Cang Na said directly.

"I know. As for the reason why I said will know after reading this."

Kanzaki Yang stretched out his hand, and a golden holy power projectile gradually condensed in the air.

"Holy power!? Yangjun, are you a member of the church? No, Yangjun, haven't you been in Juwang Town since you were a child?"

There is no church power in Kuoh Town, and the only ones related to the church are the evil fallen angels who occupy the church and the church.

"Holy power and magic power restrain each other. Is this why, President, you said that?"

Sona sighed.

I have to say that it is really a pity for Kanzaki Yang that she cannot be reincarnated as a demon.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 12

Now that they have displayed the Holy Power, Rias and Sona cannot let Kanzaki Haru endure the pain of Holy Power and magic existing in his body at the same time and become a demon.

No......... Before again, it was hard to say whether the reincarnation ceremony would be successful or not.

"But how does the president possess the holy power when he is not a relevant member of the church?"

Shinra Chunji was very confused.

Theoretically, only high-level angels or enchanted props can possess holy power.

Angels and exorcists generally use light with holy attributes.

"I don't know either. I naturally awakened when I met a lost demon." Kanzaki Yang could only make sense of this.

It's impossible to say - I have gained the divinity of the God of the Bible, not just the holy power, but if you pray to me, I can also gain faith~

For Kanzaki Yang, it seems that he can also gain the power of faith from the devil's prayers.

Heaven cannot do this due to the existence of the system, but Kanzaki Yang can successfully absorb the power of faith from the devil as long as he controls the mechanism of the Ark's red ball.

The reason why Heaven does not do this is also very simple, because if it is exposed, it may directly lead to the collapse of the existing belief system.

Kanzaki Yang doesn't have to worry about this kind of thing, because... he doesn't have his own belief system at all.

"Is there such a possibility?"

After listening to Kanzaki Yang's explanation, Sona suddenly thought of a possibility.

"President, you are actually the descendant of a certain hero with sacred attributes. You just lost the method of awakening in the inheritance. You happened to be awakened in the president's generation?"

Sona gave a seemingly reasonable explanation.

"There is indeed such a possibility."

Rias also believed Sona's speculation.

"But Mr. Yang, you don't have to worry about being enemies with us demons after awakening the Holy Power~ After all, Mr. Yang, you don't belong to any force now~"

After saying this, Rias hugged Kanzaki Haru's hand again, perhaps because of her competitive mentality with Sona.

Sure enough, women must be good at using their own advantages (laughs).

"Well, anyway, thank you Cangna for thinking about me. Before, Cangna wanted to use the admission notice from Stanford University to keep me away from here, right?"


Sona nodded slightly.

Rias looked at Sona in surprise.

So is this the reason for Sona? She thought Sona wanted to move Kanzaki Yang to a place where it was difficult for her to see her, and then she continued to contact Kanzaki Yang herself?

As one of the few male friends the two of them shared, Rias felt that it was too much for Sona to do all kinds of things without telling her (pregnancy before marriage), so she came here.

As we talked, we realized that this was a misunderstanding.

Now that she finally knew the reason why Cang Na did this, she couldn't help but lower her head slightly.

"Ah la ah la~ Minister, you are really cute~"

Himejima Akeno, who was watching the show and eating at the door, was very happy.

"Well, in general, it's the fault of some people who casually spread the news that shouldn't be spread."

Shinra Tsubaki pushed up her glasses and looked at Akeno.

Those were the channels through which Rias received the information. Akeno was the most likely, followed by Koneko and Kiba Yuto. However, no matter what, it was definitely impossible for the news to come from their side.

"Ah~ It's really scary~ I'm just stating a fact~"

Akeno was still smiling.

Shinra Chunhime is her equal, and at most he can only complain about her a little bit.


After Rias left, Kanzaki Yang took out a map from the student union room.

"President? What are you doing with this map?"

Sona was very surprised that Kanzaki Yang didn't just take out a map.

There are various levels such as world map, Asia map, neon map, Kuou Town map, etc.

"You may have felt it before. Something came outside Kuoh Town. I'm looking at why that location was chosen."

Well, this is Kanzaki Haramei’s reason.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence? My sister said there were no results on her side."

Sona picked up a piece of information and didn't care much about this kind of thing.

Because according to Serafall, things at that level are of no use to them, so they don't need to care.

Besides, the world has not changed on the surface so far. At most, there are undercurrents surging due to the arrival of that thing.

