps because of the cultural differences between the East and the West, in Charlieson's view, this fishing-style crackdown is a normal method, but it is not easy to accept in Hong Kong.

But Li Xuan will never make any adjustments at this time, because this will not only weaken his own momentum, but also severely damage Charlieson's prestige in the Oriental Commercial Company.

On the contrary, at such a time, Li Xuan must be tougher, so that the outside world can feel the determination of Dongfang Group to crack down on infringement! Taking this opportunity, Li Xuan can put further pressure on the Hong Kong government to ban the pirated software market gradually formed on Apliao Street.

At twelve o'clock midnight, less than ten hours before the employees of the Oriental Commercial Company were slashed in the afternoon, the five criminal suspects, accompanied by lawyers, went to the Central Police Station to surrender. No one expected the matter to be resolved so quickly. After the police recorded the confession, they escorted several suspects to the scene overnight to restore the entire crime. (To be continued...)

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