Video Game Empire

Chapter 357: campus exchange meeting

??Beijing-Beijing in early May is warm and sunny, neither cold nor hot, it is the most comfortable time of the year. The small auditorium of Tsinghua University was full of people, and even the aisles were full of students who came to join in the fun.


A large banner hung on the stage in front of the auditorium, which read "Hong Kong Oriental Group and Tsinghua Students Special Exchange Meeting". When Mr. Deng was on his southern tour this year, Li Xuan proposed to him that he hoped to open a small hole under the system of China's university package allocation, so that foreign-funded enterprises such as Dongfang Group, which are willing to invest heavily in the mainland, can obtain some high-quality human resources. .


At that time, Mr. Deng did not give a direct answer, but after half a month, Dongfang Company received a notice that it could send someone to Beijing-Beijing to start specific negotiations with the Ministry of Education. So Li Xuan sent a capable team north to negotiate right away.


Then the negotiation between the Oriental Group and the Ministry of Education did not go well, because it can be said to challenge the entire Chinese college graduation distribution system.


Unlike the later generations of Chinese college students who have already been rotten, even graduate students are almost worthless. Before the expansion of higher education enrollment in the late 1990s, college students had always been a scarce social resource. In the 1980s, let alone serious college graduates, even college graduates were the elite talents that various employers competed for.


Now a foreign company suddenly came over and said that it would hold a job fair at a domestic university, which caused a huge controversy within the Ministry of Education. In China in the 1980s, foreign companies were far from having the aura of grandeur of later generations.


On the one hand, because domestic thinking is still relatively conservative, in the eyes of many older generations, foreign companies are equated with capitalists. How can the elite pillars that the country has worked so hard to cultivate accept the exploitation of foreign capitalists? Isn't this a throwback to socialism!


On the other hand, in the 1980s, there were actually very few foreign-funded enterprises that entered China on a large scale. Most of them just set up an office in China. Several salesmen are selected from the mainland or Hong Kong as the backbone, and most of the domestic personnel are provided with secondary positions such as chores.


Due to the poor communication channels between China and the outside world, in the eyes of most executives of Western companies, China is a poor and backward place, and they simply do not believe that the Chinese are capable of doing important jobs. What's more, even if they have this willingness, it is difficult to directly recruit talents with real higher education.


At first, Dongfang Company only negotiated with the Ministry of Education, but later joined the State Planning Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Labor and Human Resources and other ministries. Because the problems involved in the distribution of college graduates can be said to affect the whole body.


For example, there is the issue of transfer of personnel files after domestic students graduate. If it is in later generations, the files of employees of foreign companies can be entrusted to the talent market to receive and keep on their behalf, but in the 1980s, there was no talent market in China at all.


The negotiation progressed very slowly at first, but in the end it was only after Mr. Deng's personal intervention that it began to speed up. He said that reform and opening up is to cross the river by feeling the stones, and one cannot hold back just because of looking ahead. Be brave to try, even if you make mistakes in your attempts, as long as you can find the problem in time and correct it seriously!


After more than two months of repeated communication, Dongfang Electronics finally formally reached a pilot agreement with the Ministry of Education in early May. The Ministry of Education allows Dongfang Company to recruit no more than 50 fresh graduates based on the principle of student voluntariness in five universities in Beijing-Beijing, Shanghai, and eastern Guangdong.


For each student who signs an employment agreement with Dongfang University, Dongfang Company needs to pay 10,000 yuan to the school and the Ministry of Education, as the entrusted training fee for the student.


In other words, Li Xuan spent 10,000 yuan to purchase the use rights of famous college students from China. Of course, the word "buy" isn't the right word, since students are not commodities after all. However, in the accounting and bookkeeping of Oriental Company, the expenditure of 20,000 yuan was included in the salary expenses.


According to the labor agreement formulated by the Orient Group, the money is only paid by the company for the graduates who choose to join Orient Electronics, and it needs to be deducted from their salary expenditure in five years. And the term of labor agreement signed between Oriental Company and these graduates is exactly five years.


And if these graduates want to leave early in the future, they need to pay off the remaining fees to the Oriental Company at one time. Li Xuan spent so much energy, and even asked the Ministry of Education to make a compromise through Lao Deng himself. Naturally, they were not allowed to turn around and leave easily.


