Venerable Yuan

Chapter 39 Encountering the Enemy

In the dark forest, towering trees stand tall, with withered yellow leaves covering the ground. Deep in the thick leaves, there are faint shadows passing by, full of danger.

In an open space in the forest, Zhou Yuan was lying low, his whole body tense, and his eyes fixed on the front. There, a source beast with a dark body and silver horns was staring at him with its cold beast eyes. Looking at him.

This is the silver-horned beast, a first-grade source beast.


The body of the silver-horned beast slowly crawled, and in the next moment, it shot out violently, like a black shadow, with a thick fishy smell, and shot directly at Zhou Yuan.

"Dragon Step!"

The silver-horned beast was so fast that Zhou Yuan did not dare to slack off. His steps moved diagonally, and his body was vaguely blurry.


The silver-horned beast's sharp claws brushed against Zhou Yuan's face.

Zhou Yuan clenched his five fingers tightly, the Source Qi light stream wrapped around his fist, and directly punched the silver-horned beast's back hard.


The silver-horned beast let out a wail and landed heavily, making a hole in the ground. However, when it landed, its tail whizzed out like an iron whip and hit Zhou Yuan's arm.

Zhou Yuan's figure was swept away, and he stepped on the ground for more than ten steps before he stabilized.

Ignoring the burning pain in his arm, Zhou Yuan pounced again, slapping his palm horizontally, and all the Origin Qi in his body surged along the meridians and poured into his palm.

"Dragon Monument Hand, Broken Mountain!"

The sound of low shouts echoed through the breaking wind, and there seemed to be a faint sonic boom.


Before the silver-horned beast could get up, Zhou Yuan hit it hard on the head with a fierce punch. Immediately, its hard skull was shattered, and the body of the silver-horned beast fell to the ground.

After killing the silver-horned beast with one punch, Zhou Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense body seemed to relax.


However, at the moment when he was relaxing, a black shadow suddenly shot out from the shadow of the big tree behind him, its sharp fangs flashed with cold light, and bit Zhou Yuan's throat fiercely.

"Martial form!"

A low drink suddenly sounded.

Light surged in Zhou Yuan's hand, and a mottled black pen about a foot long appeared. The tip of the pen was covered with snow-white hairs, like the sharp tip of a lotus bud, with wisps of Origin Qi wrapped around it. With a swishing sound, it pierced the air, pierced through the open bloody mouth of the black shadow, stabbed it through, and nailed it to the tree trunk.

Zhou Yuan held the end of the Tianyuan pen in his hand. When he looked up, he saw a thick black snake nailed to the trunk of the tree, with blood pouring from it.

This is the Shadow Python, also a first-grade source beast.

"Still want to come?" Zhou Yuan smiled at the snake corpse. At the beginning, he suffered a lot. If his soul had not entered the virtual realm and his perception was sharp, he might have encountered this thing for the first time. and was devoured.

Zhou Yuan withdrew the Tianyuan pen, transformed it into a writing form, and inserted it into his waist. Then he bent down and picked up the corpse of the python and the silver-horned beast, and walked out of the forest step by step.

After leaving the forest and walking for ten minutes, we came to a valley. On the edge of the creek, Yaoyao sat on the green rock, stretched out her jade feet into the cold stream, and played leisurely in the water. In the creek, Tuntun was moving back and forth, chasing the swimming fish.

Hearing the sound, Yaoyao turned her head and took a look and said, "This time it's not bad, at least I wasn't injured."

Zhou Yuan threw the bodies of the two Origin Beasts on the ground. He was a little embarrassed when he heard this. This was already his fifth day in the Black Forest Mountains, and he had barely adapted to fighting with the Origin Beasts.

However, on his first day, his whole body was covered with scars, and there was a claw mark on his chest, which was so deep that his bones were visible. Only then did Zhou Yuan understand what was missing between sparring and life-and-death combat.

These origin beasts have survived through challenges, and they are all cunning and ruthless. If they are treated as captive pigs and sheep that can be killed at will, then Zhou Yuan may not be able to leave this mountain range.

However, these days of fighting again and again, although extremely dangerous, have changed Zhou Yuan a lot. In the past, Zhou Yuan had a bookish air, like a frail scholar.

But now, when he enters the fighting state, he has a sharp aura.

"Collect the beast's blood. Only take the blood from the heart. The evil spirit is the strongest." Yaoyao threw out two jade bottles and said.

Zhou Yuan caught it, nodded, and then used a knife to cut open the skin and flesh of the two origin beasts, collected the blood, and put it into a jade bottle.

"So far, you have killed fifteen origin beasts, and there are still eleven to go." Yaoyao stood up, stepped on the rock with her bare jade feet, her skin was as white as snow, making the surrounding light shine. A little bleaker.

Zhou Yuan nodded. The so-called "Thirty-Six Beasts to Open Vein Patterns" requires thirty-six different first-grade source beasts, so it will also take some time. But there is no rush. He will stay here for a while anyway, which is just right. Train yourself.

He could feel that here, he was getting stronger every day. It was not a change in strength, but a psychological change. At least, he was confident that if he faced the situation he had just entered a few days ago, He in the Black Forest Mountains, as he is now, will win easily.

