Yukima brought a few people to the second floor.

He placed Eriri’s room next to Kasumigaoka Utaha.

It happened that Yukima bought a house number two days ago.

Now it can be used.

Yukima took out a blank house number from a box of the same.

He wrote the words”Sawamura Spencer Eriri” on it and hung it at the door of Eriri’s room.

“The katakana is so badly written!”

Eriri complained while looking at her houseplate.

Although she said so herself, the corners of her mouth were harder to suppress than the 8x Mirror Pineapple.

They were about to curl up to the sky.

Yukima Fuchi was a little helpless.

He really couldn’t write the katakana of the Land of Sakura well. There was nothing he could do.

He took out another blank houseplate from the box.

Yukima Fuchi wrote the words”Kasumigaoka Utaha” and hung it at the door of Kasumigaoka.

Kasumigaoka looked at his own sect.

Then he looked at the box of blank houseplates of Yukima Fuchi.

So, he pinched Yukima Fuchi’s waist without leaving a trace.

Yukima Fuchi held back.

There was no way.

He had to pay a price.

Kato Megumi, holding Bai Yumaru, stood in the distance, looking at this scene and fell into deep thought.

After moving Eriri’s things, they returned to the living room.

“The character design and cover image are here. One third of the CG illustrations in the game are completed.”

Eriri spread her work on the table. Yukima looked at it.

There was basically nothing to modify.

When drawing the character design,

Eriri contacted Yukima on 1ine.

The two had already made a revision. With the standard character design

, Eriri’s superb illustration skills made it very unlikely to fail.

But the deadline seemed a little tight.

Kasumigaoka Utaha also took out a stack of manuscript paper.

“The script is finished, but this is my first time writing a script, so I may not be able to spot the problems myself.

Eriri and Yukima Fuchi took it and read it.

Kasumigaoka’s writing is delicate and her writing skills are beyond doubt.


, after reading it, Eriri frowned.

“I always feel like something is missing.”

Kasumigaoka ignored her and turned to look at Yukima Fuchi.

Coincidentally, Yukima Fuchi had also finished reading the script.

“As a story, it is absolutely qualified, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it deserves full marks.”

“But the senior sister should have written light novels in the past, so she didn’t notice it for a while.”

“As a game script, the story should have multiple options in terms of details.”

“From the perspective of choice, the final result will be several different endings. This script is fine as the final good ending.”

Xia Zhiqiu nodded when she heard this.

She was indeed used to writing light novels.

She forgot this point.

“That’s what I want to say!”

Eri raised her hand and shouted

“A guy who hasn’t even finished his work has the nerve to be picky.”

Kasumigaoka curled his lips

“Hey, the workload for illustration is very heavy, okay?.!”

“The scripting work is equally arduous, but it is still a human problem.”

“Can paintings and words be the same?”

“How about you write the script?”

“Damn! Only this…”Evil fat woman in black stockings.”

The two of them started arguing again.

Yukima Yuan sat next to Kato Megumi who was watching.

Shiratamaru nestled in Kato Megumi’s arms, looking quite contented.

Yukima Yuan stretched out his hand and scratched Shiratamaru’s chin.

Because he was in Kato Megumi’s arms, he couldn’t help but touch Kato Megumi’s legs a little.

But looking at Kato Megumi’s appearance, she didn’t care.

“Hui, come to the club and be a game tester.”

Xuejianyuan suddenly said.

The locust girl just now, holding the cat and watching, looked a little lonely.

And the club really needs someone to test the game.

“”Eh? But I don’t understand these things.”

Kato Megumi seemed a little surprised

“It doesn’t matter, it’s better to say this”

“The senior is a light novel writer, and Eriri is an illustrator. When they play the works, it is inevitable that they are blinded by one leaf.”

“If they look at our work from their own professional perspective, the objectivity of the test will be lost.”

“After all, after our game is released, the main audience will be ordinary players, not professionals.”

Kato Megumi blinked her locust eyes. She looked confused, as if to say,”Is that so?”

“”That’s fine, but are senior and Sawamura okay?”

At this time,

Kasumigaoka and Eriri had stopped arguing.

They looked at Yukima Fuchi with a gloomy look.

“Senior, Eriri, anyway, this is the situation. Hui will be our new member from now on, is that okay?”

Yukima Yuan put his hands together, looking like he was asking for help.

“You’ve already made the decision, why are you asking us?”

“That’s right!”

Kasumigaoka and Eriri’s opinions were rarely the same.

However, although they said so, they obviously had no objection to Kato Megumi joining.

If it were someone else , they would have rejected her without mercy.

Although they had only known Kato Megumi since the start of school, they had already unconsciously regarded Kato Megumi as a friend.

Megumi had such a special ability. And there were very few people who could be regarded as friends by Kasumigaoka and Eriri.

“Great! To celebrate Hui joining the club, let’s eat red bean rice today!”

