Valkyrie of the Marvel Universe

Chapter 273: Peter vs Pierce

Peter had already found his opponent. As soon as the battle started, he drove to the maximum speed and headed straight for Pierce.

He and the Snake Shield Bureau are already deadly enemies. Those **** from the Snake Shield Bureau made him miserable. Due to the safety of Aunt Mei, Gwen and others, he could only endure it.

This anger grew stronger and stronger, burning Peter's heart day and night, scorching his heart black and exuding the smell of depraved meat. During the days in the martial arts hall, he didn't think about food and tea, couldn't sleep at night, and spent the whole night meditating and practicing kung fu, sharpening the sharp knife in his heart repeatedly, waiting for the day when he would draw blood from its sheath.

Fortunately, he didn't wait too long. Today, the good day finally arrived!

Revenge with revenge, revenge with resentment!

As the supreme leader of the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch of Hydra, Pierce of course also has a battle suit to protect his body, and it is the highest level of battle suit, the seventy-five heavenly level. If Su Li hadn't been bewitched by Captain America's speech, he might be wearing the Ninety Heavens suit now.

If she doesn't work hard, she will avenge Eric in the future, and pretend to be a superhero! Say something about refusing to serve Hydra!

Fortunately, Hydra has always arranged for people to watch over the scientific research department. When they saw that there was a problem with Su Li, they knocked her down before she summoned the armor. Without the remote control, the sober Su Li could only obediently stay in the cell.

It's a pity that her white leopard armor is genetically locked, only Su Li's family can use it, outsiders can't use it, it's too wasteful!

As a result, the earth was suddenly destroyed this time, and none of the Suli family survived, but their enemy, the dictatorial Valkyrie Eric Kermonger, was unscathed.

This is the price of meddling indiscriminately!

It's a pity that Su Li and the others have no chance to regret it.

The loss of Hydra is also very heavy. The original laboratory's research on the Rubik's Cube has made great progress. The Rubik's Cube has been disassembled and the space gem inside has been obtained. If Suri is willing to continue the research with Fitz and the others, maybe Pierce can now wear the space armor powered by the space gem. With a space gem as a shield, who can break it?

But it's useless to say anything now, the earth has exploded, and the space gems don't know where to go. It's better to kill all the enemies first, and then go to Casillas, beat up the Supreme Mage, take away the time gem, and then go back and reshape the earth.

Pierce didn't care much about Peter's side. Because he knew that the ultimate limit of Wuliang Qigong was fifty heavens, and his battle armor was seventy-five heavens.

Even if Peter's complete realm might be higher than him, it's still not enough to cross the twenty-fifth heaven.

The advantage is obvious, how could it be possible to lose?

However, something happened that surprised him. From the moment Peter started sprinting, his aura began to skyrocket, quickly reaching fifty heavens, and after a short pause, he began to slowly jump up.

Fifty-one heavens!

Fifty-two heavens!

By the time Peter rushed in front of Pierce and slammed down his palms with a ferocious face, his aura had already reached the height of sixty heavens!

"How is it possible?!" Pierce's eyeballs almost popped out.

In a hurry, he raised his palms to meet Peter, and bumped into Peter. With his high level, he still knocked Peter into the air.

Peter spat out a mouthful of blood, but he didn't care about it at all, he laughed strangely, the anger accumulated in his heart these days was like fuel, fueling his realm, pushing his momentum to more than sixty heavens.

"Jie Jie..."

"Superpowers are so **** amazing!"

"This feeling is really smooth!"

"It's even better than lubricated ones!"

"By comparison, the Ultimate Wuliang Qigong is just like the **** overlord pushing his bow hard!"

"No wonder humans always hate mutants. This kind of innate advantage is too **** big!"

While talking, Peter slammed down a series of heavy palms. Although the realm was still suppressed by Pierce, he would vomit blood with one blow, but his strong fighting spirit leveled everything. The fanatical Peter actually pushed Pierce back again and again.

Pierce was also the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a senior agent, but now he is old. What he cares about now is how to live a long life and how to live forever.

The strength of the battle is not important to him, what is important is Whitehall's immortality technology, Dr. Zola's human soul uploading and downloading technology, what is important is the resurrection technology of the hive...

Therefore, it is clear that his Hydra branch has taken over the overall situation in the United States, but it is still tempted by the conditions put forward by other snake heads, allowing them to enter the United States. Then after repeated nonsense, it finally collapsed and turned into the bird it is now.

Years of pampered life has made Pierce very unfamiliar with Even though he has learned the martial arts moves of the ultimate Wuliang Qigong in the martial arts gym, but when he uses them, they are just empty and intangible That's all.

Things like fighting are a trade-off. The weaker Pierce's side is, the stronger Peter's side is. And the stronger the momentum, the stronger the fighting spirit, the more stimulation to one's own realm, and the faster the promotion.

When Peter reached the seventieth heaven, Pierce was completely defeated by Peter and was hit by the explosive hammer.

However, Pierce's battle armor is different from the mass-produced strong magnetic armor. His armor is a vibration metal magnetic armor, which was specially built for him after Fitz and Simmons thoroughly understood Su Li's vibration metal technology.

And Zhenjin is worthy of being one of the four major metals in Marvel. It is super resistant to beatings. After being hammered by Peter for a long time, except for vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood, nothing happened.

And Pierce, who was beaten up, finally made a breakthrough at the moment of life and death, and reached the ninth heaven. Although it was still useless, but he also regained his long-lost fighting instinct, and began to fight back from time to time.

After calling a group of magnetic field fighters to serve as cannon fodder and paying a certain price, he finally escaped by relying on the seventy-five heavens after the increase of the armor, and opened the distance again.

By the time Peter killed the dozens of cannon fodder and came over again, he was able to regroup and start confronting Peter.

After Peter ascended to the seventieth heaven, the accumulated anger, inner pain, and all kinds of entanglement and helplessness... all disappeared with the outbreaks and killings in these rounds of battles, and he was unable to support him to jump seventy-five. Chongtian this big checkpoint.

And if he can't reach the seventy-fiveth heaven, he can't do anything with the vibrating gold magnetic armor.

The battle became stalemate for a while, and those ordinary magnetic field fighters, after seeing Pierce escaped, did not dare to come and besiege them. They just wandered around the battlefield and made some harassing attacks from a distance.

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