Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 326: unprecedented enemy

Chapter 331 An Unprecedented Strong Enemy

Professor Hulk wanted to **** the time gem from Gu Yi, but he was given a second by Gu Yi before, which made him afraid to do anything wrong.

He had no choice but to lobby Gu Yi earnestly: "You also said just now that Strange took the initiative to hand over the time gem because he saw the hope of success, otherwise he would never have done so!"

Gu Yan shook his head solemnly and said:

"What Strange sees is just a possibility that your world will eventually reverse everything. This kind of possibility requires the surrender of the Time Stone, but after surrendering the Infinity Stone, there are many other possibilities that will affect the final result. .”

"He is just choosing the one that is most likely to succeed among countless possibilities, but it is not that he has already chosen the one that will definitely succeed!"

"I'm not sure that among the possibilities after he handed over the infinite gems, you all successfully choose the most correct option every time."

"In other words, there may be 10,000 possibilities after handing over the Infinity Stone, of which 9,999 are failures, and only one is success. But I can't be sure, you are the only one who is walking in that right now. on the road to success.”

"Moreover, the future that Strange sees should be that you go back to the past, obtain the infinite gems, and win the victory. But now, you have come to the parallel world, which has deviated from the range he can observe. Can you still Winning is already an unknown number."

"Furthermore, he can only see that the future of your world has won, but he cannot see whether you can successfully send back the six infinity stones. Just like I can only see the future of the world I am in, I cannot Watching you there."

"What's more, the dangers of the quantum world are everywhere, and no one can judge whether there will be accidents during the transportation of the Infinity Stones."

"Six infinity gems are very important items for any universe. Our current universe will also use them in the near future. If you are patient, you might as well wait a few more years. After I run out, It’s okay to take the risk and lend it to you.”

"But the problem is that I can't take this risk now. In a few years, we will encounter a very major crisis here, and we will also need to use infinite gems. If there is any problem with your side, the infinite gems cannot be successfully sent back , then our universe will be destroyed.”

"The risk is too great. As the supreme mage, I cannot entrust the fate of the entire universe to the hands of you avengers."

Gu Yi crackled, and even Professor Hulk felt that what he said made sense, but his attitude determined his attitude, and he couldn't give up getting the Time Stone.

Even, if Gu Yi hadn't given him a big blow, he would have called Tony and Steve over to beat him up and rob him.

"Since you can see the future, you might as well take a look, have we successfully sent the Time Stone back to you?" He begged humbly.

Gu Yi shook his head, "It's useless, when it comes to you in other universes, the time observation in this universe may not necessarily be accurate."

"Then how can we gain your trust and make you willing to give us the Time Stone?"

Gu Ding stared at Professor Hulk for a while, and thoughtfully said:

"There is indeed one method. You can collect the other five infinity gems first. As long as you can collect the other five infinity gems, I believe that you can win the final battle and collect the six infinity gems. Send it back intact."

Professor Hulk cheered up, "That is to say, if we can collect the other five infinity gems, are you willing to give us the time gems?"

"Not bad!" Gu Yi nodded seriously.

"Great!" Professor Hulk exclaimed happily, "Originally we were going to collect all six Infinity Stones, and it's okay to get the Time Stones at the end!"

Gu Yi smiled strangely, but the happy Professor Hulk didn't notice it at all.

"Then it's settled. I'll come to you again after we have collected the other five infinity gems!"

"No problem!" Gu Yi agreed very happily, "You can still go to the king when the time comes, and he will bring you to see me."

After "fixing" the ancient one, Professor Hulk's soul returned to his body, and left happily with Scott.

It's "going well" on their side, but it's not going so well on Steve and Tony's side.

There is Friday on the nano suit that Tony brought over. As an advanced artificial intelligence, although there is no support from a large number of local servers, the performance has been cut by half, but it is still possible to obtain intelligence from large-scale intrusions.

Without worrying about his behavior changing the past, Tony can finally unlock the function of Friday. Soon, Friday turned around all the intelligence databases of the major organizations, not caring that such unscrupulous behavior would be discovered by the major organizations.

Especially now that the S.H.I.E.L.D. database has the authority password of the director, it has been checked to the bottom. As for the blame, it must be thrown to Nick Fury, the current former director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Then, the two looked at the figure on the computer who raised his arms and shouted "Long live Hydra" and fell silent.

"Wow!" Tony teased Steve, "Captain Hydra, huh?"

Steve sighed, rolled his eyes, and retorted: "The battle armor he is wearing is undoubtedly your product. It is really high-tech!"

"Although you are wearing the battle armor I made, it doesn't mean that I am also a Hydra!" Tony paused, and then hurriedly added: " in this world."

Steve sneered, "Oh, do you believe this yourself?"

Tony smacked his mouth, and said with a guilty conscience: "Okay, our goal is Thanos, and the other little things will be put aside for now."

The two of them changed the subject at the same time, and went to look at other information.

After a long while, the two of them roughly read the important information sorted out on Friday, and then looked at each other, both a little dumbfounded.

Friday not only brought over the information of Captain Hydra, but also got a lot of very confidential information, for example, the video of the two explosions of the earth.

The two sat blankly in the temporarily rented villa, facing each other, very depressed.

They thought to themselves that they were used to seeing big scenes, and even encountered such things as half of the population in the universe disappearing randomly, what else could make them change their colors? But after watching these two videos, they still felt their heart beating faster and their mouths dry.

After all, it was the first time for them to see such a thing as the destruction of the earth, and they were inevitably deeply shocked in their hearts.