"Well, just think of it as a little bit of interest of mine."

Kanzaki Yang smiled, the apparent reason was of course false.

His real purpose is to determine the location of Orpheus.

Using the current time point as the judgment, divide the world map into two parts, determine which area Orpheus is in, and then use the dichotomy method to divide it continuously.

In this way, the coordinates of Orpheus can be obtained.

Using a certain point in time in the future as the basic condition, we can accurately determine that Orpheus will appear at a certain point in time at a certain point in the future.

Although this will consume more judgments, Kanzaki Yang feels that it is worth it.

Because - he felt that Ophis' power was necessary!

In order to activate the shuttle function of the Ark's red ball, at least the power of Orpheus or even more than Orpheus is needed.

The True Red Dragon God Emperor is trapped in the dimensional gap, and Kanzaki Yang currently does not have the strength to survive in the dimensional gap.

Then... the only thing left to do is focus on Ophis in the human world.

Simply obtaining godhood is not enough, you also need...some other things.

After a while, Kanzaki Yang found the current location of Ophis.

"Is it within the ancient Eastern Kingdom? Yes, Cao Cao will place her in a place he is familiar with."

Although the old Demon King Faction is still alive and has not been wiped out one by one, the old Demon King Faction is still frightened by Cao Cao's Holy Spear of Twilight and acquiesces to the fact that Orpheus stays in the Hero Faction.

"If I want to be a brave man who saves the princess, my current strength is definitely not enough. It seems that I need to adopt other methods."

Kanzaki Yang sighed and went to class.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 13

During class, Kanzaki Yang spent all his energy thinking about how to use [Absolute Dualism].

In the past, he thought of the Feng Shui Formation and the method of improving the flow of spiritual energy in the body. With a sudden whim, he gained the power to barely protect himself.

What Kanzaki Yang is thinking now is, is there any way other than the plan proposed by Ark Red Ball to sublimate his origin?

The teacher who was in class looked at Yang Kanzaki who was thinking. Not only was he not angry, but he cast an appreciative look.

He believed that Yang Kanzaki was thinking about some academic issues.

With Kanzaki Yo's perfect score in all subjects, he still won awards in some competitions from time to time, and published some papers from time to time. The teacher also felt that there was no need to study.

Of course, in addition to academic performance, basically all teachers have also been told not to mess with Kanzaki Yang.

The principal of Kuoh Academy is different from ordinary principals.

He took orders from the Sidi and Gremory families, and when Sona and Rias both agreed that Kanzaki Haru became the student council president, he naturally regarded Kanzaki Haru as the super boss.

"Na na~~Senior Yang? President Yang?"

While Kanzaki Yang was thinking about things, a wonderful touch came from behind him.

A pair of flaxen ponytails appeared beside his ears.

This familiar taste...

"Kiryu Aika?"

Kanzaki Yang didn't expect Kiryu Lanhua to be so bold.

He is in the same class as Rias and Sona. To be able to do such a thing under the gaze of Rias and Sona, I have to say that he is really brave.

He is in the third grade and Kiryu Aika is in the second grade. In other words, she still did this kind of thing across classrooms.

"President, I am here to ask you a question on behalf of the second-year students."

Kiryu Lanhua asked directly with light shining on his glasses.

"Is the matter about the president and vice-president true?"

"Ah? What's going on?"

Kanzaki Yang raised his eyebrows. Wasn't it because he met Sona under the leadership of Shinra Chunji?

Isn’t this something you do every day?

"It's the fact that the vice president is actually pregnant with the president's child, and wants the senior to marry into her family~" Kiryu Aika whispered in Kanzaki Yang's ear.

"Pfft~~cough cough cough cough!!~"

Rias, who was drinking coffee, almost squirted out.

Is this rumor over yet? And it seems like the whole school knows about this?

"You can really pass it on. What's the result?"

Yang Kanzaki directly hit Kiryu Lanhua on the head with a blast.

"You are not allowed to spread rumors about the student council president and vice president, do you understand?!"

Kanzaki Yang's voice was a little more serious. He didn't expect that he would appear without a condom in the eyes of the school girls.

Don’t you know that you will be prepared for everything? !

"Yes, yes, yes, President, I promise to complete the task!~"

Kiryu Lanhua raised his hand and saluted Kanzaki Yang like a soldier, and then hurried away.

Accept it when you see it is good, accept it when you see it is good...


She was the first person to ask this, not the last.

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