Video Game Empire

Chapter 349: real opponent

"Of course, I'm not discriminating against people at the bottom of the society who are not qualified to become rich. Everyone who does not steal, rob, or do illegal activities, and makes a fortune with their own hands, should be recognized and respected by others!


But for example, the Boeing Company of the United States sells a plane and makes $10,000. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test China's small clothing factory, sell a pair of jeans to earn 1 dollar, produce 10,000 pairs, and also earn 10,000 US dollars! But the meanings of the two are completely different, and everyone knows that the former is more valuable than the latter!


Since the state no longer completely rejects the private economy, it should support intellectuals and technicians to start their own businesses independently. Under the same conditions, the value they can give to the society is far more important than selling jeans or frying melon seeds! "Li Xuan said.


In fact, Li Xuan's remarks are somewhat sophistry. China never supported the development of the private economy throughout the 1980s. Instead, it has been restricting it, for fear that they will impact the state-owned factories of the reason.


For example, Nian Guangjiu, the well-known founder of the fool melon seeds, because his fool melon seeds were very popular, and the number of hired workers once exceeded the number of people, which caused a fierce debate in the society, thinking that he was a representative of the restoration and exploitation of capitalists.


"Mr. Li, what you said is a bit biased. Occupation does not distinguish between high and low. You can't use education to divide people into three, six, nine!" Old General Wang Zhen obviously disagreed with Li Xuan's statement.


"Hehe, I heard that you have invested more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars in research and development expenses for the D project. If most technicians leave the unit to start their own business, they can't get 10,000 yuan, so how can they make inventions!" Another Vice-Chairman Yang said from another angle.


Li Xuan smiled slightly, this Vice-Chairman Yang was really the best compliment, and he just perfectly brought out what he wanted to say: "Technology research and development is indeed a very expensive thing. No one can foresee the money we invest, It will definitely bring benefits!


The success of Silicon Valley in the United States is not because it has gathered the most geniuses in the world, but because it has gathered the largest amount of venture capital in the world! All you have to do is have an idea that sounds promising enough, and there will naturally be venture capitalists willing to pay and turn your idea into reality!


If the idea died in the middle, or it turned out to not bring enough profit. Then the founder of the project will have nothing to lose besides wasting some energy!


And once the project is successful, both the founder and the investor may become rich overnight! This is the biggest charm of Silicon Valley's appeal. New billionaires are born there almost every year! "


The elderly people sitting there are busy with daily tasks. They may have heard of the name Silicon Valley in the United States, but they don’t necessarily understand how Silicon Valley works.


Li Xuan paused and continued: "In order to support the development of Hong Kong's electronics industry, Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. established a special venture capital fund and a small and medium-sized enterprise incubator several years ago, which have achieved fruitful results.


Not long ago. I had dinner with Chairman Li Fuzhao of the Far East Stock Exchange in Hong Kong. Given the booming electronics industry in Hong Kong, a large number of emerging small businesses are suffering from financing difficulties. I suggested to him that we might as well set up a special GEM for small companies with development potential to reduce the conditions for listing and financing!


President Li readily accepted my proposal and is conducting relevant research! Business incubators, venture capital, GEM listing, Hong Kong has formed a financial support chain from enterprise cultivation to development and maturity!


I suggest whether the deep-sea special zone can also carry out relevant pilot projects, allowing Hong Kong venture capital to intervene in the cultivation of seed companies, and finally complete the profitable exit of venture capital through the way of listing in Hong Kong! The country can be completely empty-handed, and harvest a batch of high-quality enterprises and a lot of taxes without spending a penny! "


China's securities market has not yet begun to sprout. It was not until 1988 that the first professional securities firm was established. The Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange will not be established until 1990 and 1991.


For a long time, the only function of China's securities market was actually for state-owned enterprises to **** blood. Even in the 21st century, China's securities market is still very immature, a policy market rather than a capital market.


With the soaring labor costs, the hollowing out of Hong Kong's industry has become an irreversible trend. The current Hong Kong government is obviously not focusing on industrial upgrading and transformation. The best way for Hong Kong to transform in the future is to develop into a financial capital by relying on a more liberal financial environment than the mainland, just like in another time and space.


The development of industry is inseparable from the support of financial industries such as banks and securities. And in the hereafter. Listing Chinese stocks is the most difficult. Because even if your company meets the basic conditions, you still need to wait in long queues.


After lining up, you need to be able to tell stories. You need to use an inspirational story that is euphemistic and beautiful or shed tears to move the interviewers of the CSRC to nod and let go. Otherwise, all previous efforts will be in vain.


And China's banking industry is the bank with the worst service level in the world, but the most profitable bank. Domestic corporate loan interest rates are much higher than those in Hong Kong!


In Li Xuan's view, the deep-sea special zone and Hong Kong can actually form a perfect complement. Relying on its free market, Hong Kong provides financial support such as capital loans and corporate listings for the deep-sea special zone. The Deep Sea Special Zone relies on China's rich human resources to develop its industry and feed back part of its dividends to Hong Kong. Both can achieve win-win cooperation!


But in another time and space, Hong Kong has always regarded the rise of the deep-sea special zone as a huge threat to itself. In fact, the threat to Hong Kong has never been the deep sea or even the eastern province of Guangdong. His real threat is the Shanghai market.


Or to be more precise, it's not even a competition between two cities, but a competition between the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. In the 1980s, the biggest bright spot of China's economy was undoubtedly the Pearl River Delta region. Eastern Guangdong Province is at the forefront of China's reform and opening-up, and it has stood out by virtue of favorable special policies.


In the Pearl River Delta economic Neither the city of Guangdong nor the deep-sea special zone can replace the special status of Hong Kong. Hong Kong has convenient conditions that are not available in China, and Hong Kong capital is the most important source of foreign investment in eastern Guangdong Province. This determines that Hong Kong will gain huge benefits from the economic rise of eastern Guangdong.


As for the issue of industrial transfer, in the context of the continuous increase in production costs in Hong Kong, even if the domestic reform and opening up is not implemented, factory owners will still move their enterprises to places with lower wages such as Southeast Asia if they want to make a profit.


But since 1992, with the further deepening of China's opening to the outside world, the center of gravity of the country's economy began to move eastward, and the Yangtze River Delta began to replace the Pearl River Delta as a new engine for China's economic development. And Shanghai, which was once the largest city in the Far East, also quickly revived its second spring. It relies on more than half of southern China as its hinterland and competes fiercely with Hong Kong. (To be continued.)


The previous chapter was supposed to be chapter 348, but it ended up being chapter 248, sorry! I wrote until two o'clock last night, and I was already dozing off after writing and writing. In fact, I checked it before uploading, but when I went to see it again today, I found that there were a lot of typos, and the semantics of many sentences were very unclear! Skye was very ashamed, bowed his apology, it has been revised!


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