If this was not the video stolen from the most secret archive of S.H.I.E.L.D. with the authority of the director on Friday, they must have thought it was a special effect blockbuster made by a Hollywood film and television company with special effects.

"This world is so different from the world we know. What is Zhanliu, Magneto, mutants, etc., where did they come from!" Steve was half annoyed. , complaining half panicked.

Tony was also very nervous, his toes were on the ground and his legs were shaking up and down.

"The force value of this world is much higher than that of our world."

"That ancient mage is also a bit too strong, right? He can use the time gem to reverse the time of the entire earth, and put the broken earth back together again! This is too exaggerated!"

"If Strange has half of her ability, no, even one-tenth of her ability, I'm afraid Thanos has nothing to do with it."

"Oops! It seems that our previous decision to let go of our hands and feet was too hasty. I hope that Professor Hulk can control his temper, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

After Tony finished speaking, he hurriedly took out the communicator and started contacting his companions, for fear that Scott and Scott would have an accident.

After the communicator rang a few times, it was connected.

Hearing Professor Hulk's voice sounded from the other end of the communicator, both of Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's great that you have no facts! Professor Hulk, how is your progress? If it doesn't go well, don't use force..."

Before Tony finished speaking, Professor Hulk said happily: "It's been negotiated!"

Tony was taken aback for a moment, and asked in surprise, "Uh... it's settled? In other words, you have already got the time stone?"

"That's not yet. But the Supreme Mage has promised that as long as we can get the other five infinity gems, she will give us the time gems." Professor Hulk's voice is full of joy, obviously thinking that this is an easy task things.

After Tony finished listening, he exchanged glances with Steve, and said with a wry smile, "Hey, you should join us first! The plan to get the Infinity Stones may have to be discussed in the long run."

He didn't continue to say more on the phone, but just told Professor Hulk the address of the villa, and then hung up the phone.

Not long after, Professor Hulk and Scott rushed back. After entering, they immediately asked, "What's wrong? What happened? Why did the plan change?"

Without saying anything, Tony turned the laptop on the table around and pushed it over.

"Here is the classified information that was obtained from the S.H.I.E.L.D. and other large organizations on Friday. You can take a look first."

Professor Hulk glanced at Tony and Steve, seeing that they seemed a little depressed, and felt strange, so he sat on the sofa with Scott, and carefully looked at the intelligence information in the notebook.

Tony got up silently, took two wine glasses, poured a glass of whiskey for each of them, and put them in their hands. He knew that after the two of them read it, they would definitely need this thing.

Sure enough, when the two saw the last two videos of the earth exploding and turning back time, they both gasped, reached out to grab the wine glass next to them, and took a sip.

After drinking the whole glass of whiskey in one gulp, Professor Hulk said in shock, "Damn it! If I had known that the Supreme Mage here is so strong, I wouldn't have to be slapped by her!"

Tony was taken aback, "You were beaten by her?"

"Ha, more than that! She slapped my soul out!" Professor Hulk shrugged, helpless, "I think my defense is very strong, but when I face the Supreme Mage, I have no resistance at all. .”

Scott was stunned in his seat for a while, then suddenly interjected: "Is this video a fake?"

"This is an internal document that only the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. has the authority to view. Do you think it may be forged?" Tony said angrily.

"But, but... how can human beings be so powerful?" Scott couldn't believe what he saw at all, and felt that his three views were about to shatter.

His Ant-Man armor can make people the size of an ant and still have the attack power of a normal person. If it is converted into pressure, it is a super high statistic, but now compared to the various people in the video, he is not at all. Nothing anymore.

"This is not the worst!" Steve rubbed his face vigorously, cheered up, and walked over, "The worst thing is that the people in this world are generally very strong!"

He reached for the laptop, opened a video in another folder, and placed it in front of the two of them.

While waiting for the arrival of the two, he and Tony also browsed through some of the secondary information classified on Friday. The more they read, the more frightened they became, and they became less and less confident about the completion of future tasks.

In this video this time, Tony's first battle is recorded.

Neptune Namor strikes, Tony and Peter fight against it with the power of a magnetic field.

It was okay at the beginning, Tony was wearing a strong magnetic armor It looks different from Tony's Iron Man armor, although the style is different, but the nature should be similar, and it is normal to be able to fight Namor. But later, Tony's battle armor was abolished, and he still broke out with tyrannical combat power, even comparable to the current Captain America, which is an exaggeration.

And Peter, Tony's little fan, was recognized by several people. With his spider silk, he wandered around and acted chivalrously, and became a good neighbor of New York citizens. But Peter in the video, wrapped in lightning and radiant all over his body, is simply more Thor than Thor!

After Professor Hulk and the two watched it, Steve ignored the ugly faces of the two and opened another video.

"There are also natural superpowers called mutants in this world, and they are also very strong!"

This time the video is about Magneto massacring the city, being bombed by orbital light cannons, being bombed by nuclear bombs, etc.

After watching it, Steve played the video of the battle between the Black Panther and Killmonger, and the video of Captain Hydra leading a group of magnetic field fighters to easily destroy the alien invaders.

After watching everything, Steve looked at the two who had fallen silent and said:

"I show you these, not to wear down your will, but to tell you that our enemy is unprecedentedly strong and our task is unprecedentedly arduous, but we must complete it!"

"No matter how many difficulties and obstacles lie ahead, we must work together to overcome difficulties, get six infinite gems, and go back to save our world!"

"We can't be discouraged, but we can't be aggressive either!"

"The action plan we made before the departure is completely out of date. We must recall all the team members and reset the plan!" Previous Chapter Contents Bookmark Next Chapter

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