Video Game Empire

Chapter 33: big brother beheaded

Li Xuan received bad news as soon as he returned to Hong Kong. He was ambushed on the street two days ago, and he was shot in the ribs and in the left chest.

When Li Xuan got off the plane, he hurried to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kowloon. On the way, Li Xuan heard what happened from Ming Zai, the younger brother of the eldest brother. Last week, more than 20 venomous snakes were thrown into a sack after the Keji factory closed at night.

The next day, when the workers went to work, they found that the house full of poisonous snakes was scared to death. Although there was no accident, they stopped work for two days because of this incident. The factory was reopened after it was determined that all venomous snakes had been cleaned up. In order to appease the workers, Li Ke gave each of them an extra half a month's salary as a shock payment.

Li Ke suspected that it was someone with other prefixes who did it, because a few days ago, other club bosses were jealous of Letang's arcade business and wanted to take a hundred arcade machines from Li Xuan.

The Keji factory is now producing at full capacity, which is enough to meet Brother Qiang's monthly orders, and there are surplus goods for outsiders, so Li Xuan naturally refuses. As a result, after a few days, the factory was destroyed.

Li Ke gave people a sigh for no reason, of course Li Ke couldn't hold back his breath. He asked his younger brother to bribe a young man under the boss and get reliable information. These poisonous snakes were indeed made by the other party's leader, a man named Buck Tooth.

Now that the culprit of the incident has been found, Li Ke will naturally give this tone. So he asked his younger brother to crucify the buck-toothed talent in secret, and on his way home from the nightclub after a ** in the middle of the night, he blocked his car on the corner of the street, and then cleaned up fiercely.

Li Ke was still quite measured. He didn't involve the big boss behind the scenes. He only taught him a lesson. Moreover, Li Ke didn't kill him when he beat people. Although he made his buck teeth into a headgear, it was only some skin injuries.

Who told you to make a bad hand first, and Li Xuan grabbed your sore feet to prevent you from missing parts. It was already in the face of the other party's words. Li Ke also told his boss Scar Qiang about this after the incident. Brother Qiang personally called the other party boss, and the other party lowered his head on the phone.

According to the rules of the road, this matter should have been turned over like this. Unexpectedly, this buck-toothed talent has a grudge in his heart, and he came to pay back the other side with his own way, and also led people to quietly block Li Ke in the middle of the road.

Fortunately, there happened to be a brother from another branch of Heletang nearby at that time. Seeing that the person at the entrance of his hall was stepped on by other words, he hurried over to help. Only Li Ke and his two horses were able to escape.

When Li Xuan felt in the ward, Li Ke was teasing with a girl who looked young, but with blond hair and heavy make-up. The girl was whimpering, and she calmed down a bit when she saw Li Xuan coming in.

Li Xuan saw that although his eldest brother's chest and abdomen were wrapped in gauze like zongzi, he was in good spirits, and he was still interested in flirting with women, so he knew that his injury was not serious, and he was hanging in the air In the heart also let go.

Li Ke saw his younger brother rushing over with a dusty look on his face, and felt a little embarrassed. He smiled comfortingly at him, and then motioned for the others to go outside the ward.

"Did you tell Lao Dou and Mom?" Li Xuan saw that his elder brother's face was a little pale, it should be the sequelae of excessive blood loss, and it seemed that the two wounds he suffered were not small.

"No, I told my brothers to hide it, I'm afraid they will worry!" Li Ke said softly, "I called them yesterday and said that I won't be able to go home for the past few days, Laodou and mother. No doubt at all! You know, I don't come home every three days, they're both used to it."

"Have you called the police?"

"No, if we report to the police, we and the music hall will be laughed at by the words of the whole Hong Kong. The affairs of the rivers and lakes will be solved by the rules of the rivers and lakes!"

"How to deal with it?"

"How else can we solve it!" Li Ke chuckled lightly. "Uncle Siguan Jian called Old K's crown prince, either to start a full-scale war or hand over the man!"

Old K is the prefix behind Buck Tooth Talent. He claims to have 200,000 gang members. Together with Xinji and Hetu, they have become the three major clubs in Hong Kong. Their strength is a bit stronger than Heletang.

"Old K is willing to bow his head?" Li Xuan didn't quite believe it.

"The current old K is not the old K that was ten years ago. They have constant disputes within their own internal word piles, and fire incidents are staged twice in three days. Why do they fight with our soda shop? The 200,000 brother sounds very scary. , In fact, it's just to scare those little words.

Old K's Prince Sophora flavescens is just a bodhisattva for worship, but he does not have the authority of Uncle Jian. If he dared to take over the soda room's gauntlet, he would be kicked out by the big guy below on the same day! "

Li Ke smiled slightly smugly, reached out and lit a cigarette from the cigarette case on the bedside cabinet, took a sip with enjoyment, and exhaled a faint ring of smoke. In contrast, there are also various branches below Heletang, but they must be united a lot.

The five-year term of the Heletang is a term, and it is voted by the speakers of the following branches. Infighting is strictly prohibited within the prefix, and disputes are resolved through mediation in the hall. If it really can't be solved, the club can put up a battle of life and death after internal discussions, but never retaliate afterwards.

Under such a strict system, although there are various conflicts of interest within Heletang, they rarely really tear their faces. Especially when the muzzle of the gun is outside, the people are very united, which effectively guarantees the combat effectiveness and deterrence of the rivers and lakes.

The name of the club is loud, and the bosses are relatively fair in their dealings. The younger brothers below are naturally willing to do their best, forming a virtuous upward cycle. The root cause of small branches independent and rapid rise.

"So this matter is actually just a conflict between our soda room and Yizidui. The other worddui below Old K definitely don't want to come forward, they are eager to watch the fun!"

Li Ke frowned when he saw his younger brother smelling the smoke, and felt a little embarrassed. In front of Li Xuan, he always felt like a dwarf. But he is a slender guy who is so powerful that even his big brother Qiang has to give a thumbs up and praise a few words.

"How to solve the matter?"

The reason why Li Xuan frowned really wasn't that the elder brother smoked, but that he felt a little helpless when he saw his proud expression that year when he talked about his club.

"It has been resolved, the person in charge of Yizidui, Tang Yong, asked their old K's prince to come forward to be the middle man. The night show was handed over to our soda room!"

"What happened to that buck tooth?" Li Xuan was not interested in their own disputes in the club, the only concern was the culprit that caused his elder brother to be admitted to the hospital.

"That lunatic!" Li Ke showed a sneer, "Of course, his boss did his homework. It is said that his hands and feet were interrupted. Last night, he tied a stone and sent it to the sinking sea of ​​Tokwawan to feed the fish!"

Everyone has a selfish side. When Li Xuan heard the news, not only did he not feel any regret for the loss of a life, but he breathed a sigh of relief, at least he no longer had to worry about retribution.

PS: Thank you **, Ouni-chan for your reward and evaluation votes! At the same time, those who want points can post in the book review area. There are 50 essences and 200 bonus points left this week! At the same time, I beg for collection and recommendation tickets again!

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