Video Game Empire

Chapter 372: Overall improvement

In addition to the keen interest of journalists with a sense of smell in the "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer, the scientific and commercial circles are obviously also interested in it. Countless organizations sent enquiries to Dongfang Electronics, hoping to visit the computer room of the "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer on the spot.


These include world-class laboratories like Los Alamos National Laboratory and large commercial companies like Boeing. Los Alamos National Laboratory is one of the important scientific research institutions under the US Department of Energy. The annual scientific research budget allocated by the federal government is as high as hundreds of millions of dollars.


This large laboratory in New Mexico, managed by the University of California, is best known for developing the world's first atomic bomb. The first director of the laboratory was the leader of the "Manhattan Project", Robert Oppenheimer, the "father of the atomic bomb".


The "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer successfully snatched the title of the world's fastest supercomputer from the Soviet Union's m-13. But before the m-13 came out last year, the world's fastest supercomputer was the caryx-mp/4.


And the world's first caryx-mp/4 was installed in Los Alamos National Laboratory. After the "Pearl of the Orient" came out, its computing power was only one-fifth of its caryx-mp/4 performance, which was seriously behind. Los Alamos National Laboratory intends to buy another more powerful supercomputer.


Although the cary company announced as early as the beginning of this year, their newly developed next-generation supercomputer cary-2 will be officially launched next year, and its performance can greatly surpass the Soviet m-13. But Los Alamos National Laboratory clearly can't wait. Moreover, according to the information that Li Xuan spied on from abnormal channels, the maximum computing speed of cary-2 will not exceed 4 billion times per second. Far less than the 5 billion times per second of the "Pearl of the Orient".


Boeing has also shown interest in the Pearl of the Orient, which it previously shared with Los Alamos National Laboratory. Both purchased caryx-mp/4 from cary company. Boeing conducts extensive aerodynamic tests when designing an airplane. If you go to the blowing hole every time, then the investment required is undoubtedly an astronomical figure.


With supercomputing, Boeing can build special application software through mathematical models, so that a large number of preliminary simulation experiments are placed on supercomputers to complete. The more powerful the supercomputer, the closer the results will be to reality.


Compared with the hundreds of millions of dollars in research and development investment to develop a new model, a supercomputer that costs several million dollars is not a big price for Boeing.


Of course, relevant domestic parties also use the name of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Send a letter of academic exchange opinions to Dongfang Electronics. Li Xuan is open to all who come here. The most fundamental purpose of his investment in the research and development of the "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer was to make the Oriental Group famous.


And now the actual effect of receiving the goods is better than Li Xuan expected. "Pearl of the Orient" not only made the Oriental Electronics Co., Ltd., once again on the front page of the world's major mainstream media, but also had the opportunity to allow Li Xuan to recoup his initial investment.


You must know that the real money he has invested in supercomputer projects has exceeded 20 million US dollars. If it weren't for the money that Li Xuan invested regardless of the investment, the development process of "Pearl of the Orient" would not have been so fast!


Since the "Pearl of the Orient" has the possibility of recovering the investment through commercial operation, Li Xuan naturally does not need to cherish the various performances of the supercomputer. Because as long as the "Pearl of the Orient" comes out. It is no longer a secret that it adopts the design idea of ​​parallel computing.


There is no need for Li Xuan and Dongfang Group to keep things secret, so as to appear petty, so they simply welcome news media, academic institutions, and commercial companies from all over the world to visit the computer room of the "Pearl of the Orient".


The success of the "Pearl of the Orient" supercomputer. In addition to bringing great fame to Dongfang Electronics, it also brought many real-world benefits. For example, in the process of developing the "Pearl of the Orient", various subsidiaries of the Oriental Group did their best to cooperate in tackling key problems. A series of technical problems have been solved, and dozens of new patents have been applied for.


Others may soon be able to figure out how parallelism works. But it is not easy to quickly imitate a supercomputer similar to the "Pearl of the Orient". In fact, as early as when Chen Shiqing and his team started to develop the "Pearl of the Orient" project, the industry has begun to propose various theoretical studies on parallel computing.


So Chen Shiqing was instructed by Li Xuan. In order to quickly accept the research ideas of parallel computing. But up to now, the industry is still discussing the combination of a suitable amount of vector processors (ranging from 8 to 16) for parallel computing. the point of simultaneous operation.


"Pearl of the Orient" consists of 75 nodes, each of which contains 8 processors. When other industry peers are still stuck on solving the problem of parallel computing with 8 processors, Chen Shiqing has successfully broken through the problem of high-performance network interface that communicates between nodes.


As early as the early days of Aikang's establishment, Li Xuan attached great importance to network connection technology. This allowed Aikang to quickly capture the big fat in the school education computer market through systematic network solutions when it first entered the personal computer market, thus laying a good foundation for Aikang's rapid development.


Aikang actually joined the Ethernet Alliance early, but with the current transmission rate of Ethernet, it is far from meeting the requirements of supercomputers. In later generations, it was not until Cisco introduced the technology in 2011 that the network interface of the Ethernet structure really began to be used on a large scale inside supercomputers.


Before Ethernet another network interface was prevalent in supercomputers. It is a widely used network technical specification, but it is not used for general network connections, but for server-side connection problems.


With the intervention of Li Xuan, Aikang applied the design concept in advance to its own interface technology. Each node of the supercomputer is equivalent to an independent server. Aikang's new technology has successfully achieved high-speed connection between nodes in the supercomputer.


In the next step, this network interface technology will be widely used in the network solutions provided by Aikang. This enables the server to communicate with storage devices and other servers in the local area network at high speed, thereby improving the running rate of the entire local area network.


Similarly, in order to cooperate with the research of the supercomputer project, the Oriental Research Institute has further understood the vector processing technology. And on the basis of the s-100 processor, a new and improved s-100a was launched. The vector-optimized s-100a processor has even better graphics processing capabilities!


It can be said that through the research and development of the "Pearl of the Orient" project, the technical reserves of the entire Oriental Group have become more profound, which has laid a more solid foundation for future market competition! (To be continued..)



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