"What does this Hong Kong Oriental Electronics Company do? This exchange meeting looks very grand!" In the corner of the auditorium, a square-faced student asked another roommate with glasses next to him.


"Hey, don't be addicted to the world all day long, okay? Open your eyes and take a look at the world! Dongfang Electronics is the most famous electronics company in Hong Kong. Its founder is called Li Xuan, who is only 24 years old this year, but he has been running for two consecutive years. He has been the richest man in the world in 2019, and his personal assets are as high as 100 million US dollars!" The classmate who wore glasses explained to his roommate with a helpless expression.


&nb billion dollars, how much is this? "The square-faced boy said in shock, his wide open mouth was enough to stuff two or three eggs.


The other students sitting next to them also had incredible expressions on their faces when they heard what the student with glasses said. A billion dollars, how much is that! This has completely exceeded the upper limit of everyone's cognition of wealth.


A few days ago, teachers from Tsinghua University had already promoted today's exchange meeting to senior students. The focus of the seminar was to introduce the specific situation of the company to the students of Tsinghua University by the staff of Dongfang Group. After that, based on the principle of free registration, the Oriental Group will conduct individual interviews for all students who apply for registration, and finally select the best students.


The two pilot recruitment schools of Dongfang Electronics in Beijing and Beijing are Peking University and Tsinghua University, and the relevant actions of Peking University will be carried out later. There are hundreds of students who came to the scene today, and most of them came to join in the fun.


In the college campuses of the 1980s, there were no computer games, no TOEFL IELTS, no part-time tutors, and no employment pressure. Listening to lectures is one of the most popular extracurricular activities for students in this era. Like the man with the square face and the man with the eyes before, the two of them are actually just in the second year of sophomore year this year, and they are still early to graduate, but they are also eager to grab a seat.


"Dongfang Electronics is a large electronic group that produces computers, game consoles and integrated circuit chips! The computer in our school's computer room is a product of Dongfang Electronics! And Liu Mazi's precious gaboy is also from Dongfang Company. Product!" The glasses man pushed the glasses that were slightly slumped on the bridge of his nose and continued.


"Isn't the computer in our school donated by the British company Ikon?" The square-faced student asked strangely.


Last year, Aikang donated 3 personal computers to the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, helping to build three intranet computer classrooms.


"Aikang is a listed subsidiary of Dongfang Electronics, with a total market value of more than 100 million US dollars, and half of the equity is controlled by Dongfang Electronics!" The glasses man's father is actually a director of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, so he The knowledge of Dongfang Electronics is far more than that of his classmate.


"Oh my God, is a company so valuable? Is it true?" Several other students next door finally couldn't hold back and joined the conversation.


"Gaboy is also a product of this Oriental company?" The square-faced boy was obviously more interested in this.


One of their classmates in the dormitory next door is from eastern Guangdong Province. This year, I brought a Gabo Y to the school, which became the new favorite of the whole class.


"That's right, Dongfang Group first started out by making game consoles. Your favorite "Hong Kong Cube" was written by Li Xuan himself!" The boy with eyes nodded to his classmates confidently.


He turned his head and smiled at the two people next to him. "At the end of last year, the Oriental Group spent another billion dollars to acquire an American company. This company has only been established for five years, and it is already the largest group in the world. one!"


Seeing the expressions of admiration and well-informed knowledge of others about him, the boy with glasses was quite content. His home is in Beijing-Beijing, and he often goes home for weekends.


Yesterday happened to be Saturday. He went home to have dinner with his parents, and inadvertently mentioned that Dongfang Electronics came to Tsinghua for an exchange meeting. Only then did he learn the specific information of Dongfang Group from his father who worked in the Ministry of Foreign Trade.


At that time, his stunned expression was exactly the same as the few people beside him today. So he rushed back to school early this morning, took his roommate to the auditorium early to grab a seat, and prepared to have a good experience with this very magical company.


In the first row of the audience, there were also several boys whispering. Liu Wei and Liu Chang, who were the first batch of mainland students in the "Dongfanghong Exchange Program" three years ago, paid Hong Kong-China exchanges for one year.


