Versatile Mage: My magic power can be doubled

Chapter 79: Long time no see, how come you become so rubbish?

Fan Jian, who had cashed his account again, brought Xu Zhaoting and the others to a restaurant. Zhao Manyan and the others were already sitting there, with some delicious dishes in front of them.

"Xu Zhaoting!?" Mo Fan's face flashed with surprise, and he saw Xu Zhaoting behind Fan Jian.

"Mo Fan?!"

Both of them were a little surprised. This was the first time that their old classmates had met each other since graduation.

"Okay, okay, let's eat. I'm starving!" Zhao Manyan rolled his eyes and cursed. He was starving to death.

Fan Jian and the others sat down and started eating. Fan Jian and Mo Fan showed off their food wildly, and with the little girl Ai Tutu, the four of them were like gluttons. Soon, all the dishes on the table were eaten up.

Mu Nujiao and the other two only ate a few bites, but they were all shown off by them. The three of them seemed a little out of place.

"Zhao Ting..." Zhang Lulu looked at Xu Zhao Ting in shock. His high school classmate had such a good appetite. It was really a bit exaggerated.


"Tu Tu!" Mu Nujiao reached out and pulled Ai Tutu. Her head was about to fall into the bowl. Her mouth was full of oil and her mouth became more rosy.

"Ah # !:......!" Ai Tutu's words were slurred, and the words came out of her like a new language.

After a long time, after the few people had their stomachs full, they slumped in their chairs.

Ai Tutu complained: "Why is there no clue of the shadow monster! I have been looking for so long and I haven't found a single hair."

Zhao Manyan and the others also agreed very much. Even if they found it, it would be the tail hair that had turned into powder. They didn't know where the shadow monster had run away.

"So annoying! So annoying!" Ai Tutu started her exclusive way of digestion.

The few people just listened quietly. Mu Nujiao sat aside with a stiff face. She was almost embarrassed to death.

"We have searched several processing plants in the city today. We have checked quite a lot. Only this one is left. As expected, we will find it tomorrow!" Fan Jian broke the atmosphere and took out a small map from his pocket and pointed to an area on the side of the Magic City.

"Okay, let's go there and look for it then." Everyone nodded and dispersed.


Fan Jian walked into a long, deep alley. Several lights that could only illuminate a few meters away were hung on the wall.

He came to a wooden door surrounded by a bluestone wall. The wooden door was a bit old. Fan Jian saw through the gap that there was a yard inside, with several old trees that had lost all their leaves, and a messy yard.

He remembered that there were several people from the Black Church in this yard, as well as several black beasts. It could be said that it was a small stronghold.

Looking through the gap to check the situation inside, I saw a man wearing a half mask and a black cloak standing on the steps, and several black beasts were lying below.

"Waste, are you all waste?! You can't even accomplish this!" The man in the black cloak spoke very viciously, holding a long whip in his hand, and madly whipped the two gray-robed believers lying on the ground in front of him.

"Priest, Priest! We were wrong, we were wrong!

The target was rescued, and the death of the rest is all our fault!"

The several gray-robed believers lying on the ground screamed and wailed, begging for mercy, hoping that the other party would stop waving the whip in his hand.

"Haha, nothing!" He swung the whip again fiercely, whipping them directly on the face, several blood marks appeared, and their bodies were also torn apart.

Yu Ang, who lost five men at once, looked angry, and the anger kept burning in his heart. The whip kept whipping on several old trees, and whip marks appeared on the trunks.

The two gray-clothed believers who were lying on the ground trembled even more. They knew that if the priest was really angry, there would be only one consequence, that is, they would be refined into black beasts!

They were covered in blood and kept begging for mercy and kowtowed desperately.

Fan Jian wanted to laugh when he saw this scene. These people from the Black Church with twisted and dark hearts would actually be afraid? They could even cruelly capture their own relatives and refine them into black beasts to join the Black Church. They would be so afraid?

"It's okay. You two continue to work for me. If you do well, there will definitely be rewards. If you don't do well, then..." Yu Ang regained his composure. His emotions were changeable, and no one could guess what he was thinking.

The two gray-clothed believers kept kowtowed to thank Yu Ang.

Yu Ang's eyes were calm, and he ordered several black beasts to pick them up and go to the backyard.


The wooden door was suddenly kicked open fiercely. Yu Ang looked up and saw no trace of people.

Then a wave of water rushed in and became more and more violent, like an angry water beast. In an instant, the whole yard was filled. Yu Ang jumped up and stood on the eaves, laughing wildly, with a hint of joy, looking at a figure in the water waves.

"Hey, long time no see, why do you feel that you have become more trashy!" Fan Jian looked at Yu Ang with a smile, his eyes shining. It was a rare opportunity, and he actually caught Yu Ang, a bastard.

"Hahahaha, hahahaha, Fan Jian, I didn't expect it to be an old acquaintance, you actually delivered it to me!" Yu Ang laughed loudly, and his face became a little distorted.

"What are you laughing at! Ugly freak, what's so good about your broken face? Do you really think it's handsome to wear half a mask?" Fan Jian cursed at Yu Ang, pointing directly at his face.

Yuang's original wild laughter suddenly stopped, and his whole person became gloomy, with vicious eyes.

After this half of his face was destroyed, anyone who said a word with this would be caught by him and chopped into pieces to feed the black beast. Even if someone took out a mirror, he would kill them on the spot!

"Haha, do you think you are very strong? Dare to go against our Black Church, I will make your end very miserable, and it will be worse than death!" Yuang said coldly.

"I'm not afraid of you!" Fan Jian looked directly at Yuang, and the violent waves under his feet supported Fan Jian, exceeding the height of all the houses in this courtyard.

The violent waves hit hard, and the powerful impact caused the bricks and tiles of these houses, the trees in the yard, the stone tables, etc. to fall all over the place.

The waves kept hitting, and this relatively old house collapsed directly and turned into ruins. A cold breath began to emanate from Yu Ang's body, and some of the waves that hit him were directly frozen and turned into ice cubes and fell below.

"You will die, very miserably, I said!" Yu Ang said with a cold face and viciously.

With his hands raised, the ice-blue star map under his feet suddenly unfolded and depicted at an extremely fast speed. The ice lock burst out and locked Fan Jian with a cold breath.

"What a joke, I'm not ordinary water, and I still want to freeze it!" Fan Jian snorted coldly, and the waves that were frozen into ice cubes broke through the ice layer and poured out, covering Yu Ang from above, like a light blue big hand, slapping it hard, with a huge momentum.

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