Video Game Empire

Chapter 301: new life

"Just now you said you had something to tell me, what is it?"

Li Xuan dried his hair and came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel. Zhong Chuhong had graciously helped him with his clothes. ∷∷ǎn∷小∷ said,

"I may be pregnant!" Zhong Chuhong glanced at Li Xuan shyly and said softly.

Li Xuan suddenly became stupid. She was pregnant. Could it be that she wants to be a father? A huge joy suddenly surged into my heart, he would have his own flesh and blood!

"Really? Great, I'm going to be a father!" Li Xuan rushed forward, picked up Zhong Chuhong and turned around twice, only to feel that this was a bit inappropriate, and carefully put her down, but his face was full of expression The joy can't be hidden.

"Actually, I can't be sure, but that one has never come, and recently I started to have mild nausea and vomiting!" Zhong Chuhong said a little nervously.

In fact, she didn't tell Li Xuan that she had gone to the hospital for an examination a few months ago. That time, her period didn't come at the normal time. She thought she was pregnant, so she went to the hospital with her mother for the first time. But after the doctor gave her a detailed examination, the conclusion was that it was a false pregnancy. The doctor told her that she was not really pregnant, but that it might be because of mental stress that caused abnormal menstruation.

Zhong Chuhong naturally didn't tell her husband about such a shameful thing. In fact, apart from her and her mother, no third person knew about it. And this time the menstrual period was abnormal. Zhong Chuhong thought it was the same as the last time.

In the past few days, she found that she became easily tired, lethargic, and afraid of smelling greasy. Woke up this morning still feeling nauseous. Only then did Zhong Chuhong feel that she might be really pregnant.

"I'll accompany you to the hospital for a check-up, and I'll tell Mom and Dad when I have the exact news!" Li Xuan was already dressed, and he looked at Zhong Chuhong's pretty face with a little anxiety in anticipation. He couldn't help but kissed her gently and said comfortingly.

Li Xuan knew that Jiaoqi was under a lot of pressure. On the one hand, these pressures came from Li Xuan's parents, and more importantly, from Li Xuan's identity. Compared with the past, the current conditions of the Li family have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Li Xuan's parents no longer need to work hard, they just need to enjoy the happiness at home comfortably. But without the pressure of survival, the elderly will naturally focus all their attention on their children in their spare time. Li Xuan's parents had long been looking forward to having a grandson.

Li Xuan's eldest brother, Li Ke, is still a single diamond king and fifth, and the two elders can't do much for this eldest son. I can only pin my expectations on Zhong Chuhong's stomach. And Li Xuan and Zhong Chuhong have been married for almost a year, but Zhong Chuhong's stomach has not moved. Li Xuan's parents didn't say anything, but in fact they were secretly anxious in their hearts.

For example, Li Xuan's mother would go to the Huangdaxian Temple on the first and fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Although she didn't say she was going to seek a child, Zhong Chuhong was still under a lot of pressure.

Moreover, as the richest man in the world, Li Xuan has a huge wealth of more than 50 billion Hong Kong dollars, but he does not have a blood heir. In the opinion of Hong Kong public opinion, this is a big flaw in Dongfang Electronics Company. Once Li Xuan has an accident, the entire group is likely to fall apart immediately. Fortunately, Li Xuan is only twenty-three years old this year. It was still early in the thirties, and it was far from the time to consider the issue of the heirs of the Eastern Company.

Li Xuan called to make an appointment for a private obstetrics clinic before going out, so he received a warm reception as soon as he walked in. The medical system in Hong Kong is different from that in China, and the division of labor is very fine. Ordinary people's daily medical visits do not often go to large hospitals. And will find the nearest private clinic to solve.

Physicians who are qualified to open private clinics are excellent physicians with at least ten years of residency qualifications and have passed a unified and rigorous assessment. In fact, there are not many residents in large hospitals. Mainly responsible for some serious diseases that cannot be solved by ordinary clinics, such as major surgery.

And Li Xuan accompanied Zhong Chuhong to this private obstetrics clinic in Happy Valley. One of the best maternity clinics in Hong Kong. Both the equipment and the level of doctors are much higher than those of several famous hospitals in Hong Kong. Of course, the fees here are also the highest. Ordinary families can't afford it at all, and most of the customers they receive are wealthy rich people like Li Xuan.

Zhong Chuhong was diagnosed by a female doctor in her fifties. Her voice was very kind and her face was always smiling. The nurse next to Zhong Chuhong brought her a large glass of water as soon as she took her seat. Doing uterine b-ultrasound later requires holding back urine. In fact, pregnant women can drink a lot of water before leaving home, so that there is no need to wait in the clinic. Li Xuan didn't know these details at all, and although Zhong Chuhong had already had a pregnancy test, she didn't pay attention to these details even when she was excited and flustered.

"Li Sheng, let's do a blood test for Miss Zhong first, and we will know the result of pregnancy in about half an hour! If it is confirmed that she is pregnant, we will perform a uterine b-ultrasound for Miss Zhong to confirm whether the fetal position is normal and rule out ectopic pregnancy, etc. Unexpected!" The female doctor said to the two after asking Zhong Chuhong some questions.

