Yukima Fuchi has been working hard until now.

Just to be able to communicate with the person across the table in a casual tone in this kind of occasion.

Otherwise, why would he make such a plan

? Wouldn’t it be better to marry Eriri and live off her?

Or marry Kasumigaoka, who can live off her as well.

“It doesn’t matter.” Yukima waved his hand.”I was just thinking of talking to you two about this.”

Seeing Yukima’s humble and polite attitude, the Goto couple felt relieved. As long as they didn’t mess things up, it was good.


“When I was in elementary school, my family encountered some accidents, and now I am the only one left at home.”

Yukima said lightly.

The Goto couple was hit hard.

It’s screwed!

It’s absolutely screwed!

“”I’m so sorry, Yukima-kun! I didn’t mean to bring this up.”

Mr. Goto explained in a panic.

Mrs. Goto stretched out her hand and twisted her husband’s waist.

Mr. Goto grimaced in pain.

But he didn’t dare to make a sound at this time.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. After all, I brought it up on my own initiative. You don’t have to mind it, uncle or auntie.”

Yukima Fuchi spoke to ease the atmosphere.

The two of them calmed down.

However, there was more pity in their eyes when they looked at Yukima Fuchi.

How old is this child? He has to live alone since elementary school.

He must have suffered a lot over the years!

If it wasn’t a bit presumptuous, the Goto couple wanted Yukima Fuchi to move here directly.

However, Yukima Fuchi’s next words made the two of them dumbfounded.

“I am currently studying at Fengzhizaki Academy, and my age is the same as Xiaodu.”

“In addition to high school students, I have been learning shogi since I was a child and am currently a professional 7th dan”

“Although the income of professional chess players is not stable, so far this year”

“The income from the official tournament prize money is about this.”

Yukima Fuchi raised his hand and wrote an approximate number on his palm.

For an ordinary family, the prize money that Yukima Fuchi earned from the official tournament was also a rather exaggerated number.

As mentioned before, professional shogi players are a very lucrative profession in the Land of Sakura.

After all, it is too difficult to enter the professional field.

Every year, there are only a handful of people who can successfully pass the seminar assessment and be promoted to the reward meeting.

Not to mention the professions above that.

At present, there is not even a female professional shogi player, which is a glimpse.

Yukima Fuchi is a professional 7th dan.

Even if he is a dozen years older, he is definitely a depth bomb in the dating world of the Land of Sakura.

The Goto couple were stunned by the sudden turn.

The boy in front of them was obviously not what they thought.

Even if he had suffered a lot before.

But now, he has been reborn like a phoenix and soared to the sky.

“So uncle and aunt don’t have to worry about me at all. I will definitely be able to take good care of little Lonely in the future.”

After taking back his hand, Xuejianyuan sat upright, looking like a good boy.

It took the Goto couple a long time to come back to their senses.

“ah…So that’s it”

“Um…I feel like we’re old.”

“Yes, you two young people should make your own decisions.”

“Right, young people should decide for yourselves.”

As they talked, the two of them got up and went to their rooms.

They also took Goto Jiri who was climbing on Yukino Fuchi away.

Little Gudu was stunned.

She was so nervous just now. She was afraid that her parents and Yukino Fuchi would have a quarrel.

After all, there were often such plots in the works she watched.

Parents opposed love, and then the two of them were separated by life and death.

As a result, things went in an unexpected direction.

“Yuanjun…You don’t have to be like this.”

For a long time, Xiao Gudu only said this.

Hearing this, Xue Jianyuan knew what Xiao Gudu meant.

He reached out and held up Xiao Gudu’s soft cheek.

“Don’t worry, we just need to keep our relationship like this.”

“I came here just because I don’t want you to be embarrassed”

“Little Lonely can be confused, but she should at least give her parents some peace of mind.”

As he said this, Xuejianyuan pinched Little Lonely’s cheek.

This girl really can’t bear the weight of a girlfriend or wife.

Instead, she thinks it’s better to be a lover.

How can there be such a fool in the world ?

“Moreover.”Yukima Fuchi looked into Xiao Gudu’s eyes.”You have decided not to regret it, so I certainly won’t give you a chance to regret it.”

Xiao Gudu collapsed in Yukima Fuchi’s hand as if she had no bones.

She fell.

In short, she felt that she could not escape from his palm.

At noon, she had red bean rice at Goto’s house.

After that, Yukima Fuchi said goodbye to the four people of Goto’s family one by one.

After leaving Goto’s house, the scorching sun was hanging high above his head.

Yukima Fuchi raised his head and shielded the sun with his hands.

In short, be more serious about work.

If there is no way to rule the Kingdom of Sakura and change the laws of the Kingdom of Sakura in the future, then there will be no way to get married.

Correspondingly, more basic guarantees must be given to the girls.

Although Yukima Fuchi did not mention the Laplace Society in the Goto family.

However, what he will give to Xiao Gudu in the future is definitely not what a professional shogi player can give.

He called a taxi on the side of the road.

