Video Game Empire

Chapter 327: reelected

The change in Bradshaw's attitude is very crucial to Li Xuan's acquisition plan. 『』ǎn『小』 said, because he has the support of many major shareholders behind him, and since he took office as the chairman of the board of ra company in 1981, he has launched a series of drastic reforms. These reforms have achieved certain results, which also allowed Bradshaw to establish a lot of prestige within the ra company.

"Peter, congratulations!" Li Xuan said to the burly man in front of him.

"This is indeed a surprise, and I must thank you!" Peter Charlison smiled happily at Li Xuan, revealing his white teeth.

After ra's previous o contract expired and left, ra's CEO position has been vacant for more than two months. Before, there was speculation that Bradshaw was going to poach people from other companies, but unexpectedly, he suddenly convened a board of directors yesterday and voted to appoint Peter Charlson, the former director and senior vice president of RA, as the new o of RA.

A few days ago, Charlieson suddenly received an invitation from Bradshaw, and the two had a deep conversation in the chairman's office. Bradshaw revealed to him for the first time that Oriental Electronics Group was interested in acquiring ra company information.

During the exchange between the two, Charlieson also found that his boss did not seem to object to this somewhat unexpected acquisition in his opinion. Bradshaw also introduced to him the Asian strategy proposed by Li Xuan, which is to gradually transfer the production tasks of electronic products including televisions, radios, picture tubes and other electronic products to Asia.

Charlieson has worked in ra for twelve years, and has served as the president of ra's Taiwan branch for a long time. ra began to invest in Taiwan as early as the early 1970s and built a large-scale TV production base in Hsinchu. So Charlieson's knowledge of the Asian electronics industry. It should be the clearest among the senior management within the ra company.

And Charlieson basically agrees with the strategy of transferring the company's production capacity to Asia. During his tenure in Taiwan. He has visited a large number of electronics factories in Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan.

What impressed him most about Asian workers was their willingness to endure hardships. Nowhere near as difficult as American workers. As early as when Charlieson first became a director of ra, he proposed to expand the company's production capacity in Hsinchu, Taiwan, but his suggestion was not adopted. He was also an active promoter of the joint venture project of ra company and Hong Kong Oriental Group to build a picture tube factory, and personally participated in this project.

It is precisely because of these factors that Bradshaw decided to choose Charlieson as o, in order to better execute the Asian strategy. Charlieson actually knew very well that Bradshaw had been contacting Westinghouse Electric's Michael Spring to work at RA. Both seem to have had in-depth communication, but Bradshaw suddenly chose himself.

"Li. Next, I hope to conduct a detailed inspection of Hong Kong!" Charlieson said sternly.

"Of course, I am very willing to be a guide!" Li Xuan nodded.

Naturally, Charlison does not need Li Xuan's consent to go to Hong Kong. He hopes to have a detailed understanding of the entire electronic system constructed by Oriental Group in Hong Kong in the past four years. In particular, all the electronic products under the Oriental Group adopt the outsourcing mode, and these experiences are of great reference to ra company.

More importantly, Charlieson's trip to Hong Kong is also a detailed on-the-spot audit on behalf of RA's overall strength of the Oriental Group. If Charlson's conclusion. Satisfying him and Bradshaw behind him. Only then will the two really spend their efforts to push the entire management of the company to approve the Oriental Group's merger proposal.

Charlison also understands very well that this is the first test he will face after taking over the position of ra company. No matter whether ra company will be owned by this young oriental face in front of you in the end. Bradshaw has decided to move the company's production capacity to Asia.

o As the head of the actual operation team of the company, he is the second person after the chairman of the company. If the chairman of the company and o agree on a certain issue, it basically means the agreement of the company's management. And for Li Xuan. Charlison's appointment as the o of RA is undoubtedly a major positive news.

Before Li Xuan came to the United States. Charlison has always been the one who had the most contact with him and had the deepest understanding of Dongfang Electronics. more importantly. Li Xuan has established a good personal friendship in several exchanges with each other.

Although as mature professional managers, personal friendships are unlikely to prevent them from making sound business judgments. But the good relationship with Li Xuan at least prevents Charlieson from being innately excluded because the Oriental Group is a Hong Kong company.

