Veteran new police officer

Chapter 223 A feint

Jiang Yue not only knew about the commendation ceremony hosted by the branch, but also participated in the rehearsal in the afternoon.

When leaders come to the stage to award trophies, certificates and bronze medals to advanced collectives, there must be no etiquette lady, otherwise who will hand the trophies and certificates to the leaders.

However, the preparation time was too tight and the funds were not much. Zhang Yuhang had neither time nor money to hire an etiquette lady, so he could only invite the most beautiful ladies from the immigration brigade to make guest appearances.

Jiang Yue is nothing, because she made many cameos when she was in the police academy.

Wang Xiaohui doesn’t want to be a vase, let alone help Lan Doudou hold trophies and certificates on the stage, but this is a political task, and she has to come even if she doesn’t want to come...

Although the preparation time was short and the preparations were too hasty, the entire ceremony was held grandly and successfully, and the atmosphere was very warm.

All this is possible thanks to the Grand Theater, the Fusion Media Center and the Linghai Song and Dance Troupe. I don’t know how many activities were held this year to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Tonight's award ceremony is also related to the 70th anniversary celebration. At least the theme of the award ceremony is "Don't forget the original intention and forge ahead" - celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the announcement of the fifth most beautiful anti-drug person in Binjiang City. The anti-drug work is advanced. Commendation ceremony for collective and advanced individuals.

Because the monogram was too long, there were three full lines on the big screen on the stage.

The ceremony kicked off with the singing of "My Motherland and Me". The seats under the stage were filled with small red flags. Looking around, there was a sea of ​​red flags.

The city leader speaks, and the department leader is invited to speak.

Then the fifth "Most Beautiful Anti-drug Person" was announced. Each anti-drug person's deeds were recorded on a VCR of about 40 seconds. Wang Xiaohui felt depressed when she saw Lan Doudou wearing her ribbon sideways and going up to the stage to receive the award in high spirits.

If Jiang Yue hadn't reminded her, she would have almost forgotten to hold the trophy up on stage.

The ten most beautiful anti-drug people took a group photo with the leaders who presented the awards, and Xu Linlin’s children and students performed dances on stage.

The children were each cuter than the other and danced well, winning a warm round of applause.

The second round of awards began, and the host announced the list of advanced anti-drug groups.

Yang Qianli took the lead in applauding and looked around to see where Han Keng was sitting. He found that eighty or ninety colleagues from unknown units had arrived, but Han Keng was not seen.

Just as he was about to send a question on WeChat, Cheng Wenming, the second-level senior sergeant at the Municipal Bureau Police Training Center, suddenly called. He quickly excused himself to the bathroom and came out to answer the call.

"Cheng Zhi, what are your instructions?"

"Comrade Qianli, it's not convenient for you right now. If it is convenient, we will hold a video conference in five minutes. The Xinkang Border Defense Detachment will report a new situation."


"Then I'll drag you into the group first."


It must be related to Han Keng!

Yang Qianli didn't dare to take it seriously, so he quickly walked out of the theater, ran to the parking lot, opened the door and got into the cab.

After waiting for about three minutes, Cheng Wenming started a group video in the group.

Chen Zhi from the Xinkang Border Management Detachment did not participate. There was only Staff Officer Lu there, and there were only Cheng Wenming, Cui Tao, deputy captain of the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Police Detachment, and him on the Binjiang side.

"Xiao Lu, let's start."


Lu Xiangyang hadn't had a good rest for several days. He took a sip of strong tea to refresh himself. He looked at the camera of his mobile phone and said, "Boss, I'm sorry, we didn't do our job well and Wu Shouyi slipped away from us."

Cheng Wenming didn't expect that this was the news he was going to report so late at night. He frowned and asked, "Xiao Lu, what do you mean by slipping away? That old bastard has already entered the country, where can he slip away?"

"Cheng Zhi, it's my fault for this. I didn't think comprehensively enough. I was preconceived and thought that even if he didn't go to your place to find Han Xin after entering the country, he would go to his hometown that he was familiar with, or find ways to bring the drugs he brought into the country.

It turned out that he actually went in the opposite direction with us. Instead of running towards Chuncheng, he fled eastward along the border. It wasn’t until this morning that the brothers’ detachment found a smuggler who was helping an electronic fraud gang organize smuggling, and we didn’t know that he was already there. I smuggled myself out of the country two days ago and went to Xiao La Meng. "

Cui Zhi has never been to Nanyun. He doesn’t know how big Nanyun is, let alone how long the border line of Nanyun is. As a person who lives in a plain area, I can't even imagine how complex the terrain is over there.

He couldn't help but ask: "Counsel Lu, what is the purpose of the suspect sneaking here and leaving?"

Lu Xiangyang knew that Binjiang's colleagues must have been at war in the past few days, so he said with an embarrassed look: "This old bastard is too cunning. With his coming and going, he will be more difficult to deal with than before."

"Why is it more difficult to deal with?"

"Before he smuggled in, he could hardly survive on the other side. It can be said that he wanted money but no money, and he wanted people but no one. Moreover, the area where he was hiding was relatively chaotic, and it would be difficult for someone like him to survive there. Even if we don't If we catch him, he won’t survive for more than a few days there.”

Lu Xiangyang paused and continued: "It's different now. He first pretended to be a mule and helped overseas drug traffickers transport drugs into the country. Then he played a trick and sold the other mules that brought him into the country. More than ten kilograms of methamphetamine were taken away!”

Cheng Wenming realized the seriousness of the problem and said coldly: "You can get money if you have drugs in your hand, which means he has turned over."