Xuejianyuan raised his hand and cheered.

“Gu Dujun, did you forget something?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu rolled her eyes. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“What about programming? Yuan, you are not just urging us to finish the work, but you are not doing anything yourself!”

Eri also got angry at this time. Yukima

Yuan shook his head.

“How could that be?”

He took out his computer and displayed the program inside.

It was a fairly complete game system. The entire framework had been built and could run normally.

Next, it was only necessary to fill it with the necessary content.

The game could then enter the internal testing phase.

Looking at the game program on Yukima Yuan’s computer,

Kasumigaoka Shiyuu frowned in confusion.

She had not seen Yukima Yuan writing any programs in the past few days.

But the completion of this game program.

Even if seven or eight programmers worked together, it would take at least two or three days.

Eriri had already grown her mouth.

“When did you make it? It’s amazing. It looks like it was outsourced.”

Xue Jianyuan nodded in agreement.

“Of course it does, because this is outsourcing that costs money.”



Seeing the two of them looking confused[]

Xue Jianyuan couldn’t help but chuckle

“A few days ago, I registered a company to be responsible for the game production and subsequent promotion and sales of our club.”

“The company was already open, so I hired some programmers and assigned them the job of game programming.”

After hearing Xuejianyuan’s explanation, the three girls were a little stunned.

Normally, would someone start a company specifically because of the achievements of a school club?

Where did this fool come from?

“”You’ll be a good boy if the game doesn’t sell!”

Eriri complained.

But she made a decision in her heart.

When the game comes out, she will persuade her mother to buy a hundred copies.

Anyway, she can give them to otaku friends for promotion.

In short, buy more.

And Kasumigaoka Utaha thought even simpler. If the company loses, it loses.

If Yukimabuchi goes bankrupt, she will just support him.

In the evening,

Yukimabuchi really cooked red bean rice.

In the Land of Sakura, red bean rice is also called azuki bean rice, which has the meaning of celebration.

It is usually to celebrate a happy marriage, the addition of a child to the family, or birthdays, weddings and the like.

This kind of celebration represents attention and also has a strong connection attribute.

Kato Megumi silently helped in the kitchen.

Eriri was playing with the cat in the living room

“.Come here, Shiratamaru.”

Eriri stretched out her hand to greet him. Shiratamaru has a high IQ. He can now understand some words and respond to his own name.

Hearing Eriri’s call, he walked in front of Eriri with a cat step.

Finally, he jumped into Eriri’s arms. His two little paws stepped on Eriri’s legs.

Holding Shiratamaru,

Eriri looked at Kasumigaoka provocatively. Kasumigaoka rolled her eyes.

This stupid pear.

He couldn’t see the threat of Kato Megumi at all.

And at this moment.

Shiratamaru jumped out of Eriri’s arms.

He trotted all the way, and finally jumped into Kasumigaoka’s arms. His two little paws stepped on Kasumigaoka’s black silk legs.

Shiratamaru: Well, this time it’s right.

Kasumigaoka was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed out loud.

“Damn it, fat woman in black stockings, you actually used despicable means to seduce Bai Yuwan!”

Ying Lili was a little furious.

“Sawamura-san, please do some reading. This is a cat stepping on milk, which is a normal behavior pattern for kittens.”

“Baiyuwan chose me, which only means that you really don’t have any feelings for Sawamura-san. Don’t use yellow garbage to explain everything, okay?”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled murderously.

“Damn it! Baiyumaru, come here quickly, don’t play with that bad woman!” Eriri took a cat toy from the side and tried to win her favor.

Baiyumaru hesitated for a moment.

Finally, he ran to the cat toy.

Kasumigaoka Utaha didn’t take it seriously.

He’ll just get a cat stick later.

The atmosphere during dinner was weird.

Because the dishes made by Yukimabuchi were really beyond the category of delicious.

Eriri and Kato Megumi also began to wonder if Yukimabuchi added any strange ingredients. Yukimabuchi

: I’m so innocent!

After dinner,

Eriri held a digital tablet and continued to work on the illustrations. Kasumigaoka also began to write the script for the branch plot.

Kato Megumi washed the dishes and prepared to leave.

At the entrance,

Yukimabuchi looked at the sky outside, which had completely turned dark.

“Otherwise, stay overnight.”

“Um…Wouldn’t that be bad?”

“What’s wrong with that? I’m worried about Hui going home alone.”

“That…I’m going to buy pajamas and towels.”

“Okay, I’ll go with you.” The first time is new, the second time is familiar.

Last time, because I fell asleep in the living room, I stayed overnight.

The two of them started to talk about staying overnight in a more ambiguous way. It ‘s getting so late, it’s not safe to go back, let’s stay overnight! The sun is so hot, I’ll get sunburned if I go back, let’s stay overnight! Ah, it’s still early today, and the weather is comfortable

…Baiyuwan misses you, please stay overnight!

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