Just when Li Xuan was busy arranging the acquisition of ra company, he once again became the center of the world's media focus. Because the 1983 "Forbes" list of the world's richest people was released. Li Xuan once again topped the world's richest list with a total wealth of 10 billion yuan, which is twice the number of the richest man in the United States this year.

At the same time, Li Xuan's personal wealth has increased by 3 billion US dollars compared to his combined assets of 7 billion US dollars last year. The largest part of this contribution comes from the computer garden company that successfully went public in the United States at the beginning of this year.

In 1983, the United States became the year of the computer. Many of the most famous magazines in the United States, including "Time" and "Fortune", all chose personal computers as the cover of the first issue of the new year.

The US stock market has entered a new round of bull market cycle since the end of last year, among which computer-related stocks bear the brunt and become the focus of the capital market. Computer Garden has never been profitable in the past three years, but that doesn't stop investors from being bullish on him.

Anyone with insight can see that the energy contained in the personal computer market is far from really bursting out. The computer garden company's revenue data is actually very good. Its losses are because a large amount of funds are used for reinvestment in staking. Now the computer garden company, has become the world's largest chain of computer sellers.

At the same time, the computer garden company is also actively transforming. On the basis of consolidating its dominance in the computer sales field, it constantly expands its own services. Began to transform into a comprehensive chain of home appliance retailers. The strategic loss now is in order to obtain richer returns in the future.

Investors are optimistic about the computer garden company. This can also be clearly reflected in the changes in stock prices. Computer Park's offering price on the Nasdaq was $30, and its first-day closing price accounted for $33.6. In just half a year of listing, the company's stock price has soared to $45, and the company's total market value has reached $3.6 billion.

Last year, Forbes magazine valued Computerworld at around $1 billion, and now the company's total market value has risen to $3.6 billion. The net appreciation of Li Xuan's shares in Computer Garden Corporation in just one year is more than 1.5 billion US dollars.

Affected by the explosive growth of the personal computer industry, although the British economy is still in the doldrums, the share price of Aikang Computer also continues to rise, which has brought Li Xuan another $500 million in wealth.

at the same time. Forbes also significantly adjusted the valuations of other non-securitized assets under Li Xuan’s name. For example, the valuation of the Oriental Research Institute last year was US$500 million, and this time it was adjusted to US$800 million. Eastern Games was valued at $1.6 billion last year and adjusted to $2 billion this year.

In fact, this adjustment is still slightly conservative. After all, "Forbes" magazine is not a specialized accounting firm, and it is impossible for Oriental Group to disclose detailed financial data to it.

For example, Citibank is conducting a detailed asset evaluation of Dongfang Game Company. They gave an initial valuation of between $3.0-3.5 billion. Li Xuan uses Dongfang Game Company as collateral, and the final loan he can obtain will be about 2.5 billion US dollars.

However, according to Li Xuan's request, the loan agreement between Citibank and Orient Group will be kept confidential until it is officially signed. After all, the Oriental Group operates well. There is no shortage of money in itself. As long as this news is announced, even a fool can guess that Li Xuan is preparing to carry out a large-scale merger and acquisition.

And if the editors of "Forbes" magazine can know the valuation of Citibank on the Oriental game company. Presumably they will definitely add another billion dollars to Li Xuan's wealth figure. But even if the numbers they are giving now are not accurate, the $10 billion figure is scary enough for the average person.

For the first time on earth, a super-rich person with a personal wealth of 10 billion US dollars was born, and the media from all over the world rushed to New York to frantically contain Li Xuan. It is different from choosing to stay away from the mainland to avoid harassment last year. Li Xuan chose to face the flash lightly this year.

Under the public relations planning of the Yabo team, Li Xuan frequently appeared in newspapers, TV and radio. And the major media in order to fight the page, grab the ratings. All of them asked Li Xuan to accept an exclusive interview with his own reporter, so most of them accepted the various requirements put forward by Li Xuan's public relations team.

And taking advantage of Li Xuan's shocking wealth of 10 billion. With the chance to win the world's richest man again, the Yabo team carried out an all-round image shaping for Li Xuan.