Compared with most of the students who are doing it today, they both have a better understanding of the huge influence of the four words Dongfang Electronics. Originally, Liu Wei had already been admitted as a graduate student by a professor of this school, but he immediately changed his mind when he learned that Oriental Company was planning to recruit the first batch of fresh graduates from five universities in the mainland.


He was going to give up the opportunity to study for graduate school. For this reason, the head teacher, the leaders in the department, and the professor who admitted him all specially approached him for in-depth discussions, but none of them could make him change his mind.


Three years ago, when he went to Hong Kong to exchange with China, the living allowance provided by Oriental Company for each mainland student was as much as Hong Kong dollars per month. In the year he studied in Hong Kong, he saved nearly HKD in living expenses.


Liu Wei's hometown is in the countryside deep in the mountains in the southwest, and the conditions at home are very difficult. Before returning to the mainland, he exchanged the remaining living expenses into more than seven hundred US dollars, and after returning to Beijing-Beijing, he slowly exchanged it into nearly three thousand yuan through the black market.


This huge sum of money not only allowed him to never ask his family for a penny for living expenses in the next two years of his junior and senior years, but instead asked his family for 2,000 yuan, which greatly improved the living conditions of the whole family.


When he and Liu Chang communicated in China, they also applied for a part-time job at the Oriental Experimental Building next door. The deepest impression on the two of them from the Oriental Group is that the treatment of the employees is really good.


For example, in the Oriental Experimental Building, the restaurant provides meals 24 hours a day, and there is an exquisite pastry shop that provides cake boxes and coffee, there is a gym for deliberate exercise, and the resources of the company's logistics department will also buy snacks according to everyone's taste. More importantly, the salaries offered by Eastern companies are also very generous.


Of course, material conditions may be important, but in the 1980s when romanticism prevailed, material enjoyment was by no means the only goal of life. The scientific research environment provided by the Oriental Company is unmatched by the mainland.


During Liu Wei's year of exchange at CUHK, the biggest gain was that he greatly broadened his horizons. He spent almost all of his time on study. After returning to Beijing-Beijing after the exchange, Liu Wei brought back a suitcase of luggage. Except for a few changes of clothes, the rest were all books.


Or it is not appropriate to call it a book. It should be said that it is a book and magazine that is copied and bound on A4 copy paper. These were borrowed by Liu Wei from the library of Zhongda University, and then took advantage of the copiers in the Oriental Experimental Building, which can make unlimited copies, and secretly bound dozens of foreign language professional books and thesis materials.


This year's communication not only greatly improved his English ability, but also allowed him to read foreign professional papers without any obstacles, but also made a huge update of his subject knowledge. The dozens of books he brought back with A4 binding, even the teachers in the school often came to borrow from him.


And Liu Wei was selected by a professor in the department in his junior year and began to join the other's laboratory to help with research. Generally speaking, only seniors or postgraduates who have been confirmed to be guaranteed graduate students are eligible to join the research teams of professors to do some auxiliary work.


However, the two-year internship in the school laboratory gave Liu Wei a comprehensive understanding of the gap between China and Dongfang Electronics. As the leader of national universities, Tsinghua University is undoubtedly the most abundant in running and scientific research funds from the state every year.


But even in Tsinghua University, apart from those well-known professors who get relatively guaranteed funding, it is not easy for ordinary teachers to apply for research funding of several thousand yuan.


At the Oriental Research Institute, the pass rate for small projects under 10,000 Hong Kong dollars is very high, and any researcher can apply. Generally speaking, as long as the proposal has something to say and the project has a certain research value, it will be successfully approved.


The annual investment of the Oriental Research Institute for scientific research is higher than the total scientific research funds of all universities in Beijing and Beijing. Just like Professor Liu Junliang of Bei-Post before, the Oriental Research Institute can throw away millions of Hong Kong dollars for his project without blinking an eye, while other teachers of Bei-Post can only be envious and jealous!


In the 1980s, Tsinghua students were like the emperor's daughter who didn't have to worry about getting married, but Liu Wei knew that the Oriental Group was definitely his best choice. In fact, it wasn't just him. Liu Chang, who was beside him, had already inquired from his teacher that he might be able to stay in Beijing and be assigned to the Science and Technology Department, but he also chose Dongfang Electronics without hesitation.


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