Versatile Mage: My magic power can be doubled

Chapter 81 No, you really set your sights on my Shadow Beast? !

Fan Jian and others took the shadow monster towards the iron cage for taming the beast. The iron cage was located near Laoshan. It was usually used by students from the summoning department.

The news that Fan Jian had obtained the Shadow Monster spread out all at once for some reason. All the students who had no clue rushed towards the Pearl Academy and ambush them on the road they must pass, their eyes gleaming. Looking forward to Fan Jianfei appearing in front of them.

The three-step tower, a blockbuster reward, woke them up all of a sudden, and every student was very excited and overwhelmed.

"Sister Mu, why are there more and more people around? Look at this, the news that we caught the shadow monster has been spread!" Ai Tutu said.

There will only be more and more people coming to the school, and this time there are thousands of people. Thinking of this, Ai Tutu's face turned a little pale, this time it was really a big deal.

Mu Nujiao followed Fan Jian, also thinking about this situation, with some worry on her face.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐˜๐˜„๐—ธ๐—ฎ๐—ป.๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—บ]

In this venue, which could accommodate about a thousand people, the two women looked around and could vaguely see some figures hiding there, all of whom came here after receiving rumors.

The three-step tower is what everyone dreams of!

Some want to reap the benefits, while others want to take action immediately but are held back by their friends.

"Shadow Monster! Over there, I took a look!"

"He really caught him!"

"Brothers, do you want to vote for me?"


Everyone in this quiet corner of the campus was boiling with excitement, and they gave a thumbs up to the person who spread the news.

Mo Fan looked helpless when he saw this scene from a distance. Why did the shadow beast escape into Fan Jian's hands?


Walking straight along the tarmac path, you can see many students using low-level methods to hide among the maple leaf trees on both sides.

There was a fountain at the end of the road, with several statues in it, and behind it were Bai Zangfeng and several others hiding. They watched Fan Jian getting closer and closer, looking at each other in confusion, and they were really coming.

Farther away, there were several other students hiding in a tree, their eyes widened and a little surprised.

Fan Jian walked along the way, dragging the shadow monster in his hand. He was also a little tired. Now he envied those summoning people who could summon monsters to help, and he felt envious in his heart.

More and more people are coming up around, but no one dares to take action. They all know Fan Jian's strength. In this case, the more people there are, the more excited and awesome Fan Jian becomes!

Whoever strikes first will suffer!

"Holy crap, another big devil is here too!"

"Mo Fan is here too, won't he want to fight with us too?!"

Everyone was talking a lot, looking wary, watching the figure walking straight towards Fan Jian. The two recognized demon kings got together, and they couldn't help but hiss.

"Mo Fan?"

Fan Jian and others spoke one after another and looked at Mo Fan who was approaching.

Mo Fan nodded slightly and looked around with a somewhat gloomy look. Lingling found some information. There must be students in the academy who have joined the Black Church!

"Who wants it? Let's do it." Fan Jian shouted loudly, and his voice spread to all parts of the square. A group of students were eager to take action.

Some people cursed in their hearts, what Fan Jian said is bullshit, who here doesn't want it?

"Let me tell you first, a special spring water in my hometown was accidentally swallowed by a shadow monster, so I came to see Fan Jian. I only want the bottle in his body, and you can do whatever you want with the rest." Mo Fan suddenly said, Fan Jian's eyes were also bright. He knew that this was what Mo Fan said. He wanted to seduce the people of the Black Church. If the Earth Holy Spring was used as a hook, they would definitely take the bait!

"What spring water, big devil?" Ai Tutu asked quietly beside Mo Fan with some curiosity. Mo Fan just smiled and didn't say anything. Ai Tutu looked unhappy and muttered something about being stingy.

There were more and more people in the darkness around the square, and some people started to feel a little restless.

Fan Jian looked around. Yu Ang should be gone, but where is the person above him? The deacon in blue.

"Hey, this is Mr. Bai, long time no see." Fan Jian saw a familiar face in the distance, and suddenly it was Bai Zangfeng standing there. There was a trace of confusion on his face at this time. Why did Fan Jian suddenly call him by name.

"Brother, I love you~ I'm going to the bathroom first." Fan Jian took the shadow monster in the direction of Bai Zangfeng, then turned around and escaped.

Bai Zangfeng is already stupid, what the hell?

He was just squatting here, and suddenly a huge shadow monster was thrown towards him, and he was called brother. Brothers wouldn't trick him like this. This operation would make him get beaten by thousands of people. !

When someone saw Fan Jian leaving, he no longer hid himself, jumped out, and directly connected to the star track to release magic.

With the leader in his sight, everyone jumped out one after another, no longer hiding, their eyes were full of desire, and the magic in their hands kept blasting towards Bai Zangfeng.

"No, are you stupid? You really don't use any magic!" Mo Fan saw Bai Zangfeng standing there dumbfounded and cursed. He grabbed his clothes and fled into the distance. He avoided the magic and appeared next to Zhao Manyan. .

"Up, up, up! Sound the attack horn!"

"I saw the three-step tower waving to me, hahahaha!"

"We must snatch it, how can the big devil fight!"

The students rushed out one after another, like crazy wolves that had been hungry for days, and rushed towards the shadow monster.

The first person to take action was Wang Liting from the Summoning Department, a student who owned the Grain-eating Demon. The Bone-Eating Demon hovered directly in the sky, attacking the students who were trying to drag away the Shadow Monster.

The sharp feathers flew over a large area, killing dozens of people in an instant. Waves of wailing sounds could be heard, and they were knocked to the ground before their magic could be released.

"As you know, the bone-eating demon is also very wild. I can't say that I can control him from pecking his eyes out or something like that. If he dies, you won't blame me." Wang Liting stood up and said loudly, with a full-blooded look, which suddenly calmed him down. Many people lived there.

"No, you are really interested in my shadow monster!" A light voice came from afar.

Wang Liting also turned around angrily, wondering who was sabotaging his show-off moment!

Everyone turned around and saw that it was a violent wave that was several stories high, just like a mountain. The shadow immediately covered everyone in it. The explosive waves kept washing away, and the sound of the waves echoed here. On a square.

"Let me see what's going on?"

Fan Jian rode the explosive wave and directly rolled up a large number of students. Like a stormy sea, they continued to pour out with astonishing power.

"Damn it, didn't you say you were gone?!"

"Whoever is on the outermost periphery will not let anyone know, right?"

"Damn you damn liar!"

Everyone yelled and cursed. With Fan Jian here, their magic became a trick and most of them had no effect. The harder they exerted force at this time, the worse they would be beaten.

Not to mention that Fan Jian also had Mo Fan, an output machine, as well as Mu Nujiao, Zhao Manyan and Ai Tutu to help with some magic.

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