He is a young entrepreneur, who is only 12 years old this year, and has less than five years since the establishment of Dongfang Electronics Co., Ltd. He is a philanthropist who has donated more than 100 million US dollars in various charitable donations in Asia, Europe and America in a few years.

He is an ordinary legend. Like ordinary people, he has joys and sorrows; and unlike ordinary people, he has achieved unprecedented success with wisdom and creativity!

"Knead my face, I feel that the muscles in both cheeks are stiff from laughing! For the second time, I realized that laughing can become so tiring and painful!" Li Xuan went straight to the sofa as soon as he entered the door, reclining As he filled the entire couch, he leaned his head on his wife's lap.

"When was the first time?" Zhong Chuhong asked curiously.

"The last time I got married!" Li Xuan replied casually.

"Acridine! It turns out that getting married to me is so painful!" Zhong Chuhong recalled that on the day of the big wedding last year, when the two were in the dressing room, the villain did have the same complaint.

"I was wrong, you just thought that I was farting! To be able to marry a gentle and virtuous A Hong as a wife is a blessing I cultivated in my previous life. How could it be painful, and it's too late to be happy! You haven't Do you find that I often wake up hot in the middle of the night!"

Li Xuan had already discovered his mistake as soon as he said it, and as a result, his ears were immediately twisted as punishment. So he hurried to make up for it with nauseous love words.

"Hmph, if you are wise, I will forgive you once today for the sake of the baby!" Zhong Chuhong gently stroked her husband's face with a hint of sweetness on her face.

"Is the baby good today, did you kick you?" Li Xuan also raised his hand and gently touched Zhong Chuhong's already round belly, and said softly.

"It's okay, Sophie went with me for the check-up today, and the doctor said that the baby is very healthy!" Zhong Chuhong was a mother for the first time, and even her words showed a little more kindness.

Time seemed to be banned at this moment, neither of the two spoke, just quietly enjoying this rare tranquility.

However, someone obviously did not want to let them wish, and the phone in the living room suddenly began to ring rapidly. Li Xuan had to get up to answer the phone.

The call came from Hong Kong, which is tens of thousands of kilometers away.

"Mr. Li, the situation here in Hong Kong is very bad now! The 'helpful' and 'constructive' idioms were omitted from the communiqué of the fourth round of Sino-British negotiations announced yesterday. The negotiations between the two sides have fallen to the brink of collapse!

From noon, many shops began to refuse to accept Hong Kong dollars, and banks and money changers sold out of US dollar bills! The exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar against the US dollar has fallen to 9.6 to 1! Moreover, Hong Kong began to fall into a state of chaos throughout the city. Countless people began to flock to supermarkets to snap up purchases. Everyone bought almost everything, for fear that the Hong Kong dollar would become waste paper if left in their hands! "Han Peng on the other end of the phone had a trembling tone in his voice. Li Xuan could imagine that the situation in Hong Kong was already unbearably This is a typical **, in fact, it entered September. From the beginning, everything has already begun to take shape. For example, the Hong Kong government's Financial Secretary Peng Lizhi openly said: "The government cannot stabilize the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate at any specific level, which must depend on market forces. "

He then accused BOC Hong Kong of deepening the crisis by buying large amounts of dollars. And warned that unless China "gives a positive statement on the progress of the negotiations", the Hong Kong dollar's decline is unlikely to stop.

Obviously, the British began to play the economic card, trying to intimidate Beijing and Beijing by creating an economic crisis in Hong Kong, so as to force the other side to make concessions. But apparently the British did not understand that Hong Kong is not under Chinese rule now, and its economic chaos has little impact on the mainland government. Even if it is a political battle, it will be divided between China and the UK at most, and it is impossible for China to make concessions.

"Old Han, still act according to the original plan, the British can't let Hong Kong's economy really collapse, after all, Hong Kong is still under their rule! I estimate that the Hong Kong dollar should fall to 9.6, which should be the lowest, and we must seize the opportunity to quickly **** it up. raise.

I will set off immediately and rush back to Hong Kong. We should also speak out on behalf of the Hong Kong business community. It is not good for the British to be so chaotic, it is not conducive to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong! "Li Xuan said with a chuckle. (To be continued.)

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