When Zhou Yuan was hunting the Origin Beasts one after another in the Black Forest Mountains, something happened in the Great Zhou City. The most noteworthy one was that the Prince of Qi's Mansion was robbed. It is said that a very important item was lost. The whole Prince Qi's mansion was razed with everything, and in the end, the whole city was searched for thieves, causing a great uproar.

But after all, this was the matter of Prince Qi's Mansion, so everyone just watched, gloated, and stopped paying attention.

Da da!

On the second day after Prince Qi's Mansion was stolen, Qi Ling, the steward of Prince Qi's Mansion, led a group of people out of the city and headed straight towards the Black Forest Mountains. It was said that they discovered traces of the thieves.

At the entrance of the Black Forest Mountains, Qi Ling stood with his hands behind his back, his sunken eyes staring at the mountains like a hawk.

"Master Qi, people have entered the Black Forest Mountains and are approaching the target." Someone behind him reported in a low voice.

Qi Ling nodded slightly and said: "Get ready to search the mountain. Make the noise louder. Let's go to the direction of Lu Tieshan."

"Yes!" The person behind him responded in a low voice, and then with a wave of his hand, dozens of figures shot out and flew directly towards the mountains.

Half a day later.

Somewhere in the mountains, Lu Tieshan, who was sitting cross-legged in front of a big tree, suddenly opened his eyes, staring at the forest ahead with sharp eyes, and said sternly: "Who?!"

Behind him, several figures also held the swords beside them, and the source energy in their bodies was circulating.

"Haha, brother Lu, don't be nervous, it's me." There was laughter coming from the forest, and Qi Ling led the people out.

"Qi Ling?" Lu Tieshan was startled and frowned: "What are you doing here?"

"The palace was robbed. The thief seems to have hidden in the Black Forest Mountains. I will lead people to chase him." Qi Ling said helplessly.

Lu Tieshan frowned slightly. He had also heard about the events in Prince Qi's Mansion in the past two days. However, he seemed as strong as a bear, but he was also cautious, otherwise he would not be able to be the commander of the imperial army, so he relaxed his vigilance, but still turned his head to face After getting ready, the Imperial Guard said: "Send two people to protect His Highness."

The two Imperial Guards immediately responded and retreated quietly.

Qi Ling looked at this scene with a smile, and greeted Lu Tieshan with a smile, but he waved his hand lightly behind his back, and there seemed to be a black shadow retreating in the dark.

In the valley, Yaoyao was sitting on a rock, her long legs curled up, hugging Tuntun, her black hair hanging down, with ancient cypress trees behind her, and yellow leaves falling. This scene was as beautiful as a painting.


Suddenly, Tuntun, who was lazily in Yaoyao's arms, suddenly opened his eyes, looked into the darkness not far away, and let out a low roar from his throat.

Yaoyao Liu frowned slightly and raised her pretty face to look in that direction.

"Hey, I didn't expect to meet such a top-notch little beauty in this deep mountain." A voice full of anger sounded from the darkness, and then two figures slowly walked out.

The two figures were both heavy-backed and bear-like. The leader had tattoos on his face and his eyes were full of ferocity. At this moment, he was staring at the beautiful figure not far away with eyes as hot as lava, as if he was swallowing the latter in one bite. Average.

"Luo Tong, go deal with that target, he's not far away." The man with the tattoo on his face pointed to the other person at the forest not far away and said.

Although he was talking, his eyes were fixed on Yaoyao, unable to move away.

"That boy should be able to open the fourth meridians. With your ability to open the sixth meridians, you can easily solve it."

When the man named Luo Tong heard this, although he was a little reluctant, he still did not dare to go against the tattooed man's words. After all, the latter had entered the Qi-nurturing realm.

"Boss, you have to save a bite of such a top-quality product for me. I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life." Na Luo Tong licked his mouth and said.

"Haha, don't worry, I will definitely wait for you to come back, but you have to hurry up." The tattooed man's eyes were lustful and he smiled.

"Okay." After hearing this, Luo Tong nodded with satisfaction, and then shot out quickly and flew into the forest.

Seeing Luo Tong leave, the tattooed man smiled and walked towards Yaoyao who was sitting there motionless. He looked at the latter's enchanting skills and suffocatingly delicate cheeks, and felt a fire in his body. Burning.

"Little beauty, come and have fun with me, I will take pity on you." On Yaoyao's body, the tattooed man did not feel the slightest fluctuation of source energy, so he did not have the slightest scruple, and his eyes scanned Yaoyao unscrupulously. On the delicate body, he said with a smile.

Yaoyao glanced at him indifferently, and there was no fluctuation in her bright eyes. The calm look made the tattooed man startled, and then he faintly felt that something was not right.


However, before he could make any other moves, Yaoyao's red lips were slightly parted, and her clear and sweet voice was completely cold at this moment.

As Yaoyao's voice fell, the tattooed man's pupils suddenly shrank, and then he saw with a horrified expression that Tuntun, who was lying in Yaoyao's arms like a pet, began to swell, and his hair began to scatter. Instead, there were red scales, and the pair of red beast eyes also carried boundless ferocity. In the slightly opened beast mouth, there was a faint black light emerging, as if it could swallow all things.

In just a short moment, the originally cute little pet turned into a ferocious mysterious beast, and an astonishing sense of oppression was slowly released from its body.

In the new month, if you have votes, please vote for Yuan Zun. Thank you. (To be continued)

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