Lu Xiangyang took a deep breath and added: "If he took the drugs overseas, I wouldn't be that worried. But the brothers' detachment interrogated the arrested smuggler and found that he smuggled out of the country empty-handed."

Cui Zhi asked in a low voice: "Consultant Lu, are you saying that he has cashed in the drugs?"

"It shouldn't be that fast. He probably hid the drugs somewhere in the country and then sold them in the country through the Internet. He has been hiding abroad for so long and knows many people. He wants to find someone to help him sell them online. No It’s difficult.”

"He took away the goods of overseas drug dealers. Once overseas drug dealers know that he has returned, will they deal with him?" Yang Qianli asked curiously.

Lu Xiangyang explained: "The place where he used to hide was hundreds of kilometers away from Xiao Lameng. It belonged to the sphere of influence of two different warlords, and was separated by the territory of the United Wa Army. The drug dealers who were looking for him as a mule at that time did not know who he was. Where did he go? Even if he knew, there was nothing he could do."

Cheng Wenming had been to Nanyun and knew the situation there better. He asked in a low voice: "Xiao Lu, can you think of a way to find out where he is hiding in Xiao La Meng, and then ask some judicial committee in Xiao La Meng Assist in the arrest.”

"We are mobilizing border police and informants to pay attention, but it is unlikely that we can find him because he is too cunning. He will not show up easily or even go to the casino."

"Does Chen Zhi know about this situation?"

"I know, he entrusted me to apologize to everyone for causing trouble to you."

"It's not troublesome. We actually didn't do anything. This situation is not bad news for me."

Who would have thought that that old bastard would feint a shot and run back!

This is a fishbone, and if you don't remove it, it will be like a fishbone stuck in your throat.

Lu Xiangyang felt regretful. After thinking about it, he smiled bitterly and said, "We asked our brother detachment to help us. We followed the clues and found out a situation."

"What's going on?" Cheng Wenming lit a cigarette.

"The old guy went to a social medical examination institution for a physical examination the day before he smuggled out of the country. Although the medical examination agency charged a high fee, it also examined many items. After listening to what he said, he always had stomachache, vomiting and other symptoms. I also did a barium X-ray examination for him.”

"What disease was found?"

Lu Xiangyang pulled out a newly printed physical examination form and read: "The diameter of the ulcer is more than 2.5 centimeters, with irregular edges. It protrudes into the gastric cavity and appears as a filling defect. There are often interruptions in the surrounding mucosa, and the pupal wave is interrupted... ...It is suspected to be gastric cancer and it is recommended that he go to a major hospital for further examination.”

"Stomach cancer!"

"Well, as soon as we received the physical examination report, we asked an expert to look at it, and the expert made the same diagnosis."

"Is it serious? How far has it gone?"

"There are only X-ray barium meal examination results, no gastroscopy, and no tissue extraction for biopsy. Experts cannot judge how serious it is."

Lu Xiangyang put down the examination sheet and continued: "No matter how serious it is, he must feel that his time is running out, and there are no medical conditions for cancer treatment abroad, at least he dare not do it in Xiao Lameng or the hospital on the territory of the United Wa Army. Surgery, we are worried that he will complete the transaction overseas, cash out and then sneak into the country again."

That old bastard was like a lost dog the last time he crossed the border illegally. If he crosses the border illegally again, he will definitely be more relaxed than last time.

Cui Zhi asked worriedly: "Can he complete the transaction overseas?"

"He has more than ten kilograms of methamphetamine. He doesn't even need to think about how to transport the drugs into the country. He just needs to find a buyer and ask the buyer to pick up the goods at a designated location."

"Consultant Lu, how much does a dozen kilograms of methamphetamine cost over there?"

"One price outside the country, and another price after entering the country. It can be sold for at least 1.5 million."

"So this time he comes and goes, he is more difficult to deal with than before!"

"I will go to the brothers' detachment tomorrow to ask for help in the investigation to see if I can find out his whereabouts as soon as possible."

"Thanks a lot."

"It's not hard work. This is what we should do. In fact, it's because we didn't do our job well before, otherwise we wouldn't have left such sequelae."

"Then come here and report any situation as soon as possible."

"Okay, by the way, Cheng Zhi, how is Han Xin doing now? Is he okay?"

"His life as a child is not to mention how fulfilling it is. If he doesn't like meetings and activities, he will find excuses to skip out if he can't attend them. He just had dinner with me in the afternoon."

Asking a scumbag to go to a meeting is equivalent to putting a scumbag on the fire and just quitting.

Lu Xiangyang couldn't help but smile and said: "It's true that the nature of a country is easy to change and hard to change. When this matter is over, I will ask him to treat you all to a good meal."

Cheng Wenming laughed: "This is a good idea. Why did he make so many of us worry about him?"

They are also investigating drug cases, but the murder and drug case being investigated by the Chonggang Branch is incomparable to the drug case being investigated by Nan Yun's colleagues.

Cui Zhi originally thought that the reason why the anti-narcotics detachment was able to intercept Hu from Chong Kong Branch was completely lucky.

After listening to the report from his colleague Nan Yun, Cui Zhi suddenly realized that it was not entirely lucky that the boy was able to capture Sun Baoping before the Chonggang branch.

Yang Qianli put down his mobile phone and looked at the policemen who were leaving the Grand Theater and sighed secretly that although the Korean soldiers had been transferred back, they had "trapped" their old troops quite a lot.

At least if that old bastard is not arrested for a day, his old comrades will not be able to live in peace for a day!

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