Li Xuan is still very calm about whether Zhong Chuhong is pregnant or not. Both he and his wife were in their early twenties, and they were both healthy during pre-marital examinations, and they had a lot of time to slowly create people. But Zhong Chuhong's pressure is obviously much greater. Every minute of waiting time is a torment. She doesn't want to make another oolong. Li Xuan could only hold his wife's slender jade hand and comfort her slightly anxious mood by gently stroking.

"Li Sheng, Miss Zhong is indeed pregnant, congratulations!" The female doctor in charge of the diagnosis took a laboratory test and gave a satisfactory result.

After the b-ultrasound test, the embryos were all normal. Li Xuan watched Zhong Chuhong suddenly feel a warm feeling of blood connection, and they gave birth to a new life together.

When the two returned home, Li Xuan asked Zhong Chuhong to tell everyone the good news. The entire Li family mansion suddenly fell into a festive atmosphere, and the Li family was finally about to usher in the third generation. Because the fetus is only four weeks old and not fully developed, doctors cannot distinguish between males and females.

But for this issue, even Li Xuan's parents, who were all about having a grandson, didn't care very much. Even if the first child is a granddaughter, it doesn't matter. After all, Li Xuan and Zhong Chuhong are only in their early twenties. As long as the two have no hidden illnesses, they will have time to pass on the lineage in the future.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" Before going to bed at night, Zhong Chuhong lay quietly in Li Xuan's arms.

"Of course it's a girl! It is said that my daughter is my father's little padded jacket. Our daughter will definitely inherit her mother's beauty and father's wisdom! I have to hurry up in the past few months to prepare some good names for my daughter!" Li Xuan He gently hugged his wife and said.

"In case it's a son!" Zhong Chuhong said with a chuckle.

"Hmph, I have already named my little padded jacket. If any naughty bag comes to replace him, I will give him a girl's name, so that he will always be laughed at by his classmates!" Li Xuan said bitterly, as if It's like she wants to have a daughter.

Although everyone said they didn't care, Li Xuan knew that Zhong Chuhong still hoped that the first child would have a son. Li Xuan can only try to decompress her as much as possible. In his opinion, as long as the baby is healthy, boys and girls are actually the same.

"Hmph, how can you be a father like this, is the child your own!" Zhong Chuhong smacked her husband a few times angrily.

"Whether it's my own, you must know best!" Li Xuan said with a smile, and began to rub his wife's body with both hands.

"Hey, what are you doing! The doctor said that you need to control during this time, otherwise it will be bad for the fetus!" Zhong Chuhong pressed Li Xuan's bad hand, glared at him and said.

"I'm not messing around, it's not enough to be addicted to my hands!" Li Xuan kissed the soft ball in the palm of his hand and made a very aggrieved look.

"That doesn't work either!" Zhong Chuhong's face was already stained with a few strands of pink, and she resolutely took Li Xuan's bad hand away from her chest.

"Okay, my wife is God!" Li Xuan immediately did not move in a very orderly manner, and just put his arms around Zhong Chuhong quietly. He wasn't really hungry and thirsty, he just deliberately adjusted the atmosphere so that the couple could have more boudoir pleasures.

"If it is a son, I will definitely tell him what you just said in the future!" Zhong Chuhong said suddenly with a smile.

"Are you planning to provoke a future father-son relationship in advance? It really is the most poisonous woman's heart!" Li Xuan also said with a smile.

Zhong Chuhong didn't answer, and was suddenly silent.

"What's wrong?" Li Xuan asked.

"Are you saying that I have to give up all my work from tomorrow and stay at home to take care of my baby? If I become a fat woman with a big belly in the Will you hate me? , turn around to find Lizhi or other fox spirits!" Zhong Chuhong's voice was a little low.

Li Xuan was still a little guilty. He was still on the bed of another vixen in the morning, fantasizing about the happy days when the king would not go to court earlier. Fortunately, he just beat Guan Zhilin, she should be stable for a while. If Zhong Chuhong discovered the new scandal at this time, her prenatal syndrome would be more serious.

"It's not such an exaggeration! You haven't started to show your pregnancy again, and you haven't had a serious pregnancy reaction, so don't rush to stay at home. I think as long as you pay attention to rest and continue to work normally, there is no problem at all!

And those things of yours don't require much effort, it's just directing others to work! The Golden Statue Awards are more complicated, you can leave it to someone else to be in charge, and just be a nominal preparatory chairman yourself! As for the ATV Group, you usually just go to a meeting, it doesn't matter! Other various charity dinners and the like, depending on your own mood, go there if you are happy, and dismiss if you are not happy!

In a few days, I will assign you a professional perinatal nutritionist. Who said that to have a child, you have to make yourself a fat woman! The energy that the child needs to take in is limited, you just need to do it according to the plan of the professional, to ensure that you will give birth to a beautiful baby! "Li Xuan said openly. (To be continued.)

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