Yukima Fuchi got in the car.

He said to the driver:

“Go to Shibuya District.” He paused.”Laplace Building.”

The taxi driver was stunned for a moment.

Then he took out his mobile phone to confirm the location. He searched on the map.

Soon he found the Laplace Building that Yukima mentioned.

The car drove out.

“Young man, are you an employee of this company?”

On the way, the driver started chatting with Xue Jianyuan.

“Well, kind of.”

“Oh wow, that’s amazing, you have a bright future!”

“It’s okay, it’s just a small company that just started”

“Hey, in today’s environment, how can a small company buy an office building all at once? It definitely has great potential!”

“Haha, I’ll take your good words then.” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

While chatting, the taxi also arrived at the office building.

Xue Jianyuan paid the fare and got off the car.

He looked up.

The high-rise office building completely blocked the sun, so there was no need to worry about the glare of the sun.

The original sign of the office building had been removed.

Now, on the outer wall of the high-rise of the office building, numerous LCD screens formed five words:

Laplace Society.


Xue Jianyuan bought this office building.

Now, this office building belongs to Laplace Society.

Renting is just a stopgap measure.

Who would rent if they have money?

Let the employees see that they can’t afford it for us! []

Who can use such a small office area!

Add one more floor for each department office! One floor for each person!

Ahem….It might be a bit difficult to have one floor per person.

Anyway, from the perspective of the future.

In the few years after the economic bubble of Sakura Country burst, buying this office building will definitely not be a loss-making deal.

The economy of Sakura Country will recover in the future, and housing prices will rebound.

Even if the problem of aging population in Sakura Country appears later, and some houses in the suburbs begin to be vacant.

But this office building located in Shibuya District, Tokyo, the most prosperous area in the core of the entire Sakura Country, is still impossible to lose money.

Moreover, Yukima Fuchi wants to recruit real talents.

Laplace wants to grab the cake of the future.

Naturally, it should also take a corresponding attitude.

Otherwise, which genius would be willing to work here?

The news of buying this office building has made a lot of noise.

After all, at this time, few people will buy housing products in a big way.

Regardless of the good or bad evaluation of this transaction by the outside world, at least the popularity has increased.

Even the taxi drivers in Shibuya District know: Ah! It is the company that suddenly bought the office building.

A glimpse of the leopard can reveal a glimpse of the leopard.

He walked into the office building smoothly.

The security guards at the door saluted when they saw him. There was no classic plot of being looked down upon and ridiculed by the security guards. Almost everyone who can work in the Laplace building knows Yukima Yuan. Although Yukima Yuan has not shown up in the company since the building was purchased and the staff was expanded. After Yukima Yuan walked into the elevator and swiped his card to press the upper floor, many employees in the lobby on the first floor began to talk about it.

“”That guy just now is our president? He’s too young!””

“He is even more handsome in person than in the photo, he is definitely the protagonist in a domineering CEO novel!”

“Who was it that said sarcastically that the president’s photo was over-Photoshopped and looked like a mannequin?”

“Didn’t you think so at first? Who would have thought that he was really so handsome?”

Several receptionists gathered together and chattered.

The elevator went up and stopped on the 22nd floor.

Xue Jianyuan walked out of the elevator, crossed the quiet corridor, and came to the office at the end.


As the door knocked, a woman’s majestic voice came from inside.

“Come in.”

Xuejianyuan pushed open the door and saw Yukinoshita Yukino buried in front of the desk, busy without even raising her head.

“”Which department are you from? What’s the matter?”

After a long time without getting a response,

Yukino frowned and looked up.

As a result, she saw that Yukino had already walked over to her.

Seeing that familiar and heart-warming face, the frost on her face quickly melted, her brows relaxed, and a smile unconsciously appeared on the corners of her mouth.

Yukino walked behind her and put his hand on her slender shoulders.

The muscles were very stiff. She must have kept the same posture for a long time.

He put a little force on his hands, looking for the meridians in the shoulders and neck, and massaged them to relax them.


The majestic Ms. Yukino let out a soft cry.

Feeling the palm massaging her, her sore shoulders were quickly relieved.

“Excuse me, is there anything you can do for me? I feel a little uneasy about the president’s sudden attention to me. Although she said that, her tone did not sound uneasy at all.

Instead, she was trying to hide her shyness. Even if she was determined to pursue Yukino Fuchi, she still felt a little embarrassed to suddenly enjoy a massage.

“Wow, what a sad comment.”

“I did not mean it…”

“Eh? There is no way to go all the way here. If I apologize so seriously, I will be embarrassed.”

Yukino looked up, her black hair hanging in the air and scattered behind her.

Her eyes looked upside down at Yukino Fuchi behind her.

Her cheeks were slightly puffed up.

“In short, what is Yuanjun doing here?”

“Let’s take a look at the company’s situation. After all, I am the president.”

“I’m shocked that you have this awareness.”

“Yukino is the one who does things too hands-on. How about hiring a secretary to help share the work?”

“Forget it”

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