Video Game Empire

Chapter 395: pit boss

Asia Satellite TV has carried out in-depth cooperation with China Central Television in two consecutive major broadcasts of the Los Angeles Olympic Games and the National Day military parade this year. ← So small that some extreme-right people in Hong Kong directly gave ATV the nickname of "Hong Kong Beijing-Beijing TV".

Taiwan-TV is the first state-run TV station in Taiwan, and its status on the island is similar to that of China Central Television in the mainland. Seeing that the cooperation between ATV and China-CCTV is getting closer and closer, Taiwan TV did not choose to form an alliance with another TV station in Hong Kong, but also took the initiative to strengthen cooperation with ATV in the name of communication.

ATV is qualified to please both ends because its behind-the-scenes boss is the world's richest man in the world, which makes Taiwan have to be concerned. But if b dares to cooperate with the mainland so blatantly, then Taiwan's cultural and propaganda department will turn around and completely ban Shaw Brothers movies in Taiwan.

And the matter of Hong Kong's return to the motherland has been settled, and a shrewd person like Shao Liushu will naturally not offend the mainland. On the contrary, the "uncle saver" has begun to build various "Yi-fu buildings" in schools across the country. Therefore, b's strategy has always been to remain neutral, and neither side of the Taiwan Strait should be offended.

Naturally, ATV is not really going to be a "Hong Kong Beijing-Beijing TV station", so since Taiwan TV took the initiative to lower its posture and come to communicate with each other, ATV is naturally very welcome. In addition to technical exchanges in program production and broadcast, ATV and TTV have reached a package of cooperation agreements in TV drama procurement and co-production.

For example, in order to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War next year, the two TV stations decided to jointly produce a 40-episode documentary, a comprehensive review of the time when the whole people were united and went to the national disaster together!

Although the cooperation between ATV and TTV is a harmonious staggering. But Li Xuan is not a person who can be manipulated at will. On October 16, ATV news suddenly broadcast a short message. Mr. Jiang Nan, a famous Chinese writer living in the United States, was shot and killed by gangsters outside his house.

And the next day's news tracking. Mr. Jiang Nan's wife tearfully accepted an interview with ATV reporters. She insisted that her husband's death was not an ordinary murder case, but a long-planned political assassination! At that time, the camera lens swept past a book next to it. The title of this book is "Jiang Jingguo Biography"!

After the interview was broadcast on ATV's Evening News, it immediately attracted a lot of attention in Hong Kong society. "Jiang Jingguo Biography" was just listed in Hong Kong not long ago, and the contents of the book reveal various secrets of Xiao Jiang.

And there is one person who can't sit still very quickly. He is Yang Jianping, the president of the Hong Kong China Hotel. The United Kingdom was one of the first countries in the world to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, which means that the United Kingdom broke off diplomatic relations with the Taiwan-Taiwan authorities early.

In order to deal with issues such as visas for Hong Kong and Taiwan residents to go to Taiwan, the Taiwan-Taiwan authorities specially set up a China Travel Service in Hong Kong. Later, after the United States broke off diplomatic relations with the Taiwan-Taiwan authorities. More than a dozen consulates of the Republic of China in the United States were also changed to China Travel Service overnight.

The responsibilities of the president of the Hong Kong China Hotel are actually similar to those of the president of the Hong Kong New-China branch. Yang Jianping saw that in the evening news of ATV, it seemed that he was alluding to the death of writer Jiang Nan, which was related to his writing of "Jiang Jingguo Biography". Yang Jianping immediately made a solemn protest to ATV, and at the same time hoped to visit Li's house as soon as possible!

"President Yang, although I am the controlling shareholder of ATV Media, Asia Satellite TV, as one of the most important media organizations in Hong Kong, should enjoy independent news gathering and editing rights. Therefore, I am generally reluctant to intervene in the TV station's reporting!

Of course, your opinions are also very pertinent. TV stations play an important role in guiding public opinion, and the news should be truthful and well-founded. You shouldn't listen to the family! I personally do not believe that the murder of Mr. Jiang Nan in San Francisco has anything to do with Taiwan!

If you really don't have this kind of tolerance, then Mr. Tang Ren who made up the book "Jinling Spring Dream" indiscriminately. How could it be possible to live well in Hong Kong! I'll say hi to ATV in a moment! "Li Xuan said with a smile to the director of the Hong Kong China Hotel who was sitting beside him.

"Jinling Spring Dream" is a long chapter with eight episodes and a total of 00,000 words written by Hong Kong writer Mr. Tang Ren in the 1950s. He criticized Lao Jiang from birth to rise before retreating to Taiwan-Taiwan. And then to the whole first half of his life when he was defeated.

There are many fabricated plots that deliberately vilify Lao Jiang, but even in the 1950s and 1960s when the Taiwan Strait struggle was more sinister. When Mr. Tang Ren lived in Hong Kong, he was not assassinated by Taiwanese agents because of this!

Li Xuan, as a past person, naturally knows that this Jiang-Nan case, which directly changed the political trend of Taiwan-Taiwan, has nothing to do with Xiao Jiang himself. But Jiangnan was indeed ordered to kill by his intelligence chief. As a result, Xiao Jiang was miserable by his own subordinates. In the end, even the only son who could inherit his mantle, his political future was directly ruined.

The Jiang-Nan case in 1984 was an important turning point in Taiwanese society. Shortly after the incident subsided, Jiang revealed for the first time in an interview with Time magazine that he had no intention of passing on the position of president to his son. Later, Taiwan-Taiwan soon lifted martial law and entered a new era.

Now Jiangnan has just died in San Francisco, the b of the United States has not yet intervened in the investigation, and the leader of the Lianzhu Gang who carried out the assassination plan has not been arrested. However, the sudden intervention of Asia Satellite TV still made Taiwan feel a headache and vigilant.

Because Li Xuan does not have only one Asian satellite TV, if the nb TV station in the United States also intensively reports on Jiang-Nan's assassination, it will inevitably cause a lot of pressure to Washington, so Yang Jianping immediately went to Li's house to put out the fire!

The world of the 1980s is no longer the era of white terror 40 or 50 years ago. Using assassination is definitely the most stupid choice, and even more stupid is to send a black-gang leader to use the fierce method of When Xiao Jiang visited Washington in 1970, he was once arrested by a gangster. A Taiwanese student studying in the United States was stabbed with a pistol. He was very lucky to escape the disaster at the time, but afterward he took the initiative to ask Washington to pardon the student who assassinated him.

As a wily statesman, Xiao Jiang can tolerate the assassin who shoots him, let alone a biographer. But the secret service chief under him obviously flattered the horse's leg, which resulted in a big earthquake!

Jiang-Nan is a Chinese with American nationality, which is also doomed that the US authorities cannot leave it alone, but will take this opportunity to further beat the Taiwan-Taiwan authorities. So this case will definitely get bigger and bigger in the future, but Li Xuan doesn't need to let ATV detonate the powder keg.

He asked ATV to report the news in order to put pressure on Taiwan-Taiwan to show that he was not without resistance. And since the president of China Hotel Yang has already come to the door in person, Li Xuan also pushed the boat to let ATV suppress the follow-up report of this incident.

Soon, news came from Taiwan that Dongfang Semiconductor's agreement to take a stake in UMC was successfully reached! But one wave has not settled, and another wave has arisen! Dongfang Group's company in Taiwan has problems again, this time it is ra company! (To be continued..)

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